Seducing the Dark Prince

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Seducing the Dark Prince Page 27

by Jane Kindred

  “Of course I don’t. Nobody’s an idiot for loving someone. And from what I saw, it seems I misjudged Lucien and his sister without even knowing them.”

  “They were both entangled in the darker side of Smok’s business,” said Theia. “But Lucien was trying to do the right thing. And I think, in her way, Lucy is, too. Of course, it’s all hers now. Lucien inherited the other end of it.”

  “I’m sorry, Theia.”

  “Me, too.”

  He turned onto the semiprivate drive that led to Phoebe’s place. Lined up on the side of the road in front of the house were two cars besides Rhea’s Mini in the driveway. Among them was Ione’s motorcycle, her not-so-secret secret.

  “What’s going on?”

  Rafe shrugged. “I haven’t been in contact with anyone. I left my phone in Cancún. Phoebe’s probably going insane right now.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  He parked behind what looked like Dev’s Mercedes. “Seems like the gang’s all here.”

  Rhea threw open the screen door and ran out as Theia stepped from the car, and Dev darted after her to catch the speeding ball of Puddleglum fluff making a break for it.

  Rhea bear-hugged her. “Why haven’t you called or answered your texts?”

  “I lost my phone.”

  Rhea glanced at Rafe. “So you did make it here. Phoebe’s on the phone, and you’re in big trouble.”

  Rafe grinned. “What’s new?”

  “Ouch. Trouble in paradise already?”

  “Nothing but good trouble.”

  Rhea linked arms with Theia, turning her toward the house. “You’re not going to believe who else is here.”

  Inside, Laurel was seated in Phoebe’s living room, with Ione next to her. They looked remarkably civil.

  “We pooled our resources,” said Rhea. “Did you feel it?”

  “I... The three of you? Together?” Theia shook her head in amazement. “I certainly did. I just didn’t realize—I thought maybe Phoebe had somehow joined remotely.”

  “It was Laurel’s idea.” Ione rose. “She came to find me. Said you were in trouble. She’d seen it, but she couldn’t reach you. So we formed the bond.”

  So it was Laurel’s ability she’d been channeling when she’d seen Daisy’s shade.

  Phoebe’s exasperated voice came from the cell phone sitting on the coffee table. “Is that Theia? Goddammit, you guys! What’s going on?”

  Rafe picked up the phone. “I’ll take care of her,” he said with a wink and headed for the bedroom.

  Rhea snorted. “I’ll bet you will.”

  Theia tucked her hands into her pockets, feeling awkward. “Carter said he’d sent draugr after all of you.”

  Dev nodded. “We handled it.”

  Rafe popped his head out before closing the bedroom door. “He’s finished, by the way. He won’t be bothering anyone anymore.”

  Rhea glanced at Theia. “Leo took him to Náströnd?”

  Theia shook her head. “Lucien took him.” She sank onto the couch. “And he’s not coming back.”

  “Oh, sweetie.” Rhea enfolded her in her arms. “I’m so sorry.”

  * * *

  They stayed up talking until Leo arrived just after dawn. Dev and Ione headed home, giving Rafe a ride to his place, while Laurel headed back to Flagstaff despite Rhea’s insistence that she was welcome to sleep there. Theia finally got to crash.

  When she woke after noon, Rhea and Leo were gone. Rhea had left her a box of her favorite sugared cereal. Theia curled up in the papasan chair with the entire box, eating it by the handful. She’d finished her finals, so she had the whole day to just wallow and be disgusting.

  But someone was heading up the drive as she glanced out the window. Theia sighed and set the box aside as Lucy pulled up in front of the house. How had she gotten this address? She supposed Smok’s database had everyone’s information. She locked Puddleglum in the bedroom and opened the door.

  “Theia.” Lucy took off the dark shades that made her look like one of the Men in Black. “I wanted to thank you for what you did for me last night.”

  Theia shrugged. “You would have done the same.” She held the door open. “Did you want to come in?”

  “Actually, I came by because I knew I couldn’t reach you by phone.” Lucy held out a brand-new smartphone. “It’s from Smok.”

  “Oh.” Theia took it reluctantly. “I guess I’m still bound by the contract.”

  “It’s not that kind of phone.” Lucy made an attempt at a warm smile. “It’s just a gift. The contract, well...that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Did you come to wipe my memory? Because I think you’re going to have to use your flashy thingy on my entire family if that’s what you have in mind.”

  “Flashy thingy?”

  “Men in Black. Never mind.”

  Lucy shrugged. “I don’t watch television. But, no, I didn’t come here to make you forget. I talked to Fran this morning, and she mentioned the text you and she translated.”

  “It’s kind of a moot point now. He’s gone.”

  “It’s not as if he’s dead.”

  “Well, it’s not as if I can just go to hell, either. Unless you came for my soul.”

  Lucy made her scoffing version of a laugh. “Not today.” Well, that was encouraging. “I received a call from Polly. She said you should go see her.”

  Theia sighed. “What, do I owe her more blood for her help last night?”

  “I think she has something for you, actually.”

  Polly might have saved Lucien’s skin last night, but there was no way she didn’t want something else for her trouble. Theia might as well get it over with. The sooner all of this was over, the sooner she could get back on track with her program and her classes. She hadn’t even looked at the outline for her thesis in over a week.

  Business was apparently already in full swing for the evening when she arrived at Polly’s place. The bouncer seemed to recognize her, even though she was sure she hadn’t seen him before. Maybe there was something about Polly’s gammon that gave them away. Maybe he could smell it on her; he was big and bearded, and he looked like a werewolf. On second thought, maybe he was just a bear.

  A waiter escorted her to Polly’s table without asking who she was, and Polly, mercifully, was alone.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  Polly smiled, aqua-blue hair flowing in waves over her shoulders to rest on a teal gown that sparkled with red where her fingers brushed the nap. “Theia, darling. Have a seat.”

  Theia scooted into the booth reluctantly.

  “Lucy told me what happened with Lucien, and I understand there was some prophecy about the two of you? That only one of your line can break the Smok curse?”

  “I could have, but it’s too late.”

  “Not necessarily. I know the words. I heard them many years ago. And the key begins with the descent of the goddess.”

  Theia wrinkled her nose. “I don’t even know what that means.”

  “It means, sweetie, that you couldn’t have broken the curse before it came to pass, before Lucien’s transformation was complete. It means you have to journey to the underworld to complete your ‘quest.’ It’s one of the oldest myths. You can find it in many cultures.”

  “And how the heck am I supposed to journey to the underworld?” She’d already asked Rafe and Dev and even Leo about the possibility. Even if they’d been willing to help her enter it, there was no telling if Lucien shared a common underworld with them. It was all about perception—his. “The gates have to be opened, and only Lucien can do that. And I can’t contact him.”

  “The thing about Polly’s is that it exists in many dimensions at once, in many places and many times. If I choose, the doors can open virtually anywhere.” Polly smiled darkly.
“Even in hell.”

  It took Theia a moment to understand the significance. “Wait...are you saying you can get me into hell?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  “What would I have to give you?”

  “Nothing at all, darling.”

  “You don’t strike me as the altruistic type.”

  Polly laughed. “No, indeed. But Lucien is special to me, and I’d prefer for him to be able to travel in this plane and not be trapped in hell being miserable. Besides, I owe him one, and I don’t like owing people. So if you’ll agree to go in and get him, I’ll open the door for you. It’s as simple as that.”

  “And will you open the door for me to come back, or is this a one-way ticket?”

  “Such a smart question. Two-way door. No strings attached.”

  She didn’t need to think about it. “I’m in.”

  As busy as the Grotto was, she couldn’t imagine how Polly was going to manage having a door that opened into hell, but Polly, of course, had a separate, private door. When she opened it, it was impossible to see what lay on the other side.

  Theia took a deep breath and stepped through. But she was still in Sedona, golden-orange setting sun glinting off the red rocks encircling the little enclave where Polly’s was tucked. The back door led to the alley. Polly was full of shit.

  Theia turned around, but the door had disappeared. Great. She’d fallen for the dumbest trick in the book. She hoped the siren and her creepy friends were having a good laugh.

  When she walked around to the front of the building, the parking lot was empty. The sign that said Polly’s was still there, but the club looked dark inside. What was going on?

  Theia yanked open the door, determined to give Polly a piece of her mind—and found Lucien, in his human form and looking absolutely devastating. He was seated in front of a fireplace in a leather chair with his feet up on a matching ottoman, intent on reading some leather volume.

  Theia breathed in sharply, intending to say his name, but only a squeak came out as she choked on her own saliva. He’d taken her breath away. Again.

  Chapter 34

  Lucien glanced up at the sound, and his mind couldn’t make sense of what his eyes were seeing.

  “Theia?” He jumped up from the chair, scattering the delicate pages as he let the ledger fall to the floor. Maybe he was starting to hallucinate. She couldn’t be here.

  He crossed swiftly to her and peered into her eyes, hands at her shoulders, and Theia sputtered, eyes welling up as if she’d swallowed wrong and couldn’t catch her breath.

  Lucien pounded her on the back awkwardly. “Are you okay?”

  Theia nodded, the moisture in her eyes a little brighter as she gazed up at him.

  “What are you doing here? You haven’t...”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I haven’t crossed over. Polly opened a door for me.”


  “She said she owed you one. When I went through the door, I thought she was pulling my leg. It looks just like home out there.”

  Lucien nodded. “It’s merely a different plane. It’s all about perception. Which is why you perceive me as myself, as you knew me.”

  “Stop talking like you’re dead.”

  “I am, to the plane above. I can’t come back, Theia.” He tucked her hair behind her ear, pained by her understated beauty. “God knows, I wish I could.” The irony of his choice of words wasn’t lost on him.

  “But you can. Fran and I deciphered Madeleine’s message. The curse can be broken.”

  “Theia, it’s too late. I’m not human anymore. If I went back, I’d be a monster. And I have a job to do here. It’s all very bureaucratic and dull, actually. You can’t even imagine. Nobody burning in a lake of eternal fire, no demons prodding people with hot pokers. Just a lot of people doing ordinary jobs. And a lot of creatures that have to be cataloged and managed in their proper zones to keep order. There are lower levels, of course. Personal hells. Like where Carter Hamilton will spend eternity feeling powerless and bitter.”

  “Lucien, listen to me. There’s a way for you to return with me—at least part of the time. If you’re willing to be bound to me.”

  “Bound to you?”

  “Fran said it was a blood bond.” Theia’s cheeks went pink. “We might...have to have...offspring together.”

  “Offspring?” Lucien’s hands fell away from her shoulders and rested at her hips. “Are you telling me you’d have my child?”

  “Well, not right away. I mean, I have my master’s to finish, and I was hoping to get my PhD—”

  “You realize you’re certifiable.”

  “Maybe a little.” Her mouth curved up in a slight, mischievous smile. “All it means for the moment is that we’d agree to be bound by blood. Always. It would break the curse that keeps you from being able to retain your human form in the earthly plane—and it would tie me to hell along with you.”

  Lucien frowned, the little flicker of hope she’d ignited extinguishing. “I can’t tie you to hell, Theia.”

  The flush of pink in Theia’s cheeks took on the redder hue of anger. “You don’t get to make decisions for me, Lucien. If I want to tie myself to hell, I damn well will.”

  Despite his misgivings, Lucien couldn’t help smiling. “Damn well, huh?”

  “Oh, shut up.” Theia slipped her arms around his neck as he let his hands travel around her waist. “Just say you’ll do it and kiss me.”

  Lucien did the latter, just to silence her, but their mouths together felt right—everything about her felt right. He’d forgotten how not touching her felt like he was deprived of air. And the idea of having a baby with her wasn’t, as he’d always imagined, an unthinkable prospect. It wasn’t anything he wanted any time soon, but he wouldn’t mind the practice involved.

  “This would it work?”

  “Fran said it could be a finger prick and a vow. Or...other physical contact involving...fluid exchange.”

  Lucien laughed. “You’re saying if we have unprotected sex, I can walk out that door with you and end up in the earthly Polly’s.”

  Theia smirked. “That’s the idea. And there’s no rule that says we can’t use the morning-after pill. I’ve got some at home, in fact.”

  Lucien lifted an eyebrow. “Do you, now?”

  “You never know when you’re going to need it—or a friend or sister is.”

  He trailed his fingers down her arm, enjoying the little shiver the touch elicited. “I suppose they’re all waiting for you now.”

  She shook her head. “They have no idea I’m here. Polly’s offer took me by surprise.”

  Polly was full of surprises, it seemed. She never did anything without expecting something in return. But Lucien was thinking too much again. There would be plenty of time to find out what she wanted later. Right now, Theia was here, and he was flesh and bone, and he wanted her so badly his chest ached.

  Theia was watching him intently, as though cataloging his emotions as he cycled through them. “So what do you think? Should a son of Smok and a daughter of Lilith be eternally bound by blood?”

  “Is that a proposal?”

  Theia colored. “I didn’t mean... That’s not exactly...”

  Lucien laughed and kissed her, pulling her into his arms. “Doesn’t matter, darling. For you? Whatever it is, the answer’s yes.”

  * * *

  Despite thoroughly enjoying the necessary ritual, Lucien maintained his skepticism until he walked through the back door with Theia, prepared at any moment to do a quick about-face and return to his den. But when the door opened into Polly’s suite, he was still himself. Polly was nowhere to be found, and Lucien walked out the private door with Theia into the spring Sedona evening, and nothing changed. Crickets were chirping, Oak Creek was still running over
its polished slabs of sandstone, and the full moon was unabashedly gorgeous.

  Lucien drew Theia into the circle of his arms. “No claws or wings. It seems Madeleine’s loophole works after all.”

  “Fran said you should come see her. There might be a time limit to how long you can stay, but the Smok Biotech serum might still be useful in setting your own schedule.”

  “Time enough to figure that out, though, I suppose. Right now, I just want to go home with you and do some more bonding.”

  * * *

  Phoebe arrived home from Cancún the following morning, still a little cranky about having been abandoned on her honeymoon and a bit put out to discover that Ione and Dev had beaten her and Rafe to the altar. Rhea had conspired with Dev to throw Ione a surprise reception, and Theia helped distract Ione, taking her shopping and bringing her back to her house to find the entire place festooned with cream satin ribbon and balloons.

  Lucien showed up looking gorgeous in a buff-colored silk suit. “You didn’t tell me what you’d learned about Fran,” he murmured as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

  “I didn’t think it was my place.”

  “Lucy knew. For years, apparently. I asked her why she didn’t tell me, and she said it wasn’t her fault I was born stupid.”

  Theia laughed. “Yeah, I get that kind of thing from Rhea a lot. There’s an evil twin in every set, I guess. So did she have any insight into how long you can stay?”

  “She thinks it may be tied to the phases of the moon.”

  Theia turned in his arms and smirked. “So I guess we’ll have to wait and see if we get PMS together.”

  Lucien grinned, but then his expression turned serious. “I also talked to Polly. Her comment about owing me one was evidently in regard to my circumstances solving a rather vexing problem for her. It turns out Carter Hamilton was actively trying to turn her patrons against her in his bid to control the unnatural world. That stopped, of course, the moment I took him with me through the gates. But what she said she owed me wasn’t the opportunity to let you complete your rescue mission.” Lucien winked. “That was for her own selfish purposes. What she wanted was to return this.”


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