A Vampire's Saving Embrace

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A Vampire's Saving Embrace Page 16

by Kuncytes, Darlene

  Abby shrugged, her own eyes filling. “Right now, to the bus station, then - as far from him, and any and all demons as I can get,” she choked out, before turning toward the door that led to the alley. She hesitated - remembering the last time she had left Echo’s this way, but a moment later she heard tires squeal out front and her heart slammed in her chest. Oh, God! No, no - not yet!

  “Go!” Kat urged- her eyes wide. “Whoever it is, I’ll stall them.” Abby kissed her quickly on the cheek before turning and opening the door and running out. She had only made it a few steps when she ran right into the arms of the waiting demon.

  “Hello, my lovely,” he hissed right before slamming her head into the wall, knocking her unconscious.

  Desmond burst through the doors of the bar like a class five tornado - his eyes glowing and his massive frame taut with tension. As soon as he got out of the car he could sense that Abby was near, her scent was all around him - but he could also smell the distinct smell of sulfur and rotting meat.

  His entire body was rigid as he glared at the red-head walking casually out of the back room, her chin thrust out defiantly as she eyed him up and down. “Well, howdy handsome,” Kat purred, smiling broadly. “We aren’t technically open yet – so if you’re looking…”

  “Where is she?” He roared - his hands clenched tightly into fists, his fangs exposed. He was not about to play games with this troublesome woman.

  “Why, whoever do you mean?” Kat questioned - her expression innocent.

  “I swear by all that is Holy,” he growled and saw her eyes widen slightly. “Where is she?”

  “Gone,” she replied simply and Desmond had the overwhelming urge to choke her. She watched him closely, her mouth set in a tight, stubborn line. “Do you actually think I would tell you where she is?” Kat finally snapped. “She doesn’t want to have anything to do with you.” Her tone was hard and accusatory as she placed her hands on her hips and she glared at him.

  Kat’s words cut him to the quick. The thought that Abby wanted nothing more than to be away from him hurt like Hell – but a part of him could not - would not accept that until he heard it directly from Abby herself. She was his mate. He had never been more certain of anything before. He could feel their connection.

  “She is mine,” Desmond growled, taking a step closer to the fiery redhead – the muscle in his jaw twitching dangerously, and he was tempted to just use his compulsion on her and get his answers – but for some reason, he hesitated. It hit him a moment later – he smelled witch. Abby’s friend was a witch!

  “Oh really?” Kat bit out with much more bravado than she actually felt. This vampire was a force to be reckoned with - but she would not cower from him. She had to be strong for Abby’s sake.

  “Well, I don’t believe she got that memo –Dracula. I don’t think that’s how she feels about it in the least. In fact - I believe she called you a no good, lying bastard and she couldn’t wait to get as far away from you as possible.” She turned to walk away, but Desmond’s hand on her arm stopped her dead.

  As soon as he touched Kat, she was hit with the wave of emotions coming from the handsome vampire that almost knocked her to her knee’s with their intensity. Anger, protectiveness, fear - but above all…love. This man loved Abby! “Oh crap,” she breathed, not knowing how she could ask him – but before she had the chance to say anything - the doors burst open once again and two more men came bounding in.

  “Is she here?” The one barked, and Kat couldn’t help but gape at the hulking man before her. His long black hair and toned body were spectacular.

  She watched as Desmond shook his head, his gaze falling once again on Kat, and she saw the desperation in his eyes.

  This was not someone who wanted to harm her friend – this was someone who loved and wanted to protect her – at all cost. And who was absolutely terrified of losing her. Oh, double crap, Kat thought miserably. Just what in the hell was going on? How could Abby not see how this man felt about her? It was written all over his face. He might as well have had “I love Abigail Montgomery” tattooed on his forehead.

  “Damn it, I can smell demon,” the other man said, his gaze searching every corner of the bar anxiously.

  Desmond nodded, not letting go of her eyes. “Where is she?” He asked again, his tone quiet, yet filled with fear. Fear of losing Abby.

  “She went out the back - headed for the bus station,” she choked out. “About five minutes ago.”

  In a flash Desmond was gone- only the swinging door to the back room any indication as to where he had gone. It was only a moment later that they heard an ungodly howl of rage coming from the alley.

  The two men rushed to go to him, the black-haired one grabbing Kat around the waist and pulling her along with him.

  She opened her mouth to protest, but decided that it would serve her best to just keep her big mouth shut for once - fearing she had already done enough damage. When they emerged into the alley, they found Desmond staring at the wall of the building, his body trembling with fury. “They have her,” he ground out, his anger evident by the hole he had punched through the bricks in front of him. “I can smell her blood,” he said softly, a ripple of true fear running up his spine. For the first time in Desmond’s long existence – he was terrified.

  Chapter 11

  Abby opened her eyes and was immediately assaulted by several things at once. First, her head was pounding horribly and a stream of blood ran down the side of her face from a jagged cut just above her eyebrow – second she was in some sort of cellar - her hands chained painfully above her head to the cold stone wall behind her, and lastly – she smelled death. It was an oppressive smell that caused her eyes to burn and her stomach to tighten - making her queasy, and dizzy and utterly terrified. Nothing good could come of something that smelled so bad. She pulled at the restraints on her wrists and realized with a painful stab that they were solid. There was no way on earth she would be able to slip through them.

  “Escape is impossible, my treasure,” The voice that whispered to her from the darkness sent a chill of complete terror through her body. It was deep and guttural, and Abby tried desperately not to scream.

  A moment later a form stepped from the shadows and she found that she couldn’t hold it in any longer - the sound of her terror reverberated off the walls of her prison as she stared at the grotesque creature standing before her. He seemed to relish her fear and breathed in deeply - as if it were a palpable thing that he was feeding From, and Abby shivered. “Allow me to introduce myself,” he hissed – his yellow eyes gleaming in delight. “I am...”

  “I can find her!” Kat cried, pulling herself from Luke’s hold. Desmond turned toward her, his eyes appearing almost black in their grief.

  “How?” He demanded, deep down afraid to even hope that she could.

  “I...I gave her an amulet - something special to me so that I could locate her if I needed to,” she explained, and was suddenly aware of Luke’s hand on her arm - gripping almost to the point of pain. “Hey, easy there, Tonto,” she spit out - trying to once again pull free from his hold as she glared at him. She wasn’t about to be man-handled by this testosterone addled meat-head!

  “It’s Luke.” He corrected, still holding firm – his eyes blazing into hers as the animal essence oozed from his very pores. Holy Christ, she thought dismally. It was bad enough that his eyes glowed with a fierce, primal light that she found entrancing – but now the guy smelled like fricking he-man.

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass what it is. You’re hurting me. Now step the hell off!” She bit out, her eyes narrowed in silent warning as her bravado kicked in. No man was going to intimidate her – no matter how disturbingly gorgeous he was. And from what she was picking up from him - he was a Were and Kat had no use for the mangy animals. They all thought that they were God’s gift to women, she thought with a huff.

  “We are wasting time!” Desmond bellowed, and all three turned to him. Abby’s scent was all around
him and he found his panic rising. He couldn’t lose her! “You can scry for her?” He asked, a tiny pin-point of hope forming in his chest.

  “Yes. But I need to go inside and get some things,” Kat explained and Luke finally let her go. She turned toward the door and disappeared inside - the three men following close behind. Kat ran behind the bar, and grabbed her purse – spilling the contents out onto the varnished surface. “I need a map,” she informed them and watched as the brown haired man headed for the door.

  “There’s one in the car,” he offered as he passed. “I’m Marcus, by the way.” He nodded towards the other two who were looming like dark thunderclouds. “Desmond and…well, Luke already introduced himself.”

  Kat looked up at the vampire a moment, instantly liking him. “Katrina –but call me Kat.”

  “We are wasting precious time,” Desmond barked -not actually understanding why this witch was now helping them- but deciding that he didn’t care as long as she could locate Abby. He didn’t have the luxury of wasting a single moment in trying to track her, and a mindless desperation was taking over. He would have worked with the Devil himself if it would bring him closer to finding her.

  Marcus nodded and disappeared out the door, only to return a millisecond later – map in hand. He handed it to Kat and tried to smile, but she knew the worry in his eyes, mimicked everyone else’s in the room. “Please find her,” he said softly and she nodded - swearing to herself that she would.

  “Argramon,” Abby whispered – anger bubbling through her like hot molten lava. This was the son of a bitch that had almost killed Desmond. “You bastard,” she breathed, her eyes snapping fire as she once again pulled at her restraints – wanting nothing more at the moment than to scratch his yellow eyes out.

  “Oh, such a passionate- lovely little thing you are,” he crooned, his grotesquely long finger running along her jaw. She turned her head away from him, shuddering at the contact. “I am going to have so much fun playing with you.” He dipped his finger into the blood that was running down the side of her face and brought it to his lips, his tongue dancing out from between them and licking the red, sticky substance away. “Delightful,” he murmured and Abby felt her stomach lurch. “So sweet.”

  “Go to hell,” She spit out, and Argramon burst into a loud, maniacal laughter.

  “Been there – done that.”

  He leaned down toward her, his fetid breath blowing against her face and she realized with disgust that this was where the smell of death was coming from. It surrounded him like a cloak.

  His hand tore the sweater she wore in one quick motion and he smiled wickedly. “Ah, yes,” he murmured, gazing at her breasts, concealed only by the black lacy bra Desmond had bought her. “I shall have so much fun with you as I harvest your blood.”

  “You said you wouldn’t screw her,” a familiar voice replied as the heavy door opened. Abby watched in horror as the pretty blond walked through - her blue eyes blazing.

  “Lexie,” she breathed – her senses reeling as the blood drained from her face.

  “I’ve got her!” Kat yelled happily, pointing to the map. She knew the three men huddled around her were beyond strung tight, and the time it had taken her to locate Abby didn’t help. “She’s about thirty- five minutes south of here.”

  Desmond studied the map for a moment- then stormed out the door. “Des, wait,” Luke called, bounding after him, but he was already in the car and screeching away. “Shit!”

  “We need to follow,” Marcus said, coming up behind him – Kat close at his heels. Marcus looked down the street until he found what he was looking for. “Come on,” he said to Luke as he trotted over to the SUV parked at the curb in front of a small restaurant. “I guess we ‘borrow’ a car.” He waved his hand in front of the vehicle and the locks disengaged.

  “Damn,” Kat said, running up beside him. “That’s a pretty sick trick, vamp.” Marcus gave her a quick smile and opened the driver’s door. He began to protest when Kat opened the back door and jumped in, but her words stopped him. “Don’t even think about it, Marcus…is it?” she stated firmly. “I’m going with you. It might help to have a witch along, and besides, she’s my best friend.”

  Marcus heard Luke growl from the passenger seat beside him and shook his head, a grim smile forming on his lips. The tension between the two was like a physical presence and if he wasn’t so worried about Abby and his brother, he would be extremely curious to see how it played out.

  “Listen Lassie,” Kat spit out and Marcus couldn’t help but to choke out a laugh, which he quickly tried to disguise with a cough. “Didn’t get your kibble tonight or what?”

  “My God, Lexie. How could you?” Abby breathed as she watched in disgust as Lexie walked over to the demon and rubbed herself suggestively against him, her hand possessively cupping what Abby believed would be his genitals – but had no desire at all to find out. Everything about this creature repelled her. Although his body was that of a man’s, his skin was grey and scaly – his yellow eyes and pointed teeth terrifying.

  “Who do you think brought him back?” She spat at her, her eyes filled with hatred. “This one is all mine,” she said more to Argramon than to Abby. “That bastard vamp of yours took him from me once,” she seethed, “but he won’t take him again – not after he gets some of your precious blood into his veins.” Lexie looked back to the demon, licking her lips. “He hasn’t drunk from her,” she informed him with a wicked smile. “Her blood is pure and shortly you will be indestructible.”

  Abby’s mouth dropped open in disbelief. Lexie had lied to both she and Kat for the two plus years that they had known her. How could they have not realized how insane she was? Oh, God Kat! Abby thought miserably, was she in on this too? Hadn’t Lexie said that they were witches? But even as the thought entered her mind - she refused to believe that Kat was involved in any Way. She was her best friend – she was like a sister! She could never betray Abby like that!

  “Are you ready for the first draw?” She purred, her fingers trailing up his chest and her tongue darting in and out of her mouth in a way that reminded Abby of a cobra ready to strike, and she looked away in disgust.

  When he nodded, Lexie walked over to a cabinet and opened one of the doors. She walked toward Abby a few moments later, a needle, tubing and empty blood bags in her hands. “Good thing I went to nursing school,” she giggled with not a hint of true humor in her voice. When she saw Abby’s eyes grow wide in fear, her mouth widened into a frightening smile. “It shouldn’t hurt too, too much,” she cooed, her eyes glowing with malice.

  Desmond crept up to the house, hidden within the shadows. He could feel Abby’s fear and his jaw clenched - his rage building. He could also sense Argramon and swore that this time he would send him back to hell permanently – even if he had to go with him

  “Don’t even think about it - you lying, psycho bitch!” Abby hissed, trying desperately to calm her pounding heart.

  Lexie’s fist connected with her jaw and Abby’s mouth fell open as she literally saw stars. She had never thought that the saying could possibly be true, but sure enough – the explosion of blinding white lights behind her lids painfully proved that it was.

  She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, giving the blond a defiant smirk – she would not let either of these creatures smell her fear. “That all you got,” she asked sarcastically, licking the blood from her lip.

  Lexie threw the supplies to the ground and lunged at Abby, her nails scratching at her as she screamed in her face. “Call me a bitch, will you! I’ll kill you!” She slapped her hard and Abby felt her teeth rattle. “For two fucking years I had to pretend that I gave a shit about you and that pain in the ass Katrina!” She screamed - her eyes blazing. “Then, that damn vamp of yours comes along and screws everything up!”

  “You’ve been planning this since we’ve known you?” Abby gasped, her eyes as round as saucers. How could she have not seen it? She realized that she hadn’t ever reall
y spent a whole lot of time with Lexie, but nothing had ever seemed off about her.

  “I could smell that fey blood of yours from day one.” She glanced back over her shoulder to the demon- her eyes gleaming. “It took me a hell of a long time to bring my love back – but I knew that once I did, your blood would make him more powerful than ever. So no one will ever be able to take him from me again.”

  Suddenly there was a loud boom and the sound of shattering glass coming from above. Argramon pulled Lexie off of Abby - his face set in a terrifying grin - his pointed teeth glistening with saliva. “Enough! You can play with her later,” he bit out. “It seems we have company.”

  The front door exploded - shattering the windows and littering the space with debris as Desmond stormed into the house like a man possessed. The few demons that came running were easily disposed of - but suddenly there were more coming from every room in the house. Desmond growled, his fangs extended - his thirst for blood apparent. He was in a blind rage and would allow nothing or no one to stand in the way of getting to Abby. He could feel her pain and it caused a deep burning urge to kill.

  “We’ve got your back, brother,” Marcus said as he, Kat and Luke entered. “Go find her!” And Desmond took off, his senses locking on Abby.

  When he entered the kitchen, a small blond came running up the basement stairs, her eyes ablaze. She stopped when she saw him, a twisted smile on her lips. “Bastard,” she hissed. “You won’t take him from me again!” She lunged for him, but Desmond was much too fast and much too strong. He grabbed her and effortlessly hurled her against the cabinets. She landed on the tile floor and lay there, groaning. “Where is she?” He bellowed, his silver eyes glowing.

  “Screw you,” she bit out defiantly.

  Kat came running into the kitchen. “I swore I heard…” she stopped when she saw Lexie lying there, a low moan coming from her. “Son of a bitch.” Kat swore, looking to Desmond. “We thought she was a friend,” she stated, walking over to her and giving her a swift kick. “Go and find Abby,” she prompted, gracing Desmond with a smile. “I’ll be more than happy to finish this one off personally. Witch to witch.”


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