Under His Protection

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Under His Protection Page 3

by Alyse Zaftig

  “Oh, my God,” she called out. “Your cock feels so good inside me. It fills me up completely.”

  “This cock was so good you risked your life to come home with me,” I told her, grabbing strands of her hair in my hand and gently yanking her closer to me as I thrust in and out of her. With my other hand I held onto her hips so I could pump better.

  “Who’s risking their life?” she asked, sounding a bit scared all over again.

  Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best choice of words. She had been grinding her pussy around on my cock but she stopped. I spanked her ass, telling her, “Don’t stop until I’m done.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, seeming to forget her fear. She humped my cock again while I grabbed her ass. That was more like it.

  I put a finger into her sweet little asshole and started playing with it.

  “This is just as tight back here as your pussy is,” I told her, looking down at my cock going in and out of her pussy while my finger played with her ass. “It’s twice as much fun.”

  “Oh, Jason, you’re going to make me cum,” she said, beginning to breathe heavier. “I feel so good.”

  “Come for me, baby,” I told her, spanking her hard as I fucked her.

  “Yes, yes, yes!” she called out, and I could feel myself pulsing inside her warm pussy.

  The twitch at the base of my balls let me know I was going to come soon. But suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

  “Fuck!” I grunted, and I meant “fuck” in the worst way possible— not the good way. But, I was so close to coming that some pleasure was mixed with the annoyance.

  “Who is it?” she asked, looking back towards the door, scared all over again.

  “Honey, if I always knew who came knocking at my door, I’d be leading a very different kind of life.”

  “You should answer it,” she said, freezing.

  “Jason!” a familiar voice shouted through the door. “Let me in or you know I’ll break my way in.”

  “Fuck,” I said again, but I gripped Jessica’s ass and hair, telling her, “I’m going to finish what I started.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked me, but I was pounding her pussy, pushing my cock in and out as I began rubbing her clit.

  “Wow,” she said. “I’m going to come again.”

  She seemed surprised that she could feel this much pleasure in the midst of her fear. But she didn’t know the rush that came with living a dangerous life.

  I felt myself shoot my cum into her sweet pussy at the same time she gasped and groaned and said, “I’m coming, Jason, I’m coming!”

  “Good,” I told her, as I myself finished coming. I let go of her once I was done. “Now hurry and throw your clothes back on. Because I’m going to have to answer the door.”



  Sarah J. Brooks

  Jason dressed himself and went to the door while I grabbed my own clothes and got up from the couch. I went straight to the bathroom, my legs still shaking from the unbelievable fuck I just had. This guy definitely knew how to use his weapons, that was for sure. At the same time I wondered how an evening in an all-night dance club could turn into one of the most exciting nights of my life. Scary as hell for sure, but I had to admit that I had never felt more alive than I did when I was with Jason.

  If I told Stephanie that I had had more sex this night than I had in the previous six months combined, she probably wouldn’t believe it. Plus, if I told her that the man whose impressive cock had made me scream like I was insane was a mysterious guy that seemed to earn his money by working for a shady mafia boss, she might think I had gone crazy. And I started to think the same. A well-known voice inside my head asked me what the fuck I was doing here.

  The reasonable part of me insisted that I had to leave. But my feelings didn’t agree on that. There was something about Jason that was different. He made me feel like no man ever had before. Although I wasn’t sure if it was healthy to discover more about him and his past, I felt the need to do exactly that. I heard people who had addictions telling similar stories: Although they knew the drug wasn’t good for them, they couldn’t let go of it. They just had to have it. In a crazy way, I could totally relate.

  I was about to flush the toilet, when I suddenly froze. I went to the bathroom door and put my ear on it. I heard Jason talk to someone.

  "I told you she’s not here“, he said.

  "Jason, Jason, Jason“, the other voice said. "You know what happens to people who lie to me, right?“

  I didn’t have to open the door to know who was the unknown visitor who had knocked on the door and who seemed to be inside this house now. I would never forget this ugly scarface for the rest of my life.

  "Shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice,” Don said.

  "Damn, Don, what do you want me to tell you? I wouldn’t have thought that you’d make such a fuss about a little cunt like her.”

  What the hell? Did he just call me a cunt?

  "Jason, how many years do we know each other now? It’s been a long time. I only work with the best. That’s why I always hire you to get the big jobs done. But I have my rules. And one of these rules is that no one lies to me. You should know that.“

  "What the fuck are you talking about?“

  "You’ve lied about the girl. I know you’ve fucked her already. I can see it in your eyes. The way you tried to protect her when we met in the safe house spoke volumes.“

  "Oh come on, really? You come to my house in the middle of the night because of your dirty fantasies? I’ve already told you that she’s my little brother’s wife…“

  "SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Don screamed. "Your brother doesn’t have a wife. Do you think it took me more than 15 minutes to get that information?“

  I heard the sound of several guns being unlocked. There had to be at least three more men with Don and Jason in the living room, probably his goons. My heart started to race like crazy. An image of Max grinning with his few teeth flashed through my mind before Don continued.

  "The only reason I haven’t cut off your balls and put them into your mouth until you choke to death yet is that I want you to see me fuck the shit out of your little girl before I will grant you the pleasure of a quick death.“

  My heart skipped a beat. This didn’t look good. Thank God I hadn’t flushed the toilet yet, otherwise he would have known for sure that I was here. Should I try to escape through the window? But where should I go? I had no idea where I was. And what would happen to Jason?

  "Come on, Don“, I heard him say, sounding remarkably cool. "I’ve told you before, she’s not here. I’m fine with you fucking her from here to Chicago and back, but I can’t help you with that.“

  Jason’s words hit me like a punch in the stomach. He sounded like he really meant it. Was that his real opinion? Or did he try to trick Don? All kinds of emotions raced through my body at the same time: fear, anger, worry.

  "Make sure you think twice before you answer my question one final time, Jason. This room smells like a whorehouse. I am not sure if you had a gang-bang going on here before I arrived, but I am sure you’ve put your cock into at least one juicy pussy tonight.“

  All the other men laughed out loudly, as if this had been the funniest thing they had heard in a long time.

  "So, this is your last chance. Where is your little cunt, Jason?“

  I was paralyzed. My brain told my feet to move, to get out of here, but nothing happened. It felt like an eternity before Jason finally answered.

  "Okay, I’m going to be honest with you, Don Lorenzo.“

  “Well, that would certainly be a refreshing change of pace, Jason.”

  “Fine,” he said. “She’s not my brother’s wife.”


  “She’s a little piece of ass I picked up at the strip club,” he said. “Yeah, I paid her for a quick fuck in the safe house before you got there, but I dropped her off at her place before coming home. Swear it.�

  There was a long moment of silence, tensions saturating the air in the other room so thick, I could feel it all the way in the bathroom. My heart raced and I was fighting to control my breath. But, the longer the silence went on, the more scared I got.

  Jason was scary as hell. But, I never really got the sense that he’d hurt me. That scarfaced son of a bitch on the other hand though — I knew he’d do terrible things to me. He was an evil bastard and I could smell it on him.

  “See?” Don Lorenzo’s voice boomed. “Was it really that hard to be honest with me?”

  “No, I suppose not,” Jason said.

  “You hear that, fellas?” the mob boss laughed. “Mr. Navy SEAL here didn’t want to tell us he had to pay for some pussy.”

  The other men in the room laughed like it was the funniest joke they’d ever heard in their lives. And even though I was terrified out of my mind, as I cowered behind the locked bathroom door, I seethed. I knew that Jason was saying whatever he had to say to get them out of the house, but the last thing I wanted to be thought of was a prostitute.

  Even by scumbags like the mob boss and his men. Maybe even especially by the mob boss and his men. I didn’t want them thinking they could flash a little cash and get me to drop my panties. Yeah, I acted way out of character by fucking Jason tonight — twice — but that was the exception, not the norm. I’m not usually that kind of a girl and I found myself resenting those pigs in the other room for thinking that I was.

  I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Now was not the time for me to get on my high horse. I had bigger things to worry about than what some assholes thought of me. Assholes, that if we got out of this situation alive and in one piece, I was never going to see again in my life.

  “Yeah, fine,” I heard Jason say. “Laugh it up. And get the fuck out of my house. I’m tired and I want to get some sleep.”

  “Fine, fine, we’re going,” I heard Don Lorenzo say.

  I felt it coming on and my eyes widened. I put my hand over my mouth and tried to hold back my sneeze. But like an oncoming train, I was powerless to stop it. I grabbed a towel and buried my face in it, but out it came and to my panicked ears, sounded louder than a bomb going off. All I could do was stand there, hoping against all hope, that I’d been able to muffle it well enough.

  I stood, rooted to my spot, and listened.



  Rye Hart

  I’d finally managed to herd the Don and his men to the front door. His goons were already out in the driveway waiting for their boss, and he was taking his time, still laughing at the thought of me having to pay for a fuck.

  “Glad that you’re having so much fun with — ”

  My thought was interrupted by the sound of a sneeze from the bathroom. It was muffled, sure, but it was still very distinctly, a sneeze. I’d heard it loud and clear, and judging by the look on Don Lorenzo’s face, he had too.

  Turning his eyes to me, his face darkened and a deep rage twisted his features. He obviously knew I’d lied to him. Again.

  “Shit,” I muttered.

  “You son of a bitch,” he bellowed. “You goddamn — ”

  I didn’t give him time to finish that statement — mostly because I knew he’d punctuate it with a bullet to my head. Instead, I picked up my leg and drove my foot straight into his ample gut. He expelled a puff of breath and a grunt as he fell onto his ass in the driveway. Two of his men moved quickly and helped him to his feet while the third looked from me to his boss, obviously not knowing what to do and was waiting for instructions.

  “Kill that son of a bitch!” Don Lorenzo roared.

  “Shit,” I said and slammed the front door, quickly throwing the locks.

  I dove to the side a moment before a hail of bullets tore through the wood, slamming into the walls of the living room. Acting quickly, I pulled the drawer out of the small table and pulled out the gun I kept in there for just such occasions. I clicked off the safety and when I heard footsteps on the porch, I squeezed off three quick rounds. I heard the man grunt, followed by the thump of his body as he dropped.

  I heard the panicked shouting of Don Lorenzo’s two remaining men outside as the scrambled back and tried to get out of the way. Yeah, they were big, burly, intimidating men, but they didn’t have my training. And they knew it.

  Getting to my feet, I dashed for the bathroom. Finding the door locked, I knocked.

  “Jessica, open up,” I said. “We gotta go.”

  The door opened and the girl looked at me wide-eyed, absolute terror on her face.

  “I couldn’t help it,” she said. “I tried to keep from sneezing, but — ”

  “Later,” I said. “We don’t have time right now. We have to get the fuck out of here.”

  Grabbing her by the hand, I led her back through the living room and was just pushing her into the kitchen when the front door exploded inward. Don Lorenzo’s men had kicked it in, shattering the frame, and sending what remained of the door slamming into the wall behind it. The two men were through the door in a heartbeat, guns raised, squeezing off shots.

  I pushed Jessica to the ground in the kitchen and ducked behind the wall, keeping my body between her and the mobsters.

  “This doesn’t have to end this way, Don Lorenzo,” I called. “We can all just go our separate ways now. Nobody else needs to die.”

  “Yeah, I’m afraid that train’s already left the station, asshole,” the mob boss called back. “You and that bitch are gonna die in there. But I made you a promise — before I let you die, I’m gonna make you watch me fuck her first. And I’m gonna do things to her that are gonna make you want to cry, asshole.”

  An anger, dark and abiding, welled up within me as I listened to him speak. I felt strangely protective of the girl and the mere thought of a slimebag like Don Lorenzo putting his greasy hands on her only fueled my rage.

  “Last chance,” I called. “You and your men walk out and this ends right now.”

  “Ain’t gonna happen,” he called back. “And the only way you two are gettin’ out of here is in body bags, ya stupid prick.”

  I motioned for Jessica to slide between the space between the stove and the refrigerator. It was a tight fit, but I knew she’d be able to squeeze herself in. It wasn’t perfect, but it would offer her some bit of protection.

  “Tell you what though,” Don Lorenzo called to me. “I’m feeling generous tonight. And since you’re a good man and a valued employee, how about this — you give the girl to me and you can walk out. I’ll let you live, Jason.”

  I knew what he was doing. It was an amateur tactic — keep me talking while he moved his men into position. But I was smarter than him and was already moving to counter his moves. With Jessica safely out of the way, I moved as quickly and quietly as I could through the kitchen, slipping through the door that led to the back of the house. From there, I circled back around to the living room. Keeping just behind the doorway, I peeked out and saw Don Lorenzo’s men creeping toward the kitchen, guns raised, ready to shoot. Don Lorenzo himself, was standing near the front door — the cowardly little prick.

  They were within a few feet of the kitchen doorway when I stepped out from my hiding spot and fired two quick rounds, each bullet catching one of Lorenzo’s men in the head. The bodies hadn’t even hit the floor yet before I was across the room, the barrel of my gun stuffed in Lorenzo’s mouth. His eyes were wide and his face was flushed. And for the first time since I’d met him, I saw actual fear in his eyes.

  “Here’s the deal,” I said quietly. Slowly. “You’re gonna turn around and walk out. You’re gonna get into your car, drive away, and forget that you ever fucking knew me or the girl. You got that?”

  The mob boss narrowed his eyes, that defiant look of dark anger back on his face again. To emphasize my point, I jammed the barrel of the gun a little further into his mouth and clicked back the hammer.

  “Do you understand,” I said. “Nod if y
ou do. Otherwise, I’m about to decorate that wall behind you with your fuckin’ brains.”

  Lorenzo’s eyes widened slightly, but I could see he was turning it over in his mind, wondering if I’d actually have the guts to do it. My preference was to avoid killing a mob boss, if at all possible. Doing it would bring a heat down on me that I didn’t want or need. But I’d gone this far already — I would take it to the limit if I had to.

  Finally, the light of defiance left his face and he nodded. Reluctantly.

  Slowly, I lowered the gun but kept my face inches from his. “Remember,” I said, my voice low and menacing. “You’re alive right now because I chose to let you live. If I ever see you or your goons sniffing around me or her again, I’m not going to be so generous. Now, get the fuck out of here.”

  The mob boss turned and walked out of my house — surprisingly with no last parting insult or threat. He got into his car and drove away, leaving the corpses of his three men behind. I watch, waiting until I see his taillights fade into the distance until I start to relax and let my guard down a bit.

  “It’s okay, Jessica,” I said. “We’re safe now.”

  And as I heard her footsteps approaching me from behind, I hoped that was true.



  Chance Carter

  Jason looks into my eyes and the way he looks at me, the way his eyes seem to stare into my soul, I know I’ve found a man I can trust. This isn’t just some crazy, meaningless night that almost killed me, this is the night that’s going to change my entire life. The connection between us, the way we respond to each other, the way our bodies connect in soul-tingling pleasure, that’s something real. That’s something you don’t give up. If I were to lose Jason now, after all we’ve been through, I’d die.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” I say.


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