A Wild Wonderland: A Sexy Bad Boy Holiday Novel (The Parker's 12 Days of Christmas Book 8)

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A Wild Wonderland: A Sexy Bad Boy Holiday Novel (The Parker's 12 Days of Christmas Book 8) Page 6

by Weston Parker

  And if that wasn’t enough, we were already on track to beat last year’s total! My heart picked up as soon as I thought the words, my cheeks warming with excitement. The previous drive had been one of my most successful, and I remembered crying over my cell phone as I was able to call the local women and children’s center to tell them we had room for fifteen more little ones. With the way we were headed—

  I shook my head, trying not to get ahead of myself. Cart before the horse, eggs before they’re hatched and all that.

  “You okay?” Brayden asked from the driver’s seat, sparing me a look of concern.

  “Just thinking,” I answered with a soft smile.

  How had I been so wrong about him? And all his friends? It made me wonder if they were exceptions to the norm or if, perhaps, I had been wrong all along.

  The thought made me feel lost as if I didn’t know which of my beliefs were accurate and which were false. Perhaps it was a little overdramatic to be so affected by people being nicer than I anticipated, but I couldn’t help it. Disliking frats was at the core of so much of my character, it seemed strange to abandon it.

  The truck came to a stop, and the engine quieted, pulling me from my thoughts. Somehow, we had already reached the main turn for our college. It was always a busy turn, no matter what time of day, so we had a couple of minutes before he would reach the living quarters.

  “So, where am I dropping you off?”

  I hesitated a moment, my mind whirling with possibilities, but then my mouth was open, and I was answering. “My place, please.”

  He nodded, and after two more light-cycles, we were finally headed toward my home.

  He pulled up a few minute later, close enough to my place so I wouldn’t have to walk more than ten steps. I slid out but then hesitated at the last moment. I turned back to him, trying to figure out exactly what I wanted to say.

  “Something up?” Brayden asked. It seemed he too had something he was hoping to hear, so I just blurted it out.

  “Melina texted me earlier that she’s going to the movies with Jake tonight. She won’t be home until after midnight, if at all.” I took a deep breath. Why was I so nervous? It wasn’t like we hadn’t already seen each other completely naked. And yet, I was standing beside his truck, feeling my palms sweat. “Would you like to come up?”

  His expression immediately brightened, and he leaned over to kiss my cheek. “Sure. I’ll go park. Meet you inside in a minute.”

  I nodded and stepped back, shutting the door of his truck. It rumbled off, and I found myself skipping to my door and shedding my coat.

  The warmth of my dorm was heaven after the cold of the outside, and it amplified the heat I could already feel growing in my middle. Quickly, I slid the wool-lined jumpsuit I was wearing off, then my extra layer of leggings, until I was only in my underwear.

  I heard the door open and close behind me, and then Brayden walked around the corner of the kitchen. I turned to face him as he came into sight, and his eyes went wide.

  “Oh,” he murmured, clearly surprised.

  “Is that a good ‘oh’, or a bad ‘oh’?” I asked, taking a careful step toward him.

  “A good oh. Definitely a good oh.”


  Then I practically threw myself at him, pressing him against the wall while I climbed him. He seemed more than happy to helpwith his large hands coming up under my behind to hold me in place while my mouth went to work.

  I couldn’t say what was driving me to attack him so lustfully. Maybe it was how good he’d been at the charity. Maybe it was how intently he had listened the previous night. Who knew? I certainly didn’t.

  But that didn’t matter at the moment. The only thing important was my lips and teeth against the skin of his shoulders, neck, and jaw.

  I was ravenous, filled with a desire I didn’t even know I could possess. I wanted all of him, immediately, and I wanted him hard.

  Granted, I could already feel that the second part was coming true, pressing insistently to the underside of my butt.

  I tipped my head back, letting out a giddy laugh, and Brayden took the opportunity to walk me backward into my room. Before I knew it, I was dropped down onto the mattress.

  I started to sit up, but he shook his head slightly. I shot him a quizzical look but stayed still, wondering what he could be doing exactly.

  He didn’t speak at all, but his actions more than conveyed his intent. With a deliberate sort of drama, he busied himself with removing his own pants. His gaze never broke contact with mine, like he was daring me to watch. To enjoy the show.

  God, he was hot. Hotter than he had any right to be. It wasn’t fair. And it didn’t help that the attraction was underlined by the fact that, so far, he seemed like a kind, caring individual who was taking my toy drive to new heights.

  Once his little striptease was over, Brayden was finally free from his thick, winter clothes and completely naked at the foot of my bed. His need for me was obviously, borderline painfully, visible, standing fully erect with a few drops of his excitement already gathered at the tip. Raising a single eyebrow, the frat president lowered himself onto the mattress.

  I laid back, expecting him to climb over me and start ravishing me like I wanted. But that didn’t seem to be a part of his plan at all. Instead, he knelt by my feet at the edge of my small mattress and dropped his head toward my hips.

  He didn’t rush a single action, taking as much time as he needed for each task. I could practically feel the passion radiating from him as he caressed, kissed, licked, and otherwise doted on every inch of skin I had. He didn’t miss a thing, lips worshipping all the way from the top of my hip, down my thigh, all the way to the tops of my feet. I found myself suddenly grateful I had gotten a pedicure, something that was definitely out of the norm for me.

  Then he was back to my hips, and his teeth were grasping the edge of my panties. With a type of skill that seemed borderline impossible, he slowly pulled them down my body until I was bare to him.

  Clad only in a bra, I had never felt more revealed. Strange, considering this wasn’t the first time he had seen me nude, but this time, it was just different. The lights were on, for one, and I had daydreamed about this happening all day. Instead of being a surprise revelation, it was more like a long-planned release.

  He was moving again, this time for my bra. I had never been more grateful for wearing one with a front clasp, as Brayden was able to undo it with one hand, easily pushing the cups to the side to reveal all of me to him.

  “You’re beautiful,” he breathed.

  I didn’t know what to say to that. The compliment was so genuine, so breathless, it was almost like a prayer.

  Thankfully, he didn’t seem to be expecting an answer, and his head dipped down once more, teasing down my pelvis until his lips arrived at my center.

  I tried to arch upward to meet him, but he held me fast. Clearly, he wanted to be the one to drive the scene, so I would let him for a bit. Soon, though, I would take over, and he would see exactly the kind of girl Hailey Martin was.

  After a few gentle kisses, one of his hands lifted from his hold on my hip, and he gently slid a single finger through my folds. I let out a whimper, demanding more of the delicious pressure he was applying. He really seemed to be enjoying dragging it out, but I wanted him now.

  My body was responding already, growing wetter by the second as he parted me. Then, finally, his fingers teased at my entrance, eliciting a gasp from me.

  I tensed, my body trembling as he really went to work. His fingers and mouth both worked me over together, setting up counter-rhythms between the two to always keep me on edge.

  It was hard to keep track of how long he stayed down there, paying attention to every response and responding in kind.

  Apparently pleased with himself, he paused for a moment and looked back up to me. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked, the expression he gave me filling me with an intense sort of satisfaction.

�Hell, yes,” I answered. “Please, don’t stop.”

  “Well, if you insist.”

  True to his word, he leaned back down into my folds, this time applying more pressure and picking up his speed.

  Ah, yes. After all the stress of my charity and school and just in general, this was exactly what I needed. His tongue against me in combination with his thumb and finger were the only friends I needed. I felt my muscles start to relax, drowning in the endorphins he was sending through my body while my middle tightened with the telltale sign of an oncoming climax.

  But he’d had enough time at the wheel. Reaching down, I wrapped my fingers in his thick, perfect, playboy hair and thrust up into his mouth. If he was surprised, he certainly took it in stride, and I felt him adjust quickly. He tipped his chin down, allowing his tongue to flick over that sensitive nub at the apex of my entrance while one finger entered me without resistance.

  I was sure the neighbors heard the cry that punched out of my throat, but I didn’t care a single bit. Once more, Brayden was taking me to higher pleasures than I had never known I was missing. Dammit! How much of life didn’t I know about? It seemed I was learning new things day by day.

  It helped that I had a fantastic fucking teacher.

  I giggled at that, realizing the sentence worked in multiple connotations. Brayden stopped for a moment, and I realized he may have thought I was laughing at him, so I quickly clarified.

  “That wasn’t at you,” I blurted between pants. “Just had a funny thought.”

  But the waves of pleasure were far too high, and I felt myself rapidly descending into the utter bliss that was my release. Brayden seemed to feel the rising change within me, and his finger curled just so.

  I was hit with a blinding wall of pleasure, my body winding tighter than a corkscrew. It felt like pure heaven was in my middle, radiation out to the rest of my body in erratic blasts. My body tensed so hard that it lifted me from the mattress, but Brayden held me fast, supporting me through the tumultuous waves of my ecstasy.

  An eternity passed in that beautiful haze, leaving me panting, sweating, and utterly exhausted when I dropped back to the mattress. Of course, I wasn’t complaining about the bone-melting bliss. It was exactly what I needed to dissolve all the stress I carried on my shoulders constantly.

  “Thank you,” I breathed hard enough to insinuate I might have finished a very intense race.

  “You’re more than welcome,” Brayden retorted as he climbed up my body, his thick cock lining up perfectly with my entrance.

  No, that wouldn’t do. As much as I wanted him, I wanted to play more. Besides, he had responded fairly well to me taking charge of the last part, so maybe he wouldn’t mind me doing it again.

  There wasn’t any time to debate, so I grabbed the underside of his thigh and flipped him over so I was sitting on top. I managed it all in one smooth motion, and I could tell he was as impressed as he was alarmed.

  “Now it’s my turn,” I whispered, letting my tongue painstakingly gather the tiny droplets already waiting for me.

  The shudder that went through his body was pure sin. When his voice came out, it was barely above a desperate whisper. “Whatever you say.”

  Now that was what I wanted to hear.

  I licked down his length, watching how he reacted to every stroke, suck, and shift. He didn’t disappoint me, letting out gasps, groans, or growls of approval whenever I did something he liked. Sure, I could have figured it out by paying attention to how his dick twitched and throbbed in response, but his way was much more fun.

  Once he was properly wetted down, I traveled back to the top of his cock and engulfed him in full. It was certainly a bit of a stretch, letting his length slide along the ridges and bumps of my mouth without hitting my teeth, but I managed like a champ, if I would say so myself.

  However, the cold weather was definitely taking an effect on me, even with the heat pumping through our dorm. My jaw began to ache much sooner than it normally would have, but I wouldn’t let that slow me down. After all, no pain, no gain, and in this case, a little discomfort was more than worth the illicit reward.

  His hips began to rise from the mattress, while one of his hands curled tightly in my messy hair. It was like he was holding on for dear life, and I was more than happy to take him on that wild ride.

  It wasn’t long until he let out a shout, and he delivered a handful of short and powerful thrusts. I let him go, and his climax went sort of everywhere, from my thighs up to my neck.

  Now I was definitely going to have to do some serious laundry.

  Exactly as I had, he collapsed back onto the mattress like a bag with no bones, covered in sweat from head to toe and panting. It stroked my ego to see him so utterly dazed from my work, and I felt another surge of confidence go through me.

  “You’re welcome,” I murmured somewhat cheekily.

  “Thank you,” he breathed after a beat. “I know this is an ‘every guy says this kind of thing,’ but I’ve never had anything like that.”

  “Of course, you haven’t,” I said, seeming to surprise him. “Because you’ve never had one from me. “

  “Hah, who would have thought all of this was hiding behind your uptight exterior.”

  “I’m uptight?” I said in mock surprise, earning a laugh from him. It was right about then I realized I didn’t want him to move. If I could, I would freeze that moment and keep him there forever.

  We laid there for quite a while, our breathing regulating. Brayden’s arms encircled me supportively, one of his hands gently stroking my skin as far as he could reach.

  An innocent gesture at first, I was sure. But as the minutes progressed, it quickly turned more and more sexual. I didn’t mind the transition, of course, finding myself wanting him again, even though I had been so recently satisfied.

  His fingers found my breast, fingers gently grasping my nipple. It was like someone hit me with a live electrical wire, and suddenly my body was awake, wet, and raring to go again.

  Despite the insistent need rapidly flooding my mind and all my limbs, I let him continue to tease me, to build the pleasure up until I thought I might go insane. In fact, I held on longer than what was humanly possible, until he finally leaned down and planted a kiss on my waiting lips.

  I sighed into his mouth, melting against his body. I had never felt something so right, and I didn’t think I could wait much longer.

  “I need you,” I gasped finally, grabbing him with all the might in my admittedly small fingers. “Now.”

  “Whatever you say,” he answered with a devious grin, rising to his knees and getting into position.

  I quickly scooted over and opened my thighs for him. I was irritated when he didn’t react immediately and, instead, took the time to look all of me over.

  I could only be so patient for so long and nearly let out a growl. “Take a picture. It’ll last longer.”

  “Really? You’d let me?”

  “Let you what?”

  “Take a pic. For the memories.”

  “What? No!” I rolled my eyes and started to pull my thighs together. “You would really leave me waiting while you went and grabbed your phone from the pants you threw into the corner of the room?”

  “Ah, you’re right. Terrible idea. Shutting up now.” Despite his somewhat chastised tone, he still sent me a salacious look that made my entire body heat. I could feel him pressed against my center, and for a moment, I was afraid that he would either keep talking and ruin the mood or tease me and make the torture last that much longer.

  But no, it seemed he had reached the end of his rope as well and slid into me without any barrier. I hissed at the feeling, my body quickly stretching to fit him. It was perfect, as good as the previous time, if not better.

  “Brayden!” I cried, not caring who heard and what they might think of me. Every nerve in me was lighting up with pleasure again, and judging by the sounds Brayden was answering with, he was enjoying himself too.

s thrusting was intense, nearly powerful enough to drive me up the mattress, but I managed to adapt enough to keep up. It was more direct than last time, and he was reaching places in me that had never been hit before. I did my best to keep up, but I was definitely in completely new territory.

  And yet it was utterly perfect. It seemed a bit silly to use that word again, but I couldn’t think of a better way to describe it. From the way he looked at me, eyes hooded in desire, to the color of his cheeks, to the way his hands gripped me. All of it was the exact representation of what I hoped heaven might feel like.

  Normally, I was a slow burner, the type of girl who didn’t climax often and took a good half-hour of work. But I could feel that quickly was not becoming the case here. Perhaps it was the mind-blowing oral he had given me earlier, perhaps I was super into it, but either way, I was reaching new heights very rapidly. I was going to last maybe ten minutes tops before I went over my edge again.

  But then he changed the angle of his hips, hitting a spot that responded with several throbs of pleasure through my body. I practically screamed, my hypothetical arrival time bumping up by several minutes.

  Brayden seemed to catch on to exactly what was happening and gripped me harder, leaning down to take one of my nipples in his mouth again. I held on for dear life as the minutes passed, trying to last as long as he did.

  “I’m close,” he gasped finally, sending both relief and excitement flooding through me. But it turned out he was more than just words. His hand left my hip, his calloused fingers reaching for that sensitive bundle of nerves at the top of my very wet entrance. They circled it carefully, teasing it until finally applying the perfect amount of pressure.

  “Brayden!” I cried, my throat going raw as I latched onto him as hard as I could. I could feel my whole body bearing down on him in the best way possible.


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