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Commitment Page 36

by Healy, Nancy Ann

  “No, you didn’t miss anything,” Jane assured her. “I ordered the cartons of cocaine and I ordered the rest of the evidence planted in O’Brien’s apartment. Things did not go exactly as I had planned. Maybe better.”

  “I don’t believe this,” Alex said. “How could you…”

  “Alex, it’s time for you to wake up,” Jane said.

  “Did you have Cheryl killed too?” Alex asked furiously.

  “No. I’m not in the business of having people murdered. I didn’t plan on Agent Fallon confronting Michael Taylor in the townhouse. It was Brian or Michael. Which would you have preferred?” Jane shot back.

  “All right,” Krause broke in. “Let’s calm down. We know O’Brien needed to fall, Alex. Taylor got in the way. It happens,” he defended Jane.

  Alex shook her head in disgust. She looked at Jane and sighed. Jane’s expression was harder than normal. “Fine. Who is Sphinx?” Alex asked directly.

  “No one knows that,” Callier spoke up. “If anyone does know, they are not talking. Alex, Sphinx changes periodically. Usually upon death, but occasionally for other reasons. It’s a safeguard. The only people who know the protocol to pass Sphinx on are the people who were Sphinx. There is a protocol to call Sphinx in; in the event that The Collaborative’s hierarchy is threatened. I issued it. There has been no response.”

  “What does that mean?” Eleana asked her father.

  Callier smiled at his daughter and then turned his attention back to Jonathan Krause and Alex. “It means one of several things. Sphinx is no longer an ally; Sphinx has some reason not to comply that we…”

  “How about Sphinx doesn’t exist?” Krause suggested. Callier remained stoic. “Is that a possibility?” Krause asked pointedly.

  “Yes,” Callier answered immediately, noting the sighs that escaped each member at the table. “But, not as you are suggesting, Jonathan. Sphinx is very real. However, if Sphinx were to die and fail to pass on…”

  “You think my father was Sphinx,” Alex surmised. “And he never passed that role on to anyone before he died.”

  “It’s a distinct possibility, Alexis. It also makes sense,” Callier said.

  “How does it make sense?” Krause asked.

  Jane took a deep breath. “He cut off funding to ASA; he closed accounts; Alex…your father started a shut-down of the pipeline he spent years building just before he died,” Jane offered.

  “You think he wanted to make The Collaborative unstable?” Alex asked. “Why?”

  “Why else?” Callier sighed.

  “To protect us,” Krause interjected.

  “If not me, who else would it be but your father? It is personal in nature, Jonathan. Surely, you have recognized that,” Callier said.

  “If you’re right, that means he was shutting off more than ASA. That does not explain everything happening; the shift in loyalties. What if you are wrong?” Krause asked. “What if Sphinx is out there and is an adversary…Ivanov or Brackett?”

  “Doubtful. Also a possibility, but unlikely,” Callier said.

  “Who has access to the database?” Eleana asked.

  “Myself, Viktor, William, whatever Nicolaus left for Alex; that’s it now; other than Sphinx,” Callier said.

  “What does that mean? Now?” Alex asked.

  “It means that there were six of us. That has not been the case for many years,” Callier said sadly.

  “I see,” Alex said.

  “Not to break up this mumbo jumbo you have all cooked up,” Fallon chimed, “but exactly what are we supposed to do now? Strickland might be involved; the Russians are making threats and accusations; Claire Brackett is MIA…”

  “Claire’s not missing,” Eleana offered. “Although I’m not certain where she will travel next. It will either be back to her father or to Dimitri.”

  Krause and Alex both offered Eleana an understanding smile. “So, what do you suggest?” Alex asked. “Let me tell you where I stand. I just found out that I have a brother. Apparently, my father, my grandparents, all had a hand in creating this debacle you people call The Collaborative; this entity that has served to kill my best friend. It put my wife in danger, and it has put my son through hell. To what end? I still have not a clue. So, Edmond… you are no longer in charge of this little fiasco…Jonathan and I will take the lead. And, we will take the fall, if necessary. I will not have my children sitting at this table in twenty years. Not if I can help it. So, plans…what are they?” Alex asked.

  Jane looked at Alex and addressed her directly. “Alex, if you are suggesting that what you want is to shut off The Collaborative, and you are positive that is your goal; I will support you. But, if you think that can happen without stepping in the mud…”

  “Don’t lecture me, Jane. I love you, but I’m very clear on this point,” Alex said.

  “So?” Krause said. “Alex and I have some ideas. You’ve obviously given this some thought, Jane. Let’s hear it.”

  “Alex stays at Carecom. She shuts down the pipeline little by little, not all at once; make the company shiny and new…and into new acquisitions. Carecom expands, buys out some of the smaller entities. Alex assumes the media role; the hero, starting with attending O’Brien’s funeral. God knows the press love her and Cassidy. We need a façade. Eleana comes out of the shadows. She tells her story; how she survived the attack. That is was Russ who saved her. How Russ had been working with John all along to root out Ivanov and Markov’s plans. Eleana implicates Daniels subtly. Get people questioning Strickland even more.”

  “Are you crazy?” Callier barked.

  “Laisser la finir, Père(Let her finish, Father),” Eleana called across the table.

  “Eleana is safer in the open, Edmond,” Krause supported Jane’s stance. “Continue.”

  “Jonathan, you go on board at Carecom; work with Eleana on the database. Determine who knows they are Collaborative and who is in the dark. Help Alex and Edmond begin to strengthen our corporate side and weaken Ivanov’s and the admiral’s. We take control of as much of the resource pool as possible, slowly so as not to draw too much attention from any one corner. Joshua will be promoted out of the FBI. I’ve called in a dormant asset in Strickland’s administration that will be able to help,” Jane explained.

  “You’re suggesting we pit the Russians and Strickland against each other?” Fallon asked. “Isn’t that playing with fire?”

  “We are already walking through fire, Fallon,” Alex said. “What Jane is suggesting is that we flush the drain and see what washes out. We use finesse. We use the media to our advantage to gain leverage. They’ll put pressure on Strickland’s administration to clean house. At the same time, we eat up all the little fishies The Collaborative left prey in the pond. Am I right?” Alex asked. “We use the assets that have been left dormant and shift the power to us, slowly.”

  “What do you mean assets?” Fallon asked.

  “She means you,” Tate finally spoke. “She means the people who have no idea The Collaborative exists. They work for the government, Carecom, a host of other organizations and companies, and have no idea that those entities have any nefarious or secret agenda. That’s what she means,” Tate clarified.

  “Doesn’t that just create a new conspiracy?” Fallon asked, feeling a bit bewildered.

  “You don’t understand, Agent Fallon,” Jane said. “The Collaborative has penetrated every industry and government. It’s how they stay in control. The only advantage we have is that it is so vast, they have left more holes than they ever intended. This is not a network of ten or twenty or even fifty-thousand people,” Jane told Fallon.

  “There’s no other way, Brian,” Alex conceded. “They are Goliath. It’s going to take more than a slingshot and a rock to shut it down, or at least change its course. Sometimes you have to become the thing you despise in order to destroy it.”

  “You realize what you are saying?” Fallon asked.

  Krause saw the tension in Alex’s temples. “She knows, Ag
ent Fallon….What about Sphinx? If he does exist…”

  “Then we hope to flush him out as well,” Callier said. “And hope he sees it our way.”

  “It’s a different tactic,” Krause said. “A more subtle approach.”

  “Yeah, but safer,” Fallon surmised.

  “No,” Alex chuckled. “Far more dangerous. It might seem safer for a while; only for a while. There will be a response. There always is. And, then….then it will be more dangerous for all of us than it has ever been. This is far from over.”

  “Alex, you and Brian have families,” Tate said. “No one would blame you if you stepped away.”

  Jane looked to her friend. “He’s right, you know.”

  “I would blame me,” Alex said. “What do I leave them? Who will do this if it isn’t us? Do you want Stephanie and Alexandra dealing with this one day? I may not have created this, but I will not walk away from it. What do I tell Cassidy and Dylan… Mackenzie…if I walk away?”

  “That you love them,” Krause said softly.

  Alex smiled at her brother. “I can’t walk away.”

  “I know,” Krause said.

  “So, if anyone wants to bail…and I mean if you are not fully committed, now is the time. It might seem comfortable for six months, a year…but when it comes home to roost it will be a shit storm like you have never seen. Ivanov and the admiral will look for a way to exploit us. When that happens, we will have to react; expose them and cut off the head of the monster. We all know that will mean choices none of us wants to make,” Alex said.

  Silence lingered. “Whatever you need,” Callier said first.

  “I’m in,” Eleana said.

  “Are we going to be all right?” Jane asked Alex.

  “We’re good,” Alex said.

  “All right; I’m in,” Jane said.

  “No question,” Tate nodded.

  “Me too,” Fallon promised.

  “All right,” Krause said. “It does not leave these walls. It remains between the six of us and Edmond. None else knows the details; only what they need to know. Agreed?” The agreement was a foregone conclusion.

  Jane approached Alex before leaving and smiled. “I’m sorry, Alex. I did what I had to do.”

  Alex nodded. “No secrets, Jane.”

  “There are always secrets, Alex,” Jane replied. Alex just nodded. “I’ll see you at the funeral,” Jane said. Alex offered her friend a half-hearted smile.

  “You two okay?” Krause asked.

  “She’s not telling us something,” Alex said.

  “I know,” Krause said as he watched Jane leave the room. “But, whatever it is…she has her reasons. She would never endanger Dylan or the girls,” Krause said.

  “Not intentionally,” Alex agreed. “Why don’t you go save Eleana from Edmond?” Alex suggested.

  “You okay?” Krause asked.

  “I’ve made my choice. I just want to go home,” Alex said.

  “Sorry,” Brian Fallon interrupted. “How are Cassidy and Dylan?” he asked Alex.

  “They’re okay, Fallon,” Alex said. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yeah. I am. I don’t know how much help I will be…”

  “I trust you,” Alex said. “So does Pip. I’ll be in touch,” she said. “Go spend some time with Kate and the kids.” Alex turned her attention to Joshua Tate. “Any ideas on who might replace Taylor?” she raised her eyebrow knowingly.

  “No,” Tate laughed.

  “I don’t know that you’ll love that promotion,” Alex said. “For all the chatter, NSA is kinda quiet. Not like the FBI at all.” Fallon looked at Alex and Tate and shook his head. “Meet your new boss, Fallon, or should I say your old boss in a new place,” Alex told her friend.

  “Let’s just hope it’s the right move,” Tate said. Alex shook Tate’s hand. She watched as he explained the entire interaction to Brian Fallon on their way out the door and chuckled.

  “Alex, Eleana and I are going to go grab something. Want to come?” Krause asked.

  “Thanks, no. I want to talk to Edmond for a few. Try to get home for dinner,” Alex said.

  “Understood,” Krause said with a smile.

  Alex made her way to the last occupant of the room and stood confidently before him. “Tell me, Edmond….Why now?” Alex asked.

  “Why have I decided to help you; you mean?” he surmised. Alex tipped her head in acknowledgement. “What makes you so sure I haven’t been helping you all along?” Callier asked.

  “What? By lying to all of us? Keeping us from the truth? Explain to me how you and my father have helped, Edmond?” Alex asked him.

  “Alexis,” Callier sighed. “You are so much like your father.”

  “That’s debatable,” Alex said.

  The Frenchman laughed. “Ah, and like your mother too. Why are you doing this now?” Callier turned the question around on her. “Dylan? This new baby? Cassidy? Jonathan? Am I wrong? But, the truth is you couldn’t walk away even if it were just you to consider. It’s not how you are built, Alexis. You just have different commitments now. That’s your answer,” Callier told her.

  “Not much of an answer,” she said.

  “You understand more than you pretend not to know, Alexis. I don’t expect your forgiveness. Neither would your father. I hope you never have to ask it of your children,” Callier said.

  “I already have,” Alex acknowledged.

  Edmond Callier put his arm around Alex’s shoulder and guided her to the door. “The truth is Alexis, none of us can walk away from who we are; we can only walk toward who we choose to become. Go home to your family. Take this time and hold onto it. I already lost two men I considered sons, and three that I called brothers. I suspect they will not be the last,” Callier said sadly.

  Alex looked at the older man intently. “He won’t let anything happen to Eleana,” she said quietly.

  Callier smiled. He had recognized the growing affection between his daughter and Jonathan Krause. “I believe you are right,” he said. “But Alexis, I would mourn any one of you as I did Elliot. You may not believe that. It is the truth,” Callier told her. “Les familles ne sont pas seulement trouvé dans le sang. Je pense que vous devriez le comprendre plus que la plupart. (Families are not only found in blood. I should think you would understand that more than most).”

  Alex turned back to the empty room and allowed her eyes to roam freely. It was a fortress. She thought silently about the friends she had already lost; John Merrow, her father, Russ Matthews, even Michael Taylor. She closed her eyes as her thoughts traveled to Dylan, so much he had lost as well; the only father he had ever known, and a father that would never share his life. “No more,” she said. It was a silent commitment to the future. “No more.”

  Friday, February 6th

  “Alex, stop fidgeting,” Cassidy laughed. “Why are you so nervous?”

  Dylan looked up to Alex and waited for her to answer his mother. “I’m not nervous,” Alex said. Cassidy raised her eyebrow and shook her head just as the doctor walked into the room.

  “Well, the entire Toles family today,” Dr. Allison Bartlett greeted the room. “You must be Dylan,” she said.

  “Yep. So, when do we get to see Mackenzie?” Dylan asked the doctor.

  Dr. Bartlett looked between the two women in the room. “That was fast. Mackenzie; excellent choice; only need one.”

  Alex stood next to Cassidy gloating and received a slight smack to her arm for her cockiness. “Yeah, yeah,” Cassidy groaned. “I was outnumbered,” she told her doctor.

  Dylan and Alex both offered the doctor a toothy grin. “I can see you have your hands full,” Dr. Bartlett joked.

  “Yeah, let’s hope this one has some of my genes,” Cassidy laughed.

  “YaYa says Alex is missing a gene,” Dylan told the doctor.

  Dr. Bartlett looked to Alex and pretended to study her carefully. “Which gene are you missing, Ms. Toles…Calvin or is it Levi…”

  “Do you
know Cassidy’s mother by any chance?” Alex asked the doctor suspiciously.

  “No, can’t say that I’ve had the pleasure,” Dr. Bartlett answered. “So, what do you say we take a peek here and see if we can find Mackenzie?” she winked at Dylan.

  “Yeah!” he exclaimed.

  “Cassidy, there is a possibility I might be able to see the gender. Some things we can’t tell for certain, others are a little more….obvious,” Dr. Bartlett said.

  “We’d rather it be a surprise,” Alex said. Cassidy smiled at her wife gratefully.

  “But, if anything make itself known,” Cassidy raised her eyebrow, “that would be fine too.”

  Dr. Bartlett set about her tasks, explaining each thing she was doing as she went. “How can you see him from out here?” Dylan asked.

  “Actually, Dylan, this uses sound, but so high that you can’t hear it,” Dr. Bartlett explained.

  “Can Mackenzie?” he asked.

  “No, Mackenzie can’t hear it either, but Mackenzie should be able to hear your mom pretty soon,” she said.

  “Really?” Alex asked.

  “Yeah,” the doctor smiled at Alex’s enthusiasm. “Okay, here we go. Let’s just…oh…see; right there,” Dr. Bartlett pressed a button on the machine and then moved the wand again. “Right there,” she pointed to the screen. “See, there are Mackenzie’s hands.”

  Cassidy looked at the screen, relieved to see the life within her. She looked up at Alex and lost her breath. Alex was completely captivated by the image. Her mouth was slightly open, and her eyes were moist. “Cass…”

  “Alex! Look!” Dylan bounced on his heels. “Is he waving?” Dylan asked.

  Dr. Bartlett tried not to laugh. “Maybe,” she said. “But you see; right there, Dylan…those are Mackenzie’s feet.”

  “Be careful,” Dylan warned the doctor. “Kenzie’s feet are ticklish.” Cassidy looked at Alex and started laughing.

  “How do you know that?” Dr. Bartlett asked.

  “We all have ticklish feet; even Mom. It’s a Toles thing,” Dylan told her.

  “Let me snap a few good ones for you,” Doctor Bartlett said. “How are you feeling now, Cassidy? Any nausea left?”


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