A Wild Wonderland: A Sexy Bad Boy Holiday Novel (The Parker's 12 Days of Christmas Book 8)

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A Wild Wonderland: A Sexy Bad Boy Holiday Novel (The Parker's 12 Days of Christmas Book 8) Page 4

by Weston Parker

  I pushed into him, chest against chest, demanding more, more, more. I wanted to feel as much of him pressed against me as possible, but I also wanted to never move from this spot and to stay rooted in each other’s presence. He brought out feelings and sensations that I had always thought I was far too busy for, ones I had considered wastes of time or something I could indulge in later when I was successful.

  But there was no waiting for this. The kiss was everything that I wasn’t. Impetuous fire, ardent want, and urgency that required immediate tending. I felt myself grow wet and knew that I was probably going to have to do some serious laundry no matter what direction this went.

  Brayden murmured something into my mouth, and it sounded more concerned than some sort of dirty talk, so I forced myself to break away.

  “What?” I gasped raggedly, my chest heaving from my stolen breath. Who knew that making out with someone could be such physical exertion?

  “I don’t want to pressure you or anything.”

  I would have laughed if it wasn’t so sweet. I had to stop assuming the worst out of him, I guessed. But I couldn’t help it that my mind automatically thought he would be some sex-crazed frat boy who wouldn’t care about something like clear consent.

  Well, if he wanted to know if I was into it, it was only polite of me to answer him. I cupped his face like he had mine, although my hands were much, much smaller in comparison, and pulled him urgently to me once again.

  Our lips found each other once more, and I surged with desire. Fire building in my middle, I ground against him. I could feel his body respond, hardened length already pressing into me, and it filled me with a sort of power that only came from being desired by someone you felt the same toward.

  I was losing myself to the excitement when suddenly I was pushed into the passenger seat. I gasped, my mind instantly wondering if I had done something wrong. But Brayden sent me a crooked smile and leaned over to buckle me in.

  “What are you doing?” I asked breathlessly.

  “What does it look like? Taking you someplace more private.”

  “Why?” I resented that he had broken my mood but didn’t necessarily object to the idea of going somewhere they couldn’t get a ticket for indecent exposure.

  “I’m not having sex with you in a bar parking lot.” His tone was still light, not demanding, but there was a layer of firmness to it.

  “Oh, I guess that makes sense.” I sat back and let him pull out of his spot. I could feel the heat inside of me dying with every second we were apart, but I tried to keep it alive by reminding myself I was about to get laid. Which I suddenly needed very desperately.

  It didn’t take long for me to realize we were heading toward the frat house. Oh. That was less than awesome. I felt myself fall a bit out of the mood, but I managed to hold onto a scrap of my desire. Brayden was definitely the playboy type, so I was certain he would be good, which would be a welcome change from my last relationship with a small-town boy from across the country who couldn’t last more than three minutes. He was sweet but patronizing, and it seemed he was more comfortable with the idea of me being in the kitchen than me having my own career.

  We pulled up, and I threw open the door, ready to jump to the ground and sprint to somewhere he could put me on my back and make me forget how much work I had waiting for me in the morning.

  But, to my surprise, he was already around the truck and waiting for me. He held his arms up and offered me a grin, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “You want to carry me? Really?”

  “Unless you’re scared of heights.”

  “Was that a short joke?” I countered, eyes narrowing playfully.

  “Why, I wouldn’t dare.”

  My laugh continued, and I allowed him to pick me up and carrying me through the back door of his stupid Greek house. I was certainly impressed with his strength, and I couldn’t help but wonder what that stamina could do to me where it really counted.

  He kicked open the door effortlessly, and then hauled me up a flight of stairs. I secretly hoped that I didn’t tire him out, but he seemed perfectly fine. His muscles pressed against me in the perfect mix of firm and strong, and I could smell his cologne like a goddamn aphrodisiac. I found myself breathing deeply, wanting to drag as much of that masculine musk into my lungs as I could.

  It didn’t take us long to reach another door, this one that apparently wasn’t kickable.

  “Um, a little help here?” He asked, gesturing with his head toward the portal.

  I snickered and reached over to turn the knob. It swung open, and soon, he was depositing me on something soft and bouncy. His bed, of course.

  It was covered by a thick, clean comforter with a basic geometric pattern on it, and I was surprised to see that the Queen mattress was entirely made. I had definitely expected a full-sized bed with no box spring, on the floor with only a blanket across it with no sheets. I was more than happy to be wrong again, and I could imagine all the fun I could have across his comforter set.

  “You look good like that,” he murmured, looking down at me with his voice barely more than a low rumble. The expression in his eyes was so hot, I felt the fire within me pick right back up to where it had been burning before. I liked where this was going.

  And I definitely wanted more.

  He stood in front of me, and for a moment, I wasn’t sure quite what to do. It wasn’t that I was virginal, by any stretch of the word, but I’d never been with someone quite as experienced as the man before me.

  Thankfully, he didn’t leave me in the dark for long. His large hands went to the bottom of his shirt, and he pulled it upward slowly. Bit by bit, his muscled torso was revealed to me, and it was as handsome as the rest of him.

  He threw it to the corner and then knelt on the bed. Lowering his weight onto his hands, he crawled over me until our faces were even again.

  I lifted my head to kiss him, but he stopped me with a single finger to my lips. I lay back, confused, only for his fingers to find the buttons of my coat and slowly undo them one by one.

  He never broke eye contact the entire time, his intense gaze telegraphing exactly what he wanted to do with me once I was free from my winter gear. It was enough to set my brain ablaze and abolish any other doubts that might have been lurking in the recesses of my mind.

  Once he had it off me, he sat back, as if he was admiring me like a painting. I found myself blushing, and his grin only grew that much more crooked.

  “You’re still a bit overdressed for the occasion.” He murmured, eyes still boring into me, hinting at all the sinful things he wanted to do.

  “Then help me get more appropriate.” I shot back.

  He leaned down again, more than happy to help. I rolled over, and his hands found the zipper at the back of my thick, winter dress. He pulled it down far more smoothly than I had ever managed, and then his fingers were on the clasp of my bra.

  I was nearly stunned at how easily he undid it with one hand, his other rolling me back to face him. He pulled my bra from me with almost reverent hands, and he paused yet again.

  “You’re beautiful,” he breathed.

  The compliment was so genuine, so ardent, that I didn’t know what to say. It just wasn’t what I had expected from a playboy like him. But if he was this worshipful with every woman who fell into his bed, well, I couldn’t blame any of them for wanting to be there.

  I pulled him back down to me again and poured everything I was feeling into the kiss. He responded in kind, one of his hands encircling my breast, fingers rolling my nipple between them.

  I gasped and arched up into him. He responded by smiling into our kiss and then breaking mouth contact entirely.

  I would have objected, but he was already moving down my body until his mouth enveloped the pink bud that his hand wasn’t working over. My whole body lit up with pleasure and a strangled sort of mewl escaped my lips.

  God, yes. I wanted this. I needed this.

  I bucked urgently
, grinding against his middle, but he wouldn’t let me rush him at all. He seemed to take pleasure in his perfect torture of me, and I was loving every moment of it.

  Time stretched out, making me uncertain of how many minutes were passing under his delicious ministrations. Eventually, I got my head about me enough to try to reach for his pants, but his cursed body was so long, and my arms were so damn short!

  “What are you trying to get?” he murmured, chuckling into my skin.

  “What do you think?” I shot back. “There are a few too many layers of fabric between us.”

  “You may have a point.” But to my dismay, he gently gripped my wrists and pushed them up above my head. “But ladies first.”

  He let go of me, and his head dipped low again, this time placing kisses down the valley between my breasts, then down my abdomen, and finally stopping at the edge of the thick, woolen leggings I had chosen to wear with my dress. Normally, I appreciated their warm and toasty nature, but now they were in the way.

  He pulled them down, wiggling them over my hips. I blushed a bit that I hadn’t shaved recently, but he didn’t seem to care one lick.

  I reached down to help him with my panties. They were sensible, cotton things but not entirely boring. They had a touch of blue lace to them, and pale dots across them. However, Brayden caught my hands once more and pushed them down to my sides.

  “Allow me,” he whispered against my thigh before returning to my form once again.

  His teeth gently found purchase at the top of the small undergarment, and soon, he was pulling those off too. His breath brushed against my core, and I couldn’t stop the full body shudder that shook me.

  “Easy now,” he muttered, tossing my panties with my dress. He didn’t stay parted from me for long, and then, his mouth was over what my underwear had just been covering.

  His lips pressed against me and his tongue flicked between that sensitive bundle of nerves at the apex of my center.

  The cry that came out of my mouth was practically inhuman, and I bucked into the man without reserve. His arms gripped my hips, pinning me back down to the mattress while he worked me over.

  God! It was insanity! His tongue danced along my folds and edges like he knew me well. I supposed that was what all his practice had gotten him, but I certainly wasn’t complaining. I could feel him pushing me closer and closer to that white-hot, blinding rush of pleasure, and I absolutely needed it. More than water. More than air. If he didn’t push me over, I feared I might go mad.

  One of his hands left my hip, and his fingers gently traced my opening. I begged for it, pleading with words that didn’t make sense, but like everything else, he drew it out until I was a complete and utter mess.

  But when he did slide one of them into me, it was pure ecstasy. He curled it just right, hitting the top of a shelf within me that made my entire body tense. I could hardly breathe, but I didn’t want him to ever stop. I both wanted my release with all I had but wished that the moment could last forever.

  It didn’t, of course. His lips formed a seal around that sensitive cluster of nerves, and he sucked.

  I came with a cry, a limb-shaking, mind-tumbling, heart-stopping climax rocking my frame. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, but I didn’t need to. I was above the highest cloud, flying through my undiluted orgasm.

  It took me several moments to come down, and when I did, I was gasping and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Brayden was watching me with no undue amount of satisfaction, obviously pleased with himself.

  “Now who’s overdressed?” I managed to whisper, my body still incredibly warm from the rush of endorphins.

  “I guess you’re right,” he answered smugly, standing once more.

  His hands went to his pants, and I watched intently, finally ready to see what pressed so urgently against the front of his jeans.

  He took his time about it, the tease. First, he popped the button, and then his eyes met mine. I gave him a look, and his fingers found the top of his zipper, but then he proceeded to do absolutely nothing about it.

  “You’re ridiculous,” I accused, sitting up and reaching for him. But he took a step back from me and wagged his finger.

  “Someone’s impatient,” he said, sounding as self-assured as ever.

  “Can you blame me?” I asked, reaching for him once again. This time, he let me reach him and within seconds, I was yanking his zipper down and pulling out the star of the show.

  It wasn’t porn length by any means, but it was definitely longer and thicker than what I was used to. I swallowed hard, but when I looked up at him, the sheer desire in his expression made me lose all trepidation about his girth.

  “Lie back,” he said.

  I did, anticipation coursing through me. My limbs were shaking with need once more, and when he knelt over me, my arms encircled him.

  He lined himself up and pushed forward until I was full to the brim with his length.

  I gasped, feeling like my every sense was pushed to the edge. Brayden paused and looked down at me with concern clearly written across his face.

  “Tell me when you’re ready,” he said, peppering kisses across my face, neck, and wherever else he could reach.

  I nodded and told myself to relax, but I was stretched to the max. There was a slight sort of pinching within me, and I tried not to think of what it might have felt like if I wasn’t so appropriately warmed up, as it were.

  It seemed that Mr. Keller was quite the considerate lover. That thought softened me, and I felt my body relax around him.

  I shifted my hips, winding in circles, and found that all the discomfort had gone. Lifting my legs, I locked my ankles behind Brayden’s back and squeezed.

  “I’m ready,” I gasped.

  And boy, he certainly didn’t disappoint. He started slowly at first, just rocking against me, but he quickly picked up the pace. The air filled with the scent of sex and sweat as his hips surged into mine, his cock plunging into me again and again.

  His hands and mouth didn’t remain idle either. He supported himself with one arm while the other found my still-slightly throbbing bud, rubbing it in circles in time to his thrusts. His mouth covered mine, pressing, biting, and working me over in the most exhilarating kiss I had ever experienced.

  “Oh God, Brayden,” I gasped. “Please, don’t stop.”

  “Wasn’t planning on it,” he practically growled into me.

  Normally, I was a bit of a one and done type of girl, only fancying a second round when I was really into a masturbation session, but I could already feel my body raring up for another stunning climax.

  My breath hitched, and I held on as best I could, rutting against Brayden with all my might. Everything he gave me, I gave him back, squeezing around him in a counter-rhythm to his thrusts and clit-rubbing.

  I had no idea how much time passed. The only thing I knew was that my entire body was exhausted and trembling while sweat was trickling down my forehead. If Brayden minded the extra moisture, he didn’t say, but I guessed that he wasn’t considering that he was showing signs of exertions as well.

  “I’m getting close,” he said, losing the beat of his thrusting and sinking into a wild frenzy of short moves.

  “Me too.” I gasped, trying to hold him to me with all the strength my tired body possessed.

  “Again?” he asked, sounding surprised.

  “Yeah, again.”

  He sent me such a cocky grin that I was almost tempted to throw him off. But then he changed the angle of his hips and hit something within me that made my vision go out. I let out something between a scream and a moan, arching into him while my body went wild.

  I could hear him reaching his own orgasm in the background of my mind, and I was filled with something hot and primal, but I didn’t give it much thought. I was once more plunged into the euphoric high that came along with coming, the muscles of my abdomen fluttering without cadence.

  Brayden collapsed on top of me before I rolled him to the sid
e. It took me several minutes to fully come down, but as I did, reality began to sink in.

  I had just slept with the president of a fraternity. Basically, the frattiest of frat bros to ever frat. And I hadn’t even had the sense to do it in neutral territory.

  No, I was in his bed. Surrounded by his belongings. In a place I had never been to and didn’t know how to get away from.

  Abruptly the mood was gone, and I quickly sat up. He handed me some tissues, and I quickly wiped myself up before getting dressed.

  “Hey, what’s the hurry?” he asked, obviously confused by my sudden one-eighty.

  “I would like to go home, please,” I asked. “Would you please take me there? It’s on the total opposite side of campus and student housing. By the administrative building.”

  “Yeah, sure. Of course.”

  To my surprise—again—he hustled to his pants, put them on, and led me out of the house. It took a couple of minutes for the truck to warm up, but then we were off.

  He didn’t say much, and I didn’t have any desire to speak myself. My actions confused me, and I didn’t know quite what to think of myself. I was shocked, obviously, but the rest of my emotions seemed to be twisted about and wrapped in on each other.

  We arrived, and while I was fiddling with the doorknob, Brayden leaned over. I realized that he was going for my cheek, and I allowed him without any fuss before sliding out.

  As I walked to my door, the only thing I could wonder was what the hell I had done and what consequences would come from it.

  Chapter 9


  I stared at my computer, trying to focus on the spreadsheet I was putting together, but images of my night with Hailey kept playing over and over again in my mind.

  I could see her, lying back against my comforter, pale skin in sharp contrast to the deep blue of my set. She had been utterly beautiful, her flushed cheeks making her freckles stand out that much more, her eyes shining in what little light made it around the door.


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