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Seductive Solutions

Page 4

by Brandy L Rivers

  “I remember.”

  Isa froze. Her eyes narrowed, remembering what Toryn had told her about the bitch’s punishments.

  Scotty leaned down and captured her mouth in a fevered kiss. He let go of her hands to wrap his around her ribs, gliding up and back to unhook her bra.

  A needy groan escaped her lips and his cock jumped in response. He kissed a trail to her ear. “Tell me you trust me. I need to hear it.”

  “I trust you, Scotty. We all want this. Let me help you,” she pleaded, tracing her fingers over the seam of his jeans.

  “Yes. I can’t resist if this is what you want.” Scotty groaned. “Promise you won’t let me ruin our friendship.”

  “Promise.” She found his top button and opened his pants. They fell to the floor and he kicked the rest of his clothes away.

  Toryn’s already naked body pressed against her back and his fingers hooked in the waist of her thong before sliding it down her legs.

  Scotty looked over her shoulder at Toryn. “Anything off limits?” His voice rumbled through her, igniting a firestorm.

  “Ask her,” came Toryn’s reply.

  “Isa?” Scotty whispered as he took a step back to devour her with those deep brown eyes.

  Her head tipped to the side, her smile soft. “Not that I can think of, but I reserve the right to redirect you.”

  His smile turned carnal as he agreed, “Tell me to stop if I go too far.”

  Not trusting her own voice, she nodded.

  He dropped to his knees before her. Toryn’s hand caressed down her thigh to lift one leg. She leaned back against him, staring down at Scotty.

  Toryn’s mouth trailed a path along her throat as Scotty’s tongue flicked over her clit.

  “Oh, god!” she whispered.

  Scotty groaned. “Knew you’d taste amazing, but I’ll be craving you for the rest of my life.” He pressed his tongue into her heat. Her whimper urged him on, and he pulled her raised leg over his shoulder before pressing two fingers deep into her as he licked at her swollen bud.

  Toryn turned her face and took her mouth in a bruising kiss. Her arm went up and around his neck as his hands moved to her breasts. He teased her nipples, ramping up the pleasure until she could hardly see straight.

  * * * *

  Toryn knew Isa teetered on the edge of release. He broke the kiss. “How does Scotty make you feel,” he asked against her ear.

  She looked down at Scotty who stared up at her. “Desperate for release. I’m right on the ledge.”

  Scotty sucked on her clit and her body spasmed as her head fell back. He pushed her thighs up and Toryn gripped her ass to hold her vertically as Scotty devoured her until Isa was screaming incoherently.

  When she finally stilled, Scotty stood up, his hands gripping her thighs. His eyes locked with Toryn’s. “You’re a lucky man.”

  He nodded. “We want you whole. You ready for the rest of tonight?”

  Torn, Scotty stared back. Desire darkened his eyes, but concern creased his brow. “You sure about this? She’s always been yours.”

  “I’m sure.”

  Isa’s hand tangled in his hair, pulling his gaze to hers. “After that outstanding performance, I need to reward you.” She dragged Scotty’s mouth to hers and laid a deep kiss on him. She let out a seductive moan.

  Toryn chuckled, loving how desire-drunk she sounded. “Let’s get her on the bed and give her a minute to recover.”

  “Mmm,” Scotty murmured, pulling away before throwing Isa over his shoulder like a caveman, carrying her back to the bedroom.

  Following, Toryn admired Scotty’s strong physique. He could understand why Isa desired Scotty. If Scotty were interested in dabbling with him, he’d be happy to give Isa a show. Knowing how his friend felt though, he was unwilling to push that boundary.

  Scotty laid her down, then turned to Toryn. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Then don’t say anything.” Toryn moved beside Scotty without touching him. He looked down at Isa sprawled on her back, her arms over her head. Her breasts heaved with each breath.

  Scotty sighed. “Something is different. I shouldn’t have bounced back like that. I feel like myself for the first time in ages and I haven’t even gotten off.”

  Toryn gave him a crooked smile. “Maybe because you love her like a friend so the intimacy is real. A connection you haven’t had in a long time.”

  He looked down at Isa, and sighed. “You’re right. I love you both.” He glanced over with a crooked grin. “Don’t get any ideas though.”

  Toryn shook his head. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  When Scotty gazed back at Isa, her brow arched. “You mentioned not getting off yet.” She licked her lips. “You will. And the bond will snap. Then I’ll make sure no one can do what Saressa did. But this doesn’t have to end there. We’re here, clearly enjoying ourselves. I say we go until we can’t anymore.”

  Her intentions mirrored Toryn’s perfectly. If they were going there, they weren’t going to hold back on a night of pleasure.

  Chapter 7

  Isa finally came down from her post-orgasm high, sitting up as Scotty left the room. She looked to Toryn with wide eyes as a wave of guilt hit her.

  Toryn crawled up the bed. “Don’t feel guilty. I’m not the slightest bit jealous. You came apart beautifully.”

  A tiny smile formed on her lips. “I needed to be sure. You are my priority.”

  “Not tonight, Isa. We’re helping a friend we both care about. Relax. Do what you’ve always wanted to do to Scotty.”

  Her eyes widened and she swallowed hard.

  He caressed her face, a silly smile on his lips. “Please, I know when you want a man. I’ve seen you give Scotty your please-fuck-me-now look many times over the years, though always when he wasn’t paying attention.”

  “You never noticed me giving you that look. And you were the recipient far more often.”

  “You always thought I wanted to give it to the guy you were with instead of you, until you were nearly taken from me.”

  He had a point.

  Scotty came back and sat beside her. “You okay, Isa?”

  She nodded, a crooked smile lifting one corner of her mouth as she considered his substantial erection. It pulsed under the weight of her gaze. “Are you?”

  His eyes burned with desire. “I need to be deep inside you this once.”

  “You have me tonight, all night. Doesn’t have to be once.”

  He looked to Toryn with a wicked grin. “If we have our way, you won’t be walking tomorrow.”

  Her brow arched at the implied challenge. “Better be ready to back that up, nymph. Toryn can vouch for my insatiable appetite.”

  Toryn leaned in to confirm, “She is, but she’s never been with two men.”

  “Always a first time for everything,” she saucily retorted.

  Toryn’s hand caressed down her back, his finger dipping between her cheeks before one digit played over her rear passage. Her breath caught.

  “Think you can handle me here?” he asked huskily.

  She laughed softly. “You’re a bit bigger than the one man I let back there.”

  Toryn caught her chin and guided her attention to Scotty’s straining erection. “Got news for you, Princess. He’s bigger than I am.”

  Scotty snorted. “That’s smart, Toryn. Scare her off.”

  Her eyes snapped to Scotty’s. “I’m not scared. But we may need to start slow if I’m taking you both at once.”

  Isa climbed to her knees and pushed Scotty onto his back. She bent over him and trailed her tongue over his straining length. Pausing to test his reaction, she looked up his body at him.

  “Shit, Isa, you’re gorgeous.”

  “Have I ever mentioned you’ve been one of my biggest fantasies for as long as I’ve known you?”


  “Yes, you.” She wrapped her hand around his base and swallowed. Shit, yeah, he’s bigger than Toryn.

bsp; Toryn’s hands curled around her hips before tracing down her cheeks to spread her. She felt warm lube dribble onto her crack, dripping down. She wrapped her lips around Scotty’s crown and circled the ridge with her tongue. She started down his length as Toryn gently pressed one finger into her backdoor.

  A moan escaped and Scotty’s fingers threaded into her hair. More lube slid down the same path as another finger was pressed into her. She started working up and down Scotty’s thick length as Toryn stretched her, scissoring his fingers.

  It felt good, too good. One hand pressed into the bed while the other gently caught Scotty’s sac. She ran her nails over his balls and he thrust harder into her mouth, his grip tightening.

  A third finger eased into her ass and she thought she might explode from the pleasure.

  Scotty groaned and pulled her off his length.

  She pouted up at him. “I wasn’t done.”

  “Yeah, but you keep that up and I’ll come. You’ll be ready before I can go again.”

  “Oh, I’m ready,” she panted.

  Toryn let out a masculine chuckle. “We’ll take care of you Isa.”

  * * * *

  Power Scotty hadn’t felt in years flowed through him. Why was this one woman able to undo months’ worth of neglecting his needs when bedding a new woman nightly barely kept him going? Was Toryn right? Was it love?

  He’d been so close to letting go and fading away, but she gave him hope when no one else could. Isa had endless potential and a big heart. Toryn had offered something he never would have dared to request.

  The lengths these two were willing to go moved him deeply. Indebted to both, he would do anything in his power to keep them safe, especially if she decimated the bond to Saressa and prevented another such one from forming. Even if he lost the ability to form a true mate bond, he could still fall in love.

  Scotty was amazed. Isa was the one who broke through his despair. He finally realized how much he had come to rely on her smile during his darkest days. It lifted him up enough to hope for a change. Now, she had taken matters in her own hands, literally, to break him free of the prison Saressa crafted for him. Neither Toryn, nor Isa, wanted anything in return.

  Was it possible she could set him free and stay his friend?

  Isa climbed up his body, trailing kisses along each muscle until she got to a nipple and gently bit down. That snapped him out of his thoughts as she straddled his hips.

  He stared up at her and gulped. Few women ever left him speechless. Isa was one of them. Her body had always been a beautiful, sensual landscape he wanted to explore.

  “Mmm, looking at me like that makes me wetter.” She shifted her heat along his throbbing cock. Sure enough, her honey coated his length.

  He groaned. “Shit, Toryn, how the fuck do you ever resist when she’s yours.”

  “I don’t.” Toryn pulled her hair to one shoulder and kissed up her neck. “Let him fill you, Princess, then I’ll join, slowly. Last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

  She nodded, her eyes closed as she rose up and repositioned Scotty’s length to slide down over him.

  He moaned. “So damned tight I could be lost in the abyss and still feel you wrapped around me.”

  She let out a laugh, her gaze locking on his. “I take it that’s a compliment?”

  He nodded.

  Toryn pushed gently, bending her over, and Isa stopped an inch above Scotty’s face, her breasts pressing into him.

  His hands itched to explore, but he was barely holding onto control. He needed to thrust into her, but was afraid he’d come if he moved even a fraction of a millimeter.

  “While you recover, I plan to take my time worshipping your body. As long as Toryn doesn’t kill me.”

  “Told you, anything goes unless one of us says stop. Simple as that,” Toryn reminded.

  Scotty still had a hard time believing it was that easy. Staring into her eyes, every last doubt fell away. “I need to kiss you, Isa.”

  Delight sparkled in the gorgeous depths. Her lips brushed over his then her tongue traced the seam of his mouth. He opened and her taste exploded across his tongue.

  * * * *

  Toryn poured lube into his hand and rubbed it down his crown and shaft, making sure he was slippery. She’d only had one person there, and he worried how she would handle double-penetration, but he could always stop if it caused her pain. His role was supporting Isa, and he didn’t need to come to do that.

  Scotty asked for a kiss, and she gave it in true Isa fashion, jumping in and blowing his mind. Scotty, the master of kissing, or so he’d been told, groaned like he’d never get enough.

  Toryn silently agreed as he pushed into Isa slowly. She squeezed tight and Scotty’s head fell back on a grunt.

  Then she started to relax and he slipped deeper. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she panted.

  “Too much?” Toryn asked, pausing.

  “No. I uh—I got this.”

  Scotty let out a breathless chuckle and kissed her forehead. “There are other ways to include all three of us. We don’t have to go this route, Isa.”

  “Want it this way.”

  His head passed the tight beginning, and then Toryn slid all the way in. Isa collapsed on Scotty’s chest.

  Scotty panted, “Damn it, Isa. You get any tighter and I’m coming right now.”

  Isa breathed deep. “Give me—I need—holy fuck—a minute,” she whimpered.

  Toryn dutifully held still as he met Scotty’s gaze and gave him a long look. “Trust me, Scotty, she can handle it. She might be incoherent for a while after, but she’ll bounce back and be ready for round three.”

  “Not sure I’ll be at this rate,” Scotty answered with gravel in his voice. “Barely hanging on as it is.”

  “How long has it been?”

  He looked to Isa and back up at Toryn. “Really want to go there when we’re both balls deep in your woman?”

  “How long, Scotty?” He needed the answer.

  He let out a sigh. “Six months.”

  Toryn shook his head, his heart wrenching tighter. “We’re not letting you go down that path again,” he promised.

  “Isa fixes my problem and my reason to give up goes away. Not that I could resist Isa if she’s determined.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  A laugh escaped Isa’s lips and she lifted herself back up to look over her shoulder. “You tried.”

  “I failed.”

  “Thankfully. Now make love to me. Both of you.” She pressed back and dropped her attention to Scotty. “Need you. Give it to me.”

  Scotty arched to pull out but Toryn stayed put until he started a slow glide back in. They worked against each other. He knew the friction would increase, her sensation skyrocketing, until they all came. None of them would last long.

  Toryn gripped her hips tighter, holding her still to let him and Scotty do the work. He worried, in her excitement, she would hurt herself. Her body had already begun to tremble. A low moan left her lips and her power started to spin up.

  Light danced through her skin. Scotty’s magic responded, same as his. Thank fuck they were out in the mountains with no one for miles. The bedroom was going to look like a frantic acid-induced lightshow in another minute.

  * * * *

  Intense pleasure trilled through every cell, vibrating through her. Isa stared into Scotty’s eyes, reaching into his soul to find the spell Saressa coiled around his heart.

  Power hummed through her body and she directed it at the blue cords of water magic wound tight, blocking Scotty from finding real love.

  Her spell probed against Saressa’s, looking for a chink in its armor. A tiny gap let her push into the spell and expand. Her essence touched Scotty’s, then Toryn’s flowed along hers, adding power to her counter spell.

  Her vision began to blur as orgasm erupted over her and tore apart the magic bonds Saressa held Scotty with. She collapsed against Scotty’s chest as he pounded into her even harder, while Toryn did t
he same.

  Climax hit, and she kept soaring, the pleasure throbbing deep within, blotting out all thought.

  Scotty buried himself deep inside her, taking her face to kiss her desperately. She felt the warm push of his release as Toryn slammed home and followed. It took all her draining energy to keep her head up, allowing Scotty to kiss her breath away.

  Toryn collapsed beside them. Then she was rolled to Scotty’s side as his arms wrapped around her. His tears slid down her collar bone. Emotions flowed from him in a jumble. Relief, fear, hope, worry.

  “Don’t cry, Scotty. We got you. And we aren’t done yet. I need to make sure no one can do that again. Not even me.”

  Chapter 8

  Release broke Saressa’s cage, freeing his soul. He held Isa tighter, but met Toryn’s eyes over her shoulder. No words left his lips, but he hoped he communicated his gratitude. Even if Isa couldn’t deliver on her promise to make another binding impossible, this was enough.

  Freedom, after centuries of twisted heartache he knew intellectually wasn’t real, but felt so profoundly he couldn’t deny her hold. With the bond broken, the sick love evaporated, and the hate became manageable. He no longer suffered under the overwhelming war of conflicting emotions.

  Toryn’s hand gripped his shoulder. His blue eyes delved into Scotty’s, offering support born of knowledge. He’d witnessed the hell Saressa forced on Scotty. Toryn was the one who got him out of Faerie, and freed him from Saressa’s direct control. Neither of them knew at the time that wouldn’t be enough to set him free.

  Isa was still beside him, her breathing steady.

  “She’s out, isn’t she?” Scotty asked with a chuckle.

  He gave a cocky grin. “I’ve kept her up many nights. This is merely a satisfied nap. She’ll wake soon.”

  “You sure she can handle more?”

  He nodded slowly. “Definitely. Remember, this was her first time taking two men at once. Think about it, there’s an awful lot of nerve endings and erogenous zones engaged that way. I know how to play her body, and you’re practically a sex god. Did you think she’d be jumping up for the next round two seconds later?”


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