Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Minefield [Black Ops Brotherhood 5] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 19

by Bella Juarez

  “You love me?” Izzy whispered.

  “Yes, angel. I love you.”

  * * * *

  Isabel took a deep breath. What Alex had just revealed to her didn’t come as a surprise. What was a surprise was how those words combined with his voice would have sent her to her knees had she been standing. His voice was so powerful and he always used the right words to reach her. She took his hand and kissed it gently. She wanted to tell him she loved him, too, and couldn’t imagine her life empty and soulless without him. She wanted to tell him she’d existed before and now because of him she was alive. The words were trapped in her throat. She didn’t know how to say it. No one had ever conjured these feelings inside of her. She was scared of so many things, losing him, keeping him, opening up to him. It was all so confusing and disorienting.

  “Say it when you’re ready, angel. Don’t force it,” Alex said, stroking her cheek.

  He always knew what she was thinking and feeling.

  “You deserve better than that,” Izzy said, fighting the tears that were filling her eyes.

  “You were made for me, just for me. But you need time and I can wait,” Alex said with a slight smile.

  “What will we do when we get back home?” Izzy asked, looking away.

  “Are you ready to talk about that?”

  “Yes. I want to know.”

  “What do you want to do, Izzy?” Alex asked.

  “What we were talking about in Istanbul,” she said, suddenly unsure of herself.

  “What was that, angel? You still haven’t answered my question,” Alex said.

  “I want all those things we were talking about, going out to dinner, plays, movies. Being with you.”

  “It’s a big commitment, Izzy. Are you sure?”

  “Did I misunderstand you?”

  “No, angel. I don’t ever want to be without you again. I would love to have you share my life. But it’s a big commitment and sacrifice on your part.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m in the military, Izzy. I can’t leave it. I’ve just committed to another eight years in exchange for becoming a physician and an officer. We’ll probably move a few times. We’ll be separated for months or even a year. Are you okay with that?” Alex asked. Isabel started to speak. “You’re very emotional right now, angel. Before you answer, think about it.”

  “All right, Alex. But I’ve pretty much made up my mind,” Isabel said, kissing the inside of his palm.

  “Think about it long and hard, angel. You’ve gotten to know me pretty good. Once that decision is made, I won’t let you go without a fight,” Alex said.

  “How’s the pain?”

  “I’m fine, baby.”

  Isabel got up and took his vital signs. She gave him the readings as she went along. She was concerned because he was running a slight fever.

  “Alex, tell me the truth. Are you in pain?” she asked with frown.

  “Just a little, angel,” he said.

  Isabel shook her head and walked to the medication cart. She took out a saline syringe to clean the hep-lock before she administered the pain medication that would follow. She gave Alex a dose of morphine and watched as he tried to fight sleep.

  “Stop fighting it and go to sleep,” Isabel said, kissing him.

  “Only if you go back to your quarters and get some sleep, too,” Alex said, closing his eyes.

  “Okay, baby. I’ll go get a few hours of sleep and I’ll be back by the time you wake up again,” Isabel said.

  “People will talk if we keep this up, angel,” Alex taunted.

  The mischievous spark was back in his eyes. Isabel was relieved.

  “I don’t give a damn what they say,” Isabel said, kissing him again.

  Alex smiled. “Good night, angel.”

  Isabel watched Alex relax and give in to the effects of the pain medication. She left his area and found one of the medics who was on duty.

  “I don’t care what kind of change there is, good or bad, you come and find me. Do you understand?” Isabel asked.

  “Yes, Doctor. I understand,” the medic said.

  Chapter 15

  NAVSPECW Camp Echo

  Near Kush, Afghanistan

  78 km from the Pakistani Border

  June 11, 2009/0956 Zulu

  Alex packed up the last of his gear. He lifted the bag and grimaced slightly. He was still recovering from his wound. He had forgotten this damn bag, when it was packed up, was over ninety pounds.

  “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Isabel demanded from the doorway.

  “Getting ready to go with you to Kush for clinics,” Alex said.

  “You’re not supposed to be lifting anything like that yet.”

  “Isabel, back off. I’m fine.”


  “Izzy, angel, I’ll go alone if you keep hovering over me like this. Stop,” Alex warned sternly.

  Alex was getting a little tired of Isabel watching his every move. While he appreciated the care and sentiment, it was starting to work his nerves. He needed to have a long talk with her today. They got to Kush and set up clinic with a couple of the other medics that had come to assist. Alex noticed Isabel hesitating before she walked inside the building. It was the first time she’d been inside since her ordeal.

  They went through clinic visits and Alex noticed Izzy avoiding the room where the men had been holding her hostage. While he was proud that she showed courage by walking inside the building, she needed to get past her fear of that room. He needed to find a way to get her inside while he was with her. Make it safe and quick. The opportunity presented itself when Shaq walked inside with a couple of children. Alex looked over the eight-year-old boy, Farhan, who had a minor cough. His sister Jazaria had a nasty cut on her leg.

  “Dr. Vasquez? I need an assist with a female child in exam room two,” Alex called.

  “I’ll send Isaac in to help you,” Isabel said, turning back to her work.

  “It’s a female child, Doctor. I need you,” Alex said, turning back into the room.

  Fahran was comforting his sister because she was clearly frightened. The two siblings were close and they reminded Alex of the closeness he and his sister, Kyra, had shared when they were that age. He walked to the cabinet where they kept the toys that were donated and sent to Afghanistan by various organizations. Alex looked through and found a baby doll.

  “Here, little one. She needs you to be brave for her. She’s scared, too,” Alex said, handing her the doll. The little girl looked at him with big innocent eyes and hesitantly took his gift. “Can you take care of her for me? Make sure she has a loving home?” he asked.

  The little girl nodded and smiled at Alex as she embraced the doll. He looked up and saw Isabel standing at the doorway watching him.

  “Doctor, I need you to look at this young lady. She has a cut on her leg and I don’t want to disrespect her in any way,” Alex said in Pashtun. “Come, Farhan, let’s leave the ladies in peace,” Alex said, leading the boy out of the room.

  Alex and Shaq were talking to Fahran in the waiting area when Isabel came looking for him. It made him smile at how the little boy was trying fit in with the men.

  “Doctor, I need to see you a moment,” Isabel called.

  “What’s going on?” Alex asked.

  “I need to give her a tetanus injection and a dose of antibiotics. Can you help me with that?” Isabel asked.

  They walked back into the room where Jazaria was lowly singing to her doll. He noticed Isabel seemed to be okay with walking in and out of the room. He looked at Jazaria and knew this experience would scare the child. He looked for a way to keep her calm and keep her attention. Alex couldn’t think of a term of endearment in Pashtun. He ran through a list of words in his head and came up with sweet.

  “Khwazza, we need to give you some medication so your injury doesn’t get any worse or make you sick. It will hurt a little, but I promise it won’t be for very long. You can
cry and hold my hand, but please don’t move,” Alex said sweetly in Pashtun. Jazaria pulled her doll closer and tentatively took Alex’s hand. He saw the child’s eyes widen when Isabel got close to her with the needle. “Jazaria, khwazza, look at me. Only at me,” Alex commanded softly.

  Jazaria squeezed her eyes shut and gripped Alex’s hand as Isabel gave her the injection. She cried out as the medication stung the muscles beneath the skin. Alex let go of her hand and cupped her face in his large hands.

  “That’s all, khwazza,” Alex cooed.

  “It hurt me,” her little voice said.

  “You were so brave. Can you do something else for me?” Alex asked.

  “Will it hurt?” she asked.

  “No. I want you to drink some medicine this time,” Alex said, taking the antibiotics from Isabel.

  Jazaria took the cup and swallowed the medication it contained. She made a face at the bad taste. Alex helped her down and soon Shaq was leading them out of the building. Jazaria and Fahran had been the last visits of the day. Alex turned around and saw Isabel smiling at him.

  “What?” Alex asked.

  “I swear, Alex, you could charm the dead,” Isabel said with a giggle.

  “I like kids. I want some,” Alex said, catching her eye.

  They packed up and returned to Camp Echo. Alex hadn’t been able to talk to Isabel because they had been so busy with clinics today. When they returned, Cobra caught Alex as he was walking into the hospital. They went to the command center where Lt. Gamez cued up the video teleconferencing equipment. Rock appeared on the screen.

  “Dan, you made a hell of a find!” Rock said.

  “Is it what I guessed?” Dan asked.

  “Yes, it was. The Russians said it had been stolen and they’ve been looking for it,” Rock said.

  “Who they fuck do they think they’re fooling? We captured Russians inside the building!” Cobra said.

  “The Russian government says they worked for an arms dealer. When those folks are returned to Russia, according to the Kremlin, they’ll be tried and appropriately punished. But that’s not the reason I wanted to talk with you. Alex, all those biological agents you took out of the lab have been cleared to enter Sweden and they’re waiting for you at the ECDC. I told them you would be there within a week. Your counterpart from Fort Sam won’t be there for another month. So get to work. The less he knows the better. We’re still attempting to vet him and MI-6 has cleared Dr. Vasquez to assist you until Dr. Lewis gets there. Go to the American embassy and brief me at least once a week on your progress. Understood?” Rock said.

  “I understand, Rock,” Alex confirmed.

  “Cobra, after they’ve identified that shit that was in that lab, figure out a way to destroy that base. Make sure nothing survives,” Rock said.

  “Rock, aren’t you wondering how Alex is doing?” Dan asked with a slight grin.

  “He’s fucking vertical. He’s fine,” Rock said.

  The room erupted in laughter. It had been a setup. Everyone knew Rock would say something profound.

  “Thanks, Rock. I can feel the love all the way over here,” Alex said, shaking his head.

  Chapter 16

  2 Ängkärrsgatan

  2.6 km from the ECDC

  Stockholm County, Sweden

  June 16, 2009/0447 Zulu

  Izzy shivered slightly when her feet hit the cold wooden floor of the apartment Alex had managed to procure for them a day after they had arrived in Stockholm. She was amazed at how resourceful he was. He not only had found them a furnished place to live, he found all the public transportation and managed to map out a running route for them when they took their evening jogs. She stretched as she sat at the edge of the bed. She heard the TV in the front room and smelled coffee.

  Alex had gotten up an hour earlier. They weren’t scheduled to be at the lab until around nine. They had started working yesterday. Izzy found her socks and slipped them on her feet. When she walked into the front room, he was sipping from his coffee cup and staring at the TV. He was standing in the kitchen watching Fox News. Izzy frowned.

  “I don’t want to wake up to that!” she said, pointing at the TV.

  Alex chuckled as she stepped into the kitchen. He wrapped his free arm around her and pulled her close.

  “Good morning, angel,” he said, kissing her forehead.

  “Can we change the channel?” Izzy asked.

  “Wake up before me and you can watch whatever you want.”

  “Fair and balanced my sweet ass!” Isabel grumbled into Alex’s chest.

  “Yes, it is sweet,” Alex said, reaching down and grabbing a handful of her ass. Izzy giggled. “Are you hungry?”

  “No, but I’m still tired. This damn time change is kicking my butt this time around.”

  “It’s only a three-hour difference. Come on, I’ve cut up that fruit we got at the market yesterday. At least eat some of that, angel.”

  “I’ll eat after I take a shower,” Izzy said, lifting his T-shirt slightly.

  Isabel looked at the wound on his left side. She ran her hand over the scar. That rod would leave a hell of a mark on his perfect body. She was happy to see it was healing fast.

  “I’m all right, angel,” Alex said.

  “I need to check. You wouldn’t tell me if you weren’t,” Isabel said, looking up into his cobalt eyes.

  “You’d be the first to know, angel. We talked about this,” Alex said.

  Isabel sighed and let his shirt drop. Alex had lectured her on the way to Stockholm about her constant hovering and how it was making him crazy. He acknowledged her fear and promised that he would tell her when something was wrong no matter how minor. She had agreed to step in only when he asked her to. But she had the feeling he would never ask. The trip had been brutal. It had taken them almost fifteen hours to get to Stockholm from Afghanistan. To his credit, when they arrived he admitted to her he was worn out and needed to rest. He seemed to bounce back and get moving the next day.

  Isabel got ready for work and ate a little breakfast before they were out the door and at the ECDC. They were working in a biosafety-level-three lab. This was the area where various bacteria and viruses that could cause severe to fatal diseases were stored and controlled. Since there was treatment for those pathogens they were researching, the area wasn’t as restrictive. The more stringent biosafety-level-four lab was just a three-minute walk from the facility she and Alex were in. The BSL-4 lab was testing and identifying the pathogens that had been shipped from the lab in Afghanistan. MI-6 had a team dedicated to that facility and that particular assignment.

  Once the pathogens were identified, they were sent to the BSL-3 lab for further research or kept at the more restrictive facility for storage or termination. Isabel was glad she didn’t know up until now what had been in that building. It was some genuinely scary stuff and it was so close to the people who were living in Kush an accident would have wiped out the entire valley for years.

  Izzy was sent a sample for documentation that had been identified as their familiar pathogen and she ran the test that Alex needed for his experiments. She looked at the sample a little closer and noticed a subtle difference. It seemed as if the pathogen had mutated slightly, so she locked it up and went to find Alex.

  “It looks like it, but something is different. Do we have the pictures of the known pathogen?” Alex asked.

  “I can’t log into the database from here,” Izzy said.

  “Okay, I’ve got a conference call scheduled for tomorrow. I’ll see what they want us to do. Put it with the others,” Alex said.

  Izzy labeled the pathogen with a two at the end to denote the difference between the original. They left for the day and returned to the apartment that was home for now. When they stepped out into the street, it seemed as if it were noontime because the sun was directly overhead. It was almost six in the evening and Izzy understood the reason her circadian rhythm was so screwed up was because of the long daylight hours in Sweden.
The sun rose before four in the morning and didn’t set until after ten at night.

  Alex started supper and they went for their evening jog while it was cooking. He would finish it when they got back and while she was taking a shower. Izzy set the table and cleaned up some of the dishes while he was taking a shower. It was amazing to her how quickly he managed to establish their routine. It was like being home with her dad. Life with Alex was consistent and comfortable. He seemed to know routine was something she needed after the uncertainty and chaos of Afghanistan.

  “Alex, were the stem cell samples we brought back still viable?” Izzy asked as she dug into her salad.

  “They’re degraded. We really couldn’t store them properly. I can do some other experiments with some other samples,” Alex said, helping himself to a serving of beef.

  “You know, I think I need to run some chemistries on a few samples,” Isabel said.

  Alex had instructed her about talking in generalities when they were not in a secure location where they could talk freely. He nodded in understanding. They talked about work and Alex’s decision for his fellowship once he completed his residency. Izzy felt like she’d known Alex forever. In the short time they had been together, they seemed to fall into a rhythm of living that was natural and familiar. After watching a movie, Alex stood and stretched. He held out his hand to her and she smiled and took it. He pulled her up easily and caught her in his arms. He kissed her and they went to bed. Izzy snuggled against Alex and closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  Alex lay awake, staring at the ceiling. He wanted to understand what the hell was bugging him about that pathogen Izzy had found today. He’d noticed it in a tissue sample from some of the older children of the tribe that lived in the valley near the lab part of the year. It seemed as if the pathogen was mutating. The question he needed to answer was, was it for good or bad? During his visit to the embassy tomorrow he decided to video-conference Cobra to see if there had been any strange illness or deaths among the herdsmen in the valley. Alex started a mental list of things to do tomorrow.


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