Baker, Beatrice, 37–8, 97, 105
Baker, Henry, 37
Balliol College, Oxford, 228
Balmer Lawrie, 81
Baluchistan, 50n, 220
Bamfield, Veronica, 17, 18, 41, 310
Bandipur, 281
Bangalore, 37, 99, 144, 150, 280
Bangor, 176
Bannu, 283
Bareilly, 152
Barkeley-Smith, Rupert (‘Gappy’), 59, 168–9, 171, 206, 207
Baroda, Gaekwar of, 158
Barrackpore (Barrackpur), 114, 120, 293
Barrett, Evelyn, 155, 156, 250–1, 262
Barton, Pete, 259–60
Barton, Ruth, 53, 259–60
Basra, 277
bats, 88, 258
Battye, Stuart, 242
Bayley, Vernon, 283
Bayley, Viola, 283–4
Bay of Bengal, 92, 102
Bay of Biscay, 21, 24, 30, 37
Beames, John, 60, 62
bearers, 261, 263
bears, 197, 198, 283
Beatrice, Princess, 112
Bedford, 9th Duke of, 64
Bedford, George Russell, 10th Duke of, 64
Bedford, Herbrand Russell, 11th Duke of, 63–4
Bedford, Mary Russell (née Tribe), Duchess of see Tribe (later Russell), Mary du Caurroy
Bedford School, 56
bees, 90
Belgium, 289
Bell, Gertrude, 99, 125
Belvedere, Calcutta, 204
Benares, 8, 118, 129
Bengal, 58, 59–60, 61, 67, 72, 88, 137, 160, 176, 204
post of Governor General created, 34
Bengal Army, 174, 217
Bengal Chamber of Commerce, 181
Bengal Infantry, 3
Bengal Lancers, 61
Bengal Medical Service, 33
Bengal Native Infantry, 10th, 293
Bentinck, Lord William, 187
Beresford, Lord William, 164–5
Berhampore, 228, 229
Berkshire Regiment, 272
Bhopal, Begum of, 131
Bihar, 58n, 65, 92, 176, 209, 249, 252, 263, 276, 284
Bingham, Maude, 131
bison, 280, 297
Bisset, Sir William, 118
Black, Dorothy, 213
Black Watch, 193
Blane (later Wood), Minnie see Wood (née Blane), Minnie
blister-fly, 90
boars, wild, 290–1
Bombay: East India Company sends women to, 2; experience of arriving in, 72; impact of Suez Canal on journey time to, 10; plague spreads from, 245; Poona as hill station for, 194, 195; presidency army, 217; prostitutes in, 68; reception of Lord and Lady Elgin in, 108; steamers between Suez and, 21, 22; brief references, 18, 38, 46, 50, 54, 58, 73, 74, 94, 100, 117, 129, 137, 152, 206, 208, 209, 211, 213, 259, 260, 267, 270, 272, 276
Bombay, Baroda and Central Indian Railway, 261
Bombay Midnight Missions, 68
Boote (later Trotter), Sarah Honoria, 175
Bourne, Hilda and Jim, 254–5
Bowen, Annette, 102–3, 159
Bowen, Charles Henry Croasdaile, 102
boxwallahs see businessmen
Boyer, Charles, 54
Boyle, Vicars, 217
Brassey, Florence, 132
Brighouse, 60
Brighton, 7
British Army, 10, 15, 41, 56, 57, 58, 62, 64–5, 67–8, 81, 232 see also names of regiments
Brittany, 40
Britten, Anna, 3, 4
Britten (later Corbett), Charlotte, 1, 2, 3, 4–5, 6, 7
Britten, George, 3, 4
Britten, Mary, 2, 3, 4–5, 6, 7
Britten, Thomas, 3, 4
Brooke, Sylvia, 141
brothels, 67, 68
Brown, Claude, 139
Brown, Stewart, 145
Bruce, Christian, 110, 114
Bruce (later Babington Smith), Lady Elisabeth (Bessie), 97, 108–24, 129–30, 242
Bruce, Elsie, 109
Bruce, Veronica, 110, 119
Bryan, Charles, 164, 165
Bryan, Florrie, 164, 165
bubonic plague, 245–6, 247, 305
Buck, Edward (‘Bucky’), 270
bungalows, 68, 69, 80, 256–8
Bunji, 280
Burford, Lord, 113
Burma, 10, 53, 58n, 213, 277
Burma Rifles, 220
Burma Shell Oil Company, 103, 107
Burton, Colonel, 160
Burzil Pass, 288
businessmen, 68–71, 81–2
Bute, Lady, 24, 130, 141
Butler (née Smith), Ann (Iris Butler’s mother), 265, 266, 270, 271
Butler, Austen ‘Rab’, 38, 266, 269, 270
Butler, Dorothy, 265–6, 270
Butler, Sir Harcourt, 187, 265 and n, 267
Butler (later Portal), Iris, 38, 169, 196, 265–7
Butler, Jock, 266
Butler, Montagu (Iris Butler’s father), 38, 265, 268, 270, 271–2, 274, 275
Byculla Ball, 134
Byron, Geoffrey, 43
Byron, Mabs (‘Aunt Mabs’), 28, 43
Cairo, 21, 271
Calais, 214
Calcutta: annual migration to Simla from, 187–8; climate, 87–8, 89, 92, 93; earthquake, 118; Elisabeth Bruce’s life as Viceroy’s daughter in, 109–10, 111, 112–13, 113–4, 119–20; exclusion of Indians, and Britons born in India, from government social functions in, 35; experience of arriving in, 73–4; Fort, 198, 251; a journey to Sialkot from 78; prostitutes in, 68; seat of government moves to Delhi from, 132, 262; social life in, 101–2; Trotter family in, 175–6; weekends away from, 104–5; brief references, 4, 6, 10, 52, 54, 72, 75, 76, 79, 81, 117, 129, 143, 145, 146, 181, 183, 185, 199, 204, 228, 229, 247, 266, 283, 284
Calcutta Club, 170, 174
Calcutta High Court, 181
Calcutta Light Horse, 101, 183
Calcutta Port Trust, 78
Calcutta Season, 97, 113–14, 119
Calcutta Week, 106
calling cards, 94–6
Cambridge, 79, 100, 266; King’s College, 60; Trinity College, 116
camels, 222
Cameron, Captain, 133–4
Campbell-Martin, Monica, 91, 92, 93, 98, 247, 249, 283
Canning, Lady Charlotte, 87, 88, 89, 92, 241
Canning, Charles, 1st Earl of, 88
Cape Colony, 18n
Cape of Good Hope/Cape route, 2, 18, 19, 21
Cape Town, 115
Carey Evans, Olwen, 51
Carey Evans, Thomas, 51
Carnarvon, 176
Caroline, Queen, 5 and n
Carroll, Mike, 208
Cassels, Seton, 206, 285
Cassels, Sylvia, 206, 207
caste system, 83, 133, 240
Cat’s Paw, The, 99
cavalry, 62
Cavalry Club, London, 171
Cavalry Regiment, 3rd, 210
Cecil Hotel, Delhi, 146
census (1851 and 1861), 11
Central Provinces, 58n, 271, 272
Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), 10, 32, 103
Chamberlain, Field Marshal Sir Neville, 194
chaperoning, 98–9, 269
Charlotte, Queen, 217
Charlotte, Princess, 5n
Cheltenham College, 56
Cheltenham Ladies’ College, 63
child mortality, 33
children, 33–4, 35–6, 266, 292–3, 295 and n, 308
China, 5
China, 45
Chitty, Mrs, 134
cholera, 86, 243–4 and n, 245, 247
cholera belts, 27, 86
chota peg, 27, 260
Chouillet de Jassey, Marguerite Lucie (Bébé), 40–1
Christmas, 87, 114, 273
chummeries, 68, 69
Churchill, Winston, 120
Church Missionary Society, 37
circumcision, 167 and n
civet cats, 90, 106
Civil and Military Gazette, 49
, 165
Clandeboye, Lord, 177, 178, 179, 180
climate, 85–93
Clive, Robert (later Lord Clive of Plassey), 9, 34
clothes, 22, 26–7, 28, 33, 39, 81–2, 82–3, 85–6, 97, 108, 109, 111, 113–14, 119, 122, 123, 130, 135–6, 154, 156, 238, 260, 261, 266–7, 281, 295–6, 298
Club of Western India, 274–5
clubs, 79–80, 235–6
and Indians, 162, 170–1
coaling, 28, 267
cobras, 253
cockroaches, 89
Cohen, Lady, 118
Collett, Clara, 12
Collett-White, Captain Harold Edwin, 144, 145
Colombo, 32, 33, 38, 52, 54, 99, 213
Contagious Diseases Act (1864), 67
Cooch Behar, Maharaja of, 119
Cook, Henry, 236–7
Corbett, Lady Augusta, 6
Corbett (née Britten), Charlotte see Britten (later Corbett), Charlotte
Corbett, Louisa, 7
Corbett, Lieutenant Stuart, 1, 2, 6–8
Corbett, Rev. Stuart, 1, 6
Cornwallis, 208
Cornwallis, Charles, 1st Marquis 34, 302
Coronation Durbar: 1902–3, 27, 125–9; 1911/12, 24, 44, 130–2, 141
corsets, 27, 86
cotton cloth, 68
Council of India, 183
Council of State, 262
Country Life, 298
courtship, 139–53
Coward, Noël, 301
Crawford, Joan, 107
cricket, 164
Crofton, Olive, 254–5
Crowe, Mrs, 153
Cunningham, Henry Stewart, 189 and n; The Chronicles of Dustypore, 189, 301
Cursetji Sukhlaji Street, Bombay, 68
Curzon, Alexandra Naldera, 191 see also Curzon daughters
Curzon, George, 1st Marquess, 90, 98, 123, 125, 127–8, 158, 160–1n, 190, 191, 193
Curzon, Lady Mary, 90, 98, 127–8, 191, 193
Curzon daughters, 132 see also Curzon, Alexandra Naldera
Cyprus, 18n
Dacca, 176, 181
Dakuria Lakes, 101
Dal Lake, 196, 199
Darjeeling, 91, 119, 120, 193–4
Darjeeling Hill Railway, 193–4
Darjeeling Mail, 193
Dasera Durbar (1933), 159
David, Prince of Wales, 51
Deccan, the, 43
Deccan Horse, 210
Delhi: dust in, 87; durbars held in, 125–9, 130–2; replaces Calcutta as the capital, 106 and n, 132; Viceroy House (by Lutyens), 106, 134–5, 136; brief references, 41, 77, 146, 147, 187, 189, 213, 268, 270
Delhi boils, 242
Delhi Week, 87, 106, 203
De Lisle, General Sir Henry Beauvoir, 246
dengue fever, 247–8
dental treatment, 283
Devonshire Regiment, 146; 11th, 194
Dholpur, 165; Maharaja of, 158
Diamond Harbour Route, 101
Dinapur, 217
diphtheria, 241, 247
disease see illness/disease
District Officer, 58–9, 60
Diver, Maud, 80, 187, 192, 203, 308
Diwali, 38, 87
Dobson, Austen, 39
Dobson, Mary, 39
Dogra Regiment, 17th, 196
dogs, 89, 197, 216, 244–5 and n
Douglas, Olive, 94–5
Doveton College, Calcutta, 259
Downing Street, 228
Dragoon Guards, 4th/5th, 43, 210
Dranghadra, 172
Drawing Room, 113–14, 119
Drinkstone, 143
Dublin Horse Show, 295
Du Boulay, Alice, 13
Du Boulay, Freda, 133
Du Boulay, Rev. James, 13
Du Boulay, Jim, 133
Du Boulay, Professor Robin, 13
Dufferin, Lady, 64, 88, 93, 132, 190
Dufferin, Lord, 64, 132, 177, 190
Dunlop-Smith, James, 265
Dunne, Irene, 54
Dupleix, Joseph, 34 and n
Durbars: 1858, 10; 1876, 129; 1902/3, 27, 125–9; 1911/12, 24, 44, 129–32, 141; 1933, 159
Durham, Lord, 131–2
dust storms, 93
Dyer, General, 170
dysentery, 241
earthquakes, 118, 243–6
East India College, 56
East India Company, 1, 2–3, 3–4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 18, 19, 21, 34–5, 41, 55, 56, 82, 102, 105, 166–7, 174, 175 and n, 193, 217
Eden, Emily, 255
education, 11, 13, 34, 56–7, 63
Education, Health and Lands, Department of, 268
Edward VII, King, 125, 158; as Prince of Wales, 158
Edward VIII, King, 183
Egypt, 18n; Pasha of, 21; see also names of places
Elephant Dance, 273
elephants, 126, 128, 158, 159, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 273, 279, 285, 290, 291, 297
Elgin, Constance, Countess of, 85–6, 108–9, 111, 112, 113, 114, 122, 129–30
Elgin, James Bruce, 8th Earl of, 170
Elgin, Victor Alexander Bruce, 9th Earl of, 97, 108–9, 109–10, 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 129
Ellerman, City and Hall, 69
Elliot, Lady Eileen, 133
Elliot’s Beach, 103
engagement, 202–15
enteric fever, 237
entertainments, viceregal, 125–38
Eton, 56, 116, 272
Eton dinner, 117
Eugenie, Empress, 10, 158
Eurasians, 34, 52, 173–4, 175, 269–70, 294 see also Trotter, Grace Minna
Evans, Florence, 22–4, 260
Evans, Joseph, 254
Evans, Jimjack, 119
Exmouth, 295
Exshaw, Mabel, 209–10
Famine Fund, 116
famines, 240–1
fancy dress balls/parties, 25, 103, 132, 141, 223, 224
FANYs, 205–6
Fayrer, Sir Joseph, 33
Fellowes, Ronnie, 130
Ferozpur River, 197
Field (later Williams), Bethea, 30–1, 75–6, 88, 96, 136–7, 186–7, 192–3, 216–29
Field, Catherine, 218
Field, Colonel Charles, 47
Field, Charles William (father of Bethea and Violet), 218, 226, 227, 228
Field, George, 217, 218
Field, Mary (mother of Bethea and Violet), 47, 218, 224–5
Field (later Acheson), Violet, 47, 48–50, 220–1, 223, 224, 225, 226, 259, 311
Field, William, 217
fighting, 116, 118–19, 226, 248 see also Indian Mutiny
Firpo restaurant, Calcutta, 228
First World War (1914–18), 37, 40, 47, 48–9 and n, 78, 243, 294
Fitzroy, Yvonne, 158, 161, 303
Flaherty, Robert and Frances, 279
flannel, 85–6
flying/flights, 308 and n
Forbes, Rosita, 158
Foreign and Political Department, 50, 232
Forest Hill, 1, 3, 7
Forestry Department, 102, 267
Forestry Service, 15
formality and protocol, 81–3, 94–9, 135–6, 159
Forster, E.M., 166, 167–9
A Passage to India, 166, 167–8
Fort William, Bengal, 203
France, 289 see also names of places
Fraser, Lady, 74
Free School Street, Calcutta, 68
Fremlin, Marjorie (‘Billie’) Gladys, 37, 278–81
Fremlin, Maud (Billie’s mother), 37, 279
Fremlin, Ralph (Billie’s father), 37, 279–80
Friend of India, The, 265
Frontier Constabulary, 283
furniture, 232, 257
Galle Face Hotel, Ceylon, 32, 33, 99
Gallipoli, 266
Gandhi, Mahatma, 167, 170
Ganges delta, 73, 101, 237
Ganges plain, 188
Gangtok, 91
gardeners, 256
Gardner’s hors
e (2nd Royal Lancers), 271, 272
Gauntlett, Miss, 44
George IV, King, 5n
George V, King, 24, 125, 136n
George VI, King, 125, 129–30, 131, 183
Germany, 47, 49n, 209, 297; U-boats, 49 and n, 277
Gilgit, 248–3, 285–90
Gillin, Sir Henry, 89
Glasgow, 261, 278
Glyn, Elinor, 160–1n
Godden, John, 97
Godden, Rumer, 97, 194, 203, 310
Godolphin, 9
Gokal (bearer), 267, 270
Golconda, 220
Gonds, 269
Goodwood, 289
Gorgeous Hussy, The, 107
Goschen, George, 116
Gough, Hubert, 53, 258, 259
Goullet, Margaret, 4
governesses, 11, 14
Government House, 83; Bombay, 108; Calcutta, 83n, 111, 112, 113, 120, 170; Madras, 94, 96, 137–8, 162, 296; Nagpur, 273, 275; Ootacamund, 297
Government of India, 81 and n, 181, 183, 268, 269
Grant, Harry, 230–1, 285, 286
Grant (née Hardy), Lucy Elinor see Hardy (later Grant), Lucy Elinor
Grantchester, 100
Grass Hills, 298
Gratton, Claudine, 17, 18, 38, 83, 99, 107, 149–50, 151–2, 208–9
Gray, Douglas, 290–1
Gray, Mary Clementina, 293
Great Australian Bight, 33
Great Game, 15, 119
Gregson, Podge, 172, 210–11
Gregson (née Hanson), Violet see Hanson (later Gregson), Violet
Greig, Charles, 52
Grenadier Guards, 63
Gribbon, Nigel St George, 213–15
Gulmarg, 91, 196–7, 198–9, 285
Gurez valley, 282
Gurkhas, 65, 151, 226
Gwalior, 77; Maharani of, 120
Hackney, 12
Hague, the, 40
Haileybury, 56
Hall, Henry and Margaret, 232
Hall, Margery (‘Magda’), 152, 237
Hamilton, Arthur, 275, 276
Hamilton, Lieutenant-Colonel Claude, 27
Hamilton, Duke and Duchess of, 24
Hamilton, John (‘Ham’), 208–9
Hamilton, Olivia, 281–2
Hammersley-Smith, Ralph, 152, 237
Hangu, 277–8
Hanson, Sir Francis, 42
Hanson, Pearl, 42
Hanson (later Gregson), Violet, 28, 42–3, 50–1, 94, 172, 210–11, 239, 257–8
Happy Valley set, 140
Hardinge, Lady, 132
Hardy, Major-General Frederick, 39
Hardy, Jessie, 39
Hardy (later Grant), Lucy Elinor, 39, 193, 230–1, 285–6
Hardy, Willie, 39, 230
Harpur Trust, 56
Harrow, 56
Hart, Desirée, 66, 73–4, 77–8, 241–2
hawking, 270
Hayling Island, 213
Henry (later Allen), Joan, 51, 149, 196, 247, 249
Henry, John, 209–10
Henry of Battenburg, Prince, 112–13
hierarchy, 81–2, 141–2 see also precedence
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