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Dog Eat Dog World: Limited Edition Bundle (Black Dog)

Page 62

by Hailey Edwards

  Smart man.

  I shook the magic from my fingertips. “What are you doing here?”

  He canted his head. “I work here.”

  My back hit the closet door. “We’re inside the prison?”

  He wiped the amusement from his mouth with a wide palm. “Where did you think you were?”

  “An underground bunker? A basement?” I didn’t know and hadn’t asked. I indicated the door I had stepped out of, adjacent to the wannabe break room where we stood. “What’s with that room?”

  “It’s an all-purpose room. Sometimes we use it for visitation when the chow hall overflows.” He shrugged. “Right now it’s set up with tables and chairs for a lecture. One of the continuing education classes the prison holds to keep up our certification without trucking us all the way back to Lebanon. I haven’t been called yet, but I heard it’s a history of shanks, shivs and other homemade weapons.”

  “I just came from in there.” And a weird room it was too. “What’s with all the velvet?”

  “Some folks take their collections seriously. All weapons found on the premises are supposed to be turned in to the brass, but some pocket the good pieces like souvenirs.” Littlejohn rolled his massive shoulders. “Gives ’em a prop to spice up their prison tall tales. Don’t know why some take this place home with them. I don’t bring nothing that comes from here into my house or near family if I can help it.”

  “I don’t blame you.” I hesitated. “Mac said the marshal’s office is on lockdown.”

  “The whole complex is.” His radio squawked a garbled update. “Mr. Sullivan evacuated the civilians, but we have nowhere secure to go. These inmates…” he shook his head, “…they have to stay right where they are, right where their evil put them. We can’t risk the likes of them escaping.”

  “You’re a good man for staying behind,” I said, and I meant it.

  A tight nod stretched his neck. “This is what I signed up for, Marshal. Same as you.”

  Except times like these drove decent men to desertion. Honoring a commitment, that was commendable.

  The guard resumed his rounds, and I eased back in the room to find Mac waiting for me.

  A grim smile curved his lips, and I read into it his eagerness for us to get moving.

  I adjusted my belt to give my hands something to occupy them. “When do we leave?”

  “At dawn.” He left no room for argument. “Regardless of what else the Morrigan may be, she is Unseelie first. She is at her most potent during the night. We need the sunlight advantage.”

  Biting my tongue about how that still left us to deal with pissed-off Seelie, I bobbed my head.

  “You guys need every advantage you can get.” Glancing around, Mai added, “We do too.”

  I flung my arm around her and rested my chin on her shoulder. “You’re going to be okay.”

  “I’m not so sure.” She leaned into me. “The magistrates got lucky, Tee. Like hit the jackpot.”

  I straightened so our gazes were level. “What do you mean?”

  “I read the transcripts.”

  A pained groan dragged past my lips. “I’m not going to ask how you got those.”

  Though if the complex had been evacuated, there was no one to chastise a snooping kitsune.

  Sly fox is sly.

  “Every person in that room views this realm as their private sandbox. They don’t care what happens to the fae—or the humans—here. They just don’t want the powers that be in Faerie to sweep in and steal their toys.” Her lips pursed. “It’s different for fae born here. My parents and grandparents are all Earth-born. We’re loyal to this realm…if not always to its native people. It’s different for you and other half-bloods. You’re more invested in the big picture, because this is your world and these are your people, but this one time, I think we’ll all end up on the same page. Cutting the ties between realms is no one’s salvation.” Her chin dipped. “It will only prolong the inevitable.”

  The burden of doubt pressed on my shoulders. “You think we’re making a mistake.”

  “The Morrigan struck before the magistrates finalized the vote to sever the tethers.” Voice light, she mocked, “History will remember her attack and their swift response to it. Not the transcripts. Fae here put down roots and start families. For their families’ sakes, they will bow to magistrate law and call them saviors because of this moment, because of what you’re about to do, even without the support of Faerie. I worry what you’re doing won’t save this realm so much as enable a new regime to rise within it.”

  Without thought, my gaze sought out Mac, who had turned his back on us.

  I worried the emblem on my armor. “The scales balance or Mac wouldn’t—couldn’t—endorse this.”

  “Severing the tethers is for the greater good. For now.” Mai studied my father too. “The reprieve might last a week or a month or, if we get lucky, a few years, but we’re going to find ourselves here again, and next time the fight won’t be in Faerie. Next time the mortal realm will be the battleground, and humanity will pay the price.”

  “You’re right. We will be here again. That’s how I know all this will turn out okay.” I drummed my fingers on her arm. “Even if no one outside the conclave knows the truth, we do. We’ll keep them honest.”

  She snorted.

  “Okay, so honest is a stretch,” I conceded. “We’ll keep them balanced. How’s that sound?”

  Her grumbled non-answer struck a doubtful note. Close enough.

  “The sun is rising,” Mac said softly. “Gather your things.”

  All I had was a chair full of rumpled clothes. Hardly worth asking the guards to locker them for me.

  “Here.” Mac reached behind a partition and dropped my messenger bag and a backpack on the table. He passed me a long knife sheathed in a thigh holster.

  Mai chimed in, “You’ve got MREs, iodine tablets, a first-aid kit, a thermal blanket and other considerations.”

  Figuring other considerations must be code for girly products, I nodded.

  The knife got strapped on first. Shrugging into the pack, I clicked a thick strap under my breasts to secure it and looped my bag over my head. Weighted down and heart pounding, I was ready. Time to catch the Faerie Express.

  Dawn was a hazy promise written in wispy lavender and blush clouds across the distant horizon when Littlejohn entered the conference room. The starched collar of his pale blue uniform shirt bent under the weight of wet blood soaking the fabric. Marks slashed across his throat. Not deep. Hairline scratches really. As though he had been swiped by the claws of death itself and lived to face the inconvenience of washing out the stains.

  “Inmates are getting restless.” He touched his throat when he caught me looking. “They smell blood on the wind.”

  Wasn’t that a comforting thought?

  “We should go.” Mac clasped the guard’s shoulder. “We appreciate all your help.”

  He gave Mac a respectful nod. “Whatever I can do, sir.”

  Mai shifted her weight, ducking her head when Littlejohn’s gaze lit on her.

  The guard turned on his heel and waved us after him. “Follow me.”

  We got the grand tour of the prison by accident. Whole sections were shut down and the inmates herded into the center of the institution for safety, meaning we took the long way around the block to skirt the locked down portions. The door Littlejohn led us through this time emptied out into the field. I spotted the windmill, the physical tether between this realm and Faerie, rising stark in the distance.

  “Use these.” He reached into his pocket and brought out two button-sized discs. “They snap on your collar. Activate when the metal receptors touch. We use them to see through glamour on the back forty where the earth fae in the work-release groups tend their gardens.” When my brows crept upward, his voice went gruff. “We don’t kill ’em till the paperwork says so. Until their expiration date comes due, they get all they need to survive. Dirt, air, blood or water, provided within
the letter of the law.”

  Meaning they were given just enough to survive incarceration. Like Red and his pig-blood diet.

  Until Rook smuggled me to the tether, I had never touched a toe to this section of the property. I didn’t have the clearance for it. I visited the marshal’s office every few days, so that was a non-event. The office where Mai interned was open to the fae public, as were the three other buildings surrounding the prison, but this was all new. My second visit to the prison in as many days and now this. Unrestricted access to what few Earth-born conclave employees ever saw and never without the proper documentation and a guide.

  Mac and I each took a disc from Littlejohn, working the small pin backs through the collars of our underclothes before we fastened them. Metal clicked, and the burnt scent of an activated charm fragranced the air. Magical light flared behind my eyes, temporarily blinding me, and I hissed out a breath. “A warning would have been nice.” Blinking away the negative image of the field with its bent cornstalks seared onto my retina, I parsed out the landscape beneath the glamour and took an unconscious step back.

  Too afraid to point, I jerked my chin toward a winding path. “Those are…”

  “Gargoyles,” he supplied. “Flew in from the Washington National Cathedral in D.C. a few hours ago. They’re settling in for the day. Long as you don’t go poking at them you should be fine.”

  I counted six, all gray-skinned and menacing, each as tall as the guard and most twice as thick. The bulkiest resembled a ram, to his right stood a fish-like creature, and a very horror movie-esque rabbit sat on his left. Between them lurked a stout-jawed bulldog I felt zero kinship with, and behind it, nearest the windmill, a snub-nosed bat paced while biting into an apple. But sitting on the ground so close to us I could reach out and touch it with my toe was a humanoid…thing. It was nude and winged, but I didn’t see it and think demon. Noticing my stare, it glanced up from a handful of playing cards. It sniffed the air once in my direction then went back to arranging its hand, but it was watching me too.

  “Look all you like.” Its voice scraped like boulders grinding. “But touching costs extra.”

  Mai blushed prettily, proving us both guilty of ogling, and the thing grinned at her with delight.

  Littlejohn popped it on the back of its head. His, I should say. After all, he was very naked and sat very close and had no modesty at all. Let’s just say whoever had carved his junk wanted to make sure his sex was never questioned by tourists passing underneath whatever arch or ledge he usually occupied.

  The move would have broken my hand, but the guard didn’t flinch. “Watch your mouth.”

  The gargoyle grunted and went back to its game, which I realized Littlejohn had been playing too when he withdrew a thin stack of cards from his back pocket, shuffled them around and slapped a few down on the cinderblock they were using as a table.

  Mac eased around the guard and startled Mai with a brief embrace. “Be well.”

  “I will.” Stiffly she patted his back. “Take care of our girl, all right?”

  His gaze strayed to me and warmed. “You can count on it.”

  With the glamour removed, a stone-lined path became visible, leading from the rear door of the prison straight to the tether. The coming morning muted its subtle glow, but magic throbbed in the air above the rocks.

  Mac set off down the illuminated path, and Mai snickered when I didn’t immediately follow him. Too late she slung an arm across my shoulders and turned me on my heel. A hot flush of embarrassment scalded my nape when the seated gargoyle caught me ogling his crotch—again. But he was packing a granite cucumber, and it was just…there.

  Mai led me several steps away from Littlejohn and the gargoyle. “Roll your tongue up, girlie.”

  “It’s not like that—” I started to protest.

  She shushed me. “Sizing up some gargoyle’s stone salami isn’t being unfaithful.”

  “Shaw is missing.” I sobered. “I’m not going to find him dangling between a ’goyle’s legs.”

  Mai’s grip gentled. “He’s going to be okay, Tee.”

  I nodded because it was easier to agree with her.

  “I mean it,” she said, missing nothing. “The Morrigan needs him to control you.”

  Steps lightening, I grumbled, “That’s a happy thought.”

  With a lopsided smile, Mai flung her arms around me and squeezed until my lungs deflated.

  “Watch yourself over there, okay?” Mai sniffled. “Best friends don’t come along every day.”

  “I will.” I hugged her back. “Hey, if something happens, tell Mom to cut you a check for the money she owes me. There’s one made out to me on the dresser. Just tear it up or something. Use the cash to pay our rent through the rest of the year and to cover my half of the utilities.”

  She withdrew, brow puckered. “Money your mom owes you?”

  “Long story.” I shook my head. “Just do that for me, okay?”

  “I’m not taking your damn money.” Her delicate jaw set. “You’re coming back and paying your own damn rent, damn it.” She settled her hands on her hips. “Rent’s due in two weeks. Remember that.”

  Two weeks was a blip of time, but I bobbed my head like I was agreeing. Across the way, Mac cleared his throat, signaling it was time to go. I wiggled limp fingers at Mai and stepped onto the path.

  Nervous about walking the gargoyle-lined gauntlet stretching between the tether and me, I spent the next several minutes staring at the tops of my shiny boots as I kept to the exact center of the stone-marked trail. The other gargoyles appeared more animal than human, and I didn’t want to know if their maker had overcompensated there too or if the mischievous, human-like ’goyle had gotten the long end of the…

  Never mind.

  Eager for a distraction, I inhaled the scents of the waking world and categorized them.

  A pungent tang hit the back of my throat, and I slowed to identify the source. The walkway was packing heat. Far more than a standard glow spell required. I wondered if, like the gargoyle imports, the glowing path was a new addition. Or if Rook, with his glamour-shredding magical pipe, had guided me to the windmill down this exact way with such care I didn’t stumble or bump any of the stones out of line?


  The closer I got to the tether, the harder Branwen’s plea to save her brother tugged at my heart. She had kept me sane while we were trapped in Balamohan’s caves, and I owed her for her kindness. For all the trouble Rook caused me, for what he did to my mother alone, he deserved what the Morrigan had done to him. But he wasn’t evil, just self-serving and egotistical, and I wondered if Branwen could redeem him.

  Ahead of me, Mac stood beneath the towering windmill.

  “Almost ready.” He flipped open a narrow panel fused onto one of the legs, and his fingers tapped out a complex sequence on a series of flat keys etched with glowing green runes similar to ours. It was almost, but not quite, what Rook had done. Mac’s initiation sequence required more time, which was odd considering the tethers were his own work. I had figured he could speed dial them or something.

  “All right.” He waved me forward absently. “Stand inside the circle.”

  He checked to make sure I was where he wanted me then jabbed a final button before slamming the panel shut, stepping inside and tilting his head back to gaze up through the guts of the windmill.

  A gust of air stirred a warm breeze that raised chill bumps of anticipation.

  I wrapped my arms around my stomach and whispered a prayer.

  Mac kept to himself, his knees loose and braced for impact, a smile twitching his lips.

  Happy, I thought, to be going home.

  Chapter 8

  I tumbled from everywhere and nowhere, consciousness scattering like dried leaves on the wind, blowing away thoughts before they formed. Twisting, swirling through a vortex of whirling reds and oranges and greens, I smelled crisp fall days and warm apple cider. The trip lasted forever and only a second before the g
round rushed up to meet me, and my back smacked damp soil.

  Air whooshed from my lungs, and when I inhaled, I breathed in Faerie’s magic-rich atmosphere. I exhaled as the lush fragrances soaked into my bones, welcoming me back with breezy kisses from a stiff northerly wind and the warm embrace of the sun on my cheeks as though I belonged to this place.

  Autumn, I thought. We’re in Autumn.

  Gnarled branches stretched skyward as if the trees were rousing for the day. Foliage rustled and songbirds trilled good morning. Of course, Faerie being Faerie, I spotted fanged slugs gliding up tree trunks, trailing glistening slime. A pair of green mantis chittered in conversation as they sprang from leaf to leaf decked out in teeny silk vests, balancing thimble-sized teacups so as not to slosh while conducting their acrobatic tea party. Not to mention the tiny clusters of squidgy mushrooms farting hallucinogenic spores into the air, because Faerie wasn’t weird enough already.

  Still, Autumn wasn’t where I’d expected us to enter. We came and went through Spring last time.

  Mac kept a den near here, though. This was where I first met him—as the saber-toothed cat, Diode—and where my odds of staying alive had doubled by winning him to my side. Except, being my father, he had been on my side all along. More or less.

  I groaned. Thinking about Mac/Diode made my head hurt. Worse.

  “There you are.”

  Speak of the devil.

  I waved a hand. “Here I am.”

  “That’s what I said.” Mac approached from the south, stopping when he loomed over me. “How do you feel?”

  “Like I rode the Tilt-A-Whirl after eating a fully loaded sausage dog with a funnel-cake chaser.”

  He cocked his head. “Was that in English?”

  “I’m dizzy,” I managed. “I have an upset stomach and might puke.” Puke. Hearing the word clenched my stomach muscles. “How are you?”

  Mac’s expression, which seemed to say, Fine, why wouldn’t I be? was answer enough.

  Raising my head sloshed my brain around my skull and threatened to spill it out of my ears.


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