Rock My World: MMF Bisexual Romance Two Book Collection

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Rock My World: MMF Bisexual Romance Two Book Collection Page 16

by Bianca Vix

  She squeezes her eyes shut, and the flood of emotions crossing her face is clear. She’s looking a little tortured. Shayla’s just been given a whole bunch of info she never had before. It’s got to be a lot to take.

  I get it. It’s how I was when I tried to work out being bi. I had to go against everything and everyone who was telling me I wasn’t. Trying to force me to pick a side. Gay. Straight. So they could put me in a box and never have to wonder what to expect of me. My ex-best friend was the first among them. Saying I changed his world too much, and that he’d be more okay with me being gay than bi.

  At least Shayla hasn’t run off yet. Jett takes a small step towards her, and when she doesn’t move away, he rubs at her arm.

  “I never meant to spring all of this on you at once. Definitely not like this. I know it sounds crazy. But before you just say no flat out, I’d like you to think about it. Don’t leave. You’ve already made the trip here. I’d like for us to at least spend some time together.”

  I jump in. “There’s no need to decide anything right now. Take some time, go on and get some sleep.”

  “I don’t want to go.” My heart thumps at her words. “I mean, I’d like to get out of here. But not to be alone. Maybe we could go somewhere and talk. All three of us.”

  “Of course. Anywhere you want.” Jett’s relief is palpable.

  Even though Shayla’s holding back, she’s curious.

  That’s good enough to start. Even though I want a lot more.

  Chapter 13


  This is unreal. After Shayla burst in on Dylan and I, I figured I’d lost her forever. Now somehow, she’s back here in my hotel room. With me and him.


  I don’t want to do anything to scare her off. But at the same time, if she’s going to run, it’s better if she does it now. I know what I want. For the first time in fucking forever, I know what I want.

  I have to go for it.


  Shayla’s walking around the huge suite, checking everything out. “This place is at least three times bigger than my apartment.” She runs her hand over an end table like it’s the nicest piece of furniture in the world.

  “Yeah, it’s not bad.” Who cares? I don’t want to talk about the damn hotel room. She’s stalling on purpose. I guess she needs some time. I have to give it to her.

  As much as holding back is about to drive me insane, Shayla has to set the pace of this.

  Dylan’s stretched out on the massive sofa. I’d jump him if we were alone. Instead I try to picture him and Shayla together, back when they were teenagers. It’s hard to imagine. I can’t believe he knew her first. It’d be enough to make me jealous, if seeing them together now wasn’t so important.

  Finally Shayla finishes looking around and she sits down with me. All three of us are side by side, and we’re not touching.

  “Are you actually serious? Three of us being together? Do you mean just having sex?”

  Having sex with her and Dylan at the same time has been all I can think about since he and I first talked about it. It’s agonizing, not touching either one of them right now. Touching them both at the same time. Kissing. Getting naked.

  I drag my mind away from that scene. Not going to happen if we don’t talk it out first, I’m guessing.

  Taking it slow isn’t easy. I’m not used to laying everything out there on the table, and especially not knowing what’s going to happen when I do. The stakes are high. I could have everything I ever wanted.

  Shayla needs to be part of that.

  Somehow, I manage to keep my hands to myself.

  “That’d be part of it, sure. A big part.” A big, huge, all-consuming part. “But not the only thing. It’d be like a relationship with three people instead of two.”

  “What, an instant relationship? We just get back together like nothing happened? And me and Dylan? We haven’t seen each other since school ended.”

  “Not just like that. It’d be like starting over. But not exactly.” Damn it. I’m floundering with this. It all made sense when Dylan and I talked about it before. I don’t know how to make it clear to Shayla.

  Then Dylan chimes in.

  Thank fuck.

  “When I was involved with a woman and a man before, they were already a couple. So I joined them, and we got to know each other from there. It was just like I was dating two brand new people. They just happened to already be involved with each other.”

  Shayla’s listening to him intently. Good.

  “I think this is better. We all already know each other.” He looks into Shayla’s eyes. “We’ve all already slept together. Just not at the same time. So we’re starting off in a better place, I think. Like, more equal.”

  “So if it was so great with that couple, why didn’t it last?” Shayla asks him. “Why aren’t you all still together?”

  A pained look crosses Dylan’s face. “When we were together, it was really good. Everything just worked. But at one point, they decided they wanted to do the usual stuff. Get married, have kids. And keep me on the side. Like their dirty little secret. I don’t do that.”

  He’s never told me that before. Plain to see it still bugs him, too. A spark of anger flares up in me on his behalf. “That’s not cool.”

  “No, it wasn’t. And they were both clueless as to why it wouldn’t work for me. So I got out. I’m glad I did. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here now with you, Shayla. I’ve missed you. I didn’t even know it until I saw you again. It’s been way, way too long.”

  Dylan’s story is somehow getting through to Shayla. I can see it. He’s not just trying to use a line on her either. It’s plain to see that he means what he’s saying.

  My heart thumps almost painfully in my chest. For the first time, I truly start to believe this could really happen for us. That there could actually be something between all three of us. As much as I hoped it would be possible, I knew it was a long shot. Way, way beyond a long shot.

  But now, everything’s different. They knew each other before. And whatever the details are, they were involved.

  This thing, that I thought was way beyond my wildest dreams, could actually happen.

  Holy fucking fuck.

  Chapter 14


  “We could at least try it.” Is he serious?

  Jett’s eyes are gleaming. Of course that’s what he wants.

  We’ve been talking about the idea of a threesome relationship for a little while now. And I don’t know why, but it’s starting to make some sense to me.

  Now Jett’s turned the conversation around to sex. He’s trailing his fingers over my leg, and I’m letting him.

  I can’t resist him.

  I don’t want to.

  I gasp as Dylan joins in. His hand mirrors Jett’s and his light touch makes me shiver.

  “What do you think, Shayla?”

  Another chance to be with Dylan. And Jett. At the same time.

  I can’t pass it up.

  I nod, unable to speak.

  Dylan’s eyes are filled with heat. Without warning, he pulls me to him and we’re kissing. So passionately, it takes my breath away. He’s familiar and different at the same time. I breathe deeply, inhaling everything about him.

  His hands start exploring my body. He’s caressing me gently but his strong desire is there, simmering just under the surface. I remember this. Just like Jett, he can go slow and sweet. As well as fast and hard.

  The perfect combination in a man.

  I think he’s trying not to scare me off. But he doesn’t need to worry. Now that I’ve decided I want to try this out, I’m not going to back down.

  We break our kiss just before I’m about to pass out from lack of oxygen. I glance over at Jett. His eyes lock with mine, and the intensity in them is startling. For a second I have to wonder if he’s jealous, but there’s nothing like that in his gaze. Instead, he looks like he wants to devour me. And Dylan.

  Maybe both of us
at once.

  Dylan’s arms are still clasped around me as Jett runs his hand under my dress, his light touch on my warm skin setting my core on fire. Dylan licks his lips as he started to softly stroke my other leg. We’re just barely starting up and already I’m panting from the excitement of having the attention of two guys at the same time. Two hotter than hot guys.

  Why on earth did I never try this sooner?

  Turning to Jett, I lean in. In an instant his lips are on mine and he’s kissing me deeply. Dylan’s hands are still roaming all over my legs, sliding up and down, going higher each time. I want him to touch me, need him to touch me and relieve some of the pulsing ache between my thighs. I’m so wet and I want him to feel it. I arch against Jett, my breasts against his strong chest. My breath comes in sharp gasps as we kiss.

  Dylan’s fingertips graze lightly against the edge my panties and I moan into Jett’s mouth. The anticipation of what’s going to happen next is driving me wild.

  Jett’s hand is following Dylan’s, moving higher up my other leg. I gasp and pull back when both men’s fingers slip under my panties.

  Oh my fucking god.

  They’re teasing me, taking me right to the edge then holding me back. It’s sweet torture. I need to touch them too. Both of them.

  I reach over. Jett’s cock is hard, straining against his jeans. Tentatively I run my hand over its length. His hips move, pushing against my hand.

  I move my other hand to Dylan’s cock, stroking him through his pants.

  This is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s such a turn-on, I feel like I could pass out from the excitement and heat of it all.

  “Let’s go to bed.” Jett’s voice is low as he stands up, taking my hand.

  We all stop when we get to the bedroom in his suite. It’s massive. So’s the bed. It’s got lots of room for three.

  I’m surrounded by men. Dylan’s in front of me and Jett’s behind, unzipping my dress and letting it fall to the floor.

  Both of them are staring at me as I stand there in just my bra and panties. Normally I’d be super self-conscious, being stared at like this by just one guy. With two I thought I’d be blushing hard and wanting to hide. Now instead, it’s thrilling. Their eyes rove over my every curve and I bask in the way they’re admiring my body.

  “Wow, Shayla.” Dylan hasn’t seen me naked in a very long time. Before I can say anything he’s right in front of me, arms snaking around my back to unclasp my bra. Naughty Jett is dragging my panties slowly over my hips, making sure his hands brush over my skin in a way that makes every inch of me throb with the need for more.

  They both step back to check me out again.

  “Now I’m the only one naked.” I don’t really mind. It’s kind of exciting, being the only one without any clothes on while they’re still dressed.

  But I’m dying to see their sexy, muscled bodies.

  “Good point.” Dylan runs his hands over Jett’s chest before he tugs his shirt up, revealing his toned stomach and nice, firm pecs.

  Damn, I’ve missed Jett’s body. It’s even better than I remember. Then Jett takes off Dylan’s shirt and I gape at him.

  He’s filled out way more than he was. Of course he would be. He was only a teenager back then. Now he’s a grown man and he clearly makes an effort to keep himself in just as good of shape as Jett.

  Jett slides his hand under Dylan’s waistband, pulling him close. Unbuckling Dylan’s belt, he wrenches it from its loops and tosses it away. Dylan doesn’t move. He’s letting Jett be the one to unbutton his fly. Jett eases down his zipper and his cock springs out, bulging against his dark briefs. Jett pulls them down along with his jeans and Dylan steps out of them. Dylan’s completely naked now, and my eyes zero in on his steel-hard cock. It’s as big and thick as Jett’s is.

  Dylan takes off Jett’s jeans for him too. It’s entrancing, the way they strip each other, revealing more and more of their tanned, toned bodies. Once Jett is naked, they stand facing each other. I hold my breath, as if exhaling will somehow break the excitement of moment.

  Then it happens. Jett takes a step closer to Dylan and they’re kissing.

  What a kiss it is. Dylan has one hand on the back of Jett’s head, holding him in close. His other hand goes down to Jett’s ass just as Jett wraps his arms around Dylan.

  Oh. My. God.

  Two naked, muscled men kissing is a sight I’ve never seen before. It’s sure as hell not one I’ll be forgetting any time soon either. I move in closer so I have a better view. I’m rewarded with the sight of their hard, throbbing cocks rubbing against each other.

  Dylan slides his hand down, running it between their hard bodies. I move closer, not wanting to miss any part of this sexy show they’re putting on for me.

  I can just barely glimpse Jett’s fingers, closing around both of their cocks. He starts stroking, hand moving slowly up and down their shafts. Their kiss gets rougher, deeper as his hand moves, massaging their cocks.

  I could watch the two of them all night, but all too soon they end their kiss. The two naked men come to me, each one taking my hand.

  “Time to get to bed,” Jett says, and before I can say anything, he’s lifting me up onto it. The two men join me there, hands getting busy right away.

  Jett fondles my breasts, shifting around to suck one of my nipples into his mouth. His cock rubs against my leg. Dylan joins in, tongue meeting my other nipple as his hand joins Jett’s between my legs.

  “You’re so wet, Shayla.” Dylan slides a finger easily inside of me just as Jett gives my clit a light stroke. I buck up as they send me to new heights of arousal and my whole body pulses with need.

  I can’t hold back. With a moan, a huge orgasmic wave engulfs me. Heavy pulses take my breath away, and they gaze at me intently.

  “I almost forgot how beautiful you are when you come.” Dylan strokes my hair just like he used to back then, in a way I’ve never forgotten. Jett’s nibbling at my neck, and I’d be happy lying just like this forever.

  But there are two hard cocks rubbing against my body, needing attention. I’m more than happy to oblige.

  Reaching out with both hands, I grab their erections. They’re so hot and hard, even more so than I expected they’d be. I give them a few slow, unhurried strokes, my fingers sliding up and down. Both men groan in approval, especially when I reach further down to toy with their balls.

  “Shayla.” Jett eyes are closed. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Huh? Where did that come from? I don’t know how to respond to that. His eyes snap open, like the words slipped out of him without him meaning for them to. Without a word, I go back to my massage of their rock-hard cocks. I can’t think about that kind of thing right now. This is about sex. Just sex. Just something fun to try out. Nothing else matters, not right now.

  Dylan’s face is buried in my hair. He starts kissing me so gently it’s as if his lips are barely brushing my skin. I pick up my pace, pumping both cocks faster. He caresses my thighs, my stomach, my ribs, his hand stopping on my breast.

  Jett covers my hand with his. “Keep that up, and this will be over too soon. And there’s a hell of a lot more I want to get done first.”

  “Really?” I give him an innocent grin. “Like what?”

  “Like for starters, I want to share Dylan’s cock with you.”

  It’s hard not to stare at Jett after that. With all his rock-star stud posturing up on stage. All of the women he gets photographed with. He wants to suck a guy’s cock.

  Mind. Blown.

  He snorts as he catches my expression. “What, you don’t think I have it in me?”

  I shake my head. “Can’t say I’ve given it any thought at all. But go ahead. Show me what you’ve got.”

  A fleeting look of surprise crosses his features. Like he can’t believe that I’m challenging him like this. Too bad. I’m not the same person I was when we were together either.

  Jett’s already back to normal. “Join me any ti

  Dylan brushes a strand of my hair off my face. “If you want to.”

  I do want to. But not because Jett thinks I should. He can go first.

  I smile sweetly at Jett. “Why don’t you show me how it’s done?”

  Jett runs his palm up the length of Dylan’s rigid cock. “I don’t need to do that. You already know what you’re doing.”

  He should know about that. Maybe sucking on Dylan will keep him quiet for a little while. “Go on.”

  Leaning down, Jett tongues the entire length of Dylan’s hard cock, his eyes still locked with mine. I don’t know what he thinks he has to prove. I’ve already seen them kiss full-on. That’s more than I ever believed he’d do with a man.

  Jett’s lips slide over Dylan’s shaft and it’s almost like he becomes someone else. He’s totally into it. And I’ve seen that look before. It’s the same one he used to get when he was with me.

  For the first time, I start to believe it could be true. That Jett could really be as into me and Dylan in the same way. I agreed to give this a try mostly because I got curious about what it’d be like to have an actual threesome with two really hot studs.

  And because of Dylan too. Not because I really believed in what Jett was saying, that a threesome kind of relationship would even be possible.

  Now, I’m not so sure. Jett’s acting so different, it’s like a switch flipped somewhere inside of him. Like this really isn’t just about some kind of wild sex for him.

  My mind’s spinning and I need it to stop. This is no time to be thinking about what any of this could mean. Maybe I can act like rock-star Jett usually acts. Or at least, the way I thought he did. All about the sex and no concern for the future. Sure, I can do that.

  At least for a little while.

  I refocus on the scene going on right in front of me. Damn, Jett’s devouring Dylan’s throbbing cock like it’s his last meal. Dylan’s thrusting into his mouth with short, quick strokes.

  My body’s reacting right along with his. Since when is man-on-man sex so hot? And why didn’t I know about it a long time ago?


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