Edwina's Husband

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Edwina's Husband Page 16

by Agnes Alexander

  “Get your own damn drink.” Wyatt headed for the door. “I’m going to leave you here with this idiot, Jeff. Good luck getting anything sensible out of him.”

  * * * *

  Hezekiah Thorn stalked into the bedroom where his wife was sitting in a chair at the window working on a sampler. “What are you doing, Callie?”

  She jumped at his bellowed voice and meekly held up the sampler. “A little needlework.”

  “Put it away.”

  “Yes, dear.” She knew she’d better not hesitate, so she folded the sampler and placed it on the table. “What can I do for you?”

  “The Reesons have been gone a long time. I think we should have their stable man hitch up a buggy for us and go check on them. If their wayward daughter has died, they need the comfort of a preacher.”

  “Are we going to go to the Singleton ranch?”

  “Yes, Callie. Don’t act so dimwitted. You just heard me say I want to go comfort the Reesons.”

  “I only asked because Mr. Reeson told us to wait here until he got back.” After the words were out, Callie bit her lip, wishing she hadn’t said them.

  Hezekiah stalked toward her, reached down and twisted her arm. “Don’t you dare argue with me. You know better than that.”

  “I’m sorry, Reverend Thorn.”

  “That’s better. If my own wife doesn’t show me respect, how do you expect my flock to do so?”

  “You’re right, my dear. I’m sorry. I guess I’m only a little confused by this country and these strange people.”

  “I agree with you there, Mrs. Thorn. It will be good to get Edwina back in line so we can take her and the Clark’s baby back to Virginia.” He shook his head. “I think God made this barren country for evil-doers and deadly animals. One of the men killed a rattlesnake yesterday lying right on the front steps. I’m sure it was one of the devil’s angels sent to attack me.”

  “Thank the lord it didn’t get into the house.”

  “Sometimes God uses evil people to protect his chosen ones. That cowhand was half drunk with the devil’s brew when he killed that snake, but God used him anyway.”

  Callie gave her husband a weak smile. “I know God will protect you every day, Hezekiah. He knows you’re one of his special disciples and will do His work with all your heart and soul.”

  “You’re right. I am one of his special messengers. He sent me a vision while I was downstairs. He told me to go to the Singleton ranch and let that man know he had no claim on Edwina. She may not like it at first, but when we get her home and the baby to the Clarks, I’m sure she’ll fall in line and do what God has set before me for her to do.”

  “That’s wonderful, Reverend. I can’t wait to see those Virginia trees again and since your vision, I’m sure we’ll be headed home in a day or two.”

  “Then, let’s go see if the Reeson’s evil daughter is alive. If so, we’ll get our niece this very day.”

  Callie followed him out of the bedroom and toward the barn, feeling thankful Hezekiah didn’t strike her for talking back to him.

  Leaving the front door of the nicest house she’d ever slept in, she wondered if the Reeson’s daughter was really evil. Just because the girl didn’t come home last night, didn’t mean she was doing something wrong. Her mother said she might have stayed at their preacher’s house. But Callie didn’t voice these words to Hezekiah. She so wanted to believe in her husband. Her mother told her years ago what she must do to make a happy marriage. She was trying to do it now as she had done for the years they’d been married. Even on the few occasions when she didn’t think what Hezekiah did was the right thing, her mother’s words would come back to her.

  “Always remember, Callie,” her mother said. “The bible says a woman must submit unto her husband. So you must always do it. It’s the only way you’ll be happy, besides you could marry a man like your father. If you don’t listen to him, he might beat you like your father does me. So remember, submit to anything he wants and never talk back to him.”

  So far in her eighteen years of marriage, Callie had submitted, though she did occasionally talk back. And on those occasions, she’d lived to regret it. She figured it was God’s way of telling her she wasn’t obeying the rules.

  Chapter 28

  Asia Walker pulled his horse to a stop in front of the large adobe house belonging to the Singletons. Knowing his way around, he hurried through the portico. He almost walked in, but he caught himself and paused. After all, he didn’t work here any longer. He knocked loudly.

  In a matter of seconds, Rosalinda opened the door. “Mr. Walker. Hello.”

  “Hello, Rosalinda. I heard Miss Reeson had an accident and the doctor had been here. I thought I might be able to help. May I see her?”

  “Come in, Mr. Walker, and I’ll check with Mr. Wyatt.”

  “Check with me about what, Rosalinda?”

  “It’s me, Mr. Singleton. I came to see Cora Sue Reeson.”

  “Her mother is with her, Walker.” He eyed the man. “Doctor Donavan saw her this morning, but I don’t think it’d hurt for another doctor to see her.”

  “She and I are friends. I heard about her attack in town and I wanted to check on her and see if I could help.”

  Edwina walked up behind Wyatt. “I’ll go tell Mrs. Reeson that Doctor Walker is here.”

  Wyatt nodded. “While you wait, come in.”

  “Thanks.” He followed Wyatt into the parlor. “How is Cora Sue doing?”

  “Not well.”

  Asia frowned. “What happened?”

  Wyatt told him what he knew.

  “Is her father here?”

  “He was, but he left.”

  “Why did he do that with her so ill?”

  “To be honest, I told him to leave. He was talking foolishness and I didn’t want him around here.”

  “Good.” When Wyatt lifted an eyebrow, Asia went on. “Maybe her mother will let me see her, because he probably wouldn’t want me to. He doesn’t approve of me or any other man except you going near his daughter.”

  “I’m not interested in her, but he won’t accept that.”

  “I know. She told me.”

  “She did?”

  “Yes. She said he was set on her marrying you, but she didn’t really want to.”

  “I wonder why he wanted her to marry me so badly? I’m not the only man around here with money.”

  “But you’re the only one around here with as much land as you have. I think he wanted to get his hands on your ranch.”

  “But he has a ranch.”

  Edwina came in. “Mrs. Reeson said she’d like you to come see Cora Sue, Doctor Walker. Come with me and I’ll show you where she is, but please be warned, she’s hurt badly.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Singleton.” He stood and followed her.

  She opened the bedroom door and stood aside.

  He stepped inside and took a deep breath for courage. Moving to the opposite side of the bed, he nodded at Mrs. Reeson, then knelt. Gazing at Cora Sue’s bandaged face, he swallowed. “I’m so sorry this happened, sweetheart. I should have taken you home last night, but you said you’d be fine with the deputy.”

  “Did you see Cora Sue last night?” asked Mildred.

  “Yes, ma’am. She’d told you and her daddy she was going to decorate the church, but she actually came to meet me.”

  “Oh?” Mildred frowned.

  “Cora Sue and I have been seeing each other, but she was afraid to let her father know. He didn’t want her to see anyone except Singleton.”

  “I know that.”

  “I love Cora Sue, Mrs. Reeson.” He had to blink back the tears. Like every man, he didn’t want to let a woman see him cry. “I feel responsible. I should have protected her.”

  “It’s not your fault. Whoever did this to Cora Sue is responsible. I only hope and pray he’ll soon be caught and punished for what he’s done.”

  “I agree. Whoever did this must be punished. I’ll move heaven and ear
th if necessary to see they pay and pay dearly for what they’ve done.” He leaned over Cora Sue. “I don’t know if anyone has told you, but I’m a doctor. I’m working with Doctor Donavan now.”

  “I think that’s wonderful. He needs help.”

  “Do you mind if I check Cora Sue? I know Michael Donavan is thorough, but we can all miss something.”

  “Of course, I want you to check her. I don’t want anything missed that could help my daughter, Doctor Walker.”

  “Please call me Asia, Mrs. Reeson.”

  “Thank you. I will.” She moved from the chair so she wouldn’t interfere with the doctor. “Cora Sue has hinted to me that there was someone special in her life. I’m glad I was able to meet you, Asia.”

  “I know Mr. Reeson will be against us, but I never had any intention of letting her be pushed into a marriage she didn’t want.”

  “It does my heart good to see someone who loves my daughter so much.” Mildred dabbed her eyes. “The doctor did tell me Cora Sue’s face would possibly be scarred. I hope that won’t make a difference to you.”

  “I didn’t only fall in love with her face, Mrs. Reeson. I love the person Cara Sue is and a few scars will not change my love.”

  “Thank you, Asia.” Mildred stood. “I’d be honored if you’d call me Mildred.”

  “Thank you, Mildred. I will.”

  “Now, I’m going to step out for a few minutes and give you some time alone with Cora Sue.”

  He looked surprised. “I’d appreciate that.”

  “I want you to be able to say whatever you feel you need to say to her without her mother standing by.”

  Asia watched the stately woman walk from the room. He knew, he not only loved Cora Sue, he was going to be good friends with her mother.

  * * * *

  Wyatt found his father in the sitting room off his bedroom. “May I talk with you for a few minutes, Dad?”

  “Of course, Son. Come in.”

  “I’m surprised Adam isn’t here.”

  “Edwina came to get him. Said he’d be out of sorts if he didn’t get his afternoon nap.”

  “Then you’re alone?”

  “Yep. If you need things to be private, you can close the door.”

  “I think I will.” Wyatt pushed the door together and moved to a chair facing his father.

  “Want a drink, Son? I have a bottle over there in the table drawer.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Well, what do you have on your mind?”

  “A couple of things. First, I want to apologize to you.”

  Ben frowned and started to speak, but Wyatt stopped him. “Don’t interrupt, Dad. I need to say this. I know I haven’t used your knowledge and wisdom in running this ranch for the last couple of years and I’ve been the loser because of it. I want you to take a more active part in running things. You can contribute a lot to our ranch and I want your help and ideas.”

  Ben smiled. “I’ll be glad to do anything I can to help you, Son. After all, we have another male in the family and we want to make sure he’s taught correctly since he’ll inherit this one day.”

  “I agree. To his mother’s regret, he’s already in love with horses and wants me to take him to ride almost every day.”

  “Edwina told me she wasn’t as fearful for Adam as she was in the beginning. In fact, she said she knew you would protect Adam with your life if necessary.”

  “She’s right about that.” Wyatt took a deep breath. “Dad, I want to clear up things with you about Roxy.”

  Ben’s face fell. “I’m not sure I want to talk about her.”

  “We need to. I know you loved her—”

  “No, Wyatt. I thought I loved her. She was a beautiful woman and she had me hogtied for a while, but I’ve come to realize you and all my friends were right. The woman only wanted my money.” He sighed. “Of course, you all tried to tell me that, but I wouldn’t listen.”

  Wyatt changed his mind about telling his father Roxy had tried to get him into a compromising position. Instead he said, “I saw right away what she was after. I should’ve had more faith in you, but all I could see was you leaving this ranch to her. I couldn’t bear that.”

  “I wouldn’t have done that, but I can understand why you’d think so. I sure made a fool of myself, didn’t I?”

  Wyatt ignored his last statement. “At least you know now what she was.”

  “I never did know why she left so quickly and at first I blamed you. I also thought she’d come back someday, but now I hope she never does.” He looked at Wyatt. “Did she tell you why she was leaving?”

  “You were right to blame me. I paid her to leave.” Wyatt watched for his father’s reaction and was surprised when Ben chuckled.

  “I might have known. I guess you could say it was a smart thing to do. I know now you and she could have never lived under the same roof.” He cocked at eye at his son. “I hope you didn’t pay her a lot of our money.”

  Wyatt smiled. “Five thousand dollars.”

  “That’s not as much as I feared.”

  There was a knock at the door. When Ben told her to come in Rosalinda said, “I thought you gentlemen might like something to drink. I brought you some coffee.”

  “You’re a good woman, Rosalinda.” Ben smiled at her.

  After she served the coffee, she slipped out of the room.

  “We’re lucky to have her and Juan, aren’t we, Dad?”

  “Your mother was a sickly woman and she was the one who hired her. She always said if anything happened to her she wanted someone like Rosalinda to be here to help me raise you.” He grinned. “In the last few months, I’m beginning to think we did a pretty good job.”

  “Thanks.” Wyatt took a drink of his coffee.

  “Well, we’ve covered Roxy. What else did you want to talk to me about?”

  “I was wondering how much Edwina had told you about the aunt and uncle who raised her.”

  “A little, but not a lot of detail.”

  “I know we told you he might be coming around because he’s staying with the Reesons. Now that Cora Sue’s here, I’m sure they’ll eventually come. I think you should know how warped the man is.”

  Wyatt related the story Edwina told him about her uncle’s plan to take her and Adam back to Richmond.

  Ben’s eyes blazed. “I’ll be damned if he gets his hands on my grandson.”

  “I agree. I also want to protect Edwina. She’s frightened of the man. He’s had her under his thumb so long she doesn’t realize he’s no threat to her. Not as long as she’s a Singleton.”

  “And that’s forever, isn’t it, Son?”

  “Absolutely, but there is one problem. He told Reeson he had the marriage annulled. I don’t know how he could have because of Adam, but you never know about a devious person like him. He could have forged her signature and got a divorce or something.”

  “Well, that’s no problem if he has. You can just get married again. Fact is, I didn’t get to see you get married the first time, so I’d enjoy another wedding.”

  “I’ll have to talk to Edwina about it.”

  “Of course, but you won’t get an argument with her. She loves you too much.”

  “I love her, too, Dad.”

  “I thought you did, but I’m glad to hear you say it.”

  “There’s one other thing and I want you to give me your thoughts on this.”


  “The homesteaders. Somebody sold them a piece of our land. I know it’s not legal, but I want to see the family gets their money back. I can’t just throw them out with nothing.”

  “I agree. I like Mrs. Kerr. She’s been a great nurse to me and Adam both.”

  “That’s an idea. Maybe we could hire her as a nurse for the time being. Does Adam like her?”

  “He sure does. As I said, we both do.”

  Wyatt nodded. “What I want you to do is use that brain of yours and see if you can come up with anyone who might want to sell our
land. The bill of sale Kerr had was signed by Cool Wood Land Company. I checked with the bank, but they’d never heard of the company.”

  “Maybe I’ll get Juan to drive me into town and have a card game or two with my old friends. You’d be surprised how much you can learn from old men who have nothing to do but sit around and listen to each other.”

  “That sounds like a plan. I may drive you myself. I want to be sure the rumors about Edwina have disappeared in town.”

  “Then let’s go in the next couple of days.”

  “We will, but I won’t leave Edwina here alone. I want to be here when her uncle shows up.”

  “Of course you do. We’ll go as soon as we get rid of him, or we could take her and Adam with us to town.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that, but we sure could. I’ll ask her about it.” Wyatt stood. “I’m glad we had this talk, Dad.”

  “Me too, Son. It was long overdue.”

  Wyatt nodded and headed out the door.

  Chapter 29

  “Mister, I don’t care if you’re Saint Peter himself, Mr. and Mrs. Singleton are not here and I’m not letting you in this house.”

  “You evil woman. I will have fire and brimstone fall on your head for this.”

  “Rain down anything you can handle, but you’re still not getting in this house. I don’t know you from Satan and when Mr. and Mrs. Singleton aren’t here, nobody comes inside.”

  “How about the older Mr. Singleton. Is he here?”

  “No. He went with them.”

  Hezekiah Thorn turned his head heavenward. “Oh, God on high, I rebuke this house. Please see to it that everyone in these walls pays for turning away this servant of Yours. I know You know this humble servant of yours and those who live here, do not know You. As Your word says, I will shake the dust off my shoes and turn away from them. May the devil and his angels receive these souls and may they not prosper and…”

  “That’s enough of that. Now get yourself down the steps and in that wagon and leave. We don’t need you or your kind around here.”

  “I’m sure you’ll regret—”

  “The only thing I regret is the fact that Mr. Wyatt isn’t here to shoot you.”

  “You evil—”


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