The Gentle Dragon and The Wild Vampire (BWWM): Part 1 (The Keepers Series)

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The Gentle Dragon and The Wild Vampire (BWWM): Part 1 (The Keepers Series) Page 6

by T. C. Clark

  “No, surprisingly I’m the least worried about what happened between us. I know you…I don’t know how or why I just know that I do. I can trust that I’m everything to you and I’ve never been everything to anybody. I don’t want to give that up,” she whispered leaning forward she placed a light kiss on his lips.

  “Then why are you thinking so hard?” he asked rubbing his face in her long curly hair.

  “Why did they attack you and how the hell did they make a poison that could harm a dragon? I know enough about your genetic makeup to know that it’s almost impossible to make an effective poison for dragons. A dragon’s immune system can restructure anything that enters your body….what could they have possibly hoped to gain by attacking you?” she asked aloud.

  “Random attacks kept happening in a village I was protecting. I was out on patrol when I caught them…the odd thing is that they weren’t trying to hide. In fact, now that I think about it…it’s like they wanted me to see them,” he said absently rubbing her back.

  “I didn’t realize they had poisoned me until I fell from the sky…the fight, their manner it was like they were driving me somewhere,” he said reliving the ambush.

  “What’s just beyond the field where I found you?” she asked.

  “The Badlands, they house some of the most dangerous dragons found in our realm…ones that aren’t welcome among the general public,” he said.

  “And you said the people in town don’t know how to fight?” she asked. Her mind was working…processing his words…reviewing the history of the dragon realm. The poison only affected him for a few hours and even then he’d still be able to fight. It took three of them to bring him down.

  “No, they are different classes of dragons, they mostly make up the lower levels…they tend the fields, make up the workforce in return for the freedom to chose their human form…why do you ask?”

  “Because the tower was in town and that was the only other place that your class of dragon would be…why would they only drive the fighting dragons from that land? That act in itself has to mean something.”

  “No way,” he said catching her meaning. “There is no way anyone would dare to attack a dragon much less on our own land.”

  Opal stood up then her mind flooding with all of the wars she’d reviewed in history she headed for the bedroom.

  “Opal?” Alex called following her.

  “This isn’t even an original plan…it’s been done a million times. Just think about it. They are driving out the strong so they can attack the weak…your king has been called away. A king that is infamous for not leaving his land and your council is scattered…whoever has planned this knew just what to do at just the right time, to leave the town vulnerable.”

  “Why attack them, what would it prove?” he asked more to himself.

  “To show the others you’re not special, that you aren’t to be feared…when there’s blood in the water…” she said her voice trailing off as she looked down the land to the billowing smoke in distance.

  “The sharks will come,” Alex finished her thought throwing on his own clothes.

  He thought about the sacred chest and decided to leave it for now. They needed to focus on the task at hand and then he would explain the importance of the act. But right now it was time to head back to town and figure out exactly what was going on.

  He knew he was disobeying their laws in doing so…but he believed in what Opal was saying there were too many coincidences. Something was happening and he needed to figure it out before it was too late.

  They arrived in the town at midday and entered what could only be described as a ghost town. Everyone was gone. They walked cautiously inspecting each building and found not one living soul.

  As they worked their way through the barren village Opal started to get anxious. Who could make a town full of people disappear? She walked slowly sending out waves of energy searching for any sign of life. She could feel something ominous in the air.

  “Alex…look!” She yelled pointing to the edge of town. Everyone from the bartender to the innkeeper stood still. Black lines forming deep dark rivers on their skin.

  They all stood staring at the horizon. Opal ran her fingers over the face of a small child who had tears streaming from his eyes. She opened her mind once again leaving her body to enter his. She winced at the flashing pain she felt through his skin. He’d been poisoned much like Alex.

  “Alex?” she said again surprised by his absence since they’d shown up he’d stuck by her side but since they had passed the square he’d begun to slow his pace.

  That’s when she realized that if this was affecting the town and most of the town was green dragons maybe it could affect him. She stood quickly running back in the direction she’d last seen him.

  She found him just at the edge of the field frozen like the others the same wicked marks marrying his skin as well. She examined herself then praying that she wouldn’t find the same ones on her, when she didn’t she used a spell to lift and carry his body to the field with the others.

  She needed to focus on freeing them from this toxin. Her first thought was that it had to be airborne and genetic specific. Both of them had walked the same path and had taken care not to touch anything. Maybe she could reverse engineer whatever this was but first, she had to find it.

  “You can’t do whatever you’re thinking,” Ida said quietly crouching close behind her.

  She jumped at her voice, “You scared the hell out of me!” she yelled.

  Balloch stood just to her right surveying the land with a scowl on his face. He looked as concerned as she felt. She wondered if he’d noticed the change in the energy as well.

  “Sorry people always tell me that and I say…what do I say Balloch?” she asked standing and walking over to the tall blonde vampire.

  “You say don’t be a bitch,” he answered with a small smile.

  She heard a sound just to the right and saw her sister examining Alex and was surprised at the small flash of jealousy she felt. She ignored it and ran to Anise throwing her arms around her older sister.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay that’s one less thing to worry about,” she said hugging her close.

  “Do you know what’s happening to them?” She asked directing her question to Ida. She knew if anyone could make sense of this she could. Ida walked among the people with Balloch trailing behind. She moved with such grace and ease a person would never guess she was blind.

  Balloch followed closely, the beautiful vampire forever her shadow. She’d always envied them… most of the coven had she looked at Alex his eyes were focused on her. Even now she could feel him struggling to break free.

  She saw what she could have with him through Ida and Balloch. She looked at the horizon and noticed the color of the sky changing. Even free-roaming Anise looked worried.

  “This is a trap,” Ida whispered to the both of them.

  Opal sighed Ida confirmed what she thought…the setup was too perfect.

  “Is it a trap for us?” Anise asked. Grateful that even knowing it was a trap Ida and Balloch had come with her to find Opal. It also made her conversation with Balloch earlier make sense.

  Balloch removed two heinous looking blades and walked around circling the three of them. He could feel it in the air too, something was coming.

  “Not for us, my vision…this trap was meant for the green dragons specifically they set it up so that the other dragons would be gone during it and now you can’t cross through the lands. There is some sort of barrier around it.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Anise asked Ida.

  “Because there was no time and no one else could have made it before the barrier was up and in my vision, this is where we stood. I’ve learned you can’t stop fate. I sent a message to Myra and the others but I think this is something we are meant to do alone.”

  “This isn’t our fight,” Anise said looking at the townspeople. She said it as a statement needing to under
stand exactly what was happening. Coven rules stated that they could not get involved in the civil disputes of Atlantians. They could be banned forever for aiding these people.

  Their coven relied on having access to Atlantis if they did anything to damage it…it would have serious repercussions.

  “No, but it’s Opal’s fight and we won’t let her do it alone,” Ida said patting Alex’s head.

  “What do you mean it’s Opal’s fight?” she asked looking directly at Opal.

  “Anise use your senses her scent has changed she’d not even fully a witch anymore.” Ida snapped.

  “She’s right I won’t leave Alex and I won’t leave these people.” She didn’t know how he’d become so important to her, did not question the why…she just knew she wouldn’t leave him behind.

  “I just needed to say it aloud…if you stay, I stay,” Anise announced looking around at the deserted town. Opal opened her mouth to argue but knew it would be pointless her sister would never willingly leave her in a battle.

  Ida smiled pulling out her own blade. This trap was intended to make a point which meant someone, somewhere was watching them.

  “What she said,” Ida whispered listening to the wind. She felt the change in the pressure at the same time as Balloch. He moved behind them motioning to Anise when she nodded at him.

  “They’re coming,” she announced, “A lot of them this isn’t just a trap they intend to kill all of these people. They’re turned warlocks…their demons now and they’ll infect everything they touch.”

  “That’s why they attacked Alex he’s a red dragon, they must have been driving him from town clearing the land leaving it free for them to invade,” Opal said examining her energy preparing herself for the upcoming battle.

  “Even now his body is fighting the poison it won’t be long before he breaks free of the enchantment,” Anise said watching Alex’s eyes as they cleared and his skin started to heal.

  “How?” Opal asked. Even with her help, it had taken hours before for him to heal.

  “You’re his mate now,” Ida said as if that explained everything.

  “So it’s just us against them?” Anise asked watching in horror as the sky opened and beings started to fall from the sky. They tumbled to the ground, uncaring of broken limbs their only thought was hunger. They clawed and ripped at each other in their haste to get to them.

  “For now,” Ida said readying herself. She reached for Balloch and was surprised to find him not there. She felt the ground shift and shake and then enclose around her.

  “What the fuck?” she said clawing at the thick wall. “What did you do Anise? I know this is your magic.” she hissed.

  “Now don’t be mad, I made a promise to Balloch to protect you if and when we were attacked. I vowed it so you know I have to follow through.” She said her voice coming through the thick walls loudly.

  “Why would he do that I can fight for myself?”Ida said in a hurt tone.

  “I don’t know you tell me why he would prefer you to be protected, maybe you should check your own scent,” she said softly. She knew Balloch wanted to tell her himself, but she couldn’t risk Ida fighting this…she wasn’t sure if she could match her power and she wanted to protect her not only because of her vow but because she was her family as well.

  Check my scent? She was most definitely going to kick Anise’s ass when she got out of this. She ran her hands over the wall focusing on finding a weak spot when she caught her meaning. Ida stilled her hand going to her stomach, she stopped then…if she was pregnant there was no way Balloch would willingly allow her to fight.

  Ida could fight her way out of this, knowing that Anise would never hurt her, or she could sit still and allow Balloch to lead the fight. She searched for Balloch’s mind and found it closed off. If she distracted him she could risk him hurting himself. She would submit for now, oh… but she would make him pay for this later.

  Balloch rolled his shoulders keeping his mind blocked off from Ida he couldn’t risk her talking him out of it. This was definitely had the makings of a fight. He smiled as he imagined the makeup sex that would follow. He moved in front of Anise and Opal.

  “I will go in first and draw as many as I can away from you,” Balloch announced his voice was harsh and his face was devoid of emotion…she could see clearly how he got the nickname, “The Blade of the King.”

  Opal moved beside him, watching the chaos…learning the movements.

  “No, Balloch I’ll go in first, I can read their movements…give me a few minutes to drive them towards me and then you round them up and Anise you protect the people…remember when we were younger and we played that game, a princess in the woods?”

  Anise smiled at the memory nodding her head, Opal had just given her a way to protect them, she hadn’t thought about that game in a long time.

  Opal turned and walked over to Alex. He was working his way out of the poison and was almost free. She kissed him lightly on the lips, “When you break free and come for me make sure you avoid their teeth, turned demons are like supernatural zombies if they pierce your skin, they can turn you too.”

  She felt him stiffen and knew he wanted her to stay but she couldn’t do that. This was an area she was an expert in, she was a protector of people and she would defend them all, or she would die trying.

  She didn’t hesitate running quickly using her magic to propel herself through the fields when she came upon the demons she fought them easily. Using her magic to bring them down.

  She moved gracefully executing every being that got within two feet of her. Even Balloch was impressed with her ability. Anise smiled she knew what Opal could do…her sister’s power had been forged in steel.

  When others moved to surround her. Anise called to the spirits of the closest trees. They stood pulling free from the ground swinging their big branches clearing the way for Opal.

  When one of them attacked her from behind Balloch moved in quickly and destroyed him. They fought back to back, Opal’s moves were graceful and precise, while Balloch’s were brutal and efficient.

  Together they took down hundreds of the warlocks but they just kept coming. Anise heard Alex break free from the spell…he didn’t hesitate to transform into a red dragon and diving into the fight.

  Between the three of them they cut down the numbers but with more constantly pouring in it was only a matter of time before they were overwhelmed.

  “Ida what else can we do?” Anise said needing to do more to help her sister.

  The dragon flew low setting the turned on fire he could take out a lot more in a short time but he had to be careful of the others on the field. As he fought he always kept his attention on Opal, he would protect her over anything else.

  “Wait for it…” Ida said from the inside of the magically enforced tomb she’d built around her. She sounded bored.

  “What do you mean?” She asked sending more trees to fight and putting barricades for the ones that had escaped them on the ground.

  At the rate they were going they wouldn’t last long and if she entombed them all she wouldn’t be able to help the others. That’s when she heard it…the ripping apart of time… that sound meant Ida’s message made it and they were about to get some backup. She saw a flash of color and then three witches hit the ground with a bang…a much-needed distraction for the attacking horde.

  The portal burned a bright reddish blue color and then suddenly snapped closed. She looked closer and felt relief flow through her. A tall blonde separated herself she was wearing a fitted suit with dangerously high heels, she was stunningly beautiful. Her white-blonde hair was cut to her shoulders. She was Anna, the keeper of rage.

  To her right, a small exotic Asian woman stood. She wore light blue fitted jeans and a white v neck T-shirt. Her long black hair stopped just at her butt, she had a delicate look about her frame and style but Anise knew better than to doubt her. She was Sara the keeper of terror.

  In the middle was Myra the ultimate ruler
of the Keepers and twin sister to Ida. She was the keeper of lust and the most powerful witch alive. She was beautiful as well an exact replica of Ida with beautiful honey brown skin and an hourglass figure. Her fitted black sweater and caramel covered jeans merely enhanced it.

  She took in the three women in all of their glory so powerful that they were feared by many in the coven. They never traveled together each ruler of their own territories.

  “Do you need my help?” Myra shouted to Opal. Her eyes following the young witch’s movements, she nodded her head as if she was proud of her brutality. Myra was a strict queen making sure that all of the witches in her coven were strong. She personally reviewed all of their powers and ensured that each one of them grew up strong.

  “No, we like fighting thousands of turned warlocks, it really helps me to get my steps in for the day,” Opal answered turning to decapitate one warlock while disintegrating another one.

  Myra watched Opal’s movements closely, where she fought the ground turned black. She must be pulling energy from the earth or…she looked at Anise who was starring at Opal, Anise was giving her some of her own power.

  “Why are we even fighting this fight, it looks to me like they have an issue with the dragons?” Sara said her accent thick. She turned and inspected the frozen crowd, the corners of her mouth tilting up in a smile. She looked bored her eyes lacking the excitement that could clearly be found in Anna’s.

  The horde that had turned to attack was almost upon them. Their soulless eyes filled with a ferocious need to feed. Yet the three leaders stood talking as if fear was a foreign concept to them. Each removing their clothing slowly and stacking them into neat piles.

  When they were only a few feet away Anna stretched her back, her white-blonde hair a beacon on the field. Anna was the keeper of rage the most brutal of the three leaders. With a known thirst for bloodshed, she was often kept away from the battlefield.

  She went first shedding her human form. Her skin stretching as her body grew and her skin ripped. The sounds of bones breaking and reforming loud in the air. She transformed into a large golden werewolf its body massive and magnificent.


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