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Best of 2017 Page 51

by Alexa Riley

  "You can't just leave me here!" she's incredulous, angry as fuck and beautiful as hell.

  "Watch me." I grin and leave the room, her helpless, subdued little cries following me down the hallway.

  I TAKE my sweet time working with some clients overseas that night. I don't head back to my bedroom until 10:00 a.m. has come and passed. Finally, because I'm a damn impatient bastard, I leave my study and walk in on Cara with her eyes sleeping like a doll.

  "Morning, sweetheart," I say gently, and she stirs sleepily at the sound of my voice.

  I walk over to her, pleased to see she hasn't struggled against her restraints. I let her down, smoothing down the skin on her wrists as she curls up on the bed.

  "Sleep well?"

  "Not enough," she mutters. "Need more."

  "Sorry, Cara," I laugh. "We're going into town today. No more time to sleep."

  As soon as the words leave my lips, she gets up and looks at me, wiping her sleepy eyes.

  "Are we really?" she asks me, the excitement plain in her voice. "I want to go so badly. Do you promise we're going? To Venice?"

  I nod, her excitement pleasing me. In a second, she's forgotten all about her traumatic night, and she squeals as she jumps up from the bed, telling me all about how excited she is.

  It’s going to be a fun day. Cara doesn’t seem to remember I have an agenda though, and I have some plans for her when we get to town. She’ll find out what they are soon enough.



  I CAN'T BELIEVE I finally get to leave the house. I've been cooped up here, and my excitement at finally exploring Venice is making me grin the whole way into town.

  Filippe drives us to the city, with Mason and me sitting in the back. He keeps smiling at my childlike excitement, but I can't stop myself. I never lied about my obsession with art history, and I've always wanted to travel and explore the world, Italy especially. I just know this is going to be amazing.

  I'm also trying to distract myself from thinking about Mason and what happened during the night too much. It was insane, the things he made me feel scaring me as much as they turn me on. I don't really know what to think of the whole thing. Does he like me, or is he merely using me, showing me he has to be in control every single second I'm there? I guess I'll find out eventually, but for now, it's easier to occupy my mind with the beautiful scenery surrounding us.

  We drive up to the port, where Filippe explains the last leg of the journey will be spent on the boat. I grin excitedly as he helps me walk to a boat Mason apparently owns. The man in question is grinning at me as I sit down, barely able to contain my excitement.

  "This is amazing," I tell him honestly. "Thank you so much for bringing me here, I really love it."

  He gives me a thoughtful smile, and it makes me wonder whether this was all a test. Maybe he just wanted to see if I really was interested in art, like I'd claimed. Well, he won't be disappointed.

  "First stop - the island of Murano," Mason tells me with a wink, and I lean forward in my seat as the boat takes off.

  The sea is foamy and beautiful, the spray of the salty water pleasant against my cheeks as we make our way to the island. I don't know a whole lot about Murano, so Mason fills me in over the sound of the crashing waves as we make our way to the island.

  I find out Murano is famous for its glass, a unique colored kind that is used in jewelry and decorations for the home. Mason promises he'll take me to a workshop to see just how it is made.

  As soon as we arrive on the island, I realize he is well-known around these parts. Several people shake his hand and exclaim in Italian, obviously happy to see him. I follow sheepishly behind and find myself oddly proud when he introduces me as his protégée.

  I haven't really paid much attention to the fact that Mason is an artist, though the portrait he has of me has been on my mind constantly. But here on the island, it becomes abundantly clear how involved he is in the art world.

  He leads me into a small stone house, and as soon as we enter, the heat consumes me. There's a fire burning in a huge oven, and a shirtless, incredibly handsome man is standing in front of it. Another excited handshake, a clap on the back for Mason. A curious look for me. Mason tells the man something in Italian, and they both laugh. I want to know what he said.

  We stand back as the man demonstrates how Murano glass is made, my eyes widening in surprise as he shapes the moldable, hot shape into a beautiful vase. He's a master of his craft, but the scars and burns on his body speak of a time when he wasn't. I find myself respecting this man immensely.

  Mason leans over to me and says, "Murano glass is expensive as hell. That vase could be sold for as much as twenty thousand dollars."

  My eyes glaze over and I keep watching as the man - Cristiano, I think his name is - continues to shape the beautiful vase. Once he's happy with it, he sinks it into a bucket of ice cold water. A little while later, Mason and I admire the vase, finished and flawless.

  "For the ragazza," the man says in broken English, pointing at me. "If you like."

  "The vase?" My eyes widen. I wasn't expecting this, and I know I should turn it down as it's too generous a gift. "But why? You've only just met me."

  "Bella," he tells me with a wink. "Mason's pet."

  I blush deeply as Mason's arm wraps proprietorially around my waist. I nod, accepting my role and accepting the vase. I would be lying if I claimed his words didn't flatter me.

  Another boat ride and we arrive in the center of Venice, my vase wrapped up and left with Filippe. Mason shows me around the beautiful city and the sights I've only seen in pictures and TV come alive in front of my eyes. The pigeons in St. Mark's Square make me squeal as they descend upon me. I feast my eyes on the beautiful canals, the bridges, the gondolas. I lose myself in our surroundings, Mason's voice a pleasant distraction as he explains the history of the city.

  We end up in a quaint restaurant in one of the side alleys, and once again, Mason proves he knows everyone. I ask him to order for me, and when I'm presented with a huge plate of fettuccine with truffles, I lick my lips expectantly.

  It's delicious. The day is perfect. So perfect I wish it would never end.

  While we eat, I ask Mason about his art, his paintings. He seems hesitant to answer me, but finally, he opens up a little.

  "Like I said, it's merely a hobby," he tells me softly. "I can't live off it and I love my job, but painting is... it fills a hole in my life."

  I wonder why the hole is there, but I don't inquire about it, remembering my place.

  "Do people know you paint?" I ask him, and he gives me a devious grin.

  "They do, baby."

  His term of endearment makes me blush, and I wipe my lips with a napkin to hide the redness in my cheeks. I don't think it goes unnoticed, as Mason smiles at me knowingly.

  "In fact, I'm going to have an exhibition at the house soon," he tells me.

  "While I'm still here?" I ask, the excitement plain in my voice.

  "I think so. Would you like to be there?" he wants to know, his eyes curious.

  "Oh, yes." I clap my hands, excited. "I would love to - if you'd like me to, of course."


  We finish our meal chatting about this and that. I try to convince Mason to let me have a Bellini, a mix of champagne and peach juice, but he merely laughs. The drinking age in Italy is eighteen, but he won't budge. In some ways, the man is so traditional it hurts.

  Once we're done eating, Mason tells me we only have one sight left - the Ponte dei Sospiri. He refuses to explain what it means until we've arrived at our destination.

  I realize he's somehow managed to close it off for everyone else, as it's only the two of us now. The bridge is small and quaint, but beautiful. It spans over a small canal, the white limestone worn under my fingertips.

  "Tell me what the name means," I beg Mason for the last time, and he finally complies.

  "Ponte dei Sospiri means Bridge of Sighs," he says, and I gi
ve him a curious look. "The view from this bridge is the last thing many people saw. Convicts were lead through it into prison."

  "That's awful," I breathe, the gruesome history of the bridge taking away from its beauty.

  "It's only awful if you make it out to be," Mason tells me, moving to stand behind me.

  My hands are braced on the small windowsill of the enclosed bridge, and they shake as he puts his palms on my ass.

  "I like to make my own memories," Mason says, sending shivers down my spine. "And I think it's about time a different kind of sigh happened here."

  The sun starts to go down, a beautiful sight from our spot, as Mason leans down and trails a line of kisses down my back.

  "Sir..." I've begun switching from calling him by his name and his role so fast, I don't even know when the transition happens. "What if someone sees?"

  "No one's here," he promises me. "Relax, Cara."

  His hand snakes its way down my back, and I arch my whole body against his touch. He cups my ass in both hands, squeezing hard and making me moan out loud. How he manages to get these reactions out of me is beyond me, but I can't fucking help myself. I want to feel him go lower, reach between my legs and feel how soaked my panties are.

  He turns me around then, making me lean back against the wall of the bridge. His mouth descends on mine and I stop breathing.

  His lips are strong, insistent. They won't let me budge, they won't let me be passive in the game we're playing. I kiss him back softly, not knowing how to do it. The only kiss I've had was with Mason, and I was angry, upset and needy at the time. This is different. This is real.

  He won't let me take it easy, and he kisses me harder, demanding more and more from me. I open my mouth wider and he slips his tongue between my lips, making me moan into his mouth so loudly I blush, knowing anyone could hear. The bridge is so small I can hear the chatter of people, and yet I can't bring myself to stop. I need more of this, more of Mason.

  With a sudden movement, he reaches between my legs.

  "I can't wait," he says, "to have you come apart in my arms, Cara."

  I don't have time to blush as he pushes my soaked panties aside, his fingers outlining the shape of my pussy lips. He presses down on my clit, making me buck my hips wildly, desperate for the release only he can give me.

  He starts working my pussy without ever slipping a finger inside. He's never made it clear he knows I'm a virgin, but I think he knows. He must... It's like he's saving my pussy for later, the cherry on top of this perfect day. I don't know how he can pace himself. All I can think about is the cock in his pants, huge and throbbing and so hard it makes me want to climb on top of him and press him inside me.

  I mewl, and my conscience slowly gets pulled away from me as I succumb to what Mason's doing, making me cream his fingers so loudly I blush in embarrassment.

  "You're such a dirty little girl," he coos. "So fucking wet for me. Can you hear yourself, Cara?"

  I nod and he keeps going, rendering me speechless. He's working my clit, his mouth claiming mine again and biting into the soft flesh of my bottom lip. I can feel myself tensing, the orgasm coming with impending urgency.

  "Moan into my mouth, baby," he tells me softly. "No one's gonna hear."

  I do as he says, soft, long moans between his lips, needy and pathetic little sounds that only make him go faster. He strums my clit until I crash over the edge, spiraling and falling as I scream my release into Mason's mouth.

  He doesn't stop and I come again, until I'm a helpless heap in his arms, panting and gasping for air. He's chuckling as he stands me up, putting my panties back into place and reaching up with his fingers.

  "Suck me off, Cara," he tells me, and gently puts two fingers inside my mouth. I lick at them tentatively, keeping my eyes on Mason.

  He leads me back to the boat with a hand on my back, making sure I'm okay. I realize I've never felt safer.



  THE TRIP to Venice was a success. Cara looks content and happy as we drive back to the house, her bare feet tucked under her ass and her hand resting in mine. It's odd, this weird intimacy that's developed between us. We haven't really spoken about what we mean to one another. I wonder if she knows I plan on claiming her completely.

  She squeezes my hand every time she sees something exciting through the tinted windows, pointing out this sight and that plant as we drive back home. The partition is up, separating us completely from Filippe. I'm enjoying my time alone with her.

  Taking Cara to Venice was beneficial in more ways than one. I discovered she really does enjoy art. The way she listened to me speak about the architecture actually made me hard, and I want to learn more about her. She's a complex little thing, but I can't fucking wait to peel off all her layers and reveal her core.

  We arrive at the house in the late evening hours, and are greeted by Luca and a group of his rowdy friends. There are two girls among them, scantily clad in scraps of fabric, wearing heavy makeup and perfume. Cara cowers behind me as we come close to them, and I marvel at her repulsion towards Luca.

  "I'm leaving, old man," Luca slaps me on the back with a big grin.

  "No more family time?" I mock him, raising my eyebrows. "Well, best of luck. I'm sure I'll hear from you when you need more money."

  Luca's eyes spark with anger, then zero in on Cara behind me. I reach for her and she grabs my arm needily. Is she afraid of him? As far as I know, nothing's happened between Luca and Cara, but the way she reacts to his presence is certainly worrisome.

  "I'll miss you, little thing," he tells her. "Can't say deflowering Mason's little pet wouldn't be fucking fun."

  My hands tighten into fists as I say, "Get out."


  Luca glares at me for a second before gathering his group and leaving towards two vans parked outside the house. On his way out, he bumps his shoulder into me, hard, and I have to physically hold back before I slam him into the ground.

  Once we're alone, I lead Cara into the house. She's a little shaky, but it seems like there's some relief there too, after finally getting rid of Luca. Filippe serves us lasagna in the dining room, and we tuck into our meal hungrily, chatting about the things we saw during the day. It's mostly Cara talking, excitedly trying to remember every little fact I told her.

  When we're done eating, she seems hesitant to return to her room, but I want her to go so I can have some time alone with my thoughts. I walk her to her room, and she hesitates before walking inside.

  "You're not gonna disappear?" she asks me, and I give her an odd look, making her blush. "I just... I want to make sure you'll be here when I wake up tomorrow."

  "Of course I will be, Cara," I tell her softly, my hand touching the small of her back.

  She's really insecure for such a fucking brat. I lead her into her room, and just as I'm about to leave, she pulls me in for a kiss. She's desperate, trying to come off as confident but only convincing me she's too young for me, really.

  I pull away and kiss her hair instead. She's sulking already, pissed that I won't succumb to her feminine charms. I need to clear my fucking head, so I walk out of there, Cara's gaze glued to my back as I get out of her bedroom.

  I INTEND on spending the rest of the evening working, but instead, I find myself in the room next to Cara's, watching her through the mirror like some fucking creep. She can't sleep either, pacing the length of the room and pulling at her pretty hair. I know she wants to come out and see me, but I made her promise she'd get some rest. But I know how she feels - the pull we feel toward each other is fucking electric, and I can't resist much longer.

  I watch her pull something out of her suitcase. It soon becomes obvious it's a lingerie set, a black sheer thing that makes my mind go wild. I push my chair away from the desk I'm sitting at and force myself to leave.

  This wasn't supposed to be this hard. Yes, I'd wanted Cara since the first time I saw her. Yes, I wanted to claim every inch of her... But she was
having an effect on me, a dangerous one I'd thought no other woman would ever have.

  I leave the room and head for my studio. I know it's time for the third painting.

  I get out my paints and prepare a clean canvas. I don't even give a shit if my expensive jeans get ruined, but it's hot and stuffy in the studio, so I strip off my shirt and open the rooftop window. I light a few candles even though I know it'll strain my eyes not to use a light instead. But I love working this way.

  I get to work. I paint her in the lingerie set, the way I imagine she looks in it. I know she'll come and find me soon. If she feels the same way I do, she won't be able to stay away for long.

  When I paint, I often forget about time. It's pitch black outside when I finally pull myself back and look at the canvas in front of me.

  The outline of Cara's small body faces me, the lingerie still needing to be painted on. Her back's turned towards me in the painting, her body dangerously addictive.

  Cara chooses that exact moment to come inside the studio, dressed in the lingerie set, no less. She's wearing fuck-me heels, tall and studded and black. I still tower over her.

  Her eyes find mine in the candlelit room and I realize she's shaking.

  "Come closer," I tell her softly.

  She drops to her knees. She crawls to me without being told to do so. My dick swells painfully in the jeans I'm still wearing.

  The way her ass moves when she crawls closer is intoxicating, and my eyes drink her in as she approaches me. She really is fucking stunning, a vision in her little outfit, her ass practically bare for my eyes only. She sits down on her knees in front of me, her trusting eyes on mine as I tip her chin back.

  "Couldn't sleep?" I ask her softly, and she shakes her head no. "Me neither, cara mia."

  Her eyes flicker with something that could be recognition. I wonder if she's figured it out by now.

  "You should be in bed," I tell her firmly, meaning to send her back to her room. "Let's get you back to your room."


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