Rock My World: MMF Bisexual Romance Two Book Collection

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Rock My World: MMF Bisexual Romance Two Book Collection Page 14

by Bianca Vix

  “Shayla!” Leah catches me up in a hug as I spot her among the throngs of people milling around Madison Square Garden. “You look amazing. Great outfit.”

  It’s my favorite dress. Just because it was Jett’s favorite too doesn’t matter. That’s not why I chose it. I’ve always loved it. It’s got nothing to do with him.

  The first opening band is really great. But my head’s not in the moment. I’m tapping my foot from nervous energy, not the music.

  All too soon, the lights go down for Tailspin. Leah’s beyond excited. “I can’t believe we’re here!”

  The band takes the stage and the crowd goes crazy. The guitar intro starts without a word from any of the band members.

  The song is one of their biggest hits. The first one off their latest record. The one that shot off the charts and broke everything wide open for them. Once they’re done playing it, Zac starts talking.

  “New York City!” His voice booms out and the crowd goes crazy. I barely take in what he’s saying. I’m staring too hard at Jett.

  Once Zac pauses, Jett steps up to his own mic. “Are you ready to get hot tonight?”

  I press my fingers to my ears. The crowd’s going to be louder than the band if they keep the volume up this high.

  God. Now Jett’s teasing the crowd, pulling his t-shirt up. The screams get even louder. “Let’s see how hot we can get.”

  It’s so strange to see Tailspin up on stage from so far away. This place is massive, and I’ve never seen them play anywhere but small clubs before. I guess it really is true. They’ve hit the big time. There’s no going back now.

  Tailspin launches into their next song. Jett is in total control. He’s bouncing around with so much energy. He loves playing live. He always has.

  Our seats are pretty far back. He’s so far away that there’s no way I can make out his expression. But I know what it is. Pure bliss. There’s nowhere else he’d rather be in the world than on stage.

  Staring at him from across the arena, I imagine his old smile. And I can’t help but think that that’s my Jett. The one I knew. The one who made me feel like the most important person in the world.

  Sometimes I want him back more than anything.

  I shake my head. I can’t think that way. We’re over.

  The way Jett moves when he plays, it’s impossible to do anything but think about how I’d like to trade places with his guitar. To feel his hands on my body.

  Before I know it, the last song is done. The crowd won’t stop screaming and stomping, even after the lights come up.

  Leah clasps my hand. “Let’s try and get backstage.”

  “What? No. Why would you want to get backstage? Beside, the headliner hasn’t even played yet.”

  “I don’t care about them. I’m only here for Tailspin. Come on, Shayla. Let’s do it.”

  God. She’s practically dragging me out of my seat. Oh well. There’s no chance we’ll get in, so I don’t resist too much.

  Until we get up to the fence. Bailly’s wandering around, clearly visible.

  She squeezes my arm. “There he is. He’s the one I want to meet the most.”

  “You like him?” It’s hard to believe. Bailly’s like a brother to me. A cranky, annoying brother than you never want to be around. I can’t see him in the way that Leah clearly does.

  “Yes. Bailly!”

  I can’t believe it. He turns around when she calls his name. When he sees me, he actually comes over.

  “Shayla. Didn’t think I’d see you here.”

  “Me neither.”

  Leah’s eyes are about to pop out of her head. “You know each other?”

  He takes her in and he obviously likes what he sees. “Sure we do. You want to come back here, darling?”

  I roll my eyes hard. Is he serious?

  But Leah looks like she’s about to pass out. Or scream. Thankfully, she doesn’t do either. “We sure do.”

  She’s grabbing my arm, pulling me through the gap in the fence that security opens up for us.


  Chapter 8


  Jett takes a long swallow of his beer, wiping his mouth afterwards. God. I always liked the taste of beer on him when we kissed after his shows. I inhale deeply, like I can somehow taste it now. Like I could if our tongues were twining together and his body heat was setting me on fire. Just like we would do right before we went back to his place, before he’d tear my clothes off and I’d start to lick every inch of him.

  My cheeks burn.

  Damn. My skin’s burning all over.

  I remember his lips. So soft, such a contrast to the rest of his hard, rock-solid body. The body I used to love to have covering mine.

  It takes every bit of self-control I have to keep from going over to him now.

  He’s just a few feet away from me. He still hasn’t noticed me, and I need to keep it that way. My chest tightens as I steal once last glance in his direction. Just that one look is enough to suck every bit of breath out of my body. It’s like time is frozen for a moment.

  I have to stop looking at him. And stop listening. Jett shoots his charming smile at one of the women he’s talking to. I take a step away from him and that puts me closer to Leah. It couldn’t be more obvious that she’s into Bailly. Not that I want to be part of their conversation, but the group of women that’s hitting on Jett are making me sick.

  They’re all trying to touch him. His arms, his back. One of them even reaches up to his hair. A sizzle of jealousy flares up in me. I know I have no right to feel this way. I shouldn’t be jealous. Jett’s not mine, not any more. Not for a long time now.

  But I can’t help it.

  Then I see his celebrity smile come out. It takes over all of his features as he ramps up his effortless charm. I can’t stand it.

  Especially when he starts to touch them back. I can tell that he’s made his choice. The long-haired blonde. He’s running his hands over the collar of her shirt. Gross. How can this guy be the Jett I used to know? How did the super-sweet, caring guy I was in love with turn into a player like this?

  I guess it shouldn’t surprise me. I’ve seen him pull this stuff whenever I come across Tailspin on social media. In pictures, and in videos.

  But it’s a lot worse seeing it play out right in front of me. On top of that, I can still hear them.

  “Your show was so good. I love your band,” she tells him. She’s not wrong. They killed it tonight. It’s the way she says it that makes my skin crawl.

  The brunette standing beside her isn’t about to be outdone in this competition. “So amazing. I’d like to see what else your hands can do.”

  If they keep going the way they are, he might take them all back to his room for a threesome.

  “Thanks, hon. That means everything to me.”

  “Really?” She sounds breathless. Jett should really offer her a drink of water.

  Instead he flashes a devastating smile. “It really does.”

  At least Leah doesn’t notice my scowl. But Bailly does. “What’s up with you? Not having any luck breaking Jett’s heart again?”

  My frown deepens. That’s how Jett played it? That I broke his heart?

  What. The. Fuck.

  Unbelievable. “Is that what he told you?”

  Bailly raises his eyebrow. Before he and I can get into it, Leah pulls me aside. “He wants me to come back to his hotel with him. Do you mind? You can get home okay, right Shayla?”

  “Sure. No problem. Go have fun.” I’m annoyed. But not at Leah. She should have some fun. I get it. Sleeping with a guy from your favorite band isn’t something I’ve ever done, but I get the impulse. At least, I’ve never done it before Jett. But Tailspin wasn’t famous then. It wasn’t the same. Jett and I were already a couple when they made their first recording. And he’s not the same man now as he was then. Not even close. I don’t want the man he’s become. I dodged a bullet back in his hotel room.

  Leah goes back to Bailly, and
I can’t help but sneak a glance back in Jett’s direction. He’s disappeared. And yet both of the two women who were hitting on him are still here. They’ve joined the small crowd around Zac now.

  Did Jett find someone he was more into? Wow. Those women are both perfectly attractive. I guess players can do whatever they want. Or whoever.

  My heart tightens as it truly hits me. This is who Jett is now. He’s nothing like the guy I love.

  Used to love.

  Used to.

  Not anymore.

  Chapter 9


  “Hey, Dylan.”

  I thought I was the only left backstage. The arena emptied out long ago. I saw most of the band leave earlier. I figured Jett went with them.

  But here he is. Standing right in front of me. Arms folded across his chest. And an expression I’ve seen on him before.

  It’s the same one as last time we were alone back here. “Hey. What’re you still doing here?”

  The look in Jett’s eyes doesn’t change. “There’s something I need to take care of.”

  My throat goes dry. “What’s that?”

  I already know what he wants. He takes a step closer. “Bringing you back to my hotel room. I’m having a private party there. Very private. You about done here?”

  I swallow. “Yeah.”

  “Then let’s get going.”

  We ride the short distance without a word spoken between us. I’m staring straight ahead. So’s Jett. We’re side by side in the back seat of the car, but we’re not even touching each other. We might as well be, given how much he’s turning me on.

  The moment we get to his hotel room, everything changes.

  Without a word, Jett grabs at me, pulling me into his arms. Our faces are inches apart.

  Jett’s eyes are dark with lust. He tugs me even closer to him. Neither one of us is breaking eye contact. Not until Jett clamps his mouth down on mine. Our tongues twist together as the kiss gets rough. So hard my lips might be bruised afterwards.

  I don’t care. I’m ecstatic to be touching him again. My hands are roaming all over his body.

  Jett’s doing the same thing, groping me everywhere. Like he’s afraid I’m going to disappear before anything more happens.

  Yeah, right.

  Not going to happen.

  Jett ends our kiss to bite at my neck. My palm goes to his crotch, rubbing the hard heat behind his fly.

  He growls, the low sound making my cock throb. I lower his zipper and move so I can get his jeans out of my way. Almost before I get his shirt off, his hands are going for my clothes. In seconds, we’re both naked.

  Jett’s pulling me to the bed. Our bodies grind together as we lie down. I could come just from that contact, so I shift away from him. Sliding down the bed, I suck his throbbing cock into my mouth.

  His hips buck forward. He’s so hard. Tastes so good, I want more. His balls tighten up and he grabs hold of my head.

  “Stop.” Jett’s words rasp out. “I want you. Don’t move.” He climbs out of bed, returning in an instant with a handful of condoms.

  “Got enough of those?” I stroke my shaft.

  “Maybe not. But they’ll do for now.” He’s already rolling one on. Jesus Christ. There’s nothing I want more than to take him deep inside of me, but the size of his hard cock is more than I’ve ever had before.

  “Don’t worry.” Jett climbs back into bed beside me. “I know what I’m doing.”

  He passes me a small bottle of lube. “Care to get me ready?”

  Before I do, I take his head in my hands, pulling him in for another bruising kiss. We don’t move apart until we’re both gasping for air.

  I drip lube onto Jett’s latex-covered cock. Once he’s covered, he takes the bottle back to get me ready.

  His probing finger is about to drive me wild. “Fuck. I want you inside of me. Give me your fucking cock. Right now.”

  “It’s all yours.”

  His words make me pause. All mine. He means just for now. I know that. So why did my mind go to longer than that? There’s nothing more than right now between us. This is all there can be. Jett will never be mine.

  There’s no reason to think like that now. Jett eases forward, pushing slowly into my ass.

  He’s not as difficult to take as I thought he would be. I move forward and back, the feeling of his cock quickly turning from discomfort into pleasure.

  Once I adjust, it doesn’t take long before Jett’s pounding into me. His thrusts get frenzied, as if he’s hungry after not eating for days.

  I know the feeling.

  “Christ.” Jett grips my hips hard. “You’re so damn tight. So fucking good.”

  “Come on. Give it to me. Harder.”

  “Fuck!” Jett groans, so loudly I can only hope the walls are soundproof enough. His cock pulses deep inside of me as he explodes.

  I start to stroke my aching erection as he pulls out of me. He knocks my hand away, grabbing my shaft and jacking me fast. His hand is more than I need. I slam into one of the most powerful orgasms I’ve ever had.

  It’s an effort to even breathe. I barely register Jett shifting around on the bed.

  But I’m aware of his arms circling around me. His heart pounds against my ear. How did we get like this, with my head on his chest? I should move. Leave him. I can’t.

  I don’t want to.

  This is what I want. Not just for now. Again and again. I want Jett to be mine.

  I don’t know where that thought comes from. There’s no point in wanting what I can’t have. If this moment is all there can ever be, then that’s it.

  There’s no point in wanting anything more. Not with this man.

  Chapter 10


  “Last night was just so amazing!” Leah’s practically glowing. She’s talking so fast, it’s hard to keep up.

  I sip at my coffee. It’s burning hot. That’s usually the way I like it, but not today. It’s too much today.

  Everything’s too much today. Too hard-edged. Too bright. I wore sunglasses all the way in. I didn’t even take them off when I went underground for my daily subway ride.

  I feel like I have a wicked hangover, but I don’t. I wasn’t drunk last night. Not even close.

  Seeing Jett shouldn’t do this to me. It’s long since over with him. He’s not even the same person he used to be. Neither am I.

  Leah can’t stop talking about how much fun she had last night. At least I was able to stop her before she got into any detail about sex with Bailly. That’s way beyond my limits, even when I’m feeling normal.

  I check the time. “We have to get back.”

  We don’t really, at least not yet. The coffee shop is close enough to the office but I don’t have it in me to rush up there and get in at the last minute. Not today. Plus I can’t listen to another minute of any to do with Bailly or Tailspin.

  Leah gathers up her stuff. “I can’t believe you never told me that you went out with Jett! Why’d you hold out on me?”

  I grimace as I try to balance my coffee, bag and sweater while I tug at the heavy door. “Like I said. It was a long time ago. Before they got famous. Before you and I met. It’s a past life.”

  One that keeps popping up into my present.

  “Yeah, okay. I guess I get that. But still—”

  I cut her off as fast as I can. “I’m not telling you anything more about what Bailly’s really like. You know what you need to know. There’s no future with him. He’s a player. They all are.”

  Even Jett.

  “Okay. But you know the band. And you knew them way back. That’s so cool.”

  Leah talks about Tailspin right up until we split off to head to our own desks. At least she doesn’t try to grill me on Jett. I have to get him off my mind.

  At least I’ve got piles of work to get through. It’s lunch time when I realize I feel a lot better. I was going to eat at my desk, but instead I text Leah to see if she wants to go out. I’ve just hit
send when she appears by my desk.

  “I was just coming over to ask you the same thing.”

  “Great. Let’s get out of here.”

  My phone vibrates in my hand as I’m about to slip it back into my bag. Quickly I glance at the screen, then stop and stare at the long text that’s just come in.

  It’s from Jett.

  I’m still stunned by what he’s written when Leah and I get to the elevator.

  “What’s with you?”

  The doors slide open and I answer her without thinking. “I just got a text from Jett.”

  Her eyes widen, but the elevator’s too crammed full of people for us to talk about it.

  The moment we’re in line at our favorite sandwich shop, she pounces. “So? What’d he have to say?”

  I still can’t believe it. “He’s asking me to come see him. Down in DC. That’s the next stop on their tour.”

  “Really? Wow. Do you think he wants to get back together?”

  I shake my head. “No. There’s no way.”

  Is there? No. Not possible. “He said he doesn’t like the way we left things.”

  Even as I say the words, I can’t believe them. He has no reason to feel bad about the last time we saw each other. I’m the one whose cheeks burn every time I think about it. I have no clue what got into me that day. Sure, seeing him threw me for a loop. But that was no reason to try and hit on him.

  “You’re going to go, right?”

  “I can’t just drop everything and go off to Washington.”

  “Why not? You’ve already got your vacation days booked. And you don’t have plans for them anymore.”

  I frown at her. “Hey.” But my protest is half-hearted. I was going to go away with the guy I’d been seeing recently. We’re not together anymore. It’s hard to even call it a breakup, since we were barely together. My heart wasn’t in it with him.

  Leah grabs a small bag of chips to go with her sandwich, squeezing it onto the tray we’re sharing. “I’m sorry. But it’s true.”

  “Yeah, okay. Still, I can’t go.” I’m a wreck just from seeing Jett for a very short time here. Going out to visit him and spending more time together might destroy me completely.


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