Dirty Dark Prey: A Dark College Bully Romance (Elite Royal University Duet Book 2)

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Dirty Dark Prey: A Dark College Bully Romance (Elite Royal University Duet Book 2) Page 6

by L. J. Woods

  Isaac chugs the wine in his hand, a smirk on his face before I protest. “I have to change.”

  “If you can’t hold your liquor, that's on you. Pay the price. No more excuses, this is a family event. So be a family, dear. Come on.” She waves her fingers over like I’m a twelve-year-old.

  When I move, that bittersweet smell envelopes me before his voice lands by my ear. “Enjoy being my toy.”

  My eyes widen as a buzzing starts between my legs.

  Except it’s much more than a buzz. It's a deep, pulsing feeling. One that makes me clench my thighs. One that feels like my Venus Gold, that luxury remote-controlled sex toy I—

  Oh no …

  That’s what Isaac found. And with my mom leading me towards the living room, I don’t know if I can stop it. Whatever he has planned for me, I’m completely at his mercy.

  “I’ve found them!” Mom says, raising another champagne glass high above the crowd gathering around us. “You know how kids are.”

  “I’m twenty,” I remind her as she brings me to the middle of the room.

  The vibrations between my legs are still subtle enough to ignore, but I can feel my clit pulsing for more.

  “Still a kid.” She smiles at the crowd. “Am I right?”

  They all laugh.

  Glancing over at Isaac, he pulls out his phone as that wave of cloudiness washes over me again. My skin is both heated and cold, a glow to the lights before I bring my hands to my arms.

  My mom glances at me with furrowed brows but Lionel takes a step forward, standing next to his son. He starts a speech about how great it is to have everyone here but all I want is this to be over.

  The vibrations heighten, my thighs clenching as those buzzes bring a tightness to my core. When I glance at Isaac, he winks at me. At a steady pace, he ups the vibrations and it’s hard not to sink my teeth into my lip, my nipples hard against my dress. Even the brush of fabric feels good against my skin when that wave of what can only be delirium takes hold of me again.

  The smell of expensive perfume and cologne fills the room but all I smell is him as the vibrations deepen some more.

  I know the King of Eden controls it, controls me, but there’s no denying this toy was worth every dollar. The vibrations are so deep I can feel them throughout my body and I must already be too tipsy because this feels better than ever.

  Bringing my knees together, I shuffle behind my mom to stand next to Isaac. “Cut it out.”

  “What’s that?” He leans in, the rumble of his slurry words making the vibrations much more intense. “More?”

  With a tap of his phone, he changes the rhythm and it throbs harder against my walls. My knees weaken, a combination of the toy and these fucked up waves making me stagger. Wait, this isn’t only alcohol, is it? “Did you put something in my—”

  “Hey, Dad,” Isaac speaks up, that sloppy grin growing and my stomach clenches when he raises the vibrations again. With shaky hands I place the wine on the marble mantle, gripping it for dear life. Fuck, this toy is magic, and Isaac knows what he’s doing when he’s controlling it. “I think Lexi has something to say. Right, Lex?”

  I freeze. But the vibrations don’t. Wiggling only makes it worse and it’s not like I can pull it out in the middle of these guests. Paps would have a field day with my mom. Then I’m out on the street.

  “Uh, n-nooo.” It’s hard to speak. “I’m f-fine.”

  “Please, feel free.” Lionel extends a hand, my mom blinking at me.

  She’s not the only one. Everyone has their eyes on me, including Isaac.

  He looks pleased in my anguish, his blown eyes roaming my stance. Taking a step forward, I almost choke when he taps his phone again but with a timed swing of my arm, I slap it from his hand.

  I'm putting this to an end.

  With another casual step, I kick it away but the tip of my shoe must have hit something because … “Oooh, my God.” My eyes widen.

  His grin grows as I stand in the middle of the room. Sure I’m used to people watching me fuck myself but not like this.

  My voice shakes. “I’m so-ooh happy, th-that—” The rising feel of the vibrations makes a bead of sweat roll down my side. “That you two got together. Myyyyy, oh my.” Mom looks at me with a twist of her lips and I have no choice but to keep going. “Mom is so hap-happyyyyy.” I grip tighter to my dress, trying to keep my eyes from rolling to the back of my head. “Fuck! It feels so good.” I keep going through clenched teeth and balled fists. Through the pleasure building from within. “So good to know my mom is in good hands.”

  Isaac chuckles, my knees threatening to buckle. That’s when that leathery-sweet scent overtakes me as an arm comes around my shoulder. Isaac's arm. “Are you in good hands?” His grip tightens on my skin, and the intensity builds inside me, the lights above getting brighter, my legs getting shakier and ... oh fuck …

  A shockwave shoots through me, everyone in the room disappearing except him and … I’m fucking coming. “Yesss!” My body falls into him and he keeps me upright with his strong hold. His eyes roam my face as I try to hide all the signs of a mind-blowing orgasm and I don't miss when his tongue lands between his lips.

  Is he enjoying seeing me like this?

  But looking in his eyes only brings on another wave as the toy keeps pulsing inside me. It throbs hard against my sensitive walls, bringing another orgasm to the brim.

  Isaac keeps me standing as my legs shake, my body swaying like it’s on the ocean. And when his thumb moves up my skin, grazing his coldness against my heat, another wave rolls through me.

  And now I can't speak at all.

  Mom blinks at me before she addresses the crowd. “Well, that was … nice.” Shoving me out of the way, she raises her glass high. “To our new life!”

  Carter looks at me from the crowd and I’m only now remembering he's there. Those round eyes narrow with suspicion but I won’t admit it. To anyone. Ever.

  I’ll never confess that Isaac Johnson took control of my body and made me come in front of my parents.

  He made me his toy.

  And I liked it.



  “This isn’t a class. It’s a competition.”

  My prof’s voice stops me from dozing off, chin in my palm. The large coffee next to my sad sketches is an empty effort. I’m still tired as hell.

  “Every failure this semester will come back to haunt you. No excuses. If you want this, you’ll work for it.” Kinda hard to do when you have a roommate from hell. “I’ll see you all next week.”

  I don’t even realize class has ended until the students around me all push away from their drafting desks.

  Whatever Isaac put in that drink gave me a hangover from Hades. And with everything going on, I haven’t had a chance to design. Or think. Or to remember my assignments.

  Didn’t help that I stayed awake the last couple of nights replaying his sick game and how humiliated I felt.

  How good I felt.

  And wondering if it will ever happen again.

  I knew I was fucked the day I met him, and after what he’s done to me … I fear becoming broken.

  “Lexi? A word, please.” Professor Tsang stops me on my way to the door and I turn towards her with a smile. She doesn’t return it. “You didn’t hand in your assignment. You did hear what I said, yes? Every part of this course counts.”

  I shouldn’t take her words lightly. Hera Tsang has a long history of impeccable designs and an international fashion empire. It's a privilege to be in her class. A dream.

  And I’m letting him ruin it.

  She holds up a finger, waiting until everyone else has left the class. “Your designs last semester were stunning.” My eyes widen. Did Hera Tsang just say that? “But that’s not enough to keep you in this program.”

  “I know and I apologize.” Tucking my sketchpad under my arm, I try to explain. “My mom had this thing with Lionel Johnson and it was a big mess. Ruined my entire weeken
d. It was really hard to focus and then his son came home and he’s on trial for murder.” I realize I’m babbling but it’s too late, it’s all coming out to Hera’s stoic face. “My mom’s a tyrant who treats me like an assistant and his dad just really doesn’t care and Anna’s way too busy to help—”

  Hera holds up a hand, stopping my sentence in its tracks. “Isaac Johnson’s father?” She lowers her gold-rimmed glasses, accenting her black-on-black attire. When I nod, her nose wrinkles. “Not surprised you’re set back. Those people will chew you up and spit you out. This entire town will. Stay focused on your work, Lexi. If you want this, show me. You only have a couple more assignments to make it up.”

  “And I know I will.”

  “I don’t make exceptions but if you show me you’re trying, I’ll have your back. I think it’ll do you well if you see one of the counsellors on campus.” My lips tighten. I haven’t seen a therapist in years. For good reason. “If your counsellor tells me you’ve been keeping up your appointments, I’ll do what I can to help.”

  Hera Tsang doesn’t just dish out help, so I can’t even begin to tell her why I’m opposed to this idea. With Hera, you either take it or leave it. And you’re an idiot if you leave it.

  She repositions her glasses on her narrow face, telling me she’s done with our conversation and I take in a huge breath before I head for the door.

  Ray’s waiting for me on the other side, fiddling with her pack of cigarettes. If she’s putting her vice over me, we’ve come a long way.

  “Can I move in with you?” I groan. “My career might depend on it.”

  “I wondered when you’d ask.” The cigarette hangs off Ray’s black-painted lip as we move through the halls. She’s the opposite of me. While I’m in a cropped YSL blazer and a mini-dress, she’s in torn-up jeans and a tank, all her many tattoos on display. “What finally made you take the plunge?”

  As we move through the crystal-clean halls, I fill Ray in on the week I’ve been having. Finding my sketchbook filled with nothing but the word 'slut' on each page. Isaac fucking a rando on my bed. Or pulling the internet when I'm using it. “Not to mention all I hear at night is either sex from his room or sex from my mom’s room.”

  “Thought you liked sex.” She smirks, looking at me over the hood of the Porsche Lionel lets me drive.

  “Not with my family!”

  “Isaac’s not your family so …” She shrugs, climbing into the passenger seat of the car.

  Thank God because he’s psychotic. “He’s still a pain in my side.”

  Climbing in, I start the ignition as Ray lights her cigarette. If he found my luxury toys, he likely found what I’ve been hiding. But he hasn’t admitted it and it’s not like I can say it. That'll justify his actions.

  She puffs, taking a second to look at the sky out the window like she’s in thought. “Well, why don’t we pass by your house? You can pick up your stuff and end your misery today. I could use some company while Christian’s in practice. We could be like—”

  “Sisters!” I beam, my eyes on the road.

  Ray groans, “Roommates.”

  “I’ll pay rent. I promise.” It’ll cut into my business plan but I don’t want any hand-outs. Independent girls don’t get handouts. “How much do you think Christian’s willing to lease a room for?”

  “Lease? There’s no way I’m letting Christian charge you for a room. His dad has money coming out of his dick.”

  “I don’t want any handouts.”

  “Then consider it a gift. You’re one of the only people to give me the time of day when I moved back to this fucked-up place." You could never tell Rayne Rose was once an Edenite. "I owe you so much more than a room. No rent. Got it?”

  It’s hard to hide my grin. “It’s a plan, roomie.” Better than having Isaac as a roommate. Ray groans again but my smile widens. “Groan all you want, I know you love me. Besides, I need to soak up some of your independence.”

  "Not sure how independent I am living in my boyfriend's mansion."

  "When you get married, just don't sign the prenup." Her glare burns my skull before I glance her way. "Kidding!"

  Ray lets out a puff of smoke, Aretha Franklin on the stereo. “Didn’t think the Johnson house would be so stifling. His house was like a frat house before he got arrested for…” She glances at me. “You know.”

  “I won’t even start on how fucking humiliating their engagement party was.” My hand grips the wheel, a spark between my legs.

  “You looked like you were having a good time.”

  My head whips to hers like she knows what Isaac did to me but I can’t even remember her being there. “Were you there for my speech?”

  A smile grows across Ray’s usually solemn face. “You made a speech?” Then she laughs. “I wish! I didn’t feel like I fit in so Christian and I hid out in the garage.”

  “I know by hiding you meant getting some D.”


  “And for my own sake, I hope you came all over the seat of Isaac’s Jag.”


  “You know? You might’ve nabbed the last good guy in this town.” My foot lowers on the gas. “I thought Eden was full of wealthy people who knew how to be classy. Not bullying psychopaths.”

  “Far from it.”

  I pull up to the modern building, no other car in the driveway. Both our classes ended early today so I’m hoping there’s no one around. Not even Anna. I’ll miss her but I need a clear in and out. No distractions. No guilt.

  Climbing out of the car, Ray follows me. “Wait—did you say you want to date Christian?”

  “Better than Isaac.”

  “It’s not like you have to date Isaac …” She stops at the door, her eyes narrowing. “Holy fuck, you do like him.”

  "I hate him!" I call back, already halfway up the steps when my stomach churns. I don’t have time for this conversation. Again. “One sec.”

  Once in my room, I look around at the pretty decor, the stack of fabric I’ve collected and twinkling lights. I love this room, but I can’t stay here. Not with him.

  I’m quick tugging out some outfits from my closet, no time to curate but I’m grabbing pieces that’ll work together. I apologize to my colourful flashy favourites before stuffing some lingerie in the bags too. Even with a free room, I’ll need to work if I want to make my dreams happen.

  When I close the latches on my Louis Vuitton trunk, another gift from Lionel, a familiar voice rings from downstairs.

  “Welcome to your new home!” That’s mom, but there’s a mumble that follows. One that doesn’t sound like Ray, Isaac or Lionel. “Lexi!”


  I let out a breath. If I’m going to be the independent girl I know I am, I’ll start by giving it to her straight.

  You can do this.

  Lugging my bags towards the stairs, I freeze when that muffled voice becomes clear. “Hey, Lexi.”

  My trunk drops to the floor with a thud.

  He’s a lot taller than I remember. Skinnier too, his jeans falling off him as he tries to hide under his hood.

  “Dom?” His name is a whisper from my voice like I’m afraid he’s a ghost.

  His blue eyes meet mine before I hustle down the stairs and jump into his arms. He smells like clean cotton and a crisp breeze. Comforting. The closest thing to “home” I’ve felt in a very long time. “What are you doing here, Dominic?”

  “What do you mean?” Mom asks. “He lives with us.” Dom releases me as her eyes fall to the bags at the top of the stairs, new diamonds under her french manicure. “Where are you going?”

  Ray stands at the door, looking as confused as I am before she drops her eyes to her phone, trying to stay out of this.

  I gaze from her to my Mom and Dominic. Then again for good measure before my shoulders drop. “Nowhere.”

  “Uh …” Ray’s head pops up again. “I’ll help you.” She climbs the steps with me, my mom talking to Dominic about where he’ll stay and
I’m still trying to piece this together.

  What’s her plan?

  “Change of heart?” Ray asks, settling the trunk back in my room.

  “There’s no way I’m leaving Dominic with Isaac,” I say, running a hand through my hair as I nibble on my lip.

  “So this is about Isaac?” Ray confirms but that only makes my skin burn.

  “No, but if I want to be independent I want to show Dominic that he can be too.”

  “That brings me to my next question." She gestures a tatted hand to the staircase. "Who the fuck is Dominic?”

  “Lexi!” My mom calls again from downstairs. She’s worse than a rooster.

  With a glance at Ray, I promise, “I’ll tell you everything over a drink.” I desperately want to tell her a very tall G&T but my drinking has been out of control lately. I don’t want to go down that path again. “Coffee at MOCHA?”


  The next shriek makes both of us jump, Ray mumbling, “Jesus,” as I make my way back to the steps.

  When I get there, the door swivels open.

  “Talk to you later, baby.” Isaac stalls at the door as my mom huffs. His eyes land on the backpack on the floor before moving to Dominic. Then his eyes narrow like he’s seeing ants take over a picnic. “Who the fuck is this?”

  “Isaac meet Dominic,” I say, giving him a threatening glance. If he does anything to him, I’ll ruin him. For good. “He’s my little brother.”



  No one told me Lexi had a brother.

  Dominic towers over her. Most people do when she’s not in six-inch heels. He’s younger, a little dirt stache on his gaunt face but he still has the features of a little boy. No matter how mangy he looks.

  “You’re home right on time.” Cassandra smiles.

  A couple of months ago, I had this entire house to myself for weeks on end. Months even. Now I have a new family that wants to ruin my life.

  When I glance at Ray, she shrugs. And now I’m happy I had that extra upper at lunch. I was coming home to meet a girl I met on Exclusive, a members-only app for the young, wealthy and sexy. It’s the only way I can get some action and I’ve been craving it more than ever these days. Especially since my dad’s engagement party.


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