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Stolen Dreams

Page 14

by Stacey Kennedy

  His jaw clenched, fists tight, muscles quivered―this was a man grasping at the last remnants of control. All of this was gentle compared to what lay in his eyes. A look that women swooned over and what fantasies were built on. His intent, hunger and focus was for me and me alone. Nothing would satiate him. No one could cure him from this. Only my body would ease the torment he suffered now.

  And it could never be, which made me wonder if doing this was cruel. It was like placing a juicy steak in front of a hungry lion.

  His breath hitched, his expression told me he did not want me to put my clothes on any time soon. “I expected to find a beautiful woman beneath your clothes―never did I anticipate the sweetness that’s before me now.” After a lingering appreciative look, he nodded toward the chair in the corner. “Because I suspect you will continue to open your eyes, grab the scarf and tie it around your eyes.”

  It wasn’t an option really, it was a demand I didn’t intend to refuse. I took the scarf from the chair, tied it tightly around my face and darkness overtook me. It surprised me I wasn’t feeling uncomfortable, shy or nervous. I liked this. In fact, I wanted more. With the blindfold secure, I lowered my arms to rest against at my sides. “What now?”

  “Sit down on the bed.” Reaching back, I felt for the edge of the mattress. When I found it, I sat down. “Lie back, shift to the center.”

  I skimmed my way up the bed until I found the pillow. I laid down and placed my head against it. The darkness around me gave strength to other senses. My hearing was sharper and his deep aroused breaths were loud.

  “I’m going to touch you.” His voice was now very close to my ear.

  Preparing myself, I sucked in a hard breath and waited, unsure of what he was going to touch. The anticipation was beginning to make me shudder in need.

  “Now, if I could,” His voice filled with longing, “I would kiss you here.”

  His frosty touch hit the plumpest part of my mouth. Parting my lips, the bitter air swept across me to awaken every nerve- ending in my body. I licked out to moisten my lips. My warm tongue connected with the chill of his touch and my body erupted into a long deep shudder.

  “Then, I would taste you here.” He ran his finger along the edge of my jaw then down my neck slowly.

  I gasped, unable to hold back. My heated flesh and the contact of his frosty touch created a multiple of sensations to send me into sensory overload.

  “I’d taste your shoulders,” his finger feathered along my skin, “and arms, right along here.”

  He continued to trail his finger down to the center of my chest. “Then when I get here, I’d lick them.” He ran his finger over one taut nipple.

  I moaned. Shivered. Hungered. My mind took me to a place I couldn’t believe, where I could actually feel his mouth around my nipple. Light licks, wet long sucks pulled it into his mouth.

  As he circled his finger, he continued, “I would suck on it, bite down, showing you just how much your breasts drive me to near insanity.”

  The motion of his finger began to hurt, the coldness so concentrated in one area my nipple was so tight from the wintry air, plus the ravenous arousal capturing me, my only response was to moan louder.

  Apparently, reading my reaction, he moved along to the other one. “If this was my mouth, the pain would be from leaving you raw and worn. Your breasts would be left rosy with an ache from my teeth.

  I grabbed onto the sheets with my hands, my back arching upwards, the moisture building between my legs was enough to drive me wild. I wanted to reach up, grab Kipp’s face and demand he take me until the sun came up. But I couldn’t, so I held onto the sheets, forcing myself to survive this.

  “I’d move along your body, kissing every one of your spectacular curves to learn every spot that builds your need for me.” He moved his finger down my stomach, circled my belly button. The chilly air moved along my body until just above my pubic line.

  The quiver made my stomach clench in response. He was so close to where I wanted him to go, but he moved so slowly. My mind filled with images of what his touch would feel like against my throbbing nub.

  “Widen your legs,” he purred.

  I was pleased my eyes were hidden beneath the blindfold. What they would show was a desperate woman. I let out a little squeal of desperation and did as he asked.

  “Yes,” he hummed. “That’s my girl.”

  With my legs spread wide, my feet resting upon the soles across the cotton sheets, I waited. Longed for him to answer the question I’d been wondering. What would his touch feel like along my fiery flesh?

  “Fuck, you’re a beautiful woman.” He groaned, deep and low.

  He didn’t appease me as I hoped he might. Lightly, he ran the coldness of his touch across my ankle, but now the embrace had amplified. He didn’t use a finger, but his whole hand and the amount of coldness that swept across my legs left goose-bumps in its wake.

  My breath was quick and sharp. The coldness caused my jaw to chatter as shivers of ice ran through my blood. Then, it all froze as the breeze swept up my sensitive flesh and centered on my nub. I sucked a breath through my teeth, my jaw clenched and my limps tightened.

  Nothing prepared me for this. No amount of imagination would ever be able to create this sensation as possible. The air moved along my heated skin as if he was circling it, but no pressure was met.

  I squirmed along with the touches, letting out a soft moan, needing more than what he offered. When he didn’t give it, I cried out in frustration.

  “Remove the blindfold,” he said, sternly.

  Doing as he asked, I reached back, untied the scarf then removed it. The strain against my eyes caused me to blink a few times before Kipp’s form came into focus. When it did, he stood away from the bed.

  Apparently, he saw my next question and said, “No questions. Just wait.”

  In a swift move, he was naked. Yes, it was true, regular rules didn’t apply to ghosts since like magic, his clothes were gone.

  It may have shocked me more, if the marvellous sight of him didn’t steal my attention. He thought I beautiful, I thought him a piece of perfection. My fantasy of him was not far off from the real thing. Muscles after muscles created a sight of man Heaven.

  He knelt on the bed in front of me, his heavy erection before me. I longed to touch it, stroke it, place it in my mouth and play with it to make him moan out in pleasure. He took his hand, then grabbed his erection. I understood what was going to take place here.

  First, I was momentarily shocked that he could masturbate as a ghost. The idea of it had never crossed my mind. As his erection grew even larger from his strokes, it was apparent just because he was dead, didn’t mean he still couldn’t get off.

  “Touch yourself.” He groaned, as he worked his body with slow long strokes.

  For a moment, I was lost watching him. No man had pleasured himself in front of me before. It never interested me to watch a man do this, but now, I realized I’d been missing out. Pure desire rushed through my blood as I witnessed his eyes deepen in pleasure.

  If I reacted this way, I suspected he would too.

  Without pause, I lowered my hand down between my thighs. Reaching my little nub, I lightly teased it, sending little waft of tingles to stir myself. This was exactly what I needed, to ease the building pressure.

  Lowering my fingers, I found I was far past aroused as I reached damp skin. My body reacted to him in ways I had only dreamed of experiencing. Never had I been so ready. With my silky fingers, I trailed my way back up to my nub where I began to circle it with the pad of my finger.

  Within minutes, my body responded. Heat concentrated right at my centre, shot up my body and caused a moan to escape my mouth. My gaze stayed focused on his hand around his hard erection as he quickened his strokes.

  Pressing harder against my nub, I circled deeper, kneaded the little bud to increase the sensations blasting through me. My breathing became short. His hand worked faster as his gaze shifted from my ey
es to my fingers circling slowly.

  My hips began to arch up as the pressure built even further. My moans grew louder. His groans began to soar around me, only increasing the need for me to press harder against my aching nub.

  I placed two fingers against myself, depressed against my swollen flesh and snapped my gaze to his. He was focused on my eyes alone. As if he bore into my soul, the depths of them were far past arousal, they lingered into a desire to claim, to lose each other in the wavering moments of release.

  His strokes were fast now. He wore an expression which was intent and urgent―hooded eyes, clenched jaw, and strained muscles.

  It was enough to send me reeling with a multitude of tumultuous feelings, but what finished me off was the one gesture that made him, him. Every man has it, one thing they did while lost in pleasure. His, was to take the side of his bottom lip into his mouth and bite down on it, and the moment I saw it, my mind ceased to be incapable of a single coherent thought.

  I screamed, shuddering deeply as my body tightened and erupted into the type of pleasure that would leave me satisfied for months. I wanted to close my eyes, let myself relish in the intensity of my climax, but nothing could keep me from watching Kipp come into his own release.

  His body was shaking, while he stroked the end of his erection so fast, it only seemed to draw out my climax. The fierceness of him, the look of a strong man satisfying his needs, captivated every part of me.

  Still in my release, I sat up, wanted to give him more of me. I plunged two fingers deep inside of me and matched his speed.

  “God, yes, do that,” Kipp growled.

  My mind was creative enough not to think of myself doing this. With the thought of this being him inside me now, bringing myself to orgasm was not hard to reach.

  “Damn girl, I’m going to―.” His words died, his expression began to show a nearness to pain. His muscles were more defined than ever.

  The intensity from him caused my pussy to clamp around my fingers, tight enough it was impossible to continue with the same speed. My eyes watered, my body vibrated, as I had no other choice but to close my eyes to bask in the wave of pleasure which swept across me.

  Kipp’s deep groans were loud around me, but no part of me could open my eyes to him. Not until, my body released my mind to thought, could I return to reality.

  First thing I noticed when I glanced around was the lack of mess. Apparently, ghosts can come―but fluids are denied to them. Because it was obvious, Kipp had satisfied himself and the bed was clean as a whistle.

  I glanced up away from the sheets to Kipp. His hands rested on his thighs and he grinned. It was a smile which stole every part of my heart. “Babe, that was the best fuck I’ve ever had and I couldn’t even really touch you.”

  My breath hadn’t fully returned quite yet and the only response I could give was a slow heavy nod.


  Chapter Sixteen

  A while later, I found the energy to move, I snuggled up as much as I could to a ghost. My face was close as it could be. I wrapped myself up in the blanket to keep the chilly air at bay. Now that my mind had returned, and after what I’d just seen him do, it made me wonder how much I didn’t know about ghosts. “What do you miss most?”

  “The smell of things.” Kipp’s response came with no hesitation.

  “You can’t smell anything?”

  He shook his head, easily since in actuality his head didn’t lie against the pillow, only floated there. “Nothing at all.”

  “Weird.” Once I got over the shock of it, it actually made sense. He was still here, but not. The thought only intrigued me about all the things that were so different for ghosts. I’d never once asked a ghost these questions and felt compelled to do so now. “What else?”


  I was happy he brought this up. It was one thing I was curious about. “Why can you touch yourself, but not me?”

  “From what I’ve come up with, I’m guessing it’s because I’m not really in this world anymore.”

  “Where are you then?” I whispered, preparing for an answer I assumed was going to shock me.

  He gave a half-hearted shrug. “Haven’t a clue, but it would explain why I am able to touch Hannah and feel her.”

  Yes, I had wondered that too. Why had they been able to embrace each other when he couldn’t physically hold anything else? As curious as that was, my thoughts drifted along another line. “Does it feel the same to touch her as it did when you were alive?”

  “Completely the same.”

  I’d suspected as much. It was obvious in his and Hannah’s hug, the warmth to the embrace held the same effect. My thoughts were still stuck on what he said earlier. I needed answers. “Have you gone to this other place?”

  He considered that, then answered, “I think it’s where I go when I travel quickly. It’s hard to explain, it feels busy but black.”

  I tried to imagine that, but came up blank. “Like there are lots of people there, but you can’t see anything?”


  It was the place between alive and dead, blackness, but full of other ghosts―it seemed right. “Guess that makes sense. It’s as if you can manipulate yourself here, but in truth, you have no presence. Like how you appear to be lying with me now, but in fact you’re not―just floating.” To confirm my words, I glanced toward his head, still floating so very close to the pillow.

  “The funny thing is it isn’t even action anymore, it’s more thought. Like with driving, I imagine myself sitting in the back seat of a car, then I end up there and will stay in the car while it is moving.”

  “Seriously?” I tried to imagine what that would be like. It was impossible to wrap my living mind around it. “You don’t think―walk to the car and get in?”

  “I only think I want to be in the car and stay in it.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “I think it’s because walking is natural for me to do, as it would be for other ghosts. It’s not something to think about because it’s engrained into me. If I told myself to float, I probably would.”

  I was only too glad he didn’t prove that point now. No need to vamp up the fact that he was indeed a ghost. It was much nicer to stay in this bubble of delusion. “Okay, well it’s a little strange, but I guess it’s kinda nice to know how it all works now.”

  “Knowing and understanding, doesn’t mean I miss it any less.”

  “What’s to miss?” I smiled. “We seemed to do just fine without being able to touch each other.”

  His gaze connected with my lips. “When something is taken, you realize just how incredible the ability really was.” He looked back up at me. “It’s torture.”

  “I understand that torture.” It’d been days of total and complete hell.

  The expression which crossed his face was a curious one. He seemed to be searching for words. After a short pause, he finally spoke. “Have you ever felt...this way...before?”

  I knew where he was going with this, but I enjoyed seeing him stumble a little. For once, it wasn’t me stammering all over the place. “Depends on what this way means?”

  A slight blush rose to his cheek, and I found it utterly endearing. “How different it is with you.”

  “How is this different?”

  He blinked his eyes a couple times, his expression tense as if his mind was working a million miles per second to explain himself better. He finally huffed, looking frustrated. “Are you always this difficult?”

  “Depends on what you think difficult is?” I grinned.

  The lines of hardness melted away when he chuckled deep, then his eyebrows furrowed a bit as he became thoughtful. “To explain better, you know my need of women has been...not lasting.”

  I laughed. “Yes, I think I have figured that one out.”

  “When I saw you the first time, the only way I can explain it is I didn’t want to leave you. I couldn’t walk away from you, even if I had wanted too, which I didn’t.�

  My heart melted, his words, I could have said them myself. “I think I know how you feel.”

  His eyebrow arched. “Do you?”

  I nodded softly, not really wanting to go where I was about to, but he’d given me honesty, I owed him the same. “The night you were trying to get my attention...” I hesitated and blushed. “Remember that night?”

  “The night I seduced you.”

  “Yes, that would be the night. Well, after the little event I went home and did what we did earlier.” He grinned seductively. “Yeah, I was so hot that I did that...alone.”

  “I know you did,” he said, unashamed.

  I shot straight up in bed, horrified, glaring at him to fess up. “How do you know?”

  “I watched you from the window.”

  If I could’ve smacked him, I would have. Instead, I slumped back against the bed and buried my face into the pillow. “That is so mortifying.”

  “Don’t be embarrassed.” He laughed.

  I moved my head away from pillow and peeked up at him. “Easy for you to say.” As much as I could have died from embarrassment over this, I decided a better strategy was to get the attention off me. “Watching someone through a window makes you some kind of sick pervert, you know. “

  “That’s the thing with you, I can’t help myself. The morals I lived by no longer apply when it comes to you. You make me want to break all the rules.”

  His words eased the blush away from my cheeks, the warmth of his tone centered right in my heart. “And why do you think that is?”

  He smiled so sweetly as if he had the answer to it all. “Love at first sight.”

  A term I never once thought possible, but now began to believe in. “I think your dead right about that.”

  He laughed loudly. “I bet I am.”

  Talked out, beat from our steamy escapade, silence fell around us, while our gazes remained locked.

  I just never thought destined love was possible. Probably because I’d never really ever been in love before, not in the sense of what I believed it meant. What it meant for my parents, who were devoted to only each other and loved despite each other’s flaws. To me, love happened over time―built on memories. Now, that theory flopped. There was something between Kipp and I, so instant and I couldn’t deny was fate related.


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