My Big Fat Fake Engagement

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My Big Fat Fake Engagement Page 34

by Landish, Lauren

  I knew it. There’s no way this woman was so dick-hungry that all this chasing me was just about . . . me. She wanted to control One Life, just as I thought. Me and my dick were just gravy to her.

  I shudder to think what would’ve happened if she’d actually gotten my dick. I would’ve been tied up in a mess of her making.

  I scoff, shaking my head. “You think you can do what we do?”

  Missy turns on me, her vile rage twisting her features. “Absolutely! Everyone knows gym sales are all about tits and ass. I’ll reel them in with marketing and manage the books, and I’ll hire some slick talking hotties like AJ to keep them there, paying money hand over fist. I’ll have the best facilities, the best location, and be the BEST!”

  She sounds maniacal, about this far from needing a happy pill and a straight jacket, but I think this is barely the summit of her hissy fit.

  Missy fit? Missy hissy fit?

  She’s gone full Veruca Salt . . . give it to me now, I want the world, I don’t care how, I want it now!

  Something in what she said piques my attention, and I tilt my head. “AJ?”

  Missy slams her fist down on the table triumphantly, blind to all she’s saying. “Yes! He loves me, follows me around like a lapdog, so I know he’ll go with me. And my gym is going to put you out of business!”

  Ross takes over, feeding her more rope to hang herself with as Jeffrey goes red as a tomato. I have to hand it to Sanders, though. He’s not stopping Missy from verbally spilling it all, nor is he stopping Ross. I think Jeffrey wants to hear all this too.

  “Did you think my father wouldn’t tell me about this deal?”

  Missy laughs. “I knew he didn’t know exactly what you were doing, didn’t know about the deal with Daddy. I heard you talking about it with Violet.” She smiles smugly. “The more you know, you know?”

  I must’ve missed the afterschool special where they covered conniving, backstabbing, and corporate espionage.

  Violet pales, looking at Ross. When did this happen? I mean, I wish he’d told me all along, but I don’t care that Ross shared everything with Violet. They’re a team. But . . .


  “The day of our ‘planning meeting’,” Missy spits. “I needed money, he’s got money, and sometimes, keeping the circle tight is the safer bet. Let your own Daddy issues keep me protected.” She’s smarter than she comes off, that’s for sure, but not nearly smart enough.

  “And when, if I may ask, were you going to inform your father that you’ve violated oh, about a dozen different securities and exchange laws with your little plan?” Courtney asks, her face stone-cold serious. “Not only as the notary public who certified the contract but as an employee of your father, also exposing him to civil and criminal liability?”

  Jeffrey throws his napkin on the table, clenching his teeth in fury. He stands up, speaking out of the side of his mouth as he glares at Missy. “If you’ll excuse us, I have some things to discuss with my daughter.”

  “They’re lying!” Missy blurts out, desperate to defend herself any way she can, even if it’s by throwing a smoke screen to put the focus somewhere other than her misdeeds. “Kaede and Courtney! They’re not even engaged. I asked Morgan, and he said Courtney is single.”

  “Because we hadn’t told our families yet,” Courtney says, her tone sharp as a sword. “We were waiting until after their anniversary and the expansion announcement so we didn’t steal their thunder. Thanks for ruining that.”

  It’s our only lie, but it rolls off her tongue so easily and coldly. Ice Queen is in effect and freezes Missy’s childishness in its tracks.

  Ross and I exchange glances. We didn’t think Jeffrey was in on this, but we couldn’t be sure. It was just too . . . amateurish. Not his style at all.

  But a spoiled little princess who probably bought her college degrees while doing fuck-all through her classes and figured she could get by on her family name, looks, and connections? This is exactly the sort of shit someone like that would try and pull.

  And I believe that he’s as blindsided by Missy’s actions as we are. That doesn’t change what we have to do now, though.

  Ross holds up a hand. “Actually, Jeffrey . . . one more thing.”

  Ross is polite and Jeffrey tries to wave him off. But I’m not an Andrews and haven’t had the same amount of spit-n-polish social training Ross has had from birth. I’m a rough kid who plays posh when it serves me, but I can flip out of that role at will. So now, I slam my hand on the table, growling, “Sit. Down. Jeff.”

  He looks at me in shock. I doubt anyone’s dared to order him to do anything in a long time, if ever. But I’m allowing for no give here. We’re finishing this tonight. Now.

  The deadly intent in my tone pulls him out of his little self-absorbed universe and shrinks him down to human size. I don’t think he’s a bad man, maybe a father who’s made some mistakes in how he’s raised at least one of his daughters. But that’s not my problem to fix. One Life and this contract are, and it’s my turn to do what I do best.

  Solve problems by any means necessary.

  Ross nods, giving me the floor. Both Jeffrey and Ross are accustomed to being the big dog in any room, but a smart man knows that the most dangerous man is the one with everything to lose. And that’s me. I have Courtney by my side for real, but I will protect this gym with everything I have.

  And right about now, it’s time for me to unleash hell.

  “Let me explain how this is going to work. You have invested time, energy, and effort in this relationship, especially in regard to the site in Charlotte. In fact, I spent yesterday going through it all, line by line, totaling everything from your spending on materials for Saturday’s events to the consulting that’s already been done. That sum total will be reimbursed to Sanders Investments by the end of business Friday.”

  It’s a lot of money, more than I have, and it puts Ross pretty deep into his own personal funds. But we have to do it this way.

  “Pursuant to Paragraph Twelve of our agreement, due to corporate misconduct by one of the parties, we are hereby terminating our partnership with you. If you disagree, we will bring the matter to court, where we will insist on damages. We’ll definitely win, and that doesn’t even account for the public and professional blowback you’ll get when word gets out.” I glance at Missy harshly, and Jeffrey knows that anything she has touched in the past, present, or future will be poisonous fruit for his company.

  “Additionally, neither you, nor any of your subsidiaries, will be allowed to be a stakeholder in One Life at any time in the future, and if you or any of your subsidiaries” —I look directly at Missy, staring her down— “attempt to utilize knowledge gained under the contract or during this contract period by becoming a competitor in any market, we will pursue legal action to the fullest extent of the law.”

  Jeffrey knows he’s been backed into a corner. He doesn’t like it, not at all, but in the end, he nods. “Agreed.”

  I let up, toning my voice down just a little. “I want you to know, Jeffrey, that I think you really do believe in family. And this family, we won’t stop. Ross and I will go on to build the national brand we’ve dreamed of. You will go on, doing what you do best . . . investing. And we’ll part on good terms.”

  I’m adding that last bit based on the revelations here at dinner tonight. Because I swear, Jeffrey Sanders looks like he’s aged ten years over a single plate of half-eaten lasagna.

  Missy, however, still isn’t done. “No! It’s mine! Don’t let them have it!”

  “Be quiet, Melissa.” He’s so angry he doesn’t even look at her. Instead, he keeps his eyes on Ross and me. “I get my full investment back, contract is null and void, and no legal proceedings,” he summarizes. “Or publicity.”

  We both nod. It’s a pretty standard give, and we’ll whip up an NDA on this to include with the contract dissolution agreement. Jeffrey is silent for a moment. I can see the figures and math working their way through his he
ad. He’s smart and knows we’re letting him off the hook relatively lightly, but I can appreciate his analyzing all the angles. I certainly did when Ross and I talked this through.

  Finally, Jeffrey nods. “Agreed. If you’ll have your lawyer draft it up, I’ll sign and send it back by courier by close of business Friday.”

  “Nooooo!” Missy whines loudly.

  “If you’ll excuse us. Truly, Violet, my compliments to your Nana’s recipe and your lasagna. Regretfully, though, I don’t have the appetite for tiramisu.” Still a man of manners and class to the bitter end. To Missy, his voice goes hard. “Let’s go, Melissa.”

  He virtually drags Missy out, her eyes glaring at Ross, Courtney, and even Violet before they settle on me. Why me? “You ruined everything! You were supposed to be mine. This was all supposed to be mine!” she screams through blubbering, snotty tears. Her face is streaked with rivers through her makeup, mascara trails beneath her eyes as she acts like she’s the one who’s been wronged, when all of this is her doing, her misdeeds.

  “And obviously, you’re invited to no longer be a member at One Life.” It gives me such ridiculous relief and joy to be done with her. I hate that she blew up this opportunity with Jeffrey, but knowing that I will never have to fight her off again or be careful about how I phrase things so she doesn’t affect our investment is a sparkling, shining silver lining to this whole mess.

  She huffs and wails once more as Jeffrey pushes her out the door.

  Silence reigns for a long minute after Jeffrey closes the door behind him but is finally broken when Ross says quietly, “I think I know who Disney can cast in the next MCU movie as the villain. That was an epic meltdown.”

  “A Missy Hissy Fit,” I declare, having decided on that somewhere during her rant.

  Violet laughs, and then we all laugh at the outrageousness of Missy’s antics. A little of it is probably the burn-off of the adrenalin from the business side too, but whatever it is, it feels good to finally let go and just be the four of us. Friends and family, always. “When our toddler is throwing a tantrum and I’m tempted to give in to make it stop, remind me of this moment. That is what happens when kids aren’t told no.”

  “I’d say ‘Poor Jeffrey’ and almost feel sorry for him, but I’m pretty sure that’s his handiwork, intentional or not,” I admit, leaning back. “He probably spoiled his girls because he could, but also because they did lose their mom, and I imagine, as a parent, you want to somehow make that better. I’m glad my mom didn’t go that route. I’m enough of a bastard as it is,” I joke. “Can you imagine if she’d spoiled me too?”

  “Didn’t I see some kind of granola bar things from her on your counter a couple of weeks ago?” Courtney asks pointedly.

  My mouth drops open. “You cannot make a correlation between Mom’s jungle bars and Jeffrey never telling Missy no. My mom just shows her love in food, and I show it by eating it all and telling her how delicious it is. And they’re oatmeal, not granola!”

  “Food is a love language,” Violet intones, already digging back into her lasagna as if Gymaggedon didn’t just happen around her perfectly appointed dining room table.

  “You think Missy was bullshitting about AJ?” Ross asks as he picks up his fork. “Or was she reading into his ogling and training a bit too much?”

  “We’re going to have to talk to him,” I admit, “maybe even let him go. If he knew what Missy was up to, we don’t need him around.”

  “We’ll deal with that first thing tomorrow,” Ross says, turning his attention to his plate. “I think I’m ready for that tiramisu. Anybody else?”

  He gets up, taking his plate to the kitchen along with everyone else’s. When he tries to take Violet’s, she pokes at him with her fork. “Not done,” she says around a mouthful.

  “Your plate’s empty,” he argues.

  Violet grabs a slice of bread and swipes it through the remaining sauce on her plate, making sure to get every drop. She pops it in her mouth and nods. Ross makes eyes at us, begging us not to say a word, but we’re not that stupid. You never say anything to a pregnant woman about her eating habits. I wouldn’t have said anything even if she’d picked up the plate and started licking it clean.

  Ross returns with plates of tiramisu, which is as delicious as expected since it’s also Nana’s recipe. Right up until Violet grabs the salt shaker and sprinkles it onto the dessert.

  Her next bite is followed by a moan of delight. “Mmm, sweet and salty.”

  I set my fork down. Done after watching that. Yuck.

  Ross keeps chowing down. “Nowhere near as unappetizing as ice cream with pickles. Trust me.”

  I’ll have to take his word on that.

  Chapter 29


  “Have a seat, AJ.”

  He nods, pulling a chair out from the table and sitting down carefully. It still creaks beneath his weight. “What’s up, guys?”

  “We wanted to talk with you about some things, get your feedback and insight,” I say carefully.

  I supervise the training staff, so this is my show, though Ross is sitting by in support. Especially if it turns out that AJ is actually in on the deal with Missy. Not for my protection but for AJ’s. He might be a big fucker, but I don’t take betrayal lightly. Or sitting down.

  AJ smiles easily, totally relaxed. “Sure, the strongman competition? Man, the guys really kicked ass. I was thinking maybe we could make it a regular thing, you know? Really get some good times rollin’.”

  I blink and stare at him blankly, using the silent treatment method to get him to fill the space with whatever it is he wants to say. Sometimes, it’s the best way to get information you don’t have or confirm what you already know.

  “The guys all thought it went great. I did too. Awesome showcase, ran smooth, the winner was ecstatic and already used his massage gift certificate.” He switches from a professional tone to total bro. “And you were a beast! Tore up that demo with your truck pull. Epic work, man!”

  He half-lifts out of the chair to hold a hand across the table for a high-five that I don’t return. For the first time, he realizes something’s wrong.

  He sinks back down. “All right, hit me with it. What’s really up?”

  “Talk to me about Missy Tillman,” I say evenly.

  “Twenty-six, female, reports that her goal is increased flexibility and lean muscle. Tends to work inefficiently, so she has to be encouraged to stay on task with proper form.” He might as well be reading from the notes he keeps on each member who sees him for a training session.

  “Very professional. Now give me the real deal,” I prompt.

  AJ looks from me to Ross, uneasy and hesitating. He folds his hands, thick fingers woven into each other as he rests his arms on the table. “Permission to speak freely?” he asks.

  I dip my chin, welcoming whatever he wants to say.

  “I don’t think it’s news to anyone that she’s had her sights on you hardcore,” he tells me. “Her early sessions were mostly built around her posing and sexing it up for you, no matter what I prompted her to do. Have you heard the joke about women in bed? When you’re spooning and they poke their butt into your crotch, they’re totally cueing you that they want the D. That was Missy, all the time. Sticking her ass out at you. But you never paid any attention.”

  That makes perfect sense and honestly coincides with what I saw too. Every walkthrough would be the same, Missy half-dressed and making eyes at me from across the room while flashing her ass or her pussy my way.

  “You said that was her early sessions. What about more recently?”

  AJ nods. “She’s better . . . and not. She seems more serious, has been taking the workouts more seriously, at least in some ways.” He holds his hand flat, waving it back and forth. “Well, sorta. She’s not doing more, but she has asked more questions and shown interest, at least.”

  I’m having a hard time imagining Missy being interested in anything besides herself. “Like what?”

>   “Form cues, how I got started as a trainer, what gyms I’ve worked at and why I like One Life more. At first, I thought she was changing her aim, switching from you over to me because the woman’s a mega-flirt. But let’s be serious. Even when I date, no one wants to hear me waxing poetic about macros and effective training methodologies. Women don’t date me for my brain.”

  He sounds disappointed by that, and I wonder for a moment if perhaps he and Missy bonded over people underestimating them. But he allays that fear quickly. “My guess was that she was changing approaches and getting info to prepare for a fresh, incoming attack—chatting you up about your interest. The gym.”

  “Was?” Ross interjects. “That was your guess?”

  AJ looks confused, brows knitting together. “Well, yeah. I figure she’s shit outta luck since you’re engaged now. Congratulations, by the way. Courtney’s awesome.”

  “Thanks. I happen to agree.” I sigh, leaning back in my chair.

  I’m not correcting him about the engagement. It’s not the crux of the matter at hand. I’ve done the tap-dancing approach, maybe not as well as Ross, but I’m ready to follow Mom’s advice too . . . shit or get off the pot.

  I speak very directly, watching AJ’s reaction carefully. “It’s too bad you won’t be here for the wedding. Seeing as you and Missy will have moved on to Charlotte.”

  AJ’s eyes go wide and he looks completely confused before he starts laughing. “What the hell? Why would I go anywhere with that barracuda? I like my dick where it is, and Kayla would castrate me without a second’s thought.”

  “Kayla?” Ross asks.

  AJ blushes, actually turns pink across his cheeks and at the tops of his ears. He stutters, “Well, we haven’t told anyone exactly, but Kayla and me . . . we’re dating. It’s not against the employee code. I checked.”


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