Dirty Dark Prey: A Dark College Bully Romance (Elite Royal University Duet Book 2)

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Dirty Dark Prey: A Dark College Bully Romance (Elite Royal University Duet Book 2) Page 4

by L. J. Woods

  When I get to the house, forgetting to close the front door, I take another glug from my flask. “Hello?” I call, the house feeling as empty as always. “Dad? Cassandra?” They must be out because the espresso and Irish cream on the island tell me he’s been around. "Anna?"

  The house is empty and cold as always.

  “I found it.”

  Lexi’s words echo in my head as I make my way upstairs. Once in my closet, I pass shiny wooden shelves of designer labels until I get to the drawers in the middle. Pulling them out doesn’t expose what I’m looking for so I tip them, tossing ties and boxers to the floor.

  My eyes scan over the pile, but I still don’t see it.


  Lexi's not bluffing. The one piece of evidence that points to me is gone.

  My fist pounds against the glass on top of the drawers, a crack appearing on the showcase of sparkling watches. Taking another swig, I drop to my knees, rummaging through the pile on the wooden floor before my head hangs. “This can’t be fucking happening.” Not now.

  Pushing off my knees, I head to her room, banging the door open. My body stumbles through, creamy coconut filling the air. My gut twists as I look around me. Lexi’s transformed one of the guest rooms into her domain. String lights decorate her headboard, a cloud chandelier hanging above it. Pink and white furry rugs and pillows decorate the space and it all looks soft, feminine and cheerful. Like her.


  Not spotting what I'm looking for, my eyes fall to her bed. Pushing dirty thoughts aside, I drop to my knees, reaching under it before my hand hits something smooth. Pulling out a heavy pink box, I flip the top open and my eyebrows lift. “Well, well, well …”

  It’s filled with a variety of sex toys. Dildos, vibrators, cock rings. Not the cheap shit either, they’re all luxurious and now I can’t get the thought of her using them out of my head. Legs spread. Those plump lips open …


  Slamming it shut, I push it back before my hand lands on something lacy.

  My heart pounds, pulling it towards me.

  Red lace. Blood stained into the fabric.


  A voice startles me frozen, and when I turn to the sound, Dad stands at the door in one of his white linen suits. “What are you doing home? In Lexi’s room?”

  Pushing the fabric back under the bed, I rise to my feet. I don’t try to hide my stumble, or the smell of pot reeking off me. I just hope he didn’t see what I just had. “Lexi wants me to grab her sketchbook.”

  He takes a beat, looking at my hands. “Where is it?”

  “No luck.” I shrug.

  He nods. “Glad to see you two getting along.”

  I flash him a weak smile. “Uh-huh.” If you call making her life hell “getting along” because that’s exactly what she’s asking for.

  I know she has it. I saw it and now I know that bowtie isn’t the only thing she took from my closet.

  If what she has gets out, I’m screwed.


  I have to fix this, and you bet I fucking will.

  By any means necessary.




  Carter’s lips stop a few inches from mine, a lock of dark hair hanging over his brown eye.

  “Is it my breath?” He brings a manicured hand to his mouth, platinum watch sparkling under the dim light.

  Carter fits into the luxurious bathroom we're standing in but he's no King. He’s not Eden royalty like Isaac and his crew but it’s clear why the girls at ERU pucker their lips his way. Fitted designer suit and suspenders to match, Carter isn’t the same guy I knew when his dad was banging my mom.

  “No, it’s not that,” I explain.

  “My face?” He strokes his chiselled chin, tilting it to the light.

  “Definitely not that.” And he knows it. He’s ten times more sculpted than the last time I saw him. You can even see it in his cheeks, a strong jaw framing thick lips that look as inviting as a new pair of Jimmy Choos.

  So, why am I pulling back from one of the hottest guys at ERU?

  Well, he's like the rest of them. Bland. No spark. Boring. Yet so fucking entitled.

  And while I can usually work with what he’s packing, the stuff on my mind needs a heavier distraction.

  He winces. “I’m moving too fast.”

  “Maybe?” I lie, the buzz from the party loud beyond the thick wooden door.

  Carter’s cologne chokes me as he reaches for the slit on my gold dress. It sits right at the top of my thigh, a glittering gold garter to accessorize. His finger grazes my skin and … still nothing. Not even a tingle.

  “You’re right.” He steps back and I’m able to see the entirety of his stacked stature. Then he hesitates, a hand through his shiny strands. “Is this about what happened? Or is this about Isaac?” A bullet flies through my chest, stiffening my body. “Was it me or did he seem a little aggressive when I was talking to you yesterday?” He looks down at his shiny oxfords. “Possessive even.”

  A tingle comes between my thighs before his voice comes to my head. That red fabric. His menacing words.

  Reaching for Carter’s arm, I bring his hand to my throat. “Squeeze.” Then I hike my dress to my waist. I need Isaac off my mind. I need that off my mind. “Let’s do it.”

  The sight of my thighs has him closing the distance again. His lips land on mine, his hand around my throat, but still, fucking, nothing.

  “Squeeze tighter," I instruct.

  He does. Hardly. “Like this?”

  “No. Forget it. Pull my hair.” His fingers run through my freshly dyed strands but it’s still not what I want. After what Carter did, I’m surprised he’s being so gentle. “Harder.”

  He pushes away with a huff, frustration on his lowered brows as he takes a step back. “Geez, the guys were right, but I don’t know if I’m into that.”

  Now I’m confused. “What guys? Right about what?”

  “Nothing. Nevermind. Let’s just—”

  I take a step forward, my heels clicking against the floor as my dress falls into place. “What guys, Carter?”

  He sighs. “The guys from the polo team. They say you like it rough.”

  “And you believe them?” My fists tighten, cheeks heating.

  I’ve never hooked up with anyone from the polo team. Sure I like to flirt, and my outfits fit my frame but it takes more than a smile for me to want to hop on a dick.

  A polo dick at that.

  “Listen.” He holds out his hands like I’m the one being unreasonable. “I’m just not like that.”

  And I’ve had enough. “Right. You only like taking off condoms without consent.”

  “Lexi!” My mom’s voice rings through to the top of the stairs. And for once, I welcome it.

  “Enjoy the free drinks.” Pushing on his chest, his sigh is the last thing I hear as I exit through the bathroom door.

  He follows me but I don’t slow down, texting Ray on my way downstairs. A Lionel Johnson song fills the home as I descend into the party, servers in black and white shuffling below. Anna's at the door, welcoming more guests dressed to the nines in stiff suits and gowns.

  “Lexi!” Mom’s already at the bottom in a slinky white dress, white feathers decorating the bottom. “Can you tell the caterers when I said mushroom tartlets I meant matsutake, not cheap portobello?"

  Glancing behind me, the kitchen is only another four feet but I push a smile on my face. “Whatever you say.” Turning around, the fabric moves with me as my mom calls again.

  “Oh and Lexi?” With my eyes closed, I take a breath and turn around. “Also, tell them to pop the bottle of Dom at seven-fifty.” She flips her blonde hair, straighter than mine. “That’s the time we met.”

  “You sure you don't need an assistant?” I’m losing the will to bite my tongue.

  “Why would I need that when I have a daughter?” Her sneer turns into a smile before her arm comes aroun
d me, pulling me close and when I turn around, I see why.

  A camera is in our face before she plants her lips on my cheek and my body goes rigid. “My great, fabulous daughter who learned everything she knows from me.” She lets out a titter that makes it harder to keep this smile on my face. “Run along dear, and find Isaac! It’s a good time for the family to be together.”

  Pushing her off me in the most subtle way that paps won’t see, I nod. I don't know what family even means because that’s one thing I don’t have. Especially not with him.

  Once I’ve spoken to the caterers I head back to find my mom mingling with replicas from The Stepford Wives. She blinks my way when she sees me, looking over my shoulder. “Where’s Isaac?”

  I didn’t think she was serious. Looking around at the classy party she’s pulled off, something tells me, “He’s not here.”

  “Did you look in that short time? Are you The Flash?” she asks, speaking through her phony smile. “He’s here somewhere. Lionel said he saw him upstairs.”

  My shoulders drop and I head for the steps, phone in my hand.

  Ray: Leaving now. See you soon!

  Lexi: If I don’t die first.

  “Lexi.” Carter stops me in my path, flashing a smile at the cameras. “Can we talk?”

  “I’m sorry, I have to find Isaac or my mom will blow a gasket.” I try to move past him but he doesn’t budge.

  “Isn’t that someone else’s job?” He looks over my head. “There’s like ten staff members here.” Sure I could text Anna to get Isaac for me but …

  “Carter, I have to go.” I push my way through before I’m at Isaac’s double doors. Since his dad is never home, he’s swindled his way into the master bedroom. The king’s domain. My knuckles hover over the wood as I try to calm the flips in my stomach.

  Then with a deep breath, I knock.



  Still nothing.

  And when I press on the handle, it doesn’t budge. Locked.

  I knock again, opening my mouth to call his name but it’s not my voice I hear.

  “Isaac …”

  His name comes from the bathroom, across the hall from my room. It’s moany and breathy and—

  “Don’t worry, baby, I got this.” His voice is next.

  Brows furrowing, I move closer to the door.

  Is he doing what I think he’s doing?

  In the bathroom Carter and I just left?

  The sound of clapping is more audible when I press my head to the door.

  Slap! Slap! Slap!

  It’s like skin coming together again and again.

  My nose wrinkles.

  My thighs clench.

  “Does this always happen?” The girl asks, moans breaking up her words. “What do yooou want me to dooo?”

  I fall to my knees, peering through the small crack at the bottom of the door. The muscles in his smooth nutmeg skin are what I see first, his biceps bulging as he balances the girl on his lap.

  “It’s not you, baby, it’s me.” Isaac sounds out of breath, my fingers brushing against the wood as my skin heats. My nipples pucker under my dress, watching the way he slams her down on him. His hand moves up to her throat but she slaps it away. “I can’t—”

  “Lexi!” My mom calls.

  Fuck. Right.

  Turning the knob, I’m surprised it’s unlocked.

  So I swing it open.

  I’m about to say his name but my mind turns to mush before I can.

  He’s half-naked, his muscles all rippled and rigid, bulging as he holds onto a woman’s hips. His cock bulges too. Every glance I get of it anyway.

  The woman squeals when she sees me. She tries to get away but Isaac holds her in place, and she lets him. But my eyes aren’t on her. They’re on his, boring into mine. And I'm so frozen in place, words won't leave my mouth.

  Smirking at me, he keeps drilling into her, my sweaty palm tight on the doorknob.

  “Fuck!” His head falls back but he keeps his gaze on mine as his thrusts slow. “Finally.”

  The girl reaches for a towel from the rod beside her, covering her chest as she tries to hide her face. But I’ve seen everything.

  “Fucking the staff on your dad’s engagement?” I ask before I glance at her again. “No offence. Love your highlights.” She’s not the one I’m shaming.

  Her brows furrow like she’s unsure of what to think and if I’m honest, so am I.

  Isaac pulls the condom off his cock and it’s like a wrapped chocolate bar. Thick, long. Girthy. Like Mr. Big. “You’re one to talk wearing something like that.”

  I don’t even have to look down at my outfit to know what he’s talking about. A guy fucks a girl he just met in the bathroom and that’s all fun. But a girl wears an open-back dress to an event and she's a slut.

  Something wet lands on my toe peeking out of my strappy heels. When I look down, I squeal, kicking it off. It doesn’t budge so I use the heel of my other shoe. “Are you fucking kidding me!?” Now it’s stuck to my heel, semen and all. Isaac’s chuckling doesn’t make this any better.

  My skin heats, his cackles making my body shake so I pull the condom off my heel and throw it at his face.

  The girl gasps.

  My eyes widen.

  His eyes narrow and I see the tick of his jaw before my breath stops in my throat.

  Everything slows for a moment, the latex slipping off his cheek and down to the floor.


  My back hits the stone wall.

  Isaac presses his chest to mine, the sting in my back no match to the heat on my breasts. His skin feels like an oven pressing against the silk of my dress and my body comes alive.

  “You do know whose house you’re in, don’t you, Lexi?” The strong odour of alcohol follows his words, so does that bittersweet smell and I have goosebumps all over again. The ones Carter never gave me. Those glossy eyes look more dilated by the second and when I glance behind his shoulder, one of the glass shelves has powdered lines ready to go. “Mine.”

  “If what I know is true …” I smirk. I shouldn’t be this open with the clue I found, the one that tells me those headlines are right. But something about putting Isaac in his place turns me into a careless carnivore. Out for blood. “Then this won’t be your house very long, will it?”

  “Why don’t you speak up and tell me what the fuck that’s supposed to mean?” His finger grazes the skin of my chin before he lifts it up with a forceful hold. His voice lands by my ear in an intimidating roll. “Or is that dress too tight for you to think?”

  “You think you’re untouchable?” I laugh, Carter and other memories flooding through my head. Memories of the very thing Isaac Johnson reeks of besides sweat and alcohol. Privilege. “It’s time guys like you get what they deserve. Guys that think they can get away with whatever they want. Guys that think that they’re invincible. Like what they do won’t matter. But it does.” My fists tighten as the words pour out of me, Isaac’s eyes narrowing. “Guys like you need to pay.”

  Isaac chuckles again. Like he doesn’t believe me. They never do. “You’re gonna make me pay, huh?” His lips come close to mine, the warmth of his breath against my lipstick.

  I hate that my body shakes.

  Hate that it begs for it.

  “Ah-hem.” The clearing of a throat pulls me out of his dark spell.

  Breaking our gaze, cold washes over me before my eyes meet hers. And my nose wrinkles again.

  She raises a brow. “Should I go?” she asks. “This looks heated.” She glances between us, the look in her eyes implying I’m something more but … ew.

  “Really heated.” Carter’s voice is next.

  Whipping my head to the door, he stands there with a scowl. But Isaac doesn’t care. Not one bit. He doesn’t budge, my heart pounding against his chest.

  “Let’s get one thing clear, Lexi,” Isaac's eyes bore into mine. “I’m getting off that trial and no one is getting in my way. I
’ll make sure of it.” He winks a wink that’s more threatening than charming.

  With a pull of the door, he pushes me out of the way leaving me with my heart pounding through my chest. And that tingle between my legs.



  My jaw clenches, swinging my bedroom door open.

  Yes, I’m on a pile of blow. No, that’s not why.

  Lexi Lyon is only making my life harder. The conversation we just had, if you can call it that, reminds me of the thing nagging in the back of my mind.

  She knows.

  And how am I hard again?

  I could hardly get one off until Lexi showed up in the—Fuck.

  A cocktail. That’s exactly what I need and I’m talking about more than a Manhattan.

  Opening the blue vintage safe tucked to the side of the room, a smile spreads across my face when I see what welcomes me.


  Grabbing the pile of baggies from the front, I move towards the grand piano at the side of the room. Crushing these up will make this all hit harder. And fast.

  My black card knocks against the lid, letting out my aggression on the shiny black wood.

  Who the fuck does she think she is?

  My life isn’t a game.

  I need to get the upper hand. If I tell her what happened, it’ll only make this more complicated. So what the fuck do I do?

  Powder burns my nose, my eyes hitting the circular chandelier before a knock on the door makes me jump. My head whips to it and I’ll be damned if I forgot to lock another door.


  My shoulders drop when Perez’s voice comes through. He said he'd be here an hour ago but he’s always late now that he's fucking the Coach's daughter.

  Not that I’m jealous, but right now, I need my boys.

  The knob rattles before I’m at the door. Cracking it open, I feel like a spy. Or these drugs make me paranoid.

  I glance past his letterman jacket. Only Perez would wear something so tacky to a party. “You alone?”

  His brows furrow. “You alright?”


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