by D. Blake
Vanessa took Taryn’s hand again and gave her a shy smile. “I like you and want to see where this can go. I’m not looking for a fling, I’m looking for a relationship.”
Taryn nodded her head and gave Vanessa a sweet dimpled smile. “Me too,” she whispered.
“Looks like the two of you have made up,” Summer said loudly enough for them to hear them return.
Both women looked up, grinning and pleased with the turn of events. “I’m really embarrassed,” Taryn admitted. “I hope I didn’t ruin your morning,” she added looking at all three women with a blush to her cheeks.
Summer smiled and looked at Myla, who said, “Not mine.” Then they both looked at Vanessa and she shook her head no.
“I understand and it’s okay. At least I got to look at your butt the entire ride,” she said lightening the mood. She knew Taryn was sincere and she also knew that she would have a talk with her sister when she returned to DC. Maybe even before then. She was on a destructive path and Vanessa didn’t know if she could stand by and watch, again.
The four of them ate lunch, hungry from their morning ride and knowing they needed the energy to finish their return to St. Michaels. They relaxed at the table for a while, chatting about some of the things they saw on the ride. The weather couldn’t have been better, with temperatures in the 80s, and a light breeze cooling them during their meal.
While waiting for the next ferry, they stood and talked with some other tourists that were cycling the same route, but had opted to stay in Easton. An older couple celebrating their 23rd anniversary, spoke to them about their various stays in different places around the area each year. The couple made the bike trip every year and suggested the young women should consider doing the same.
Myla and Summer smiled while looking at Taryn and Vanessa. They knew what the couple was thinking, though it was too soon to discuss the future. It was obviously an unspoken acknowledgement, when they shared a smile and then returned their attention to the older couple. Slowly the ferry made its way across the Tred Avon River, causing small waves in its path, while passengers watched Canadian geese fly overhead.
As they approached the other side, Taryn whispered in Vanessa’s ear, “I want to apologize again for my behavior.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m just glad that you didn’t…you know.”
“Even though she looks exactly like you, she’s not you, and I think internally I must have known something was off.”
Taryn squeezed her hand on the rail as they shared a moment before looking out over the small white caps. As the ferry pulled up to the docking area, passengers filed off, cyclists first and then cars. The last 10 miles of the trip flew by and all three were ready to get up to their rooms for a shower and a change of clothes.
“Meet you in a couple of hours,” Summer said rolling her luggage with one hand while placing her other hand on the small of Myla’s back. “I’ll give you a call in case you decide to go into town.” Taryn smiled, knowing that by the looks of Myla’s smile they would probably be much longer than two hours.
“I’m going to make a call and then do you want to meet early? If I sit down, I might start working, and I told myself this was a real vacation.” Taryn wanted to spend every minute with Vanessa, especially since things had been cleared up and they were back to where they had been earlier in the week.
“Sounds great. Come to my room when you’re ready,” Vanessa responded.
“I’ll be at least a half an hour, so take your time.” Taryn touched her hand and then turned in the opposite direction.
After showering in her room, Taryn locked the door behind her, then went to find Vanessa’s room on the first floor. She lightly knocked first, but when there was no response she knocked again, hoping she gave Vanessa enough time to get ready. She couldn’t help that she was anxious to see her again.
“Hey, come in. I almost didn’t hear you, I was on the patio enjoying the breeze.”
“This is gorgeous,” Taryn said in awe. The balcony off her room was small but quaint, overlooking the street. But this, this was serene. From the bedroom, the doors opened to a beautiful patio area with a flower garden and small water fountain in the center.
“It was all they had, and of course, I didn’t mind paying extra. I haven’t taken a vacation in a long time. Come sit with me for a few minutes before we go explore.” She led them through the double doors and onto the patio where Vanessa had been sitting, drinking a water and reading on her Kindle.
“I could sit here all day,” Taryn said settling back into the patio chair and closing her eyes.
“Are you tired? Just relax, we don’t need to go anywhere right away.”
“No, actually it’s just so nice knowing I’m on vacation… with a beautiful woman,” Taryn added smiling, but didn’t open her eyes.
“You’re very sweet.”
Taryn blushed and opened her eyes to see Vanessa staring at her. “It’s easy with you,” she responded, while taking in Vanessa’s blue eyes that were intensified by the tight fitting blue t-shirt that hugged her small breasts.
“Whew.” She blew out a breath and closed her eyes again. “How long did you live in Florida?”
Vanessa closed her Kindle and smiled, giving Taryn her undivided attention. “Five years. Vic got a job with the FBI in Tampa, so I moved with her. I know she can be difficult, but I love her regardless. She really is a good person, she just has issues dealing with commitment. She’s career oriented and doesn’t give anyone the time to get to know her. I worry about her, a lot.”
“Is that also why you moved to DC? Your sister?”
Vanessa nodded her head. “I didn’t have anything holding me back and she’s the only family I have. She needs me, and of course, I need her too.” Vanessa chuckled thinking of a few times that she really needed Vic, and she was always there for her. “When our father passed away, Mom remarried. We were 13 at the time. Her new husband was… let’s just say very conservative. Vic came out to mom when we were in high school, and she didn’t take it very well. Then I followed suit in college, and mom decided it was best for us to not come around.”
“I’m sorry you had to go through that at such a young age.”
Vanessa waved her off and smiled, letting her know that it was a story for another time.
Taryn understood and continued with a different line of questioning. “Did you two go to the same university?”
“Yes. Northeastern in Boston. Victoria wanted Forensic Science and I didn’t really care where I went as long as we were together.” Taryn nodded her head in understanding. Family was important to her too. “Do you have any siblings?”
“Three brothers and two sisters. My parents still live in Pennsylvania where I grew up. My sisters still live near our hometown, but my brothers all moved away.” Taryn looked down at Vanessa’s hand that had found its way under hers. “I left for university and never returned. Unfortunately I dropped out and had to move in with an ex-girlfriend. Not ideal, but I wasn’t going home. I got the best job I could find and began making connections.”
“But you get along with them?”
“Yes, I just needed to spread my wings. I like the city and all it has to offer. I still visit, but I like having distance between us.”
Vanessa laughed and weaved her fingers into Taryn’s. “I like DC so far, as well. It’s different than Boston, very different.” Taryn nodded her head in agreement.
“Want to take a walk into town? You can tell me what your favorite parts of the city are.”
“Absolutely. It might be hours before Summer and Myla come out of hibernation.”
“Do you think about her anymore?” Summer asked as they lay together in bed after making love. Summer rested her head on Myla’s stomach while Myla ran her hands through Summer’s curly blond hair.
Summer had fallen so quickly that she needed to be sure that Myla was happy. They may have been high s
chool competitors, but she didn’t know the Myla that was married to Linda. She knew a young woman that had caused her a lot of confusion during her high school years, and now a gorgeous woman that had taken her by surprise.
“Linda? Yes,” Myla answered and could feel the tension when Summer gripped her thigh. “But not the way you think. Sweetie, she meant a lot to me and I will never forget her. She helped me grow as person, and I wouldn’t be who I am now if it wasn’t for her.” Linda had been a very important part of her life for years until she was killed by a drunk driver.
Summer kissed her stomach and laid her head back down, while taking Myla’s hand and putting it back in her hair. She understood and although she was sad that Myla had suffered, she wanted to be the one to hold her heart now and in the future.
Myla laughed and scratched her head where she knew Summer liked it the most. “You, you are different. You are what I need now, and I can’t tell you how much it means to have you in my life.”
Summer looked up to see tears pooling in Myla’s eyes. She scooted up the bed and kissed Myla softly, pulling back when she was ready to confess her feelings. “I love you, and I hope that you will have me in your life forever.”
Myla placed her hands on the sides of Summer’s face. “Sweetie, you have my heart. I love…”
Myla didn’t get to finish her sentence, Summer smothered her body with her own and connected their lips for a scorching kiss that had them both breathless when they finally pulled apart. Myla looked up into Summer’s eyes and added “you,” with a dreamy smile.
Summer laughed and began her decent, kissing her way across Myla’s chest, sucking first her right nipple, while running her hand down Myla’s smooth stomach. When her hand reached the wetness between her folds, Summer took the left nipple into her mouth as Myla let out a soft whimper. “You are so, very beautiful and I want to make you feel so, very good.”
“Oh jeez, do you not see me squirming?”
“I do, but I want it to last,” Summer added looking down into Myla’s green eyes.
“I do too,” Myla said running her hand across Summer’s jaw. “Come here. Let’s do this together.”
Summer swiftly moved over Myla’s body spreading her legs to lay between them. Myla lifted her legs and wrapped them around Summer’s waist.
“I will certainly NEVER tire of this,” Summer said pressing her clit into Myla’s wetness. Together they slipped hands between their bodies and began a slow seduction of teasing one another, giving and receiving, until their climax was inevitable.
“Yes,” Myla uttered as Summer’s mouth closed over hers as she shuddered from the orgasm.
“I love you,” she whispered, laying her head next to Myla’s, kissing her neck and settling above her.
“I love you too.”
“Do you mind if we go in here?” Vanessa blushed knowing she couldn’t resist checking out a new bike shop.
“I think you may just be into cycling gear more than me,” Taryn teased.
“Is that a bad thing?” Vanessa asked seriously, stopping in the middle of the doorway.
“No, not at all,” Taryn responded shaking her head. “In fact it makes me even more attracted to you.”
“You find me attractive?” Vanessa teased turning in the doorway and entering the shop. She wasn’t normally this flirtatious, but just looking at Taryn made her warm.
“Very much so,” Taryn whispered as she followed her in. She didn’t have anything in mind that she needed, especially after purchasing over $400.00 worth of cycling equipment before the trip. She wore her new shorts that morning and was very pleased with the fit. After a few minutes of wandering around, Vanessa settled in front of the jerseys while Taryn began a conversation with one of the owners of the store.
When they met in the front, Vanessa paid for her items while Taryn introduced her to the woman behind the counter. “Jodie’s interested in starting some women specific events and wants to know if we would participate.”
“We live in DC?” she said wondering what she could possibly do to contribute. Vanessa didn’t want to agree to something that might add a huge commitment to her schedule.
“Yes, Taryn said that you two are both avid riders in and around the city. The events may be here or on the western shore, but I need the word to get out and enough interested participants.”
“In that case, I’m in,” Vanessa said with a shrug of her shoulders. “Let me give you my contact information. You can call me at work or on my cell.”
“That’s wonderful. Thank you ladies. I’ll send along some information when we get the committee together for our next meeting.”
“Thank you,” Taryn said shaking her hand, followed by Vanessa doing the same. “We look forward to hearing from you.”
When they exited the shop, Taryn steered them down Talbot Street to do more shopping. Around 5:00 p.m. Taryn’s phone finally rang, indicating a call from Summer.
“Where are you two?” Summer asked excitedly.
“Standing in front of Foxy’s, looking at their menu. We were wondering when you two were going to emerge from… um… hibernation,” Taryn teased.
Summer looked to Myla while covering the phone, ignoring Taryn’s teasing. “Ready to eat?”
“Starved,” Myla said laughing.
“Be there in five minutes.” Summer responded quickly.
“We’ll grab a table,” Taryn added with a laugh of her own.
Myla punched in Foxy’s to get directions and they were standing in front of the hostess station ten minutes later. The young woman led them to Taryn and Vanessa who were sitting outside under an umbrella, overlooking the harbor.
“This is impressive and relaxing,” Myla said giving Vanessa a quick hug before taking the seat next to her.
“Taryn’s idea. She said she was drawn to the water.” Vanessa smiled at Taryn as she took her hand.
The Marina Bar was busy, which wasn’t surprising considering it was a Friday in August. It took some time before the waitress appeared, they were apparently changing over to the night shift, which left the newest tables waiting while the first shift checked out and the night shift checked in. Once the drinks were on the table, the waitress put their order in while they sat, talking about the shops until their food arrived. Myla indicated she wanted to go into one of the shops for a memento of their weekend, but otherwise they could look around the next day if they returned early enough.
After dinner all four returned to the B&B and Summer suggested a swim would be a nice way to end the day. All agreed and were pleased when they arrived at 7:30 p.m. to find they had the pool all to themselves. It was small, secluded like the courtyard patio, but beyond delightful for their intentions of cooling off.
Vanessa was the first to call it a day, revealing the need for rest if she was going to make the ride early the following morning. Taryn called it a day as well and walked Vanessa back to her room where she paused to give her a light kiss. “Good night. I had a really nice time with you today. Thank you.”
Vanessa smiled and added, “I did too. Good night,” she said, giving Taryn another quick kiss before watching her retreat down the hall to the stairs.
Once Vanessa was settled in her room she retrieved the phone from the table and vigorously punched in Victoria’s number while shaking her head. She honestly didn’t know what she would have done if Taryn and Victoria had hooked up at the club and the thought of not seeing Taryn again was beyond upsetting.
“Hey sis. How’s your trip going?” Victoria responded on the first ring.
“Great, couldn’t be better.” Vanessa wasn’t going to waste any time, she wanted all of the details of Victoria’s encounter with Taryn, from beginning to end. “Vic, tell me, did you pick up a red head on Wednesday night at the club?”
“No, I found a cute little brunette to go home with,” Victoria said with a chuckle. “Why do you ask?”
“Before the brunette, did you dance with a gorgeous
red head and kiss her.”
Victoria thought back to Wednesday night and remembered her mouth on a woman that seemed totally into her until she pushed her too far, wanting to be alone with the sexy redhead. “Uh, yea, I guess. Why do you ask? Did she know you?” Victoria was obviously confused and needed Vanessa to give her more information. It hadn’t been the first time she had hit on the wrong person.
“That was Taryn, THE TARYN. She thought you were me.”
“HOLY SHIT Van, I didn’t mean to do anything. We just kissed and then she turned me down. I swear.”
It was obvious to Vanessa that Vic had no idea who she had hit on that night at the club. She would never deliberately hurt her sister. “I know, she told me. Thank God you were in a way Wednesday, or who knows what might have happened.”
“I really am sorry. I… I…”
“I know. You were brooding. You don’t have to say anymore. She told me the whole story.”
“She must think I’m a real douche. I hope I didn’t mess things up for you. I know you’re really into her.” On Sunday after their brunch, Vanessa had talked at length about Taryn and how amazing and gorgeous she was, not leaving out any details.
“Kind of. Lucky for me though,” Vanessa said not able to help the giggles that escaped. “Don’t worry, I explained to her some things, and she kind of got it.”
“So wait, when did she realize that it wasn’t you?” Victoria was still puzzled and barely remembered the incident. Her thoughts of the redhead had been forgotten within seconds of leaving her against the wall. I am such an ass.
“You must not kiss very well,” Vanessa teased.
“Van, I’m serious. I kissed her on the dance floor and we almost…”
“I know!” Vanessa exclaimed. “I don’t need to hear the story again.”
“I am so sorry.”
“I know. But please don’t kiss my girlfriend again.”
“So she’s your girlfriend now?” Vic teased. Victoria was thankful that she hadn’t ruined things for Vanessa and Taryn. She never would have forgiven herself if things had gone differently.