Dog Eat Dog World: Limited Edition Bundle (Black Dog)

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Dog Eat Dog World: Limited Edition Bundle (Black Dog) Page 26

by Hailey Edwards

  Dangerous hope sparked in my chest. “Do you know where he is?”

  “No.” He jerked his chin in the direction we had been going. “He was last seen near here.”

  Gooseflesh rippled over my skin. “Why are you doing this?”

  “I have my reasons.”

  “Reasons you won’t share.”

  “Either you accept I mean no harm or assume I am as treacherous as I have given you every reason to believe.” He rolled his shoulders. “Either way, I’m not waiting for the hounds to reach us. The princes might want you in particular, but the others will be less choosy. You must decide if you can trust me that far or if you should go your own way.”

  Rook left me standing in dappled sunlight. The turning leaves were no longer beautiful to me. The oranges were too bright and the reds called to mind the blood that would soon spill.

  I wrapped my arms around myself and wished Mai was here. A sly fox would know how to outsmart those hounds. Wishing wouldn’t make her appear, so I filled my lungs with crisp fall air and exhaled out my fears and doubts.

  Think. Frame this problem like it was an exercise dreamed up by Shaw.

  Rook might help me find Mac. He might not. Safer to bet not. It seemed to me that if Rook or anyone else knew where Mac was, I wouldn’t be here. Nails biting into my elbows where I cupped them, I forced my shoulders to relax. Lowering my arms, I swung them to limber up and tugged on my glove from habit.

  My glove.

  My runes.

  I could rend and devour souls. If I defeated the princes, I might survive the hunt. At least until the next set of heirs were named. Then the consuls would have to renegotiate terms with me, right? I hadn’t agreed to substitute eternally, just this once.

  Weak as it was, that sounded almost like a plan.

  I might not be kibble yet after all.

  Chapter 22

  Rook must have anticipated my change of heart. That or he enjoyed shuffling his feet in leaves. It took all of five minutes to catch up, and when I did, the only acknowledgment he gave was picking up his pace. Content as I could be with my cut-and-paste survival plan, I fell in line behind him.

  Hours later, without much progress, shadows began waking, stretching toward us from the bases of the trees. The air turned cooler. Not winter cold, but chill enough I was grateful for the heat spell on my armor.

  Music stirred in the air, sweet singing that twitched in my toes as I walked.

  When I couldn’t stand the silence another minute, I jogged to Rook’s side. “Do you hear that?”

  “Ignore it as best you can. It’s a lure the dryads use.” His eyes roved over me. “They’re Seelie.”

  I shivered. “They’re trying to ensnare me.”

  “It’s in their best interest if the Seelie continue to rule.” He cautioned, “Stay clear of the trees.”

  His gaze slid past my shoulder, prompting me to search for what had captured his attention. Superimposed over the trunk of the nearest tree was a pale blue outline of a nude woman. Her arms were raised above her head, lifting her pert breasts and accentuating the fluid curve of her waist and soft roundness of her hips. She stood with one thigh in front of the other, hinting at hidden pleasures.

  I was enchanted, had taken a step closer before the sap-sweet scent of her lure enveloped me. A sneezing fit seized me, blasting the scent out of my nose and clearing my head.

  Guess I owed Shaw a case of ginger beer. Exposure to his lure must have inoculated me against other variants. Fighting hers was easy. Resisting Shaw? Now that was hard.

  Rook stood his ground, eyes glazed while the dryad worked her enchantment.

  If I wanted to be rid of him, this was a prime opportunity. I could leave him here with little miss bark for boobs and see how far I got before the hounds sniffed me out and I put my theory to the test.

  I made it three steps before guilt gnawed through my resolve. I turned back and found Rook nearer the dryad. Much closer and he would reach out. If he touched her, she would use him for fertilizer.


  He didn’t blink.


  Blank stare ahoy.

  The dryad’s lips never moved, but the soft music continued drifting around us. Strange behavior for a tree spirit. From what I remembered in my old textbooks, they were peace-loving, live-and-let-live types. Sirens were more into lethal musical snares. The two could be related I guess, but the dryad’s urgent song still struck me as odd.

  The Coronation Hunt must bring out the teeth in everyone.

  Easing between them, I broke Rook’s eye contact with her. Sound was the problem. Earplugs. That was what I needed. Checking his pockets, I found them as empty as mine. Casting around for something I could use, I spotted clumps of thick moss covering the roots of a nearby tree. “Don’t move, okay?”

  He gave no indication he heard me. He hadn’t moved since I stepped between them.

  As fast as I could, I darted to the tree and scooped a handful of moss from the ground. I gave the spongy green stuff a test squeeze. The texture was foamy, but it was slower to reclaim its former shape. Guess I would have to pack it in his ear canals tighter then.

  Rolling the topmost moss into tiny pellets, I did the best I could with what I had. Rook still hadn’t moved. He didn’t make a peep when I crammed the makeshift plugs in his ears, either. Feeling time slip through my fingers, I battled a sense of urgency to ditch him and keep moving. My endgame might be facing down those hounds, but I wasn’t going to make it easy for them.

  After a few moments, Rook blinked.

  “Hello.” I waved my hand in front of his face. “Anyone home?”

  He focused on me, or he tried to. His gaze ping ponged between me and the dryad.

  “Let’s get moving, okay?” I yelled.

  His slow nod told me he was coming around. Good. We had wasted too much time as it was.

  Adrenaline drenched me in a sudden rush that left my nerves taut and my thighs trembling with the urge to run. I scented the cool, clean air. Decomposing leaves. Rich earth. Nothing out of the ordinary, even by Faerie standards. The hairs on the back of my neck lifted, but I was done waiting.

  “If whatever it is wants to kill us,” I told Rook quietly, “it’ll just have to take a number and get in line.”

  Linking my arm through his, I led a dreamy-eyed Rook ambling down a path through the trees. I hadn’t noticed it before, and it was more of an animal run than a man-made road, but the dirt beneath the day’s accumulation of leaves was hard packed and well worn. Someone must be using it often.

  “Thierry.” He slurred my name. “I need to—”

  He exploded in a blast of feathers.

  “Rook?” I spun in a circle, clutching quills in my hands like that would help.

  A caw overhead made my shoulders slump. He flapped harder until he pierced the canopy. Great. Some guardian he was.

  Alone in the forest, I dusted my hands and trudged onward. Night drifted around me, cooler and darker, hungrier. Common sense said I ought to seek shelter. Stopping for the night wasn’t appealing when I had already lost so much time. If Rook came back, I could ask how long these hunts lasted.

  Something told me not long. I figured I had twenty-four hours at most.

  “You look awful tired, yes?” a tinny voice called. “I have a bed. Food. I have that too.”

  I slowed my steps. “Show yourself.”

  “Sure. I can do.” A small black rabbit hopped out of the woods. “See? No harm, dog girl.”

  I crossed my arms. “Dog girl?”

  “Word spreads fast.” He thumped his back foot. “Old king is dead. The hunt runs tonight.”

  Considering the dryad attack, yeah, gossip must be burning up the vines out here.

  Anxious to get moving, I cut to the chase. “Why would you help me?”

  “Rook Morriganson sent me.” His whiskers twitched. “He said to take you to the burrow.”

  “I wish I believed you, little guy
.” I sighed and walked past him. “I just can’t risk it.”

  A blast of scalding magic slammed into my back.

  “You will come.” The rabbit’s voice dropped several octaves. “I gave my word. In exchange, he swore you would return my brother to me. He lives where you live now. Goes by the name Sean.”

  “I can’t prison-break your brother then look the other way while he dials the windmill.”

  “Rook said. He told me you would help,” he trumpeted. “You will help.”

  I spun, ready to punt the fur face and move on, except the fluffy bunny was gone, replaced by the tallest horse I had ever seen. Twenty hands high if he was an inch. Broad too, built like a draft horse.

  “You’re a púca.” Karma really was a bitch.

  The horse executed a bow that brought its eyes level with mine. “Want a ride?”

  “Do I have a choice?” That thing could trample me.

  He nickered. “I am helping. Then you will help. We can be friends now. Climb aboard.”

  “I’ve never ridden a—” He kept bending until he knelt on the ground. “Well. Okay then.” After circling around to his side, I fisted his mane and climbed on his back.

  When the horse rose, I gulped down a knot of panic. This was almost worse than riding the Morrigan’s back. Gliding through the air had been fun right up until the near-death landing experience. Down here it was duck or let the low-slung branches knock the head off my shoulders.

  Without a saddle, I kept sliding to one side. The best I could do was clutch the tufts of his mane and clench my thighs. The púca executed a slight hop step over a fallen limb that almost unseated me. My stomach flip-flopped until I flattened against his spine and pressed my face to his neck.

  Maybe Rook was right. Maybe Macsen had done me a favor by allowing Mom to raise me as a human. Faerie was so alien. I hated how it made me feel weak, like prey.

  Fae in my world, I could handle. I knew the rules there. Here all bets were off. When I got home, if I got home, I was kissing the first plain old, non-magical dirt clod I found.

  Sensing how tender my stomach was, the púca showed mercy and ambled the final yards to our destination. “Down you go,” he said with a snort. He knelt, and I slid onto jelly legs.

  “Where are we?” I hadn’t noticed on the way in, but this section of forest seemed greener.

  “Near the border of Spring.” A wave of magic rolled over him. “We’re safe enough here.”

  While brushing off the residue of his change, I noticed he had reverted to his rabbit form.

  “Hurry it up. Hop to it.” His long ears rotated while his nose wrinkled. “Someone’s coming.”

  I sensed the same eerie presence as before. “Where am I hurrying to?”

  “The burrows of course.” He jumped up and down. “Well. Shift. Come on. Move it along.”

  “Shift? As in shapeshift?” I cocked an eyebrow at him. “I can’t.”

  “You don’t have a smaller skin than that?” He sounded incredulous.

  “What are you talking about?” His brain must have shrunk too. “This is the only skin I have.”

  “This won’t do.” He rubbed one paw with the other. “You’re too big. Enormous.”

  “Thanks.” I exhaled through my teeth. “Now what?”

  “He’s here.” His eyes rounded at the base of a distant tree. “You’re on your own.”

  With a flash of his tail, the púca vanished into a shadowy hole, leaving me alone. Again.

  While I debated whether to return to Autumn, the sensation of being watched turned overwhelming. “Who’s out there?” I called where the púca had been staring.

  “A bystander,” an ominous voice rumbled, “nothing more.”

  “Great.” My teeth began chattering. “Who knew death was the ultimate spectator sport?”

  If the creature who had spoken remained, he deigned not answer me.

  Over my head in the pitch-black sky, a sharp cry sounded. A trim black bird landed between me and the voice in the woods, hop-stepping until he stood by my side.

  “I tried.” The púca’s voice startled me. Pink eyes peered from the mouth of a tunnel. “She can’t shift.” He ventured out to greet us. “No one said she couldn’t.”

  The black bird bobbed its head, and the púca’s narrow shoulders slumped.

  “When I get home—” if I got home, “—I’ll talk to your brother, okay? No promises.”

  The fur face somersaulted into the air. “With my thanks.”

  Huh. Go figure. I had just earned a favor I could call in later. First time for everything.

  Once the púca darted into its burrow, Rook rustled his feathers.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” I scowled at the fidgety bird, who cocked his head at me. “We both know chances are slim I’ll come out the other side of this. Why not give the little guy some hope?”

  The bird spread his wings and hopped toward the base of the nearest tree. I took the hint and followed. I started regretting my decision when he fluttered onto the lowest limb and waited. For me to join him.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  He hopped the length of his perch in answer.

  Living in a pinprick southern town out in the middle of nowhere, I had plenty of experience climbing trees. I stood under the limb and jumped. When I had a firm grip, I pulled myself up beside him. I shouldn’t have grinned. The second I did, he hopped onto the next limb and sat there, waiting.

  It was going to be a long night.

  It was still dark when I woke. Only a few hours had passed because my head throbbed from lack of sleep. I functioned better running on fumes than when I stole too little shut-eye. I always woke up more tired than I was to start with, and grumpier to boot. A low growl rose in my throat while I tried pinpointing what had roused me. Not the hounds. Not another dryad or a púca or the sensation of being watched.

  No. The unexpected comfort had done it. That soft puff of breath at my ear helped too.

  The cradle of limbs where I had fallen asleep held high above the forest, lashed to the tree trunk with my cape just in case, had been itchy, scratchy and hard. My current situation lacked two out of three of those amenities.

  Blood rushed into my cheeks when I realized why I was so warm and what was jabbing my hip.

  Rook reclined between the limbs, comfortable as any other bird in a tree.

  During the night, he had pulled me onto his lap, wrapped his calves over my legs and cinched his arms around my waist. Attempting to evaluate the situation, I twisted to my left, where I was rewarded with a glimpse of him sleeping. His eyes were closed, and he was easier to see that way. At rest, he looked more like a man, though still an achingly handsome one. Not at all like he was a liar or a manipulator.

  “You were fidgeting,” he murmured. “I was afraid you would fall.”

  I tensed, and his grip tightened. “Where did you go?”

  “Not far.” He kept his eyes closed like he knew what I had been thinking. “The dryad was luring my human half. The swiftest cure was to shift forms. I should have done it immediately, but I was—”

  “Eyeing her boobs?” I supplied.

  His chuckles rumbled through my side. “She did have a lovely set of…pinecones.”

  I elbowed his gut. “Only a man would forgive attempted murder in exchange for a peep show.”

  His fingers stroked up my arm. “You saved me.”

  “I know.” I fought shivers from his touch. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “That you need me.” He traced the line of dancing chills. “Or maybe you even like me.”

  “Ha.” I planted my elbow square in his chest for leverage. “Liking you is the last thing I can afford to do, even if you weren’t a kidnapper, a liar—oh yeah—and the orchestrator of my impending doom. That last one was awesome, by the way.”

  His gentle caresses stopped. “Why did you join the marshals?”

  I drew back to look at him. “What do
es that matter?”

  “Humor me.”

  “The short answer is, if I hadn’t signed up, the conclave would have killed me.” Saying it out loud left a bad taste in my mouth.

  He cocked his head at me. “What’s the long answer?”

  I debated whether to tell him, but the peaceful night lent itself to sharing secrets. “When I showed up on their doorstep asking for sanctuary, I was just a kid. Thirteen with blood on my hands. They offered me a life I couldn’t have had on my own. They put me in a private school for fae children and helped me adjust to my new normal.

  “When I graduated high school, I was given a choice. Enroll in the marshal academy, where they could put my talents to good use, or get put down. Apparently, they couldn’t afford to have someone like me running around unchecked.” I shrugged like it still didn’t hurt when I thought about it. “At first, it was about saving my bacon. Now it’s…atonement...I guess.”

  “How did you know to contact them? Macsen never let on he had a daughter.”

  He knew the answer, I could tell by the lack of inflection in his tone.

  “He told Mom who to call if things got bad,” I said quietly. “When I got into the kind of trouble that meant I would have been locked up for the rest of my life, she dialed the number, and the conclave sent Shaw to fetch me. They saved me. They gave me a higher purpose.”

  “Do you enjoy your work?”

  “I do.” The honesty of my answer surprised me. “Humans fall prey to creatures they don’t stand a chance against. I like making fae think twice before breaking the law in my region.” What I didn’t confess was how much the hunter in me enjoyed the pursuit. Or how well suited my gifts were to my trade. Rook was perceptive. He would guess even if I didn’t confirm it for him. “I like helping people.”

  “Humans aren’t the only ones in need of help.” His lips parted, but he said nothing more.

  “Tell me something I don’t know.” Humans could be just as screwed up as fae. I knew that better than most. “But anything inhuman has the strength and resources to have a fighting chance. Most humans don’t.”


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