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Commitment Page 6

by Healy, Nancy Ann

  “Assistant Director,” Fallon began. “You think her contact is NSA?”

  “I think Admiral William Brackett is the CIA, Fallon. If she is not in step with her daddy, then it has to be someone that covets his authority. Believe me, there are many; CIA, NSA, DOD, FBI, and it does not end there. President Merrow had grown cautious of everyone. He involved only a handful of people that I am aware of. That included myself, your new friend Agent Krause, an ally in Russia, an old family friend, and Agent Toles; which involved you by extension. Other than that, I don’t know of anyone that he entrusted with anything of importance. It’s a small circle. A miniscule circle in a massive organization. I’ll play some poker, Fallon, but I can’t make you any promises. Tell Alex and Krause; they are wise to test me,” he smiled. “Watch the admiral. Closely.” Tate rose to his feet and stopped to whisper into Brian Fallon’s ear. “They are the pair he fears, Fallon. Agent Toles and Agent Krause. They were never supposed to find one another. It’s changed everything. Be careful,” he cautioned.

  Brian Fallon stared at the table for a long moment. Nothing Joshua Tate had said surprised him up until his parting words. “What the hell does he mean by that?” Fallon muttered. He picked up his phone and dialed a familiar number.

  “Fallon?” Alex answered.

  “How is my former partner?” he asked lightly.

  “Relaxing at home for a change,” Alex answered.

  “I’m jealous,” he admitted.

  “And you?” she asked.

  “You know, coffee with the boss,” he replied.

  Alex understood. Tate was in play. “And how is my former boss?” Alex asked.

  “The same. Wanted me to tell you he misses you,” Fallon laughed.

  “I’m sure.”

  “I was thinking about a visit,” he replied. “Before the holiday craziness.”

  Alex took a deep breath. If Fallon felt the need to see her in person, something was troubling him. “Dylan and Cass would love to see you,” she said. “I suppose I could manage.” Fallon couldn’t help but chuckle. “When were you thinking? I’ll be back in Massachusetts Thursday and Friday.”

  “I don’t want to impose on your family time,” he said.

  “No, no. Cassidy has a meeting with O’Brien, their lawyers, and a family counselor tomorrow afternoon. O’Brien hasn’t cancelled….yet. I want to be there. How about Wednesday for dinner? You sure you want to fly up for just a day?”

  “Yeah, in fact maybe I can get my flight back out of Logan Thursday,” he offered.

  “That way your old partner can take you to the airport, huh? I suppose I could manage that. I’ll tell Cass. See you Wednesday.”

  “Great. See you soon, Alex.”

  Alex disconnected the call and put her face in her hands. “What is it?” Cassidy asked with a soft grip on the agent’s shoulders.

  “Fallon’s coming for a visit Wednesday.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” Cassidy asked curiously.

  “No. I just worry about him.” Cassidy nodded and kissed Alex’s head. “Cass?”


  “Do you think he’ll cancel?” Alex asked.

  “Brian?” Cassidy asked. “Didn’t you just…” Cassidy saw Alex’s expression darken. “Oh….Chris.” Cassidy let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t know. Doesn’t look like it. He can’t put it off forever.”

  “Why does Dylan have to be there?” Alex asked.

  “Like it or not, Alex, until the paternity is settled, Chris is Dylan’s father; at least on paper. They want to see the interaction.”

  “He hasn’t even called Dylan.”

  “I know,” Cassidy responded. “But, Alex…he has to submit willingly to the paternity…”

  Alex sighed. “I hate this. I swear to God. I thought my father was...Jesus. I hope to God I am never that kind of…”

  “Alex, you are a terrific parent,” Cassidy looked at Alex intently.

  “What is it?” Alex asked.

  Cassidy bit her lip and held up her finger. “Hold on.” She left the room for a moment and returned to place an envelope in front of Alex.

  “What is this?” Alex looked up to her wife, and Cassidy shrugged. “This is addressed to you, not me.” Cassidy nodded. “Cass? Is this my…is this from my….”

  “Your mother gave it to me the other day. I guess it was in something you found that was addressed to her.” Alex looked at Cassidy with a fear in her eyes that broke Cassidy’s heart. “I didn’t want to open it without you.”

  Alex swallowed hard. “It’s not for me,” she said.

  “Do you want me to open it?” Cassidy asked. She could see the answer plainly as she accepted the letter back into her hands. “Alex, no matter what this says…”

  Alex just nodded. Cassidy broke open the seal and retrieved the handwritten note from inside. She opened her mouth to begin reading when Alex stopped her. “You read it first…to yourself, Cass.”


  “Please,” Alex closed her eyes. “Read it first and then read it to me.”

  “All right.”

  assidy watched as Alex scanned the paper in her hand continuously. She patiently and silently observed the myriad of expressions that washed across her wife’s face. Something in her told her to give Alex as long as she needed. When Alex was ready, she would break the silence. Her deductions proved right. “I don’t understand,” Alex said softly. “How could he have….why would he say those things? Meet O’Brien and then…”

  “I don’t know, Alex.”

  “He knew. All along, he knew.”

  Cassidy licked her lips. Nicolaus Toles’ words were not what she had expected. “Obviously, John trusted your father, Alex.”

  “Why? What would make him think he could trust my father with that information? Cassidy…My father, my father’s efforts paved the way for some of the most heinous things I have ever encountered. He funded warlords, wars…even genocide.”

  Cassidy took a deep breath. “But, you were his daughter, Alex. No matter what, you were his daughter.”

  “I don’t understand, Cassidy. He made every effort to pull me away from you; pull you away from me. Why the hell would he want to ensure that O’Brien was removed from our lives? On John’s say so? This is crazier than…”

  Cassidy moved from her seat and knelt in front of Alex. “Maybe he finally realized that nothing he did was going to pull us apart.”

  “How could John know? Cassidy? How could John have known that Krause would…”

  “John knew that Pip and I were old friends, Alex. Beyond that, I…”

  Alex looked at the letter again as Cassidy watched her carefully. She began to read it aloud.

  My Dear Cassidy,

  You must have so many questions. I’m certain that you will be surprised by this turn of events. I imagine that I am the last person you expect a letter from, or would want a letter from. There are many things I wish that I could explain to Alexis. She has always followed her own path, never the one I sought to guide her down. I’ve no doubt that many discoveries await her, about me, about herself.

  She has made many choices that I did not agree with and would have paid with my life to prevent. Despite what you might think; you are not one of those. Not long ago, a good friend came to me. He was confident that Alexis would raise the son he never knew; your son. There are realities, Cassidy, to your son’s identity, and to whom you choose to love that put you all at risk, Alexis included.

  Fate seems to play a role in our lives at times. Christopher O’Brien is a pathetic excuse for a human being, much less a parent. Nonetheless, his presence creates an even greater threat to you all. I suspect you already know that as well. I promised Dylan’s father I would ensure his safety. I promised myself I would keep my children protected. The proof you need of Krause’s parentage is in a Carecom facility in Stockholm. It will readily provide DNA coding for Dylan that proves Krause is his father. This was the last wish passed to me by a man we bo
th regard as a friend. It is your choice whether or not to honor that. Should you decide to follow this course, you will find directives in Stockholm. A good friend of mine at Technologie Applique in France will assist you.

  Cassidy, there is much that Alexis will discover in this life she has chosen. She has an insatiable curiosity and a need to pursue the truth. Much of it will be painful. My time is limited. That is a foregone conclusion. I will not attempt to explain nor excuse my actions. I have followed the path that I believed best for us all; most of all for my children. My children are exceptional human beings. They are intelligent, discerning, and they possess a sense of loyalty that I cannot claim comes from me. When they fall in love, there is no deterring them. You seem to have a unique capacity in that department. You have Alexis’s heart and her devotion. That is clear to me. She stood before me confidently protecting her family, and I have never been more proud of the woman that she has become. In her presence, I am humbled. I am thankful that she has you now.

  I hope you will consider the course that has been prescribed. It will, I believe, shelter you all in some way.

  Take care of my family. They are yours now in more ways than you might imagine.

  With gratitude,


  “Alex?” Cassidy called gently.

  “What do you think about this?” Alex asked.

  “About what your father said or about pretending Pip is Dylan’s father?”

  “Both,” Alex answered.

  “Honestly? I don’t know. We agreed. No secrets. I don’t know. Your father kept so much from you; even if he thought he was protecting you; look what that has done. I don’t know, Alex. Maybe it would be easier right now, but it doesn’t feel right,” Cassidy said truthfully. Alex closed her eyes with a defeated nod. “Is that what you think we should do?” Cassidy asked carefully.

  Alex was slow to respond. She weighed her words and exhaled sadly. “No. It’s not,” she said. Cassidy watched as tears pooled in Alex’s eyes. “But,” Alex continued, “part of me is tempted, Cass. I won’t lie to you.”

  “You honestly think it would be safer for Dylan? Longterm?” Cassidy asked. She suspected there was something else behind Alex’s statement.

  “Maybe. Maybe not.”

  “Then why?” Cassidy pressed gently.

  Alex let a nervous chuckle escape. “It’d be easier. It would clear the way…”

  Cassidy smiled. “For you to adopt Dylan.” Alex nodded. “Oh, Alex.”

  “Selfish. I know. Guess I have some of my father in me after all.”

  “I am certain that you have a great deal of your father in you,” Cassidy began as Alex looked at her regretfully. “But, you are not selfish to want that, Alex. I want that too. And, if I hear you correctly, as much as you want it; you have no intention of following this idea.”

  “No. I don’t want to do that to Dylan. I would never ask that of….I couldn’t ask that of Pip. I’ve asked enough of him already,” Alex said quietly. “But…”

  “But what?” Cassidy asked.

  “I think maybe we should see what exactly is in Stockholm and how Edmond Callier figures into this.”

  “Edmond?” Cassidy questioned.

  “Yes, he’s the head of Technologie Applique.”

  “I know,” Cassidy said. “I’ve met him.”

  Alex snickered. “When you were in France?” Alex wondered. Cassidy nodded. “That’s where Pip is headed now.”

  “Alex, what about the other things he said?”

  Alex pulled Cassidy onto her lap. “It’s hard for me to accept anything he said as the truth.”

  “I know,” Cassidy said as she laid her head on Alex’s shoulder. “He thought enough to write it, Alex.”


  “You don’t honestly think he had some ulterior motive?”

  “I don’t know,” Alex replied. “It’s just another piece in this puzzle that he seems determined to keep me from solving. What is he hiding, Cass? All these veiled innuendos. Protecting me from what? I just…maybe it isn’t me that he wanted to protect.”

  Cassidy had to agree. She suspected that there was a great deal of truth and emotion in Nicolaus Toles’s letter. Even she could see that it appeared what Alex’s father feared most was what Alex might uncover; not her physical safety. “I’m sorry, Alex.”

  “Don’t be.”

  “Are you all right?” Cassidy asked with concern.

  “Where my father is concerned, I’m not certain I will ever be able to forgive him. But yes, I am all right.” Alex chuckled softly.

  “What’s funny?” Cassidy asked.

  “Well, we do agree on a couple of things,” Alex said. Cassidy opened her eyes wider in encouragement. “Christopher O’Brien is a pathetic excuse for a human being…”


  “And you most definitely have my heart,” Alex smiled.

  “Good to know,” Cassidy winked and gave Alex a tender kiss. “Are you going to show it to Pip?”

  “It’s your letter, Cassidy.”

  Cassidy shook her head. “No, I think we both know your father wanted you to see it.”

  Alex sighed. “I think it’s wise,” Alex answered. Cassidy agreed. “No matter what, Cass. I promise Dylan will stay safe. We all will.”

  Cassidy shuddered slightly and allowed Alex to pull her closer. “I know,” she answered.

  Tuesday, December 9th

  “Jonathan, how are you?” Edmond Callier greeted the younger man on the phone.

  “Tired, Edmond; if I am to be truthful.”

  “Long flight?”

  “Long life,” Krause chided.

  “How about dinner at my residence tomorrow then?”

  Krause was surprised by the invitation. The Callier residence was rarely a place utilized for business. He had only visited a handful of times over the years. “I would be delighted,” he answered.

  “Good. What do you say seven o’clock? I have been meaning to show you my wine cellar for some time. Perfect excuse,” Callier offered. “You know how to find your way?”

  “I believe so,” Krause replied.

  “I look forward to our meeting.”

  Krause pondered the short conversation. He wondered what Edmond Callier might deem important enough to invite him to such a private affair. The ringing of the hotel phone snapped him from his thoughts. “Yes?” he answered.

  “Sir, there is a message for you at the desk. Would you like it delivered or…”

  “No, I will be down shortly. I’ll retrieve it there. Thank you,” Krause answered.

  Cassidy watched as Alex fidgeted with the glass in front of her. “Alex,” Cassidy whispered. “Relax, honey.” Alex gave her wife an uncomfortable smile and Cassidy sighed quietly. She was not looking forward to seeing her ex-husband either, but she hoped this meeting would bring them a step closer to moving forward with their lives. Still, nothing that Christopher O’Brien might say or do would surprise her, and she shared Alex’s apprehension. The door opened slowly, and Cassidy lifted her gaze to see her ex-husband making his way into the room. She sensed the tension rise in Alex and gently rubbed her wife’s back to calm her.

  “Cassidy,” Christopher O’Brien greeted his ex-wife cordially.

  “Chris,” she responded evenly.

  “Hey there, buddy,” he called as he made his way to Dylan. Dylan had been sitting quietly next to Alex drawing a picture. At the sound of his father’s voice, he positioned himself closer to Alex and placed his head against her shoulder.

  Alex could feel the anxiety pouring off Dylan. She carefully, but deliberately put an arm around his shoulder and kissed the top of his head, taking the opportunity to whisper assurances to him. “It’s okay, Speed. Mom and I are right here.”

  “Well,” a woman’s voice broke through the evident tension. “Now that everyone is here, I’d like to get started.”

  Cassidy kept a close watch on Alex and Dylan. It was strange; she thought. Alex ty
pically took on the role of protector, but she could see a vulnerability in Alex’s eyes that both moved her and incited a fierce need to protect her family. Cassidy listened as the counselor and lawyers spoke calmly, answering unemotionally to the questions they posed to her. When she heard her ex-husband finally speak, she instantly felt a red-hot anger well up within her.

  “Of course, I want to see my son. I simply don’t want to cause more friction for him,” O’Brien said. “This situation,” he paused and Cassidy could see the smug expression in his eyes. “This situation is less than ideal. I may not have been a perfect husband or father, but Dylan’s best interest has always been my primary concern. I love my son.”

  It took every ounce of self-control that Cassidy could muster not to respond violently to her ex-husband’s words. He was a master. While she could taste the insincerity dripping from him; she was not convinced the counselor would be as perceptive. Alex felt Cassidy’s grip on her hand tighten and instinctively squeezed Cassidy’s hand gently in reassurance. As always, their relationship was a dance. They moved in time with the needs of the other. Cassidy bit the inside of her cheek to restrain the words that clamored for escape.

  “Dylan,” the counselor’s voice softly called. “How do you feel? Do you want to see your father?”

  All eyes turned to Dylan except Cassidy’s. Her steely gaze remained fixed on the man who once shared their lives. Dylan looked at the table and toyed with the picture he had been drawing. “It’s okay, Speed,” Alex said gently. “You just be honest. No matter what,” she told him. Dylan pressed harder into his hero and shook his head ‘no’ softly.

  “Is that how you really feel, Dylan?” the counselor gently asked. He nodded.

  “You’ve done a marvelous job of turning my son against me,” O’Brien shot. Neither Alex nor Cassidy responded. “Dylan,” he called with as much concern as his voice could portray, making his way toward the boy. “I am sorry.” Dylan looked up at the man who was now squarely in front of him. His small eyes held the hint of a tear, but his face gave away his anger as the congressman continued. “I am still your father.”


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