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Viva Los Regalos: Double Down

Page 5

by Renee George

  “Uhm…” She bit her lower lip in response. “Yeah, sounds good.” Mentally, she banged her head against an invisible wall. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  “You’re gonna hurt yourself, darlin’,” he said, affecting a quaint southern accent before putting the car in gear. They pulled away from the Nugget and the sanctuary of her hotel room.

  Pacer could feel her nervous excitement. He could smell her lust rolling at him from the backseat. Maxine had already proven, despite her fear of what he had to offer, she was brave enough to face the challenge. He’d forgotten how good it felt to be with someone who wanted his pleasure as much if not more than their own.

  He’d felt the shock and fear in her the night before when he’d taken her behind the velvet curtain. He’d felt certain she would run -- everything in her had wanted to run away. It had been nearly as much of a surprise to him as it had been to her when she’d stayed and given in to her desire. He’d asked the front desk to call him if she asked for a car. Although her reaction at seeing him had not been what he expected. Again, she’d wanted to run.

  “Just let me know when you want to stop,” he told her. He could hear her mind begging him not to stop. To never stop. But not in the context of driving. She’d been with Nigel all night. He could see glimpses of their lovemaking. Passionate, tender, fierce, and with complete abandonment. His gut twisted at seeing his ex-lover with Maxine. Nigel was still the most beautiful man he’d ever laid eyes on.

  He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block the images, and barely swerved in time to miss a pedestrian.

  “Oh, God! Sorry.” Maxine figured he’d captured the powerful images of her thoughts.

  “It’s fine.” Pacer shook his head. “Really.” But it wasn’t. The vision of Nigel sucking his own cock played in Pacer’s mind. Those lips could do miraculous things, and it looked like Nigel had gotten to find out for himself. Pacer’s cock hardened, pushing painfully against the unforgiving fabric of his black slacks. Stop, he scolded himself. But inwardly, a part of him wanted to see more -- a part that couldn’t help but be aroused by the naked and erect sight of the blue-haired hume.

  Maxine had taken to concentrating on the color white and the numbers one through ten. Pacer knew she only did it for his benefit, to keep thoughts of Nigel at bay., Maxine pointed up on the left and said, “Oo!”

  Her finger pointed to the Neon Museum -- an old tourist trap full of neon signs from Old Vegas. He knew the guy, an ogre named Cid, who ran the joint. Shady, but mostly harmless. “Your wish is my command.”

  He pulled into the deserted four-car parking lot. Not too many tourists who came to Regalos were actually interested in sightseeing anymore.

  Maxine clapped her hands -- nearly giddy. He got an image of her sitting on a sofa with an old lady watching hours of vintage movies with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and other actors he didn’t recognize. She truly had a thing for nostalgia, and it made him like her even more.

  He adjusted himself first, before escorting Maxine into the building. The front area was warm, but he knew the actual museum was kept nearly too cold. Cid kept it cool to encourage tourist flow back when the place had been hopping. The large man, brick-like in his build and bald with a large golden hoop in his left ear, smiled as they approached the counter.

  “Two for the tour, Cid.”

  “Why, Pacer Prism, as I live and breathe. It’s been a long while, kid.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Good to see you, Cid.” Maxine dug through her small purse for fifty credits, but Pacer unfolded a fifty-dollar credit onto the counter. “I’ll get it. My treat.”

  Maxine blushed, and the simple gesture made parting with his hard-earned money all the better. Cid smiled. “Full tour for you and the lovely lady? Or do you want to show her around yourself?”

  “I think I’ll take her myself.” The right side of his lips tugged into a half-smile as Maxine headed for the entrance. Pacer leaned toward the ogre and whispered, “There’s fifty more for you if you keep the tour completely private.”

  “You got it, kid.” He winked as he took the next fifty note from Pacer’s hand. “Private it is.”

  The back area, where the signs were kept, was dark, no light filtering in or out. Pacer nudged Maxine completely in and closed the door behind them. Afraid, she leaned back into his arms. Suddenly, lights began to flicker as thousands of neon signs lit up the entire building, a half-kilometer in length.

  “Wow.” Maxine stumbled forward. “Oh, wow. I didn’t think it would be so big. And beautiful.”

  Behind the signs were walls of mirrors intensifying the neon experience. Pacer could see Maxine from every angle in the museum. “Certainly beautiful.”

  Maxine searched where Pacer directed his gaze and blushed again as she realized it was at her reflection he stared, not the signs. “Oh man!” She jumped up and down when she recognized the first major display. It was the old “Welcome to Vegas” sign that used to sit on the strip. It had been photographed and filmed more than any other sign in history, according to the plaque beneath it. She had to step back and crane her neck just to see it all. “Wicked cool.”

  “It really is,” Pacer agreed absently, his mind on other things. “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

  She turned and he saw her nipples stood erect through the thin fabric of her tank top. He knew it had more to do with the cold room than anything else, but the effect was still the same. His cock went rigid at the thought of taking her small breasts into his mouth. Maxine noticed. “What is it with you and public places?”

  Even with her protests, Pacer could feel her excitement at the thought of getting caught. He decided not to tell her he’d paid Cid extra to keep any other tourists out. “I want to fuck you so badly. Right here. Right now. And I don’t care who walks in.” His words struck all the right chords in the small blonde woman, who shivered with a thrill of the forbidden.

  “We shouldn’t,” she said, half-heartedly.

  “I want you naked before me, Maxine.” His words were darkly seductive, commanding. “Take off your clothes.”

  Maxine’s eyes widened and only with the slightest of hesitation did she comply. Her bare skin pimpled in goose flesh, the cold drawing her skin into tight little bumps. “Oh, jeezus. I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  Her insecurity was charming. She was embarrassed about her body and the things she saw as imperfections. Wide hips, soft belly, and small breasts. Pacer definitely saw them differently. He appreciated what she considered flaws as the things that made her even more beautiful.

  Turning Maxine toward the mirrored wall, he drew a hand down her stomach. “Soft, feminine, sexy.” His hands went to her hips which she considered too wide. “Round, luscious, full of promise.” Next he cupped her breasts, squeezing the nipples gently. “A complete bounty for any man.” Her lips quivered as he continued to touch her in the most sensual way. “You are perfect, Maxine Simms.”

  In her mind she wanted to believe him, really believe his words were more than lip service.

  “I don’t know who made you feel like you weren’t worth it, but I plan on fucking him right out of your head until you realize just what a diamond you are.”

  Maxine thought about how dangerous Pacer was, how she was happy to let him be in control. She wanted him to be responsible for her boldness. To take her out of her comfort zone and make her feel so alive. She would do anything he wanted… to please him.

  Pacer understood the impulse. He’d felt the same way with Nigel, skirting around dark corridors and semi-public places, allowing himself to fuck and be fucked, knowing the danger it held. It had thrilled him more than anything to please Nigel. And in return, Nigel had pleased him. Over and over.

  He felt almost high, because Maxine was willing, more than willing, to do whatever he wanted. But unlike Nigel, Pacer would not take her for granted. Not one minute. He had this day and one more to be with her, and he would make her know just how much he prized her above all others.

  Maxine stood before Pacer, naked and only slightly ashamed. She couldn’t help it. Although those twinges of doubts were never far from her thoughts, she thrilled in allowing herself complete abandon. He stepped back from her. “Turn around for me. I want to see every inch of your body.”

  Against her better judgment, she did as he told her. It was as if she were also on display, and she half expected to see a plaque at her feet. Here stands Maxine Simms. A dinosaur amongst women in the twenty-first century. She could feel his hot gaze raking over her flesh. Warmth flooded her thighs as the moisture from her pussy slipped down between her legs.

  “I want you to touch yourself. I want you to feel how magnificently hot you are. How it feels for me when I slide between your legs.”

  She flushed with heat at his words. No one had ever talked to her this way. It seemed so… naughty. Even more appalling, it turned her on. Before she could stop herself, Maxine slipped her hand down to her pubis. She shifted her legs apart and slid her fingers between the moist folds.

  Masturbating was, unfortunately, nothing new for Maxine, who had suffered a lifetime of doing for herself. But with Pacer, it was a whole ’nother ballgame. She did it to make him happy, not herself, and in response her body reacted differently, quicker. Her clit swelled immediately under her gentle pressure as she worked the slick heat of her pussy in a circle around it.

  “Good. Real good.” He crooked his head to the side, his black hair falling forward over his chest. “Now taste.”

  She felt like a willing lamb led to slaughter as her fingers went to her mouth. She licked the musky substance, tasting herself as he’d commanded. “Again,” he said.

  She moved her fingers back down between her legs. She could see his pants were near bursting and she longed to loose his cock. Almost instantly, she became aware of the fact she hadn’t seen him completely naked yet. And Maxine wanted to see him naked. As she continued to touch herself, Pacer stripped his shirt off first. His pants were next.

  There he stood, gorgeous in his pale, dark glory. The color from the surrounding neon signs created rainbows of reflection on his perfect skin. She moaned her pleasure, her legs threatening to fail beneath her.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  Not that he had to. He could read her thoughts and she knew it. But he wanted to hear the words out loud. “Wet, hot, thick.”

  “Yes.” He nodded. “That’s exactly how it feels. But it is so much more, Maxine. You feel like paradise.”

  It felt more like paradise when he’d touched her, but she’d go along with it. “Uh-hmm.”

  He closed the distance between them, on her like a wolf to prey, in a fraction of an instant. His lips crushed against hers, licking and sucking the juices left on her mouth. Urgency and dark need filled his voice. “I want you, Maxine. By the land, I want you so fucking bad. Tell me you want me.”

  “I want you,” she whispered through bruised lips.

  “Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Say it again.”

  “I want you to fuck me, Pacer.” Her whole body felt like a puddle of melted Jell-O in his arms. She wanted him to fuck her with every inch of her being. “Fuck me, Pacer. Pacer. Fuck me. Now. I want you inside me so goddamn bad I can’t see straight. Pacer!” As she cried his name, he growled, lifting her leg up over his arm, pulling her until her pussy butted against the head of his cock. He entered her in one swift motion.

  “Maxine!” He roared her name, the sound echoing through the large room.

  She grabbed the ledge above her head, the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign jiggling above her as he impaled her with his rigid length. With no thought for her personal safety, she clung to him, wrapping her legs around his waist, pulling him tighter against her with the backs of her heels lifting his ass toward her.

  “Fuck, oh fuck!” he shouted.

  A twittering vibration rippled through Maxine then wham! rapture hit. She squeezed Pacer tighter against her, grinding his pelvis against her pussy. The sign began swinging overhead as Pacer reached up and grabbed the ledge to steady himself. His whole body quaking and shaking, his breath stuttered from his mouth as he came.

  A light burst in the “Welcome” sign and Maxine immediately released the edge sending her and Pacer crashing to the ground. She rolled off him and looked up. It swayed, but still seemed to be staying in place. “Criminently,” she whispered, a bit dumbstruck.

  Pacer began to laugh, first a chuckle, but it soon developed into deep bellowing laughter. Maxine joined in.

  “You are priceless,” Pacer said, kissing her cheek. “We’d better get going. Unless you want to finish the tour?”

  “I’m good.” All good. She’d seen all she needed to of the Neon Museum. It had definitely been worth the trip.

  She dressed hurriedly, only pausing to watch Pacer as he slid his slacks over his perfectly formed naked ass. As they neared the exit, the idea of walking past Cid after completely and fully fornicating in his museum sent a rush of nervous embarrassment through Maxine.

  “He won’t give it a second thought,” Pacer assured her.

  “Doesn’t make me feel any better.” She grinned, it did make her feel better. She smoothed her tank top and straightened her shorts. “I’m ready now.”

  They walked through the door into the front area, Maxine in the lead. Unfortunately, she crashed against someone waiting on the other side.

  “Oohf,” came the man’s voice. Meyer Keagan! His startled face turned bright when he saw Maxine. “We have got to stop meeting like this.”

  “I’m so…” Jeezus, she was tired of apologizing. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m great.” He looked over her shoulder at Pacer then back to Maxine. “How was the tour?”

  She leaned back against her hume lover’s chest. “Awesome.”

  “Excellent.” He pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose as Maxine and Pacer edged by him. “Well, run into you later.”

  “Undoubtedly.” Maxine laughed.

  Chapter Six

  Maxine stepped out of the elevator, sore, tired, and completely sated. Crossing the lobby, she chuckled as she entered the posh hotel restaurant. The two hume-shifters were going to be the death of her. Death by sex. She could think of worse ways to go. She couldn’t believe how unbelievably boring the rest of her life seemed after only two days in Regalos.

  She was meeting Nigel for dinner on his break. It would be a nice change from constant fucking; her more sensitive areas could use a small break. The blue-haired beauty stood up from a table as soon as he saw her. “Maxine.” He waved her over.

  Pulling out her chair, he dipped down and kissed her neck as she took the seat. Warm shivers ran through her. Small breaks were way overrated. If her stomach hadn’t outvoted the rest of her body, she’d have carted him off to the room for some quick one-on-one.

  “I’ve taken the liberty of ordering for you. I hope you don’t mind? I just don’t want to waste the whole break on food.” His multicolored irises swirled. “Steak and lobster?”

  “Oh, sounds perfect.” Normally, if a man had ordered for her, she’d have been really angry. But in Nigel’s case, she knew it wasn’t a male chauvinist move. He really didn’t want to waste time with the ceremony of eating. Maxine only wished she’d just ordered room service for them, but the idea of a real dinner date had taken all good sense from her.

  “I’m enchanted to be dining with you, Maxine. I haven’t had a real date in a long time, either.” He looked up and to the left in a moment of thought. “Actually, I don’t know if I’ve ever had a real date. It’s not something practiced where I come from.”

  Maxine wanted to ask him more about where he came from, but the food arrived. The lobster came split open, the meat of the tail diced and prepared with a petite fillet on the side. A colorful display of mixed vegetables finished off the plate. Food fit for a queen. As she brought the first bite to her mouth, the resta
urant went suddenly quiet. A group of men entered.

  Six bruisers dressed in blue suits stood in front of a guy in a black pinstripe suit. Maxine couldn’t make out the man in the middle. His face was hidden behind the shoulder of one of his entourage. “What’s going on?”

  “Oh, well.” He gestured with his head toward the group as they made their way to the kitchen door. “It looks like Da Boss is dining at the chef’s table tonight.”

  “Wow, Da Boss.” She narrowed her eyes. “What’s Da Boss?”

  “Not a what, Maxine.” Nigel shook his head. “Who’s Da Boss.”

  “Sounds like a bad sitcom.” She craned her neck for a better look. Stylish black hair, swept back in short waves, thick sideburns, full lips, small mouth, brown eyes framed by dark, dark eyelashes and… “Oh! Oh!” She pointed.

  Nigel pushed her hand down. “Da Boss doesn’t like a lot of attention. And he’s a wizard you don’t mess with.”

  Maxine managed to tear her gaze away from the spectacle. “Who knew Johnny Cash was a wizard.”

  Jaw dropping, Nigel’s eyes widened, then he smiled. “You’re kidding. I get it.”

  Leaning forward, Maxine caressed his hand. “You’re the only hunka-hunka burning love I’m interested in at the moment.” She smiled.

  “You are utterly fascinating, Maxine Simms. I don’t know if I’ve told you since we met, but it is true.”

  By the look of fire in his eyes, dinner wasn’t going to last long. Maxine shoveled several bites of lobster into her mouth, two bites of steak, and finished with a perfectly steamed piece of broccoli. “Okay, we can go now.”

  Nigel, who hadn’t eaten a bite, grabbed her hand and practically dragged her from the table, out of the restaurant, across the lobby, and into the elevator. Several times, she thought she would trip and fall flat on her face. Luckily, none of the above occurred. Squeezing her hand tightly, Nigel waited patiently until the people getting off the elevator completely vacated.

  Immediately after the doors closed, Nigel pressed the stop button on the elevator and pulled her close, his mouth finding hers, tongue plunging past her teeth in a probing kiss. Maxine’s hands went to the buttons on his pants, fumbling to get them undone. Nigel reached over to the wall panel and opened it.


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