Timid as a Mouse (Matching Mates Book 3)

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Timid as a Mouse (Matching Mates Book 3) Page 2

by Bronwyn Heeley

  “Are you okay?” Harry asked from up close, his eyes clearly never moving from Luke for long. And what was becoming even clearer was that Harry knew how to read people, even if he wasn’t sure what everything meant.

  “Oh yeah, I’m good.”

  “Then why are you frowning?” Harry’s words weren’t accusing, more like he didn’t even seem to think Luke could have been thinking of him, or if he did have that sort of self-doubt, he was really good at hiding it.

  “I was telling myself I didn’t need to explain anything to myself… because I think the fact you’re a virgin is a huge turn-on—oh fuck, not that I know if you are or not…. Not that it would matter either way—not.”

  Thick fingers cut him off completely, and a smile pulled at Harry’s mouth. “You’re a talker.” It was said like that one personality trait was the best thing on the planet.

  Fuck, Luke was going to cry, he truly was. The gift he was being given, the person he was going to keep, because even though he’d had that very thought at the start, that one sentence had sealed the deal in a way nothing else would have. Harry was his and Luke was keeping him.

  “I’m keeping you,” Luke said. He couldn’t help it, and really, what was the point? It was a truth he didn’t need to hide, because, well, he wasn’t letting him go.


  “Yep.” Luke smiled so wide at the brightness in Harry’s eyes, and at those hands as they cupped his face, a thumb rubbing against the skin under his bottom lip.


  “Truly.” He pushed up, brushing his lips against the slack lips of a crocodile, and wasn’t that a little funny. Then he got serious. “Now, take me to your room so we can seal this deal.”

  Harry’s smile brightened up the whole room, or maybe it was just because he’d grabbed on to Luke’s hand and pulled him out into the bright hallway as they headed towards his room.

  Chapter Three

  The door clicked behind him with a finality that spoke of everything Luke had promised him. Harry couldn’t understand it, but he wasn’t going to deny Luke anything. Not that he could seem to anyway, and if it meant he got himself a companion then he wasn’t going to complain. Nope, not ever.

  Harry could already see their life playing out in front of them as he pulled Luke towards the bed that lay in the middle of the room, and then let go. His feet rocked back and forth because he didn’t know what the fuck he was meant to do now, and yet he was all worked up. There was something in him that understood what happened next, and how it was all meant to play out, but he didn’t know exactly how to get them there. And hell, Luke was so small and delicate. What if he hurt him?

  As if sensing that Harry had reached his limit, Luke laughed, pulling his shirt up over his head and exposing a soft, yet toned stomach and chest, and small pink nipples. Harry’s cock thumped hard behind his fly. There was no way he wasn’t going to hurt him, no way. And not only because of his thick clumsy hands, but also because his cock was probably the size of one of Luke’s thighs. Okay, so that could have been an exaggeration—he didn’t know, he’d have to measure—but looking at the size of the small man against his bulk, he was willing to accept the dramatic nature of his thoughts.

  “Get naked, big guy, and lay on the bed.”

  “Uh….” Okay, he could do that… right? Right! Yep, there his hands went, popping open the button of his fly and pulling the zipper apart. They went to his shirt next, pulling the thin fabric up and over his head. Harry heard a soft hum at what was exposed, making him feel like puffing out his chest. Hell, he may have done just that. His thighs and feet worked together to take off his shoes, pants and undies, and then he was flat on his back, thighs open wide enough to accommodate his heavy balls. His cock lay hard and full against the hair covering his pubic bone and lower stomach, the head a little sloppy, like he’d been working himself enough to start leaking—and wasn’t that, just there, a new experience. He pushed a few pillows under his neck, supporting it and allowing an extra level of comfort. Harry’s eyes latched onto Luke, who had rounded the bed and was now up near a side table, getting a handful of lube.

  “Come on, big guy, lube yourself up. That’s a big cock you’ve got there, and even though I prepped before coming down tonight, I’m not sure I can take you without a lot of help.” And then that hand, the one that was now all shiny and slick, went behind Luke, and one of his legs moved up onto what Harry could only assume was the wooden edge of the bed’s base.

  “Come on, Harry, I’m too worked up to do this slowly, and I want you in me before the magic in the air rips out the orgasm sitting at the tip of my cock, just from looking at you all displayed like that.”

  Huh? Oh… right. Harry had a job to do. Yep, easy.

  Hovering his hand under the nozzle of the pump-action litre bottle of lube, Harry was about to put his thumb up over it when Luke pushed it down, filling his hand with a few squirts of the cold liquid.

  Up on the bed Luke got, quick and nimble like the very animal he shared his spirit with. Harry’s hand went to his cock, applying the lube with long strokes. He was wondering how that little body was going to take him when Luke slowly knelt over his hips. One of his legs raised, a hand going between his thighs and batting away Harry’s, putting Harry where he needed to be. When the head of his cock popped into that tight opening, Harry’s whole body froze, just going completely still as he held himself there. He didn’t want to hurt Luke, wanted him to do what he needed so the pressure of his cock going into that body didn’t stop, so the heat slowly engulfing his cock wouldn’t go away. And then there was just the fact it was happening. Slowly, so fucking slowly, his cock was being welcomed into a tight, wet heaven.

  “Oh god.” Harry’s head kicked back slightly, but he wouldn’t take his eyes away from the sight of Luke. He couldn’t see what was happening between those thighs—too much shadow. However, he could see the sheen of sweat coming up on Luke’s beautiful skin, the hot flushed cock of his lover thumping and moving as Luke breathed in deep and took another inch. The tight look on Luke’s face as he concentrated hard on what he was doing. The thigh that shook slightly as he balanced, and had Harry reaching out to brace him, not holding on but making sure those muscles didn’t decide to collapse. The hand and arm that was pushing into Harry’s lower ribs. It all made one picture, which Harry saw both individually, and all at once. He catalogued every small detail while his mind swam with pleasure, because Luke had been right when he’d stumbled over himself to try and correct his assumed notion. Harry had never had sex before. Never known anything but his own hand and lube to bring himself off. No one had ever cared to want him, and he hadn’t cared enough to pay someone to pretend.

  It took agonising minutes, yet what felt like mere seconds for Luke to finish descending down Harry’s cock. He sat for a moment on top of Harry catching his breath before he moved just slightly, and Harry moaned deep in his chest, making those lips pull up into a small smile.

  It was heaven and hell wrapped up in the most beautiful of packages. He didn’t want it to end, didn’t want to stay still. The need built up in a way that made it hard for him to keep his hips still, and he wanted to stay there basking, maybe even take a kiss. But that would involve movement, a bit of coordination if he wasn’t mistaken, as Luke was just a wee bit too short, or him a bit too tall for them to lock lips without Harry falling out of Luke’s body. No matter how much he wanted a kiss, there was no way he was losing his spot, not when he’d only just gotten there. Even the fact he knew that if he lost his footing Luke wouldn’t deny him, wasn’t enough for him to risk the movement.

  Then magically, Luke moved.

  Oh, fuck, did he move, knees on either side of Harry now. Luke rocked his hips forward, pushing his own cock through the curl and tangle of Harry’s hair, and himself off Harry’s cock. The slide took him at least halfway off Harry before pushing back, sliding Harry back in. Sadly, he’d been correct, there was no way they lined up enough to kiss which w
as a shame. Again Luke moved, his back arching, his hands pressing hard on Harry’s chest as he pushed himself up off Harry’s body completely, getting more cock out of his body, before letting gravity take him back down.

  Noises left Harry, moans and groans, pants, and everything else that came with fucking. He… he didn’t know what to think, didn’t think his mind could even function, and yet even without all that his hands came up, running against all the flesh he could—Luke’s thighs, his arse, letting it lift and then sit back down on his palms. Once he’d lost his mind completely and his body took over, he held those cheeks and kept Luke’s body still. With a shift of his feet, engaging his calves and thighs, he started thrusting up into Luke, his eyes never leaving any part of the moment—any part of Luke.

  Chapter Four

  Luke moaned deep in his throat as Harry took over. He knew it would happen—there was no way a first-timer would be able to hold on for long—and Luke had been having trouble breathing enough to move as little as he did. The cock inside him was long and thick, it wouldn’t surprise Luke that if when Harry came, it wouldn’t shoot out his own mouth. He felt so full, and that took effort, more than even the magic running this show could provide.

  Harry was so beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking. His eyes lingered, moving over Luke’s body. His mouth was open, gasping as his chest worked hard. The hair under Luke’s fingers, making Harry feel twice as hot, and wasn’t that wonderful. Luke often found himself freezing, even at the height of summer and he couldn’t wait to snuggle down on all that fur—and yet he didn’t really want the fucking to end. It was high up there on one of the best nights of his life, and it had only just started. They had a solid twenty-four hours to come.

  Those eyes begged him for a kiss, lingering against his mouth, a tongue coming out in the hopes he could taste Luke already, and wasn’t that just something? Wasn’t Harry just something else completely?

  Shifting up onto his toes, he moved his knees so they ended up in the grooves of Harry’s hips. He knew it wasn’t the most comfortable of positions but it was the only way this was going to work. Leaning forward, making Harry’s own leg push up under him, allowed those thrusts to change direction just enough that Luke’s breath caught. The girth of Harry’s cock pushed up into Luke’s prostate with every thrust now.

  “Please,” breathed out of Harry’s mouth twice over before Luke got himself together enough to kiss the big crocodile. Lips and tongues met, proving Harry had been paying attention and was already a natural. Then one of those hands roamed against his body, and Luke’s brain nearly shorted out.

  He was so close, just needed a little… something. Something he couldn’t get without his own hand coming into the mix. The thump of his cockhead between their bodies just wasn’t enough. But he didn’t want to let go of Harry’s mouth, didn’t want to lose the breath mingling with his as Harry’s panting got harder, his hips now a little offbeat. He was close, and Luke wanted Harry to get everything he’d ever wanted out of his first time with sex. He wasn’t a selfless person, Luke would get his way, and probably a lot more than Harry would if history was any indication. At this point Luke didn’t think the man would make a one-eighty turn in personality Harry was a natural giver, and once he found his rhythm would give Luke everything he’d ever want in a lover.

  “Oh gods.” He needed to come, and just as the words left his mouth, Harry pulled him down hard onto that cock, and he was filled with the rush of warmth that came from another man releasing into you.

  Waiting until Harry was finished, and only because Luke wanted his own release, he pushed himself into a sitting position, liking the stretch of Harry plugging his arse, the twitch of those thighs behind his back. Luke let Harry take all his weight as Luke took his cock in hand, working himself to get off. It didn’t take long, and he did his best to catch what he could because honestly, he didn’t want to lie in a wet spot. He wanted to lie down on that chest he was eyeing off as he pulled the come out of his cock.

  “Beautiful.” Harry spoke softly, his hands still touching Luke even though it was clear he wasn’t going to miss the show he was getting. “So beautiful.”

  Luke smiled as he let himself collapse onto Harry’s body, wiping his hand against the edge of the bed. He didn’t give a shit where the mess of fluids ended up.

  “Thank you.” Harry’s voice made Luke tingle all over with pleasure. One of his big hands ran up and down Luke’s back, and the other held his cock, making sure he didn’t hurt Luke as he lowered his legs, unfortunately pulling him free of Luke’s body. But then that cock probably needed some fresh air before round two started up.

  “Does that mean you’re going to take me home with you?”

  “You want that, really?” Harry’s voice held a wakefulness which had been missing a moment before. “I live in a small cabin at the end of a river.”

  “Of course you do, you’re a crocodile.” Luke smiled as he pushed himself up enough to see into those eyes—eyes that honestly didn’t seem to understand why he’d be interested.

  “And you’re really okay with that?”

  “Of course.” Luke smiled, moving just enough to kiss Harry’s lips softly. “But if you don’t want to shack up with a field mouse, I’ll understand.”

  “I’d love you to come home with me, I just don’t know if you’ll like it there.”

  “You’ll be there, right?” Harry nodded. “Then that’s where I want to be.” He settled back down onto his mate’s big chest, because it was a done deal. Harry wanted him there, so he was going to move in with him.

  “Okay.” Harry sounded like he was smiling.

  “Okay.” Luke did smile. “It’s settled.”

  “That it is.”

  “You want to have a go at being on top?”

  Luke laughed, and was pulled up and kissed like he’d been away for weeks and decided to walk around naked in front of a hungry crocodile.

  Yep. Wherever this man went, Luke was going to follow, because there was nowhere else he needed to be.

  If you liked this book maybe you’d be interested in the rest of the series

  Wrong Place, Right Time  Catching His Wolf

  The Tiger’s Release  Mate’s Freedom

  Happy Ever Mate

  About the Author

  I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours... da da da da dum, author of LGBT+ genre fiction author

  Serious I wanna know

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  Published via BonyDee Press

  My Kevin

  Gotta Start Somewhere


  Running Scared

  Being That for You

  A Road Worth Traveling

  ARWT part 1: DRitC 2015: Love is an Open Road


  Love without Knowing It

  Encounter Space

  My Outside My Inside

  Outside Sanity

  An Alphas World

  Taking a Stand

  Published via eXtasybooks.com

  Moonlit Wolves

  Loved By A Werewolf

  Forever With My Werewolf

  Seeking My Werewolf

  Taking Control of My Werewolf

  A Werewolf’s Howl

  The Rub of My Werewolf

  Protecting My Werewolf

  Moonlit Escapades

  Second Pack of Cameron

  Ben’s Wolf Surprise


  Published via BonyDee Press


  The Way Life Turns


  Less Than A Dayǀ In This Life And Beyond




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