Quenched in Blood

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Quenched in Blood Page 11

by Ari McKay

  “Good.” Julian kissed him again, then drew back. “Would you like me to strip for you?”

  Stacking his hands beneath his head, Thomas watched Julian, a little smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. “Indeed I would. Give me a good show.”

  Julian’s eyes gleamed, and he stepped back from the bed so that Thomas could see him from head to toe. It wasn’t too surprising that Julian had no body modesty at all, as he propped one foot on the edge of the brick hearth surrounding the fireplace and unlaced his black leather boot. He pulled it and his sock off, then repeated the action with the other foot. As he unfastened the belt of his fatigue pants, he took a step closer, then opened the button.

  “Have you ever seen another man naked?” he asked.

  “Only if art books count,” Thomas said with a wry smile. “But in real life, no.”

  “Ah… well, I’m no model, but I hope you’ll like what you see,” Julian replied. He pulled down the zipper of his pants, then slowly, slowly pushed them down off his narrow hips, before letting them fall into a pool at his feet, leaving him clad only in clinging black briefs that did very little to hide his arousal.

  Thomas let his gaze wander up and down the length of Julian’s body at a leisurely pace, the sight making his hunger and need grow. “I do like it,” he said huskily. “I think you’re gorgeous.”

  “Well, I think you’re gorgeous, so I think we’re well matched.” Julian took another step forward, one hand caressing his cock through the briefs. “See what you do to me, Thomas? See how much I want you?”

  Thomas parted his lips as his breathing grew shallow, and he hungrily followed the lazy movement of Julian’s hand. “You can have me.”

  Julian raised a brow. “Is that what you want? For me to take you? There are other things we can do if you don’t want to, or if you’re not ready yet.”

  “I’m ready!” Thomas had a pretty good idea of what to expect, thanks to growing up on a farm with livestock, and while the size of Julian’s cock gave him pause, he felt a deep, aching need for Julian to take him and claim him. “Please, Julian. I want this. I want you.”

  Thomas saw Julian’s chest hitch slightly, as though he’d caught his breath. Then Julian pushed his thumbs under the waistband of the briefs, pulling them carefully down over his erection and letting them fall down his legs. He stepped out of them, approaching the bed, doing nothing to hide from Thomas’s eyes. “If that’s what you want, to give yourself to me… I’m honored, Thomas. I’ve never been someone’s first lover before.”

  Thomas let out a startled laugh, surprised by that revelation. “Well, you’re doing just fine so far.”

  “Good to know. I want this to be special for you. I want to make you happy.” Julian smiled slightly. “It’s a big responsibility, being someone’s first lover. I take it seriously. I wouldn’t be willing if you weren’t so important to me.”

  Warmth bloomed in Thomas’s chest and spread throughout his body, and he hoped his answering smile didn’t look as sappy as he felt. “It’s special, and I’m happy because you’re important to me too.”

  “Good.” Julian had reached the side of the bed, and he reached out to caress Thomas’s cheek. “You are to stop me if anything hurts or you don’t like it. I won’t be upset or angry, okay? I want to give you only pleasure.”

  “I will,” Thomas said, nodding somberly. He didn’t want this to be ruined for either of them by lack of communication, so he intended to keep on being vocal.

  Julian’s gaze was intense for a few moments; then he nodded. He turned to the bedside table, opening a drawer and taking out a bottle. “We’ll need this to get you ready.”

  He put the bottle on the table, then sat on the edge of the mattress. “We can do this a couple of ways. Would you prefer to be on your hands and knees, or on your back? You could also be above me, but I think you’d enjoy one of the other positions more for the first time.”

  Thomas took a moment to consider his options. He could see advantages to both positions, but he liked the idea of being able to see Julian and hold him. “On my back,” he said, beckoning for Julian to join him.

  Apparently Julian didn’t need to be told twice. He moved onto the mattress, stretching out next to Thomas and pulling him close. He leaned in, kissing Thomas slowly and deeply as he ran his hands over Thomas’s chest, pausing to tweak his nipples and scrape Thomas’s sides lightly with his nails.

  Thomas nestled close and moaned into the kiss, returning it with eager hunger. He slid one hand down the length of Julian’s back and then shyly groped his ass.

  Julian pushed back against Thomas’s hand with a little murmur of approval, then deepened the kiss into the same intensity of the earlier one. Thomas wasn’t aware of Julian doing anything else but kissing him, but then he felt a slick finger slowly stroking at the entrance to his body, the touch firm but gentle. Thomas tensed briefly at the unfamiliar touch, but he focused on the kiss to relax himself again. Julian wasn’t hurting him, and after the initial surprise, he found the light stroking oddly pleasurable.

  It was obvious Julian wasn’t in a hurry. Thomas had relaxed completely before he felt Julian’s finger slip slowly inside. With a happy little hum, Thomas tilted his hips, urging Julian on. He didn’t feel any pain, only the pleasure of the kiss and of Julian’s body in his arms.

  Julian continued the kiss, deep and drugging, and at some point Thomas realized Julian had progressed to two fingers and was stretching him gently. Then Julian pulled back, looking into Thomas’s eyes with his lips curved in a wicked smile. “Tell me when it feels really good,” he said, then turned his fingers a bit and pressed deeper.

  Julian stroked something, and Thomas let out a yelp, his eyes flying open wide. “That’s it! Right there!”

  With a little chuckle, Julian stroked deep again, using his long fingers to tease Thomas. “You like that, hmmm?”

  “Yes… oh yes….” Thomas arched up, seeking more of the pleasure that Julian offered.

  “Not everyone does.” Somehow Julian had slipped in a third finger, and he alternated between stretching Thomas and tormenting the sensitive spot within. “I think you’re almost ready. How do you feel?”

  Sweat dappled Thomas’s skin as arousal coiled tighter and tighter in his belly, and he moaned as he tried to get Julian’s fingers deeper. “I feel like I need more. I need you. Please, Julian….”

  Thomas thought Julian might have murmured “I need you too.” Then Julian slowly withdrew, reaching out to the bedside table again for tissues to wipe his fingers. Julian’s face was actually flushed as he moved between Thomas’s legs and reached for the bottle of lube again. He poured some in his palm, snapping the bottle closed and tossing it aside before slowly coating the hard length of his cock. “I’ll go slow,” he told Thomas, then moved closer, lifting Thomas’s hips as he pressed his cock at Thomas’s opening. Then Julian pressed in, claiming Thomas’s body inch by torturously slow inch.

  Thomas felt a slight burn as Julian stretched him, but Julian moved so slowly that it didn’t escalate beyond a dull pain that eased quickly. As soon as Julian was seated within him, Thomas hooked one leg around Julian’s hips.

  “Feels good,” he whispered, sliding his arms around Julian.

  Julian gazed down at him, his blue eyes dark and filled with something Thomas couldn’t quite read. “Yes, it does,” Julian replied. He pulled back, then slid in deep again. “You’re so tight and hot. So beautiful.”

  Thomas smiled at the praise, pleased that Julian was enjoying himself too. “I’m fine,” he said, skimming his hands down the length of Julian’s back to clamp them on Julian’s ass. “No pain, just need.”

  “Good.” Julian drew back, and this time he moved forward more quickly, driving even deeper. “Tell me what you want, Thomas. Tell me what you need.”

  Having Julian fill him—complete him—was everything Thomas needed, and he rocked his hips up to meet Julian’s next thrust. “I need more of this. More of you. I ne
ed harder and deeper—please!”

  Julian drew in a sharp breath, and Thomas got the feeling Julian’s control wasn’t nearly as strong as he’d thought. Then with a groan Julian gave in, his thrusts becoming harder and deeper. He reached between their bodies, wrapping his slick hand around Thomas’s cock, stroking him in counterpoint to their rhythm. Thomas surrendered to Julian’s claim, letting go of all thought and awareness and letting his world dwindle down to pleasure and need and Julian. Tension coiled tighter and tighter within him until his body was quivering, and he felt as if he was hovering at a great height, poised to fall.

  “Yes!” Julian was staring at him, and Thomas saw his fangs elongating, sliding past the edge of his lips as Julian smiled ferally. He continued to move as he lowered his head like a cobra striking and his fangs pierced the flesh of Thomas’s throat with a sharp, sweet sting.

  A wild, ragged cry escaped Thomas as ecstasy overwhelmed him, and somehow the pleasure was even richer and sweeter than it had been the first time. He clung to Julian as he rode out the waves, one hand on the back of Julian’s head to hold him in place.

  Thomas could feel the warmth of Julian’s breath on his skin as Julian continued to stroke him through his release. As the last of Thomas’s pleasure began to ebb, Julian drew his head back and began to thrust faster, before—with one last surge—he buried himself deep and shouted Thomas’s name as he found his own release in Thomas’s arms.

  Lassitude filled Thomas’s limbs, making him want to do nothing more than nestle close to Julian and drift in a pleasant haze for as long as it lasted. Releasing a long, slow sigh, he nuzzled his cheek against Julian’s.

  Julian’s body was warm against him, and Julian returned the nuzzling before collapsing to one side and pulling Thomas into his arms. Julian held him close, running his hands over Thomas as though making certain Thomas was okay. Thomas tangled his legs with Julian’s and pressed his nose against Julian’s throat, more relaxed and happy than he had been in longer than he could remember.

  After a few minutes of cuddling, Julian pressed a kiss to Thomas’s forehead. “I’ll be right back,” he murmured before pulling back from the embrace and leaving the bed. He was back quickly, bringing a wet cloth and a dry towel. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  “You take such good care of me,” Thomas said as he watched Julian cross the room, a warmth that had nothing to do with desire or arousal blooming in his chest.

  Julian shrugged slightly, then sat down on the edge of the mattress and began to caress Thomas’s abdomen with the cloth. “It’s what lovers do for one another,” he replied quietly. Then he gave Thomas a searching look. “You’re all right, aren’t you? I didn’t hurt you?”

  “I’m fine,” Thomas said, offering a reassuring smile. “More than fine. I’m satisfied. For now, at least.” He waggled his eyebrows playfully. “I’m not in pain. I’m—”

  In love. He stopped himself before he could blurt out the words that Julian probably wasn’t ready to hear, especially not from him.

  “I’m happy,” he said instead.

  Julian smiled, and the crease between his eyes that Arden had told Thomas was Julian’s “worry line” faded away. “Good.” He dried Thomas’s skin with the towel, then put both cloth and towel aside. “Do you want something to drink? Or need anything to eat? You need to tell me if you feel light-headed too. I’ve bitten you twice in a short period of time; I don’t want to deplete you.”

  “I don’t want anything right now except you,” Thomas said, holding out his arms.

  “I had the feeling you’d be a cuddler.” There was no heat in Julian’s voice, and the way his lips twitched told Thomas he was teasing. Julian slid onto the sheets, then drew the covers up over them before settling in next to Thomas and pulling him into his arms. “How’s that?”

  Thomas nestled close, pleased to feel Julian’s skin was warm now. Between sex and feeding, he’d warmed Julian inside and out, and he took great satisfaction in that.

  “Much better,” he said, stroking Julian’s arm idly.

  Thomas knew about the Rainbow Room; Julian had gone a few times to feed since Thomas moved in, and he’d been open about where he was going and why. But now that Thomas knew how Julian’s bite affected people, the thought of Julian going back there made jealousy start gnawing at the pit of Thomas’s stomach.

  He propped himself up on one elbow and gazed down at Julian. “May I ask a favor?”

  Julian gave an inquiring hum, then moved his head slightly to look at Thomas. “Of course you may.”

  “I’d like you to feed from me instead of going to the Rainbow Room for as long as we’re together,” Thomas said, biting his bottom lip as he waited for Julian’s reaction. He didn’t want to seem demanding or controlling, but he also couldn’t stand the idea of anyone else taking care of Julian’s needs or experiencing the pleasure of Julian’s bite. It was too intimate, and he didn’t want to share.

  Julian’s worry line came back. “Really? Are you sure about that? You don’t have to feel obligated, you know.”

  “I don’t feel obligated. I just….” Thomas glanced away, his face growing hot. “I don’t want you doing that with anyone but me. For you it’s just a meal, but I know what those particular entrees are experiencing.”

  “You mean….” Julian put his fingers under Thomas’s chin and gently urged his face back around so that he was meeting Julian’s gaze. “You mean you want me all for yourself?”

  “Yes.” Thomas forced himself to maintain eye contact and prayed Julian wouldn’t think he was foolish or backward or too demanding. “I do.”

  But Julian smiled, and there was something almost tender about his expression. “All right, if that’s what you want. No one but you, Thomas, in or out of bed, I promise. Until you get tired of me.”

  “Thank you.” Relief washed over Thomas, and he leaned in to kiss Julian in gratitude. He didn’t think he would ever get tired of his handsome, sexy, and intelligent vampire, but Julian didn’t need to know that. Not yet.

  Chapter Eight

  ALL was quiet and still in the Riverside Cemetery—for now, at least. Julian said things tended to get busier the closer it got to midnight, which was why normal humans were instinctively leery about going into cemeteries after dark. They might not know why they were afraid, but they knew it wasn’t safe.

  Thomas wasn’t frightened, only excited and a little nervous as they patrolled the grounds. The cemetery sprawled over eighty-seven acres, and he thought it was probably quite beautiful and peaceful in the daylight. It had an eerie beauty even at night, with its carefully tended gardens highlighted silver by moonlight.

  There were trees everywhere too. Oaks, dogwoods, poplars, and ginkgoes—all of them casting shadows that moved when the evening breeze made their branches sway. Thomas got a little punchy when he caught the movement out of the corner of his eye, but he hadn’t seen anything more substantial than shadows yet.

  After two weeks in Julian’s training room, Thomas had finally been deemed ready for a real mission, although Julian was starting him off easy. The demons found here were weak, barely above carrion feeders. Their lack of strength and wits forced them to seek easy prey, and what could be easier than the dead? Julian mentioned they might see ghosts as well, usually in the form of orbs or mist, although there could be a full-bodied apparition or two.

  “What should I do?” Thomas asked. “Do you know if there are any specific tracking procedures? Other than just walking around and keeping my eyes open, that is.”

  Julian was close beside him. The vampire seemed… tense wasn’t the right word, not exactly. Wary, perhaps? He was alert, his eyes constantly scanning from side to side as they moved deeper into the cemetery, and there was a harder edge to him than Thomas had ever seen. He was also armed to the teeth with several odd curved knives in a bandolier looped over one shoulder.

  “Remember, I can’t normally see demons, not unless they choose to manifest or are forced to do so by the
presence of a demon hunter,” Julian replied softly. “They have a red-and-black aura, so that’s what you should notice first.” He gestured toward the daggers in Thomas’s hand. “Concentrate on those. Who knows? Maybe it will help.”

  “What do you mean?” Thomas held up the daggers and examined them, but they didn’t appear any different.

  “I’ve run across magical artifacts from time to time,” Julian said. “Members of your family have been demon hunters for centuries, so it isn’t too much of a stretch to think they could run across a set of magical daggers along the way. The problem is that a lot of enchantments are keyed to certain situations, and that seems especially true with weapons. If there is magic in them, it could be something that helps you find demons or does additional damage to them.” Julian gave him a tight smile. “Just keep your eyes open and your guard up. I don’t expect us to run across anything that we can’t handle, but there’s always the possibility we might accidentally stumble upon a major demon out for a midnight stroll.”

  Thomas nodded and held his daggers at the ready as they resumed their patrol. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since their arrival; the moon was much higher in the sky, so he thought it must be getting close to midnight, but he was beginning to wonder if his first mission was going to be a bust.

  Then he glanced down and noticed a dim blue glow surrounding the blades of both daggers. It was faint, but it was enough to illuminate the names on the tombstones around them.

  “Look!” He turned to Julian excitedly, holding out one dagger.

  Julian frowned. “What?”

  “They’re glowing!” Thomas was dismayed to realize Julian couldn’t see what was happening, since that meant he was on his own to figure out what to do. “Maybe they glow in the presence of demons,” he said as he began to turn in a slow circle, watching the daggers for any changes.

  When he was facing north, the glow brightened, and it grew brighter still when he took a few steps in that direction.


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