Dominated by the Billionaires

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Dominated by the Billionaires Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  She drove up the black paved driveway and pulled around the circular drive before stopping directly across from the front door. The only car she saw was a sleek-looking luxury one. Maybe the rest are in the back? Mara knew these clubs were exclusive, but did she really think she was the only one invited? No, that seemed a little farfetched. Shutting off the engine, she sat in silence and stared at the front doors. The home looked so inviting, and the neighborhood was posh.

  What are you doing here, Mara? She was having second thoughts––well, more like fourth and fifth thoughts, if she was being honest. There had been so many times that she was tempted to turn the car around and just go back home. She didn’t know what was waiting for her on the other side of those doors. For all she knew it could be some serial killer just waiting to tie her up and beat her to death. But didn’t she trust Rose? Of course she did, implicitly. Didn’t her best friend tell her to let loose and explore every part of her psyche? This darker side, the one that resided deep down in her marrow, demanded that she give in, try out whatever may be in that house. Before she could decide if she would stay and see where this all led or run away and hide in the perfectly organized world she had built for herself, there were a few light raps on the window. Startled, Mara turned and looked out the driver’s side window. A man dressed in a smart black suit was bent down to eye level and smiling. The white shirt he wore was almost neon in its intensity as the shadows wrapped around him. His black tie was thin and sophisticated. He was an older gentleman, maybe in his late fifties. Mara could see strands of white streaking through his temples. His smile was warm and friendly and when she went to roll the window down, she noticed he took a step back to allow her some personal space.

  With her window down only partly, she didn’t know why she was acting so flighty. She had told Rose everything the invitation had said, even had mentioned the address. It wasn’t like no one knew where she was, and if, God forbid, something happened to her, there was someone out there that knew where she had gone and who she had been going to see.

  “Ms. Stephenson?”


  “I’m Randolph. The Masters of the house have asked me to see if you need any assistance, seeing as you’ve been out here for quite some time.”

  Mara looked at the clock on the dash and realized she had been sitting in her car for the past ten minutes. Her cheeks heated in embarrassment at the thought Jere and Nico had been watching her, knowing she was here yet she had been sitting in her car, staring at their home, like some kind of freak. She took a deep breath and looked back at Randolph.

  “No, I’m fine.” Grabbing her purse, Mara rolled up her window and opened her door. Randolph smiled down at her almost reassuringly and held his arm out for her to take. She looked down at it for a moment and then slipped her arm in the crook of his. Despite his age, Randolph felt hard and unyielding. He led them up the spacious front steps and pushed open one of the double doors. Immediately the scent of roses and vanilla assaulted her senses. The front doors opened up to a grand foyer with gleaming marble flooring and a wide, spiraling staircase. There were several rooms off to both of her sides, the majority of their doors closed. The ones that were open showed a kitchen off to her right and a sitting room to her left.

  “The Masters are currently…engaged in other affairs, but should be free momentarily.” He held his hands out and it took her a moment to realize he wanted her purse. Once she relinquished it she watched him set it on a small table by the front doors. “Would you care for a cocktail whilst you wait?”

  “Sure.” He nodded and disappeared into the open doorway of the kitchen. Despite her mind telling her to stay put, her curiosity got the better of her. Mara found herself following Randolph into the kitchen. She stayed in the doorway, watching as he expertly made her a martini. The kitchen was just as glorious as the rest of the house, with dark oak cabinets, black gleaming countertops, and shining stainless steel appliances. It was a cook’s paradise. She was so busy looking at everything that she didn’t realize Randolph was standing beside her until he cleared his throat.

  “Here you are, Miss.” He held out her cocktail and she gratefully took it. She would definitely need a little liquid courage before the night was over. “Would you care to have a seat in the drawing room?” At her nod he led her to the room directly across from the kitchen. Like the rest of the house she had seen thus far the drawing room was all dark wood and light colors. A fireplace was in front of a group of leather couches, and one whole wall was lined with books.

  “The Masters will be with you momentarily.” Randolph smiled at her once more and then left. She made her way to one of the couches and sat down. Randolph’s mention of the “Masters” being engaged in other activities tickled the back of her mind. She didn’t want to think too hard on what they could be doing. A part of her was a bit annoyed over the fact she had been invited to come here yet she was supposed to wait until they felt the need to grace her with their presence. Mara also had yet to see any other guests, although she surmised they could be in another room. The house certainly was large enough, with more rooms than she could count.

  She had just finished her martini when deep voices came from the hall. She stood and turned to watch Jere and Nico coming right to her, their conversation ceasing as their gazes locked on hers. When they entered the room she felt her body heat and perspiration start to dot her flesh. They stopped right in the doorway, their expressions not showing anything. Thankfully she had the cocktail glass, because she desperately needed something for her fingers to hold onto. The room was silent and Mara felt acutely aware of their stares, of the way their probing eyes seemed to undress her.

  “Mara.” Jere’s deep voice hinted of an exotic accent. His dark hair looked slightly disheveled, his eyes hauntingly erotic. The dark slacks he wore didn’t hide his powerful, muscular thighs. The white shirt he wore was crisp looking, and the first three buttons were undone. She could see the olive, toned flesh that was revealed, and the light sprinkling of dark hair peeking through the collar. He moved close to her, stopping right in front of her so that if she inhaled deeply their chests would press together. He was tall, so tall that she had to tip her chin back to look into his eyes. He was of Italian heritage with thick, black lashes that framed equally onyx eyes. Her breath stalled just being near him. He smelled good, like pine and wilderness with a hint of the spicy cologne he wore. He didn’t speak, just continued to watch her, his eyes boring into hers.

  She cut her eyes around his arm to see Nico coming to stand beside her as well. Where Jere’s exotic dark looks promised an equally dark night, Nico’s blond hair and blue eyes soothed her, even though she knew it was a false sense of comfort. She had seen both men in action, knew what they were capable of and where their desires leaned. She had done more research on them since getting their invitation. There was nothing she couldn’t find out about them on the Internet. They were owners and partners in the illustrious law firm Alejandro & Woodston. The billionaire partners weren’t just acknowledged and renowned around the world for their ability in the courtroom, they were also known as playboys who had no qualms about showing off their latest female conquest of the week. The dirtier tidbits she found had required a little digging on her part. Their good looks and success had a lot of women vying for their attention, and when Jere and Nico were done “entertaining” those women and pushed them to the side for the next, well, let’s just say there were a lot of scorned females. Those said women were not afraid to blog about their encounters, about the way Jere and Nico liked to watch each other fuck them, like to whip and tie them up. Some even said the men needed to dominate them. Mara knew it was much more than just ordering them around. She had seen their domineering natures firsthand.

  They were intense and commanding, and every single one of the posts she read said they enjoyed their women obsequious.

  She licked her lips and saw first Jere dip his eyes to her mouth, and then Nico do the same. “I got your invitation.�
�� Nico stepped away from her and she heard glass clinking behind her, but Jere held her gaze and she found it impossible to break the hold he had on her.

  His smile was slow and then he said, “Yes, I see you did.” He didn’t say anything else and his close proximity gave her the urge to move a step back, but once again she couldn’t find it in herself to do that.

  “I don’t see any other guests.” Even she could hear the hesitance in her voice. Again, his smile was slow as it spread across his face.

  “No, and you wouldn’t, Mara.”

  Her name slid off his tongue like a sensual caress. She felt her eyes drifting closed before she realized what she was doing and snapped them back open.

  “W-Why?” Being so close to him sucked the air right from her lungs.

  “Because no one else was invited. This party is strictly for the three of us.” Nico’s deep voice slid around her from behind. She could feel his chest brush her back and the sensation caused a shiver to race through her.

  She couldn’t even find the words to respond, but there was a part of her deep down inside that was thrilled at his words. To know that they had invited her only, that they wanted only her, caused fear, anxiety, and excitement to melt into one, merging until all she could do was tremble. “Why would you do that?” Her voice was low and she kept her gaze on Jere. Nico’s hands landed on her shoulders and she felt her nipples bead from that simple touch. Of course that was not lost on Jere when his eyes dipped to her chest and the corner of his mouth tugged up.

  Nico’s breath teased the shell of her ear as he whispered, “Why would we invite others when you are the only one we want?”

  Chapter Six

  Nico moved so he stood in front of her. His presence seemed to be the only thing that could drag her gaze off of Jere. Staring into his blue eyes, she found herself falling into them. Even her traitorous body leaned forward, as if it needed to be closer to him.

  “Of course you are free to go at any time.” Nico said this very nonchalantly, and just like that the haze around her was broken and she blinked. Both of them moved away from her. Nico sat on the couch while Jere went to the bar and poured himself a drink. Nico gestured for her to sit beside him by patting the spot to his left.

  She could leave at any time, but looking between the two of them had awoken many different emotions. Images of the last time she saw them played throughout her mind. She wanted that. She wanted to experience the darker desires that had wreaked havoc inside of her for years. Could she really let everything go? Both Jere and Nico stared at her, as if they knew the internal battle that was waging war inside of her. She took that first step, and then another until she was standing right in front of Nico. His posture was one of leisure. His right leg was stretched out in front of him, his left bent at the knee. One arm was propped on the back of the couch and his other held a square-cut glass.

  He gestured for her to sit beside him again and she found herself folding herself onto the couch, knees clasped together tightly, and hands in her lap. Nervousness didn’t even begin to describe what churned inside of her. Jere sat in the armchair across from them, his body taking the same relaxed position as Nico. He too held a drink.

  “I think I’d like a drink.” Her throat was dry and the martini didn’t have nearly the intoxicating effect she desperately needed.

  “Randolph did serve you a refreshment, didn’t he?” Jere brought his glass to his mouth and took a small sip. His dark gaze stayed on her as he waited for her response.

  “Well, yes, but I think I’d like another. Maybe something stronger.”

  “We think it best if your judgment, as well as ours, is not clouded by the cloying effects of alcohol.” Jere’s voice was smooth and rich, like the amber fluid he sipped on.

  “One cocktail will help loosen you up, but more than that and it starts numbing the experience of the activities planned for this evening. If you'd like we can get you something non-alcoholic?" She turned her attention to Nico. There were several inches between them, but still, his body was very large and muscular and the couch seemed far too small for the both of them.

  "No, that's all right." What shewanted was a shot.The need to argue with them was strong, but she had made the conscious decision to come here tonight. Taking a deep breath, she conceded that she would play along, well, for as long as she deemed necessary. There was no doubt that she could leave whenever she pleased, and if it got too intense she knew where the door was. She settled back against the couch and crossed her legs at the ankles. Jere made a tsking noise and she looked between the two of them.

  “Your decision to come here tonight has led us to believe that you are fully aware of the type of activities Nico and I participate in.” She nodded and he continued. “We also assume you have done your research on us, even the ones that hold negative connotations.” A glance at Nico had her nodding again.

  “That’s good. So, before we start is there anything you would like to ask us before we lay some ground rules?” Nico set his glass on the table beside him and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs.

  Ground rules? She had a thousand and one questions going through her mind, but she didn’t know where to start. Although she had read books and watched movies on the lifestyle, she still felt completely unaccustomed to what they expected of her. “I…” Could they tell how nervous she was? She glanced down at her entwined hands and then felt a finger under her chin, lifting her head up so that she was staring into cut crystalline eyes. The blue of them swallowed her up and her heart pounded in her chest.

  “There is nothing to be apprehensive about, Mara. We are all consenting adults seeking to have an enjoyableevening. You are not a prisoner here, and if at any time you wish to leave we will see you to your vehicle safely.” Nico’stouch was light yet strong and she felt herself nodding. “When you accepted our invitation you were not blinded by where our tastes run. You saw us with those two subs, and saw what we liked.” He let go of her chin and she licked her lips.

  “But why me?” Out of all the questions running rampant in her mind that one stuck out immediately.

  Nico and Jere looked at each other and then it was Jere who put his glass down and spoke. “We are very dominant men, Mara, and as such we prefer our pleasure to mimic that. Our women must yield to us, but they do so because they derive their own pleasure in gratifying us.” She didn’t have anything to say to the idea that they wanted her to accede to them in every way possible for the sole purpose of giving them satisfaction. Could she degrade and humiliate herself just so Jere and Nico could get off? The idea made her panties become uncomfortably wet and she shifted to try and ease the ache.

  “Come here.” The rough command from Jere sent shivers down her spine. A glance at Nico showed he wouldn’t be giving her any support in any of this. His expression was dispassionate as he picked up his glass and tipped it back. She watched his throat work as he swallowed.

  “Nico will not give you the safety you are clearly searching for. Do you wish to continue?”

  They had barely started and already she felt on edge. Nodding, she stood and walked over to stand before him. He set his glass down, then steepled his fingers in front of his mouth, and watched her. “First we will establish a safeword. Do you understand the purpose of a safeword, Mara?”

  “Yes, I understand.” Her hands were behind her back and she could feel the sweat start to form on her palms. She knew enough that a safeword was used when a willing participant got a little too much out of a scene. A safeword was only spoken when the sub couldn’t handle the play that was being delivered. She never thought she would be standing in front of one of two dominants, two men who were informing her she would need to decide on her safeword.

  “It is quite simple, Mara. If you wish to stop at any time you will say red. Yellow is used if things are getting too intense and you'd like us to slow down. Green, well, green means you thoroughly enjoy what is being done and wish to continue."

  A look behind
her shoulder showed Nico in the same position, but his expression was no longer dispassionate. He looked almost eager.

  “I-I understand...”

  “Any other word aside from the ones discussed above will be ignored. If you say stop, we will continue. If you say no, we will take you further into the depths of pleasure until everything else fades away.”

  The way he said the last part made everything inside of her tighten with anticipation. He sounded so sure of what he said, like he knew that exactly what they were going to give her was what she needed. Maybe it was and maybe it wasn’t, but she wouldn’t know until she gave in.

  Chapter Seven

  They led her down a long, elaborately decorated hallway, Jere in front and Nico in back. They had spent the last twenty minutes going over what kind of limits would be involved tonight. Jere had mentioned no limits, which Nico quickly declined, stating she was not ready to relinquish total power to them. Mara had sagged in relief, thankful that Nico had stepped in. They had discussed hard and soft limits and they explained a hard limit was something that was exclusively off-limits for now. Jere and Nico agreed there would be no edge play, which she learned could be anything from knife play, or fire play, to even erotic asphyxiation. She was glad they had no desire to do those with her because she didn’t know if there would ever be a time when she would be okay with those types of play. Mara hadn’t missed the gleam in their eyes, though. A part of her wondered if they ever participated in any of those activities, and if so, had they liked them?

  After the limits were set they explained to Mara exactly what they had planned. Whips and restraints were a couple of the things they described to her. She wasn’t opposed to any of that, especially when she had seen them in action. They knew what they were doing, knew how to extract pain while bringing pleasure. She may not have been the recipient of their expertise, but she had seen the look of rapture on the face of the submissive that had been tied up to take the punishment Jere had delivered. She hadn’t stuck around to see Nico in action, but as commanding as she knew he was there was also a part of him that seemed gentler than Jere. Maybe it was all in her head? Maybe she was hoping there was a softer side of him, one that would ease her into what they were going to do, because she sure as hell knew Jere wasn’t going to go easy on her.


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