Best of 2017

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Best of 2017 Page 124

by Alexa Riley

  Finally, he broke the blissful silence first. “Are you all right? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “Oh, I’m better than all right. I never knew it would be like that.”

  “Are you sure? I was harder than I wanted to be. I lost control,” Axel said with worry in his voice.

  I simply smiled.

  He brushed some of the loose hair away from my face. “You’re everything.” He paused, and then kissed me on the forehead. “You are mine.”

  I silently nodded in response.




  I WOKE up to the sound of Axel in the shower. I looked at the disheveled bed and smiled with the memory of the night before. It seemed like every time Axel and I had sex, it was better than the last. I would think I had the best sex of my life, only to feel that way the next time. “Absolutely amazing” would be an understatement. He was so attentive, so loving, and he demanded in bed in a way that only Axel could do. God, I loved this man.

  The water stopped, and shortly after the bathroom door opened. Axel had a towel wrapped around his waist. His muscular chest looked mouthwatering with the drops of water dripping down to his perfect abs. He looked happy with a huge Cheshire grin. He leaned against the doorframe and just gazed at me.

  “You’re gorgeous. You make me so happy, seeing you lying in my bed.” He made his way to the edge of the bed and bent down to place a kiss on my forehead. “Get up and get showered. I have a surprise today.”

  “A surprise, what?”

  “Get up and get ready and you’ll see,” he answered. He softly ran his fingers through my hair before simply stating, “I love you.”

  I tried to get ready as quickly as I could. I absolutely loved surprises. Obviously, he had something in mind to do today. The weather was lovely outside, so I was able to put on a nice summer dress. Axel loved when I wore dresses, stating it was because he had easier access. I smiled to myself, remembering how I had been nervous that I didn’t look “cool” or “hip” enough for him. I loved how Axel loved me for me. I gazed at my reflection in the mirror and felt pretty. Axel had a way of making me feel beautiful. Ever since being with him, my self-esteem had grown by leaps and bounds. He did wonders for my ego. He allowed me to feel confident about my womanly curves, comfortable with my natural beauty. Every part of my body now seemed sensual and desirable. I was a confident and elegant woman.

  I walked into the kitchen to find Axel finishing up the last details of the breakfast we had left unfinished only hours before. He had made a fruit salad and strawberry scones. He had already set the table complete with red roses in a vase in the center. The sliding glass door was open, letting in the warm, fresh air, and I could hear the birds chirping outside. Everything seemed so romantic, so special, like a love story.

  “My, my, I never knew you could be so romantic. A girl could get used to this type of treatment,” I lovingly teased as I walked over to kiss him on the cheek.

  “You deserve nothing but the best.” He took a step back so he could take a full look at me. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on. Look at you! I’ve never been so blown away by someone as I am with you.”

  I blushed and made my way to the table. Axel followed with the rest of breakfast and sat across from me. He raised a champagne glass filled with mimosa and silently toasted.

  I took a bite of the scone. “Mmmm, this is good! You’re quite the baker.”

  Axel laughed before he admitted, “It’s from a box.”

  “Well, I like it anyway. Thank you for going through so much effort. I love you for it.”

  “I love you, too, Quinn Sullivan.” He said my name with a huge smile on his face. He had such a boyish charm when he wanted to.

  We sat and ate in silence for a while, just enjoying being in each other’s presence and taking in the wonderful morning. The breakfast, the morning, and the man were perfect.

  Axel finally stood up and lifted me out of my chair and hugged me tight to his chest. “I’m so lucky to have you.” He lifted my chin so I looked into his eyes. “Get your shoes on, sweetheart. I have something to show you. Your surprise.”

  The whole way in the car I kept pestering Axel to tell me where we were going. He would simply smile and lightly pat my knee, not giving in to the onslaught of questions. We drove for quite some time along a beautiful curving road. The trees leaned over them from all sides. They created a tunnel, with the clear blue sky peeking between the leaves. I stared into the dense forest, taking the time to reflect. The past few weeks had been a whirlwind of love and passion, but also scarred with intense darkness.

  Lost in such deep thought, it took me a moment to realize Axel had pulled over onto the side of the road. I turned to him, about to ask why he stopped, when I saw that he was staring straight ahead. His jovial mood was replaced with seriousness. I followed his gaze to a two-story wooden cabin overlooking a cliff.

  I stared out into the canyon below and took in the beauty. The view from where the cabin stood was magnificent. There was something magical about the setting behind the house. The trees looked so full of life. The small creek far below glistened, and the expanse of open air seemed all-powerful.

  “Who lives here? Who are we visiting?” I asked in confusion.

  “I’m not telling you yet. It’s a surprise,” Axel teased as he got out of the car and walked around to open my door.

  Axel reached for my hand and led me to the front porch without saying another word. When he reached the front door, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. Instead of knocking, he inserted the key and opened the door. Before I could protest, he softly pulled me inside. I looked around cautiously and noticed the cabin was completely empty.

  I looked around again at the empty house and asked, “Why are we in a vacant cabin in the middle of nowhere?”

  Axel smiled and took both of my hands into his. “It’s ours. I bought it so we could have a place that is one hundred percent ours. Not my loft, but a brand new house—a home, our home—filled with only our memories.”

  Speechless, I just stood in place, stunned with the realization that I was inside our new home.

  “I hope you like it. I promise the only decision I make is the house, but you can decorate it however you choose. You can do whatever you want to make it ours. Do you like it?” Axel asked nervously.

  I wrapped my arms around Axel’s neck and looked into his eyes. “I love it! I love you! I love everything!”

  “Come on, let me show you around,” Axel said as he grabbed me by the hand to lead me through the house.

  He began by showing me all of the rooms. He walked into one room in particular, stopped, and faced me with a smile.

  “I was thinking about this room for your office. It has the best view of the canyon,” Axel suggested with a huge grin.

  I opened my mouth in shock. “What? My office? What do I need an office for?”

  “You’ll need a quiet place to concentrate while you work on your book. Really explaining my life won’t be an easy task,” Axel explained.

  “I told you I wasn’t going to write the book.”

  “And I’m telling you to. Your grandmother was right. Quinn Sullivan is too special of a name not to see it in print. And I think a biography may be a great way of closure for me. A way for me to walk away and never look back. My drug dealing days are over. I don’t want to walk back into another club for as long as I live. I want you to write my story.”

  “Oh, Axel. Are you sure?”

  “Yes. No more drugs. No more partying. No more nightlife. Those days are over. We start over completely.”

  I nodded. “I agree. Let’s start over. Let’s say goodbye to the dark.”

  He laughed and a twinkle lit up his eye. “No more vampire hours.”

  “No more vampire hours,” I agreed.

  “It might not be easy breaking away.”

  “But we wi
ll figure it out together.”

  He grabbed my hand and softly pulled me into an embrace. I could hear his heart beat against his chest. We stayed like that for a while. We took the time to just let everything sink in.

  He turned me gently so I faced him. He lowered his lips, softly pressing them to mine. He pulled away and stared deep into my eyes.

  “I love you. I love you more than I imagined possible. When I’m with you, I feel a love stronger than I thought could exist. I finally found what I longed for. I found you,” Axel passionately declared.

  He stared at me for a few moments and then lowered himself onto one knee. He pulled a ring box from his pocket and placed the ring onto my finger in one fluid motion, I barely knew what was happening.

  “Quinn Sullivan, I love you more than anything, and I can’t imagine not having you in my life. Will you marry me?”

  I stood in disbelief for a few moments as I looked into Axel’s eyes. He remained kneeling, awaiting my answer. “Yes! Of course I’ll marry you! Oh, Axel, I love you so much!”

  He stood up and placed the most passionate kiss of my life on my lips. His tongue danced with mine, and our breaths intertwined. He held me so tight and with so much emotion, I could hardly breathe.

  “I swear I’ll make you happy. I swear I’ll make you the happiest wife there is,” he promised.

  I pulled away so I could admire the ring. It was gorgeous! A pink diamond with rubies circling the stone. “Axel, the ring is so pretty, and so feminine. You really didn’t need to—”

  Axel interrupted. “I want there to be no question in anyone’s mind that you are taken. You are mine!”

  “Yes, yes! I’m yours, forever. I promise I’ll be the best wife I can. I promise I’ll do everything to make you happy.” I paused to regain my composure. “Thank you for taking me here. It means the world that you would give us a home to call our own.” I looked at Axel through my tear-filled eyes. “Thank you for believing in me, and believing in us.”

  Axel held me close. “I’m finally done searching. I found the light in all the fucked up darkness my life once was…I found you… Quinn Sullivan.”

  The End




  The blush took over my entire body without warning. I looked away and tried to regain my composure. The notorious Axel Rye had a way of making me feel like a giddy little schoolgirl, and I hated it. But I did not hate him. No, my feelings were the polar opposite of hate, but just as powerful.

  Axel smirked. “I like the way you embarrass so easily.”

  I turned my head to look into Axel’s smiling eyes. The soft wrinkles at the edges gave his boyish charm a sense of maturity. He kept my stare locked within his for what seemed like an eternity. His gaze single handedly melted my heart. I oozed from the inside out. He had a power over my emotions that I was not used to allowing. His strength, his intoxicating dark demeanor, his aura just screamed out, Man.

  Without looking away, Axel slowly leaned in toward me, with his mouth only inches from mine. “I want to feel your lips on me.”

  He wasn’t asking permission, yet announcing his intent. So Axel Rye. So fucking Axel Rye.

  I looked down at his mouth and then back into his eyes and softly whispered, “I’d like that.”

  He placed a hand on each side of my head, and softly pressed his lips to mine. The touch sent tingles through my entire body. Never had a simple kiss given me such a powerful, intense reaction with anyone else. It was just a kiss, and yet so much more.

  The power this man had over me…

  His lips moved slowly along mine until his tongue lightly pressed past my lips. The warmth, and the wetness, increased the desire building inside my core. His fingers caressed my hair softly as his tongue continued to explore. A kiss, a high inducing kiss, was more than I could imagine. I could smell Axel, taste Axel, and feel Axel. I wanted more. I wanted the kiss to last forever—never wanting his lips to leave mine.

  “You feel so right,” Axel murmured between our entwined breaths.

  The sound of his voice, muffled by the kiss, provoked an involuntary gasp, revealing how locked in his hold I had become. Never would I have thought I would feel so much power from a simple kiss. At that moment, the only thing I wanted was for him to never stop.

  His hands moved down my back, and he pulled me closer. My breasts pressed firmly to his rock hard chest with only thin layers of cotton between us. As our bodies merged, our kiss became more frenzied. Axel pressed his tongue deeper within my mouth. I responded by parting my lips wider and dancing my tongue with his. My breath mixed with his, my gasps swallowed by the kiss.

  The all consuming, most mind-blowing kiss.

  A kiss that I never knew could exist. With one single kiss, Axel Rye—a man I should have avoided—had captured my heart even more than it had already been possessed.

  Slowly pulling away, he looked deep into my eyes. His own glazed over as desire coursed across his face. He ran a single finger along my jawline and traced it along the edge of my needy lips. A small seductive smile formed as he leaned forward and kissed the tip of my nose.

  We both stared at each other for a few moments, scanning each other’s face, searching for a peek into our souls.

  “I don’t usually act like this. I don’t usually kiss… well, this is just not like me.” I felt the need to apologize, ashamed that I liked the kiss as much as I did. That deep down I didn’t want it to stop.

  “This isn’t me, either.” He smiled. “To actually enjoy and crave a simple kiss like that so much.”

  I took a deep breath before speaking. “So if this isn’t the way we are… Why do I want… more? This is fast, Axel. You and I both know it. Too fast.”

  Axel lowered his mouth to mine again. He kissed with more passion this time, and with more excitement than before. His mouth continued to claim mine as I could feel his desire building—my desire building. I inhaled at the sudden change but pulled him closer with my hands clinging desperately to his back.

  “I can’t explain this. I can’t explain why I want you so bad, so quickly. Tell me to stop and I will. Tell me no, and I will back away this second.” Axel paused from his onslaught of kisses to examine my face.

  I smiled at the look of concern mixed with passion on his face. “I want this, too. I don’t know why. I don’t know how it happened. All I do know is that I want to feel you inside of me.”

  “Quinn,” Axel moaned.

  He moved his mouth to my neck and started to place soft kisses, while his hand slowly worked its way under my shirt and bra. His palm cupped my breast, and I arched my back to meet his touch. His lips moved to my ear, and he lightly nipped. I could hear his ragged breathing and feel his body tense with pent up passion.

  I lowered my hand to his bulging erection pressed against his jeans. When my fingers made contact, Axel groaned in desire.

  “Fuck! I want to be soft. I want to be gentle… but you are driving me crazy.”

  I undid his belt buckle, unbuttoned, and unzipped his pants in one fluid motion. “I don’t want soft. I don’t want gentle. I want you to take me, Axel Rye. Take me hard,” I demanded as I wrapped my hand around his throbbing cock.

  He grabbed and pushed me hard up against the wall. Reaching for my hands, guiding them above my head, holding them firm with one hand, his other ripped off my clothing. He yanked, he tugged, and he had me naked before I could even take my next breath. His lips pressed against mine with such force, such fierce command.

  I had never felt such strength, such domination. Axel moved his lips to my neck and began to kiss, suck and bite. With my arms still pinned above my head by his massive hand, I had no choice but to allow Axel to do as he wished.

  I felt the sting of his teeth on my neck and mewled, trying to not focus on the fact that I stood completely naked before him.

  He picked me up and carried me to his room before I could fully comprehend what was happ
ening. I was in his arms, I could feel his muscled chest flex beneath me. I could hear his heavy breathing thick with desire. I could smell his intoxicating scent. My head spun; I was consumed with lust, drunk with passion.

  Before I could regain composure, he threw me down onto his bed. I saw him grab a black satin ribbon from a bedside table. He grabbed one hand and tied it to the bedpost, and then he did the same with the other. I had never been tied, never been defenseless. I tugged to see if I could escape, pulled to see if this was for real. With a mixture of fear and desire, I allowed myself to trust Axel, but at the same time, take delight in the sizzle of fear that coursed through my veins. I was helpless. There was nothing I could do to fight him off. I couldn’t stop what would happen next. And yet, even as my heart skipped, I loved the feeling. The complete abandon. Knowing he was now fully in control.

  He stood before me and took off all of his clothes in the same rush and fury that had landed me naked and tied to his bed. His ripped, tight body stood before me in all its glory. With hungry eyes, he stared down at my body stretched out on his bed and seductively smiled.

  “It’s about time I got you in my bed… the way I’ve always wanted you in my bed.”

  Axel reached for more ribbon, grabbed one of my legs, and tied one ankle to the bedpost and then secured the other, spreading me wide open. In mere moments, I found myself sprawled out on Axel’s bed, in Axel’s control. I tried to move, tried to test the strength of the bonds. A shiver ran down my spine when I couldn’t move. I was his. Yes, I was his.

  “Axel…” I moaned.

  He kissed one breast and then the other. He sucked each nipple, slightly nipping with his teeth. I gasped, I moaned. I had never been restricted before and not able to hold on to someone. The feeling of being defenseless was terrifying but electrifying at the same time.

  “Please. I want to hold you,” I begged. The need to touch his skin consumed me.


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