Passion & Lies

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Passion & Lies Page 9

by Michelle Iannarelli


  “Welcome to the world Little Lady!” The doctor held up their little girl. “She’s perfect. Now, Daddy, come and cut her cord.”

  Ryan kissed Faith. “She’s beautiful.” Then he cut the cord.

  “Ohhh no! It’s starting again. I need to push!”

  “Ok, push. Good. I think it will only take a few more before we meet your little man.”

  The nurse handed Ryan his daughter. Ryan looked down at his little bundle. “She looks just like you, Faith.”

  “Ok, Faith, push long and hard.”

  “AGHHHH! I can’t do this anymore.”

  Ryan grabbed Faith’s hand. “You are the strongest woman I know. Faith, you got this. One more good push and you will be holding our son.”

  “Ok, I can do this.”

  “Now, Faith, now!”

  Faith pushed with every ounce of energy she had and before she leaned back she could hear her son cry. She too began crying.

  Ryan handed Faith their daughter and then he cut the cord. The nurse cleaned up their little boy and handed him to Ryan. “Damn, he’s handsome.”

  Faith sniffled a bit and then she kissed her daughter. “Swap.”

  Ryan handed Faith their son and in exchange took his daughter back into his arms.

  “You are a cutie aren’t you.”

  “I’m going to want to have the babies evaluated by their doctor of course but I think they are doing well.”

  “I’d like to name her after Alex and we can call her Alli.”

  “I’d like that. What about this little guy?”

  “How about Ryan?”

  “One of me is enough.” Ryan laughed.

  “True!” Faith smiled.

  “How about Nicholas. It’s like your maiden name, Nichols. I think your dad would approve of that.”

  “Nicky and Alli.”

  “Ok but his middle name is Ryan.”

  “That I can live with if Alli’s is Marie like yours.”

  “Welcome to the world Alli and Nicky.”

  “LACEY, LET ME GET that for you.” Miguel squatted down and picked up the papers from the floor.

  “I didn’t know that you were back.”

  Miguel handed Lacey the papers and the folder. “We got back a few hours ago.”

  “How is he?”

  “The doctor said that he’s pretty much healed up. It’s just his hand that they’re worried about.”

  “Do they think his hand will recover fully?”

  “He can start physical therapy next week. For now, he is to keep it in a sling and not attempt to use it.”

  “But you think he will?”

  “He’s so stubborn. I’m beginning to think the doctor discharged him for his own sanity.”

  Lacey laughed. “That bad, huh.”


  “You’re a good friend to have stayed there with him these last few weeks.”

  “Well this good friend wanted to ring his neck when he insisted we leave right after they discharged him and not wait until morning.”

  “Is he home now?”

  “That’s a whole other story.”


  “Alex insisted that he stay with us so that our staff and Alex could take care of him.”

  “Oh dear.”

  “It beats sleeping in a hospital or a hotel without Alex and Emmie.”

  “Let me go and make you some coffee.”

  “You read my mind. Thank you.”

  “Alex, I’m fine.”

  “Why can’t you just let me help you?”

  “I’ve had people taking care of me for the last three weeks. I can’t do it anymore.”

  “How about this…promise me that if you need something that you will ask and I will stop forcing myself on you?”


  Alex leaned over and kissed Dane on the cheek. “I’m so happy that you’re here.”

  “Thank you for being my friend no matter what, Alex.”

  “You will always be my hero.”

  “Oh that, it was just a bullet.”

  Alex ran her hand over Dane’s cheek. “I’ll never forget it or what you said to me that night.”

  “I told you to go to Migs.”

  “See you didn’t just save my life, you gave me my life with Miguel and now we have Emmie.”

  “I’m happy for you, Alex.”

  “Do you think that maybe you and Lacey can work things out?”

  “She won’t even talk to me, Alex, I tried a few times.”

  “I think she’s calmed down a bit in the last few weeks.”

  “Truth is that I don’t know if I can even offer her what she needs.”

  “She needs you to be honest with your feelings.”

  “Migs said that I love her.”

  “He did, did he?”

  “She deserves someone who will settle down and give her a family.”

  “And you can’t be that person?”

  “I don’t want to give up my job.”


  “Alex, I can’t sit behind a desk all day, I’m not that kind of person.”

  “What if you do private security for Miguel or join the police force?”

  “Ok, so let’s say I did that, what about the family part? I promised myself when I was growing up that I’d never have a child.”

  “But you love Molly. I’ve seen you two together.”

  “Yes, I do care a lot about her. But she’s Lacey’s child.”

  “So as long as the child isn’t yours then it’s ok?”

  “Yes, no, I like Molly but I’m just not parent material.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “My parents didn’t raise me. I struggled through life. I don’t know how to raise a child.”

  “Neither did Miguel or I, but we’re learning each day with Emmie.”

  “I think it’s time to rest.” Dane leaned back in the bed.

  “Ok, just think about what I said though.”

  “I will, and Alex, can you pull up my blanket.” Dane winked.

  “Yes, Sir.” Alex smiled back.

  “I can’t believe it’s been two weeks since we were blessed with our little ones.”

  “Two of the best weeks of my life.” Ryan kissed Faith.

  “We’re so blessed.”

  “We are.”

  “I always thought that twins never slept at the same time.”

  “They don’t usually.”

  “Then they really are perfect.”

  “You know what I’d like to do.”

  “I thought you couldn’t have sex for six weeks?”

  “Besides that. I’d love to just cuddle in your arms.”

  Ryan picked Faith up in his arms and carried her over to the chaise in the baby’s room and cuddled her in his arms.

  Lacey put down Miguel’s coffee. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “Sit down.”


  “Lacey, aren’t you afraid that Dane is going to show up here and see you?”

  “I’m going to have to see him sooner or later.”

  “Don’t you think that maybe sooner is better?”

  “Do you think that he’ll ever give up his job?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Do you regret giving it up?”

  “Regret, no, definitely not. I love Alex and Emmie and wouldn’t give them up for anything in this world. I do miss it though.”

  “I wish…it doesn’t matter what I wish.” Lacey stood up.


  “I’m ok.” Lacey walked out and closed the door behind her.

  “Ok, time to take the cookies out of the oven.”


  “How long before we can eat them?”

  “About five minutes.”

  “Thank you so much for letting me come over to play with Emmie and make cookies.”

  “I told you that you are welcome here anytime.”

  “Maybe next time mommy can come too.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “I’ll get the milk from the fridge.”

  “Do I smell cookies?”

  “What are you doing out of bed!”

  “DANE!” Molly came screeching through the kitchen.

  “Hey, Molly!”

  Molly grabbed Dane and hugged him. “I missed you so much.”

  Dane smiled down at Molly. “I missed you too.”

  Molly pulled away and looked up at Dane’s arm. “What happened?”

  “I got hurt at work.”

  “Is that why you’ve been gone so long?”

  “Yeah. I needed some surgery but I’m fine now.”

  “He’s not exactly fine but he’s doing much better.”

  “Do you want some cookies? We just baked them.”

  “I’d love some cookies.”

  Alex pulled out a chair. “Sit or no cookies for you.”

  Molly climbed up and took two cookies and put them onto a plate before serving them to Dane. “Here you go.”

  Emmie started crying. “Molly, I’ll be right back.”


  “These are delicious, Molly.”

  “Do you want some milk?”

  “I’d love some milk.”

  Molly placed down the cup and then she handed Dane the milk. “Maybe you should be the pourer.”

  “You hold the cup and I’ll be the pourer.”


  Dane poured the milk into his and Molly’s cups. “I say we toast to chocolate chip cookies.”

  Molly lifted her cup and tapped it against Dane’s. “Cheers.”

  Dane drank his milk and then he dunked his cookie. “I love to dunk.”

  “So does my mom.”

  “How is your mom?”

  “She’s ok. Sometimes she seems sad but she tells me that she is tired.”

  Alex walked in with Emmie. “Uncle Dane and Molly are here, Em.”

  “EMMIE!” Molly kissed Emmie’s hand. “I love her so much. I hope my mommy is going to have a baby sister.”

  Dane looked up at Alex. “Baby sister?”

  Alex shrugged.

  “Molly, when is mommy having this baby sister?”

  “Mommy said it could be a sister or a brother but we have to wait until it’s born to find out the surprise. I hate waiting.”

  Dane felt sick to his stomach. “How much longer do you have to wait?”

  “I have it in my backpack. Just a minute.” Molly ran off.

  “Lacey’s pregnant?”

  “Dane, I…”

  “Here.” Molly handed Dane her calendar. “Mommy circled the day.”

  Dane looked at Molly’s calendar. “Wow! It looks like the baby will be here soon.”

  “I wish it would hurry. Do you want another cookie, Dane?”

  Dane could barely breathe. Alex could see the color had drained from his face and he looked like he was going to be sick. “Molly, can you watch Emmie for a few minutes while I help Dane back to bed. He’s been up way too long.”

  “Ok. Can I sing to her?”

  Alex rubbed the top of Molly’s head. “Of course you can. She loves when you sing.” Alex placed Emmie down into her baby swing.

  “Have a good rest, Dane.”

  “Thank you for the cookies, Molly.”

  Miles came walking out of the elevator as Miguel was headed in. “Hey!”

  “What’s up?”

  “Can you wait a minute?”

  “Sure, do you want to go back to my office?”

  “Yeah. I have some news.”

  Miguel and Miles walked back to his office. Miles waited until Miguel closed the door. “What do you have?”

  “Smitts’ mother isn’t Simmons current wife.”


  “Turns out that his mother and Simmons were married for a few years when Smitts was a teenager.”

  “Do we know what his real mother’s name is?”

  “Valerie Dene.”


  “You think that him and his mother are in on this together?”

  “I’m not sure what I think but we need to focus on her and see what she’s up to.”

  “Jakey is on that.”

  “I was thinking about talking to Simmons.”

  “Why don’t you hold off until we get some information on Smitts’ mom.”

  “Good idea.”

  “Jakey said he’d call us with an update tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Miles.”

  “You look like shit by the way.”

  “Between the time change and the three hours of sleep I got last night I feel like the walking dead right now.”

  “Go home. Get some sleep.”

  “I plan on it.”

  Dane waited until he was back in his room to speak to Alex. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It wasn’t my place to tell you.”

  “You’re supposed to be my friend, Alex.”

  “I am your friend but I’m also Lacey’s friend.”

  “Is it…mine?”

  “Dane, you should be having this conversation with Lacey.”

  “IS. IT. MINE?”

  Alex nodded. She felt as if she betrayed Lacey’s trust. “I’m sorry.”

  “I…I can’t believe that she never told me.” Dane sat down on the bed.

  “She wanted to in France but…”

  “I was a dick to her.”


  “How can I trust her now? She’s been lying to me for months.”

  “She wanted to tell you, she did…”

  “You can defend her all you want but she could have found a way to tell me.”


  “I’LL BE RIGHT DOWN! I’ll come back up and we can talk.”

  “Don’t bother. I’m going home.”

  “Dane, please don’t go.”

  “I need to be alone.” Dane got up and turned his back to Alex.

  MIGUEL BARELY GOT INSIDE the door when he spotted Dane thudding down the steps with his duffel bag in hand. “What’s going on?”

  “Lacey’s pregnant…oh but I guess you knew that and didn’t care enough to tell me.”

  “Dane, I promised Lacey that I wouldn’t.”

  “Two people that I thought I could trust and both of you kept her secret.” Dane walked around Miguel.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.” Dane walked out slamming the door behind him.

  Alex came out of the kitchen carrying Emmie with Molly following behind her. “So, you saw Dane?”

  “I did.” Miguel smiled at Molly. “Hi, Molly!”

  “Hi, Miguel!”

  “Molly and I baked cookies and gave Emmie a long bubble bath today.”

  Miguel took Emmie into his arms. “Mmm, she smells delicious.”

  Molly giggled. “That’s funny.”

  “Your mommy should be here any minute to pick you up.”

  “Ok. I will go collect my things.” Molly skipped off.

  “How soon will she be here?”

  “Oh God. Dane just went outside.”

  Miguel and Alex ran to the window. “Shit!”

  Lacey pulled up the driveway just as Dane was walking down to his hired car.

  Dane stopped next to Lacey’s car door.

  Lacey felt her hands trembling, she knew that she had to get out of the car and that Dane was going to see her very pregnant belly. She opened the car door and climbed out.

  Dane and Lacey stared at one another for a moment. Lacey opened her mouth to speak but Dane cut her off. He leaned in her face and yelled. “HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?”

  Lacey blinked a few times. She wasn’t expecting Dane to be so angry. She tried to be strong but thanks to her overactive hormones she burst into tears. “I didn’t ask to get pregnant…it happened.”

  “No…then why didn’t you tell me you weren’t using birth contro

  Lacey was getting angry now. The tears ceased and her hormones were hiking it up to bitch mode. “Because I wasn’t thinking. If you didn’t want a child you should have asked.”

  “So now it’s my fault?”

  “The only other man I have ever been with was Dirk. I loved him and I loved YOU. Getting pregnant never even crossed my mind. All I could think about was being in your arms.”

  Dane lost his concentration for a minute when Lacey said that she loved him. What was he doing…he was taking out his anger on a woman who was carrying his child…a woman who loved him. “If that’s how you feel then why didn’t you tell me?”

  “When? Let’s see…I found out the day that you were leaving. Then you were gone for months. I left Molly and flew to France and slept in a chair at your bedside for almost a week. I planned to tell you then but you didn’t even want me there. How was I supposed to tell you about our baby?”

  “I can’t be who you want me to be.”

  “Don’t worry you’ve told me on numerous occasions that you’re not parental material. I got it.”

  “I can have a bank account set up and I’ll cover all the medical expenses…”

  “I don’t want a penny from you. It was my decision to have this child and I will take care of it. BY MYSELF!” Lacey started to walk up the driveway.

  Dane dropped his duffel bag so that he could grab Lacey’s arm. “Lacey, wait.”

  Lacey stopped but she didn’t turn around. “Let go.”

  Dane let go of her arm. He’d never felt such an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach in all his life.

  Lacey stood on the doorstep for a moment composing herself. As she reached up to ring the doorbell the door opened. “Are you ok? I would have warned you but I didn’t have time before you pulled up.”

  “Where’s Molly?”

  “Miguel took her upstairs to read a story with Emmie so that we could have a few minutes to talk.”

  “He was furious with me.”

  “Dane found out right before you got here.”

  “You told him?”

  “Molly said something about her waiting to see if she was getting a little sister.”

  Lacey closed her eyes and shook her head. “Oh my God, no wonder he was so upset.”

  “He blew up at me and then Miguel. That’s why he left.”


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