The Gentle Dragon and The Wild Vampire (BWWM): Part 1 (The Keepers Series)

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The Gentle Dragon and The Wild Vampire (BWWM): Part 1 (The Keepers Series) Page 12

by T. C. Clark

  She stepped back until her butt hit the wall. He crowded her leaning in close inhaling deeply, his tongue touching the edges of his fangs. It took everything he had not to sink his fangs into the golden brown column of her neck.

  His need for her grew with every second she was in his care. He couldn’t explain what it meant to be awakened he was sure she could never understand his thirst, his hunger for her. She hadn’t used her magic yet which meant she was still protecting them with her spell.

  He couldn’t take advantage of this situation…he needed to get her clear of danger before they took the next step. What was he doing distracting her like this…he was stronger than the monster inside of him…he’d proven it time and time again.

  He relaxed his hold on her wrist but didn’t let go…unwilling to release her.

  “I’m sorry, I can control myself…you can trust me,” he said almost to himself, his eyes still on her soft neck. He needed her blood to connect them…to bond them.

  “What am I to you?” she asked her eyes moving over his body sensing the barely controlled hunger.

  “Everything,” he said turning and pulling her into the club. He knew why he was feeling so aggressive; he hadn’t been awakened fully when she fed him. In order for their bond to be official, they had to exchange blood. He needed her to drink from him.

  The Hunter’s Den was dark and filled to the brim with supernaturals. The dark cave walls were covered with Agmite a flower from Atlantis that always glowed.

  Smoke filtered through the air from three light fairies. They sat in a circle holding hands and chanting, magic swirled all around them. There was a live vampire band playing in the middle of the club, their fangs openly exposed. The sound was deafening filled with loud drums and even louder screams.

  Anise shook her head punk rock definitely was not her style. She followed closely to Nate increasing the strength of the spell, binding them together.

  She saw a small man standing just beyond the crowd at the back of the room. He was a tiny man most likely shorter than her. He wore a faded suit and his face was hidden by the darkness of the room. She disliked him instantly and started to slow her pace as they got closer.

  Something was wrong here. He signaled at Nate and she looked at him in surprise, she was disguising them well. There was no way he could recognize them by scent, by face, or by spiritual pressure. How the hell did he know it was them?

  Nate also felt something off in the air… he slowed as well. He took a good look around the club and sighed he’d been so focused on getting to Thomas he missed the signs. From the workers to the patron’s everyone looked like they were either high or on their way to getting there.

  He’d thought for sure Thomas could be trusted against the mad four…but addiction had a way of bending someone’s loyalty and he had a bad feeling that he’d just lead his mate into a trap.

  “This isn’t good,” Anise said her eyes on the crowd…moving around them, circling them. No one had moved to attack…so they were probably still successfully shielded from the other people…but how long would that last if they were attacked? Her powers could only stretch so far.

  “No, I was wrong to trust Thomas…do you see the way the security is moving to block off the entrance…I think I just walked us into a ready-made trap,” he said cursing at himself. He needed Anise to get as far away from him as possible.

  A vampire with a mate who was threatened was the most dangerous thing that had ever been created. They weren’t honorable like the dragons or loyal like the wolves…they were known as the heartless supernaturals. He would kill anyone and anything that stood between him and Anise.

  He knew enough about her to know she would not appreciate that.

  “Leave me and run…I will find you no matter where you go. But get clear of this place. Release me from your protection, let them see me. Let my presence distract them and you get away from here.”

  “If I leave you and they capture you…you’ll be dead before sunrise. Taren almost never misses, if she’s made you a target you won’t escape her a second time.”

  “Let me worry about that,” he said turning to face them.

  “No that’s not how I work I don’t run,” Anise said calling forth the walls of the cavern. A rumbling sound and then loud cracks formed alongside the ceiling as debris fell to the ground at their feet. The dust flowed through the room providing cover.

  Anise felt her feet leave the ground as Nate picked her up and ran for the opening at the front. He pushed and shoved his way to the front staying just under the cover of dust.

  “You really would leave one of your own to die, witch,” Thomas asked. She heard a scream and then crying she tapped Nate on the back and he stopped still holding her tightly against his chest.

  “We don’t have time. We need to get out of here if Thomas has turned on us there is no telling who else is on the way.”

  “I can’t leave another witch behind,” she said quietly pulling at his arm, and then she heard a loud sigh. He put her down gently and cupped her face with his massive calloused hands.

  “Are you going to always be this high maintenance?” He whispered taking her lips roughly. Anise could only stand as his mouth devoured hers, his hands too tight to pull from.

  When they separated he smiled down at her with a satisfied expression. She had a feeling she was looking at him like a dreamy-eyed teenager. By the time she sorted her brain out, he was gone.

  He traced quickly through the crowd, taking out any enemy who was within reach. He didn’t hesitate or question his actions; he reverted back to the days when he’d earned the nickname of the butcher. Every strike was a kill shot delivered without hesitation.

  He cut through them quickly until he got to Thomas. Up close Nate could only feel pity for the man. Thomas had never been a good man he probably didn’t even understand the concept of one. But he’d always been fair…he looked like a shadow of the man he’d once been his face gaunt, his eyes bloodshot.

  His face a mask of desperation and defeat…Nate shook his head the drug was spreading and it had gotten another ancient from Atlantis. He hated to kill someone he’d known for so long.

  He held the witch by the neck she’d stopped crying recognizing the madness in the warlock. She looked at Nate with a bleak expression from the marks on her skin he was pretty sure she was an addict as well.

  “You killed my men,” Thomas asked bewildered. His body was acting on its own now ever since he’d tried that damn drug shit had gone south for him…he’d done things…bad things all for another hit. Now his former ally stood opposite of him with the promise of death in his eyes.

  “Yes, Thomas I did,” Nate said casually inching forward his eyes on the clenched hand around the witch’s slim neck. Anise wanted her alive. He had to get her back alive.

  “Shits getting really bad, isn’t it? If you got a price on your head and I got this shit in my system.”

  “Yeah, let her go, Thomas, she has nothing to do with this.”

  “If I let her go will you let me go?”

  “Sure,” Nate said absently.

  “No, you won’t…you’ve been awakened I can smell it on you that witch back there is your mate so no matter what happens next to your not going to let me go,” he tightened his grip on her neck.

  “He won’t let you go now you should take the bitch with you,” a voice whispered in his head.

  So many times the voice had been there urging him to do terrible things. He thought back through the last few weeks on all of the awful things he’d done and shame-filled him. Nate sensed his distraction and moved quickly jabbing his hand into Thomas’s chest wrapping it around his still warm heart.

  “I’m sorry old friend,” Nate said as he pulled it free. He didn’t hesitate to grab the witch with his free arm and tracing away before his body hit the floor.

  Nate moved so quickly that he didn’t hear his former friend’s whispered thanks. Anise jumped when Nate appeared back in front o
f her smelling like death and holding a woman. He dumped her on the ground and turned back to Anise.

  “Can we go now?” He asked.

  “No, unfortunately, we can’t,” she said looking over his shoulder at the four men who entered. Each man was massively muscled with large golden wings that flared behind them in another place at another time Anise would have been mesmerized by their beauty but she knew that these faeries were not the Disney kind.

  The four men were built along the lines of Spartans; they wore low hung gray leather slacks and boots. Their golden skin seemed to glow in the muted light and with their long hair and sharp swords they looked menacing. They were the birds of prey in the supernatural world and they always got their target.

  “Oh shit,” the witch mumbled from the ground she jumped to her feet and started to the door. Everyone knew that you didn’t mess with fairies.

  Smoke still filtered through the cavern room. Anise crouched down and reached up to pull Nate to her. They both sat still under the cover of dust and waited.

  They couldn’t run they would be caught before they got anywhere. Anise searched the cavern for a way out she’d already displaced the walls too much if she touched them again they could collapse.

  “There is no way we get past four fairies without putting them down…let me distract them.” He barely got the words out when she was snatched away.

  A fairy appeared behind them dressed differently than the others he had on surface dweller clothes with an opening in the back for his wings.

  His long jet black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. He was built along the lines of the other fairies with massive arms and intimidating height. His arm was wrapped firmly around Anise’s waist as he held her off of the ground. His mate looked so vulnerable next to the giant that held her captive.

  Nate felt his fangs sharpen and the monster that he’d kept buried for all of these years took over. He lunged for him his eyes focused on the arm that held his mate so tightly.

  The fairy moved quickly wings flaring wide. The massive golden wings nearly flowed with their metallic hues. He heard Anise whisper something to the fairy as he fought to get to her.

  The fairy was good, ducking and diving his blows all while keeping his arm securely around her waist. He saw the fairy sigh and place Anise on the ground. He stilled when he caught their conversation.

  “You got my message,” Anise said.

  “I got it but I was already on the way Lorelei had already filled me in and demanded that I help you,” he said his eyes on the wild-eyed vampire.

  “It doesn’t matter can you get us out of here?” She asked using her powers to create more dust around them.

  “Us?” Dom asked.

  “Yes, we come as a package deal for now. I can’t leave him here.”

  “Are you sure you can trust him?” Dom asked seriously, Anise was an old friend that he would not allow danger to come to.

  “I’m sure,” she answered anxiously. Anise looked over to where her manufactured dust was being cleared by the four fairies flexing their enormous wings.

  Nate didn’t hesitate to snatch Anise high into his arms; his fangs looked deadly up close. Absently she stroked one and turned back to Dom who was looking at them both with a bemused expression. She watched Dom shake his handsome head.

  “Anything happens to her and I will personally deliver you to Mina myself,” he whispered to Nate his eyes full of promise. Nate took one step forward his beast responding to the challenge in Dom’s eyes.

  Dom moved closer and quickly wrapped his wings around them. As his large wings closed in Anise muttered soothing words to Nate. They needed his help even if he didn’t want to admit it.

  He clenched as he felt the ground move beneath him his arms tightened so much that Anise let out a whimper. Then there was a bed underneath them. He rolled her quickly under his body his eyes roamed the small bedroom they’d been dropped in.

  His stomach rolled as it settled place he never liked traveling via fairy. He felt her breathing heavily under him and realized they were on a bed.

  He watched her face as she realized her position she looked at him confused still shaken from the time jump. He smiled devilishly and took advantage of the moment.

  Nate leaned down and kissed her deeply. Taking her lips like a pirate claiming a ship. He didn’t give her time to breathe or think. Forcing his tongue deep taking what was rightfully his.

  He groaned when he felt her arms close around his neck. Her small body moving against his seeking the same fulfillment as his. He cupped her face holding her still when she bit down onto his lip the stinging bite nearly piercing through his skin.

  Nate’s eyes opened quickly and caught an expression of annoyance on hers. She moved to buck him off but it barely moved his massive body he widened his legs letting the power of his body push hers back into the mattress.

  “Get off of me,” she muttered her heart still racing furiously. He’d almost got her with that kiss… the feelings he was bringing out in her didn’t make sense.

  She remembered the shame, the betrayal she’d felt at the end of her marriage never again would she allow another person that much power over her.

  “I’m not him,” he said quietly.

  “What are you talking about?” She asked focusing on the wall behind his head refusing to look into his eyes.

  “Whoever put that pain on your face? I would never do that…never hurt you that way.”

  “How can you possibly know what you could or couldn’t do in the future?”

  “Because whoever it was I’m superior to him in every way and you will always be mine no matter where you go,” he said arrogantly.

  “I’m not yours…I don’t even know you,” she whispered surprised by the tenderness in his expression.

  He smiled serenely down at her leaning down quickly to kiss the top of her nose. Inhaling the scent of his woman was intoxicating…he sat up pulling her with him.

  This time he didn’t take her mouth he knew she was no longer confused or disoriented and he didn’t want to upset her further. He just pulled her stiff body against his holding her tightly against the warmth of his chest.

  Anise felt his heart pounding through his shirt, was he shaken as well? Did he feel the heat they produced whenever their skin touched?

  He felt her confusion and fear. He knew the only way to combat that was with open communication. It was time for them to talk and get to know each other.

  “Okay my name is Nate Rodriguez, I like long nighttime walks in the city, I’m two hundred years old, I own a bar, I’m newly awakened and anxious to be with my mate. You are Anise; you are beautiful, kind, compassionate, loyal and have a soft heart that will be good for our future children.”

  The sincerity of his tone and the gentleness of his eyes touched her more than she would willingly admit. What would it hurt to learn more about this man that knowledge could help with the mission? Yep, the mission that was why she was listening to him. When she caught her reflection in the mirror she smiled and wondered when she learned how to lie with a straight face.

  When you've got nothing to lose...

  * * *

  “What do you mean Mina uses you as leverage against Taren?” Nadia asked again watching Ashley closely. The group had agreed to accompany Ashley back to the Sanctuary. She had agreed to go back with Nadia if they met with her coven’s leader and agreed to their terms.

  “I had zero power. I lived my life, vulnerable for years thinking Mina was looking out for me and Taren was the one who’d left me behind. I hated her and I thought she hated me too,” Ashley said her eyes misting when she remembered the pain. She took a deep breath and turned to face the others knowing she needed to explain their relationship.

  “One day I followed her and I saw some of the things that she did…it was an eye-opening experience for me. Her pain was obvious and I couldn’t understand why she would do these things when it caused her so much agony. I really started paying atte
ntion and looking into Mina’s work and slowly I figured out exactly how much is my sister was costing her.” Ashley turned back to the large Victorian-style home and walked slowly up the pathway.

  Nadia looked around sharply taking in the layout. She could sense a lot of energy coming from inside the house. She watched as Balloch removed a wicked looking blade from his back pocket and placed his arm over Ida’s shoulder. He could feel the threat as well.

  As soon as they stepped over the threshold energy hit them… raw power nearly as powerful as Myra. Without thinking Ida’s hand went to her belly, with her powers acting up she felt vulnerable. Her fear caused Balloch to tense subconsciously he placed his body in front of hers. She smiled up at him sometimes she forgot she always had a bodyguard on hand.

  “So I see they’ve finally come for you,” a sultry voice said from the hallway. As she walked closer her power became evident. She was a beautiful Spanish woman with long black hair that fell to her waist. She was wearing a loose-fitting sundress and bright gold jewelry.

  “Who are you?” Nadia asked.

  “She’s Pearl and the leader of the sanctuary. She is also my friend. I told Ida earlier that we had a plan for Mina and I meant it.” Ashley said ignoring the hunger pangs racking her body. She didn’t have time to worry that, Pearl and the sanctuary had saved her life and she needed to be sure the Keeper’s coven behaved themselves.

  “This is my home you will treat it with the respect that it deserves,” Pearl said looking directly at Balloch, disgust evident in her eyes. As always Balloch remained silent his focus firmly on Ida.

  “We are investigating one of the witches in the coven for betrayal and it has led us to Ashley, who in turn led us to you,” Nadia said taking over the conversation.

  Pearl looked at Ashley for permission to share her story. Ashley gave her a brief nod, her eyes glassy and face taut, after this meeting she needed to check her vitals and make sure her body was accepting the synthetic blood she’d developed for her.

  “We have offered our help to Ashley…we found her in an alley starving and alone. She’d resorted to vampirism as a way to defend herself. You keepers are strong but you only really protect your own, the sanctuary protects anyone who deserves it. The girl was starving to death because she refused to drink from a human. ” Pearl said her eyes on the young woman.


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