Dirty Dark Prey: A Dark College Bully Romance (Elite Royal University Duet Book 2)

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Dirty Dark Prey: A Dark College Bully Romance (Elite Royal University Duet Book 2) Page 14

by L. J. Woods

  She reaches to swat at me again but I catch her wrist. “You are the enemy.”

  Pulling from my hold, she stumbles back, almost tumbling to the floor but I catch her wrist in my grip again. She gasps, hovering inches from the ground before she looks at me, eyes narrowing. “What did she ask you to do? If my mom’s blackmailing you it has to be for money.”

  “Don’t play stupid, Lexi, I know you’re the one that gave her what she needed. And if she wasn’t dangling your brother’s trust fund in front of my face, she'd put me behind bars.”

  “Where you belong because you’re a—”

  “Don’t say it if you don’t believe it.” My eyes narrow into hers. “You really think I did that? You really think I’m capable of something so fucked up?”

  “You’re capable of ruining me,” she says, almost breathless. “You knew that the first time we met. You wanted me then didn’t you? And I was stupid enough to want you too.”

  The room goes silent, our chests heaving before I pull her up. Her body pressed against mine, heat steams between us. “You want me?” My eyes wander her reddened face. “Is that it, Lexi?”

  I don’t miss when her eyes fall to my lips, her heart racing against mine. “Do you want me? Is that it, Johnson?”

  “No.” So it startles me when my lips crash into hers.

  And she doesn’t pull back.

  Her body sinks into mine as her arms wrap around me, her soft lips moving with mine. The room grows bigger, the walls crumbling away like the ones we’ve made between us. She sighs like she’s getting as much relief as I am, her tongue landing on mine. Sweet. Delicious. Scotch and vanilla. A killer combination with a hint of bitterness that’s oh so Lexi. And that gets me stiff.

  My mind screams to stop, but it’s always the same. I can’t. She feels too good. Lexi always responds in a way that makes me lose control. In a way that tells me she’s mine.

  Her hands come to my chest, hard. So hard it catches me off guard and I stumble into another desk. She rips off my shirt like I’m her next drink, my ass smacking into a sewing machine that crashes to the floor.

  Lexi’s not gentle and I’m not either. She bites at my lip. I grab her throat. When I squeeze she only sinks her teeth in harder. The way she claws her nails against my skin when I grab a firm hold of her ass makes me want to remind her who’s in control.


  Picking her off the floor she wraps her warm thighs around me, clinging to me with her heat pressed against my hard cock. Her moans make me weak but I keep her steady as I clear the nearest desk, the one at the front. Material, tools and another sewing machine hits the floor. As savage as we are, a calm feeling comes over me when I press my body against her smooth, soft skin. Her heart pounds against mine as she reaches for my belt, tossing it into the rest of our chaos.

  It’s always mayhem with us and this is no different.

  All the tension between us is at its limit and we have to let it out. Right here on Professor Who-Gives-a-Fuck’s desk.

  “Are you gonna make me pay?” Lexi coos in my ear, a string of bees buzzing up my spine. My lobe lands between her teeth, my abs tightening. “Are you gonna make me a good mannequin?” She pushes my pants to my knees, my cock ready to burst through my boxers but I’m taking the wheel on this. My hand on her throat, she looks in a daze as I push her to the desk. Her pulse thuds against my thumb when I pull that firm ass to the edge. “Are you gonna make me thank you, Daddy?”

  “So much worse,” I groan, my tongue sliding up her warm thigh. “I’m gonna make you mine.” Stepping back, I reach for my slacks so I can grab a … “Fuck, I’m out of goldies, Goldie.”

  “Goldie?” She leans up on her elbows, blonde hair a mess.

  “Magnums, baby.”

  “No, you called me—”

  “It’s what I called you when I first met you. In my head. Now stop smiling at me like that.”

  She doesn’t. “I have some in my bag.” She points over to where her pink backpack dropped by the door.

  “In your bag?” Stepping out of my slacks, I move over to it and sure enough, there’s a stack of ‘em. “You know, the school might be onto something when they say you’re a—”

  “If you want me to keep being your slut, you’ll end that comment right there.” My cock throbs at her words. My slut. “And you’re so fucking judgemental when you’re the one who’s out of condoms. This double stand—fuck …”

  My cock stuffed inside her gets her to shut up and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t hard for me to speak now too. “Unless it’s a thank you, or a yes Johnson,” I growl, tossing her leg over my shoulder. “I don’t want to hear it.”

  “You never want to—God, yes!” Pulling out and plunging my cock inside her again cuts that comment short. My toes curl in my shoes, her warmness welcoming me.

  I have to feel that again.

  Pulling out and driving inside her feels as perfect as the first time. She screams when I do, telling me she feels the same. But if we’re gonna do this, she has to be quiet. So I take a random piece of fabric and stuff it in her mouth.

  As much as I want the school to hear her yell my name, this won’t look good.

  For either of us.

  But the look on her face tells me she loves it. Her knuckles whiten as she grips onto the desk, taking every inch of me. Her walls tighten around me, her back arching against the wood. I’m letting it out on her body with every hard thrust. The trial. Hockey. Her. Taking the fabric out of her mouth, I replace it with two fingers pushing deep into her throat. “Beg for it.”

  “Fuck me,” she moans and I pivot my hips faster. “Please, keep fucking me.”

  “Beg,” I groan, my abs tightening, my cock pulsing against her walls.

  “Keep fucking going. Please—”

  “Please, who?”

  “Please, my Ki-King!” Her eyes widen, those diamond eyes piercing mine. It’s like they shoot some sort of mind-control into my skull because that’s all it takes for the world to disappear.

  Picking her off the table, I spin us around, my chest pressing to hers, my ass on the desk. “You’re such a fucking slut,” I groan as we move our hips in this rhythmic beat. The entire time she bucks against me, I’m hypnotized by her eyes. Her hair bounces with her tits and she grinds against me so hard I can feel every bit of her. “You think you deserve to come on this cock?”

  “Yes! Yes!” She stares into my gaze, her nails digging into my back but the pain on my skin feels too fucking good with my cock inside her.

  “Ride me until you come like the slut you are.” My bulging muscles tight around her keep our sweaty bodies together as her legs quake around me and her back arches. A hand rising to her neck, I pull her lips to mine so I can feel everything. Her moans against my lips, her quickening pulse. The way her body gives in to me.

  “Fuuuck.” My peak hits like never before, like something takes over my body and twists me from the inside out. Everything slows, Lexi riding out her orgasm with her lips on mine.

  Then it all hits me like a brick as my back hits the desk.

  Lexi falls against my chest, a smile on her face. One I haven’t seen in a while.

  I’m mesmerized again.

  But with one last gaze, she gets up and straightens her clothes.

  A cold takes over me as silence takes over the room, the walls rising again. The classroom looks like a tornado blew through it and we’re not far from a natural disaster.

  She shuffles to her bag and I slip the condom off my cock, not caring when I toss it into the trash under the desk. My heart still pounds, my body lit up like a tree but when I look up, Lexi’s hand hits the doorknob. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  Her head whips to me, her messy blonde hair flying with it before she shrugs. “You left last time so—”

  “This is different,” I lean up on my elbows, eyeing the way she looks like a dishevelled cat. A cute mess. Wait, did I just say cute? Back to business. “First off, if
anyone sees you walking out of here like that, and then me walking out of here like this, they’ll suspect something.”

  “It’s not like we’re siblings.”

  “Not yet,” I remind her.

  She rolls her eyes but a small smile lingers as she drops her hand. “Is my mom really blackmailing you?”

  “That brings me to my second point.” Crooking my finger, I call her over, picking up the fabric and laying it over me like a blanket. Turning my body to one side, my elbow supporting my head, I wait until she’s by the end of the desk but that makes my abs tighten all over again. Like I’m ready for round two.

  Who knew Lexi was this good in the sack?

  According to rumours, everyone.

  Shaking the thought out of my head, I get to my point, but not without starting to take off the clothes she just put on.

  “Here’s what we’re gonna do.” Tugging her skirt to the floor, I meet her eyes. With the way she bites her lip, we’re on the same page. “I'm gonna fuck you again while we figure out how to break up our parents.”



  “Please tell me there’s a good excuse for this.”

  Soft fabric lands over my body as a stern voice awakens me.

  When I pull the fabric below my chin, hard wood underneath me, an angry Hera Tsang glares right back.

  Fuuucking shit.

  Professor Tsang blocks her eyes as I sit up, cold air brushing over my tits. Scrambling to push myself up, the boulder in my head slams against the other side.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Gripping to the piece of fabric covering my body, I pull it above my shoulders as it all comes flooding back.

  Whipping my head to my right, Isaac’s gone. And I’m left alone and naked on a professor’s desk. The classroom is the definition of “chaos” behind her. Just like us.

  He set you up.

  Closing my eyes, I’m hoping to wish myself away. I can’t begin to piece together what the fuck happened while I’m trying to hide my tits from the prof I’m trying to impress. “I’m so sorry, Professor Tsang, I—”

  Hera holds up a hand with shiny black nails. “I don’t want to know. Lexi, this behaviour is unacceptable. Not only have you missed your last major assignment but Drake Donovan says you haven’t shown up to any of your last appointments. And clearly, you need the help. So unless you’re willing to get it, I can’t help you anymore.”

  A burn comes to my throat as Hera turns for the door. “Wait! Isaac—”

  “You can’t keep blaming Isaac. We all know he’s no good and I warned you. So if you want to keep playing with fire and burn your career, that’s on you. I should’ve known Cassandra Lyon’s daughter would be—” My brows lower before she shakes her head, pulling her glasses down. “Do better, for Christ's sake.”


  I always thought getting told off by Hera Tsang would be because my tulle was too whimsical. Or my designs were too showy.

  Not because I’m naked in a classroom at one of the most prestigious schools in the country. Pulling myself off the desk with a groan, my thighs ache, so does my ass and it only reminds me of how I got here.

  Absolute fucking bliss.

  But this can’t happen again.

  If Isaac doesn’t ruin me, I’ll do it for him.

  “Wake up, Sexy Lexi.”

  Those words make my body stiffen, my eyes popping open.

  A hand claps over my mouth before my eyes focus on those dazzling browns, a glimmer of mischief behind them.

  A wave of comfort washes over me as the smell of leather and honey fills me. My body relaxes under his touch. But shouldn’t it scare me that Isaac Johnson hovers over me at this hour?

  I swear I only fell asleep a few hours ago. Hardly. I couldn’t work last night with no access to my account. It’s not like I could focus if I tried. All I could think about was the man hovering over me right now. It doesn’t help that his bare muscles are all on display.

  "Where have you been?" I ask, my voice a tired croak.

  He was MIA again yesterday. Never knew it would be so hard to find someone who lives with you.

  His eyes roam my body before they land on the toy beside my bed. The same one he used that night. The same one I used last night when I couldn't get to sleep. He smirks like he knows it and my cheeks heat as he moves his hand from my mouth, reaching for it.

  “What’re you doing?” I stop him, glancing at the golden clock beside my bed. It’s only five in the morning, the sun hardly peeking through the clouds.

  Isaac brings his finger to his lips, something hardening against my stomach.

  Is that why he’s here?

  Placing my hand on his chest, he's warm. Soft. Soothing. Then I close my eyes so I'm not distracted. “We should talk about—”

  “Get up. Get dressed.” He tilts his head towards my bedroom door. “We have work to do.” A cold washes over me when he moves away but I’m quick to roll over.

  “You can’t be serious.” My voice muffled into the pillow, a smack comes to my ass.

  Tingles erupt through my body before he slaps the other. “Get up.” His warm hands wrap around my ankles.

  When he pulls, I grab onto the golden frame, my fingers slipping. “Only if we talk!”

  “Did you forget, mannequin? You don’t make the rules.” My body lifts off the bed, his big strong arms wrapping around me. Warmth spreads from my core to the rest of my limbs. But I’m way too tired for this.

  “Wait!” Wiggling from his grasp doesn’t free me. Neither does pushing at his smooth chiselled face. He’s too strong. “Isaac!”

  The world is a blur before my feet land on the cold stone of the shower. Then cold water hits my face.

  I squeal, pushing out my hands to stop it from shooting up my nose. Isaac chuckles behind the hose, his boxers sitting below that sharp ‘V'. When the water stops, his eyes burn into my tits, then they fall, admiring the way the water has my silk pyjamas sticking to my skin.

  I’m awake now, enjoying the view of his cock hardening in his boxers. But I’m cold. So I spit the water I’m holding in my mouth at his face.

  A smirk appears on my lips when his jaw hardens. “I’m getting you out of those clothes whether you want to or not, baby.” He takes a step forward, his eyes like lasers when they circle my frame. Hot, warm lasers. “You know …” He steps in, fully clothed as I back against the shower wall. "We should do the earth a favour and save some water.” He hangs the showerhead back in its place before he traps me between his palms, his hands on each side of my head.

  My body stiffens as he brings his lips close to mine, and that same look he had yesterday returns to his face. Hooded eyes follow his husky tone and it makes my stomach twist. “What do you think about that, Sexy Lexi?”

  "Don't call me that." Leaning closer, I'm like a wasp drawn to sticky sweetness.

  "Mannequin." His thumb lands on my bottom lip, stopping me from closing the distance.

  I'm insane because this push and pull makes me want to taste him again. Feel him again. There are no angry emotions. We’re not plastered, no scotch blurring our decisions. So it scares me when I say, “Shut up and kiss me.”

  His lips slam into mine like we’ve done this a thousand times before, heat flowing from my mouth to my core. The bathroom walls fall around us and it feels like he’s abducting me into solace again.

  It’s not long before we’re both stripped, our clothes in wet piles on the shower floor and he’s keeping me quiet with his hands around my throat.

  Whoever said Isaac doesn’t do breakfast was lying.

  Ray. Ray was lying. Because that’s exactly what we’re doing.

  “A Reverse Parent-Trap,” he says, the feeling of his sculpted body still fresh between my legs.

  If I wasn’t tired before, after our time in the shower, I’m exhausted. My mind drifts to his wet hands on my skin, the cold shower offsetting our heat. Our passion. Our madness. It all made me ravenous.
/>   Isaac snaps at me, his impatience showing. But I’m savouring this moment. We didn’t plan it but we’re stylishly coordinated, his powder-pink designer suit matching my fitted dress. It makes me feel as rich as he is. As opulent as our environment. Bistro style with mahogany tables and velvet chairs. Gold dazzles from his wrist like the art on the walls, greenery and plants on another. Only a few tables sit occupied around us and while this feels like a dream, I know my life. It’s only a matter of time before I wake up.

  “Reverse Parent Trap,” I repeat, cradling the gold-rimmed coffee mug in my hands. “I like that.”

  I like this.

  No fighting. No bullying. Just … breakfast.

  Why can’t it be like this every morning?

  My cheeks heat when I catch my thoughts, settling back in my chair.

  “Made it up myself.” He winks, signalling to the server. “So, you got some good ideas to match my genius, baby?”


  It makes my chest tighten every time he says it. It’s common knowledge Isaac throws that word around like he throws his dick, but since his arrest, he hasn’t been his charming self. It’s the first time I’ve seen him this relaxed in weeks.

  And I can’t help but wonder if I have something to do with it.

  “Unfortunately,” I say, unable to hide my grin like a goddamn idiot. “This plan is gonna take more than a clever name.”

  “You can’t suck my dad off, Lexi.”

  My shoulders drop, my knitted sweater falling off my shoulders.

  Well, that didn’t last long.

  “Fuck you.” My foot flies at his leg under the table, but he catches it in his hand. My body tenses, my leg tingling with warmth from his touch.

  “You did.” He rests my foot in his lap, pulling off my heel. “Last night. This morning.” Then he just rests it there, but I don’t miss the throb of his staff. “And if you kick me again, I’ll have you screaming like I had you coming on my—”

  “How can I help you?”A beautiful brunette in a cute mini skirt comes over to the table.


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