Worlds of the Never: A book with Dragons, Faeries and Elves, mixed with Science Fiction and Time Travel, for Young Adults and Teens. (Tales of the Neverwar 2)

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Worlds of the Never: A book with Dragons, Faeries and Elves, mixed with Science Fiction and Time Travel, for Young Adults and Teens. (Tales of the Neverwar 2) Page 8

by CJ Rutherford

  ‘I won’t let you harm them. We’re coming for you, you know that don’t you? We…I will not let you harm anyone else. We will…’

  The laughter broke through before she finished, but Gwen sensed the strength behind it falter. The longer the entity was away from the pit, the weaker it became…interesting.

  ‘Leave now, child. If you approach the pit, you will all perish, and your souls will be mine. You have been warned.’

  And with that, the entity dropped into the pit below to be swallowed by the blackness. Gwenyth waited a few fleeting seconds before rushing back to her body. The whole exchange had taken seconds in real time, but she had much to discuss with the others.

  Chapter Twenty

  Washington DC

  Senator Celia Alvarez smiled out the window of the limo, as it drove up to the security gate of the large white building set back in luxurious grounds. She’d been here a few times before, but never as a personal guest of the most powerful man in the world.

  It was all dropping in to place, as she’d been promised it would, when she sold her soul to the devil. She laughed, attracting a look from the Secret Service agent in the passenger seat. Her public persona was a twisted mirror image of her private life. She’d never have risen to such a lofty position in her country’s government, if even a rumor of her ‘interests’ became public. It was amazing the story had never broken, but then Celia surrounded herself with like-minded people; powerful people, willing to do what it took to remain in power. There were several unmarked graves around the country, two of which she herself had helped fill; such was the price of breaking an oath.

  As they pulled up to the security hut, she put on what she affectionately called her ‘game face’, beaming out at the guard as he checked the schedule. These minions were beneath contempt to her, just so much dross, but the game had to be played. She pushed the button to lower the window.

  “Good evening, Charles. How are you?” She’d been through once before and had read the guard’s name tag. A photographic memory was just one of her abilities.

  The guard’s eyes widened, but he grinned as he returned her ID to the agent. “I’m fine, Ma’am, thanks for asking. It’s good to see you again.”

  Well, at least the prole had manners. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other, Charles. Now, be sure and have a nice evening now, y’hear?”

  She saw him glimpse down as she leaned forward in her seat, exposing her full bosom in her low cut top. She laughed again at the redness flushing his face, as Charles realized he’d been caught in the act. Any more conversation was curtailed, as the car moved off toward the underground parking garage. ‘Men are so easy to control,’ she thought, and was answered by cruel chuckle emanating from the core of her corrupted soul.

  ‘Soon, you will have control of everything here. Men, women, and children will be yours to do with as you please.’

  The promise of power and fulfillment of twisted desires made her shiver with anticipation and desire. Maybe she’d have a chance to alleviate some of the pressure soon. This president was a weak man, but if the rumors were true, a decent lover.

  The door opening startled her out of daydream, as the agent stepped back pulling it wide. She swung her long and exquisite legs out and exited gracefully, taking in the pristine surroundings. It may only be a parking garage, but this was probably one of the most secure places in the world. Another smile graced her lips as she walked toward the elevator, flanked by the two agents.

  ‘None of you are safe, not anymore. Are they, my master?’ The laugh within answered.

  The lift ascended three floors, the doors opening to a much more luxurious corridor in the residence of the White House, home of the President of the United States of America.

  ‘At least for now’ she thought. If her plans…sorry, WHEN her plans came to fruition, she would be the one sitting in the Oval Office, being courted by the governments of the world. She might even let them think they still had any say in their own country’s running. Or she might just kill them all. She’d have to think about that, but she had time.

  A familiar figure strode towards her, and she put on her most seductive smile as Harvey Simpson, her commander-in-chief, extended his hand. She took it, but instead of shaking it, he raised it and brushed his lips gently across the back of her knuckles. She flushed. It looked like she would be getting her satisfaction after all.

  “Why, Mr. President, aren’t you the most charmin’ man ever?” she said in her honeyed Southern drawl. It was an affection she used to great effect, along with her other gifts. She had the intelligence of a professor, but the body and lust of a harlot; a body she used to full effect this evening, as she saw her next victim drink in the sight before him. Her raven hair spilled over a slender athletic pair of shoulders, and he continued his gaze downward, passing her breasts and hourglass figure, taking in the legs revealed through a hip high slit in the red dress.

  “And Senator Alvarez, aren’t you one of the…most beautiful senators it’s ever been my pleasure to entertain.”

  He’d been about to say “sexy”, Celia was certain, but there were rules which had to be followed, especially with two agents standing within earshot.

  “Celia please, Mr. President.” She cocked her head coyly to one side, giving him a look which might have sparked a forest fire in a Californian summer.

  He returned the gaze for an instant before breaking it, reluctantly, and looking across at the two agents. “Gentlemen, that will be all for the evening.” As the agents nodded and walked down the hall, his attention returned to his guest. “And it’s Harvey. Please, come this way.”

  Celia felt the warm touch of his hand on her elbow, as he guided her toward the room he used as his personal office. The hand moved fluidly to the small of her back as she slid alongside him. This would be easier than she’d thought, as she shivered in anticipation. They entered the room, and as the door clicked shut behind them, Celia looked around. The room was…cozy, would be the best way to describe it. Not tidy, but not untidy, it had a homely feeling. This was an extension of the man, and Celia liked it. She also liked the huge sofa at one side of the room.

  The table in front was laid out with coffee and a selection of snacks, but once she had taken a seat on the edge of the chair, her host crossed to the fully stocked bar and poured two glasses of branch bourbon, dropping a lump of ice into each. He returned to the sofa and offered the glass to her.

  “Most guys like branch over ice,” she purred, “the ice cools the heat of the liquor.”

  “But then, you like the ice in after, so the heat of the liquor melts the ice.”

  The man had a way with words, she’d give him that much.

  “So, Harvey, why am I here tonight; when I know your wife is on a visit to a,” she chuckled, “wives’ centre in Maine?”

  Harvey shifted towards her. “My wife isn’t here because I didn’t want her here. You, on the other hand, are here because I do want you here.” His hand shifted to her knee, feeling the tremble pass through her.

  “Oh my, Mr. President. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you wanted to have your wicked way with me.”

  “I’d have you any way you wanted, Celia. You know that.”

  ‘This is so are so easy to corrupt.’ She thought.

  ‘Didn’t I tell you? Soon, this man will be dead, and you will sit in his seat. Enjoy him now. Make him think he is the master. Savor the kill.’

  He was close, close enough to kiss, but she turned her head. Ever the tease, she shrugged him off and got up.

  “I can do better than a couch in your snug, Harvey. I’m not one of those interns you happen to enjoy so much.”

  The slight registered. Celia knew the couch in this room was probably the most infamous ‘casting couch’ outside of Hollywood, but the game was hers to play. She had her prey on the hook as she crossed to the desk. She sat on the edge and arched her back as she stretched her long legs out.

/>   “What do you want?” he asked.

  There it was. She had him.

  “You, in your bed. Your bed, Harvey; the one you share with your wife.” She stared into his eyes, daring him to say no. It was comical, but she couldn’t laugh. The male ego was a fragile thing, and she needed him to take this step.

  He got up, and she smiled as the effect of her presence was obvious by his flushed expression.

  “I’ve…I’ve never crossed that line, Celia. What makes you think you’re worth it?” He was close in front of her now. As she stood up and stepped in to him, she sensed a tremor pass through his body. This was a huge step for him. That would make it all so much more satisfying.

  “What makes you think you’re worth it, Mr. President? I don’t make a habit of late night calls at other people requests, even if they are the Leader of the Free World.” She turned away again and crossed to the table, bending over to reach for her glass. She knew he was staring at her; that had been her intention, and she chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” His tone was indignant, but her growing perception could feel his desire, his need to have her.

  “You, looking at me.” Celia smiled as his brows furrowed in confusion. “A couple of buttons is all that’s stopping you from seeing me…in the flesh, if you know what I mean. But I think you’d rather play games.” She glided over to him, getting as close as possible without physically touching.

  “Do you like to play games, Harvey?” He was shivering now. “I do. I like to imagine men are my servants. How would you like that, Harvey? Would you like to be my servant?”

  What she’d just said was only half true, but there was no point in frightening the poor man; not yet, anyway. She was at the top of the food chain in all things in her life, especially the bedroom. But it was time to give the man a little more rope. She brushed his neck with her lips, feeling him shiver in response. She was really going to enjoy this.

  “Maybe we do need to go somewhere else,” he panted, and eagerly took her hand, leading her out the door and down the hall. They entered a room which was clearly the marital bedroom. There was a scent of woman’s perfume in the air, and a glimpse into the adjoining bathroom revealed make-up and other toiletries.

  Celia breathed deeply, drinking in the comfortable surroundings. This was their space, Harvey’s and his wife’s. She was the invader here, and she savored the feeling of victory as she crossed to sit on the edge of the huge bed. She sighed as she arched her back, feeling Harvey’s gaze on her and smiling.

  “What are you waiting for, Mr. President? Don’t like getting on your knees?” She laughed as the man began to struggle out of his shirt.

  “Stop that, NOW!” Her tone halted Harvey in his tracks, and she realized she might have gone a little overboard. There would be time for that, but for now at least, she’d let him keep a little of his dignity.

  “I want to undress you, Harvey. But I want you to…enjoy the experience.” She smiled up at him, and he returned it. “Besides…we have all night.”

  Her smile turned into a leer as Harvey took her hands, pulling her into a long kiss.

  Yes…all night. The voice inside joined her inner laughter.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The Chapel

  Perri, Krista, and Derren watched Katheryne sitting cross-legged on the ground, as she attempted to communicate with Chran. This was the third attempt, the first having been straight after she entered the chapel over an hour ago. The second had been after Derren and Krista arrived, but both times she’d failed to make a conscious link. She’d could sense how Chran was feeling, and provide her own compassion in return, but anything beyond that came back hopelessly garbled. Chran might be able to understand Katheryne, but she couldn’t understand his replies.

  But this time was different. Katheryne was in a deeper trance than either time before, and the changing expressions on her face told them she was definitely communicating with someone. The glowing figure, which had been Chran, sat in an identical pose facing her on the floor, though there was no outward sign of any contact.

  Katheryne abruptly slumped forward, before raising her head and opening her eyes. Instantly, Derren was there at her side.

  “Easy, love. You’ve been sitting on the ground for almost an hour. You’re bound to be a bit stiff.”

  Katheryne looked up and gave him a smile of thanks, before attempting to rise. Even with Derren’s help, it took a few seconds for her to straighten up.

  “Thank you.” She leant over to give him a peck on his cheek, before indicating the glowing figure still sitting on the ground. “Chran is dead, but I’m sure you already suspected that.”

  “How is that even possible?” It was Krista, with her trademark directness. “If he’s dead, then he shouldn’t be here. His soul should have joined with the Never by now. I’ve never heard of anything like this happening before. Have you, Derren?”

  Her twin shook his head, “No, and I don’t understand this either. Katheryne, did he manage to explain anything to you?”

  “Well, he knows he was murdered.” The others reacted in various fashions to this news. Perri put her hands up to her mouth, gasping in surprise, but the twins stood glaring at Chran, or what he’d once been; their friend.

  “Koron deceived us. He’s been working with the Tenybrists all along, perhaps even before Sanctuary made its move. Chran’s spirit managed to linger a while after his death, and overheard him plotting the fall of the Dranis IV leadership. If we hurry, we might be in time to prevent that. Their movement is still small, but they plan to reopen the portal.”

  Derren cursed under his breath, and Katheryne looked at him wide-eyed. “Sorry, love. I just hate being betrayed all the time. How are we to trust anyone if they are so adept at hiding from us? Chran is...was, damn good. It shouldn’t have been possible to hide the truth from him.”

  Katheryne took his hand, squeezing it, and projected her love and comfort to ease his grief. “I think this is the reason Koron was used. He’s known Chran for years. I have no idea how long he’s been working for the enemy, but he knew enough to fool him.”

  “And he hasn’t got a clue we know about him, does he?” asked Krista, a cruel grin appearing on her face.

  Katheryne shook her head. “No, but we can’t go yet, there’s something I need to tell you guys. Something Chran told me about why he’s here. Besides wanting to warn us, of course.”

  The others interrupted their angry ruminations to pay attention to what she had to say.

  “Ok, well as I said, he wanted to warn us, but that wasn’t enough to allow him to stay here. You’re right,” she said, nodding to Derren and Krista, “he should have joined with the Never shortly after his death. But something, someone, called out to his soul and gave him the strength to remain. In fact, this someone is on the way here right now. Unfortunately it may be too late, if it doesn’t arrive soon. Chran’s will is weakening, and he only has a few minutes left before he passes over.”

  Derren walked across and observed the glowing figure on the ground. The intensity of the light had clearly decreased.

  “Is there anything we can do to help?” he asked, desperately. “You mentioned this thing gave him the strength to remain. Might we be able to do something similar?”

  Katheryne sighed, and Derren knew his wish was impossible. “No, I’m sorry, Derren. Chran gave me a glimpse of this, whatever it is, and it’s different from anything I’ve ever sensed before. It’s powerful too, but in a different way than you or I. I don’t know how to describe it’s alien.”

  Derren raised an eyebrow and smiled his crooked grin. “I’d have thought by now you’ve met enough people from other planets, to get over calling them aliens, love”

  Perri snorted. “Actually Kat, if you want to be totally honest, we’re both in love with one.” She instantly blushed, as Krista snapped her head round to stare at her. They’d never said the words out loud, but Krista’s smile and flushed cheeks confirmed she fel
t the same.

  Katheryne stared at Derren, conveying her love as well. “Yeah, Perri. I suppose we can’t help who we love, can we?” She stuck her tongue out and chuckled.

  “But this entity is something else. It’s not from here. It doesn’t belong in this universe, at least not anymore.” The last comment awakened a memory in her mind, and as the others watched, she closed her eyes and put her fingertips to her temples. Suddenly, her eyes flew wide open.

  “Oh shit! Everyone stand back.” She ran at them with her arms outstretched, forcing them away from the centre of the chapel where Chran sat.

  “What are you doing…?” Derren’s question was cut off, as a keening sound began to reverberate through the walls and the floors. All of them put their hands over their ears, but it was barely enough to stop their eardrums from rupturing. Just as Derren was going to drag everyone out there was a loud popping noise and the racket stopped. In the air above Chran was an object. It was round in shape, not a perfect orb, more a sort of...

  “It’s an egg.” Perri identified it before any of the others. “But damn, it’s a big one.”

  Katheryne walked closer, and the egg began to float down to the ground. It shone brightly in the light from Chran’s glow, which had intensified again with its arrival. As she watched, Katheryne saw a crack develop on its golden surface. Then another, and before a minute had passed, the four were looking in wonder at something which only existed in legend. Derren and Krista were well aware of dragons, but the creatures which had destroyed their world had been black and twisted beyond recognition.

  The infant dragon raised its foot-long head and appraised them with a suspicious gaze, looking each of them up and down in turn before shaking its head. Then, it gave a small sniff and turned gracefully to face Chran, who was now on his feet. As they looked on, the dragon seemed to recognize Chran, and walked over to curl itself around the legs of the form.


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