Smile Like You Mean It

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Smile Like You Mean It Page 5

by S. J. McCoy

  Kenzie patted his arm. “Don’t over-think it. Take her out, go have fun, just treat her nice.”

  Gabe nodded. “I will.”

  “I know. Anyways, I need to stop running my mouth and get to work. I’ll see you around.”

  “Yeah. See you.”

  Gabe hesitated before he pushed the bakery door open. Should he just turn around and walk away now? He didn’t know where this was going. Didn’t know where it could go. The thought of hurting Renée was almost enough to make him stop before he started. Almost. He took a deep breath and went inside. The smile on her face when she saw him confirmed it was the right move. Knowing that he was responsible for how happy she looked did strange things to his insides.

  “You came.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I said I would.”

  “I know, but the way you left… I thought maybe…” She looked uncomfortable now.

  Gabe went around the counter and stood before her. “I told you. I don’t say things I don’t mean.”

  She smiled up at him. “You did. Sorry. I guess it’s just going to take me some time to get used to that.”

  He smiled. “Take all the time you need.”

  Her eyes widened, but she didn’t reply. He didn’t know what to do. He knew what he wanted to do, what he would have done with any other woman in the world—he wanted to back her up to the wall and kiss her. But he needed to stick with what he’d just said, and let her take all the time she needed to let him know that was what she wanted, too. He was pretty sure she did, and Kenzie wouldn’t have talked the way she did if she didn’t think Renée was interested in him.

  “And while you take your time, I’ll just keep being me and proving it to you. I said I’d take you out to lunch. So. Are you ready to go?”

  She visibly pulled herself together. “I am. Where are we going?”

  Gabe smiled. “It’s not like there are too many choices around here. I thought you might like to sit out on the deck at the Boathouse?” He saw her hesitate, and he knew why. Having lunch together at the restaurant at the resort would be very public. It would get people talking. It was why he’d suggested it. In part he wanted people to see them together. More than that, though, he wanted to know if she would mind people seeing them together.

  She pushed her hair out of her eyes and looked up at him. “So you want to take this friendship public, huh?”

  He nodded and waited.

  She mulled it over as she stared back at him. “Well, all righty then. As long as you’re not worried about your reputation?”

  “No. I was thinking more along the lines that you might be worried about yours?”

  She gave him a quizzical look. “You’re going to be seen out and about with the town drunk’s daughter who is now under a cloud of suspicion because of her husband’s fraud and embezzlement. I’m going to be seen out with golden boy Gabe, the town’s beloved son and most eligible bachelor. Why would I be the one to worry?”

  He shrugged. “Perhaps there’s someone who wouldn’t be happy to see you with an eligible bachelor?” He was pretty sure there wasn’t another guy in the picture, but he wanted to be certain.

  Renée laughed out loud. “The only someone I can think of would be Candy.”

  Gabe groaned at the mention of one of his high school girlfriends. “If we run into her, don’t be surprised if I take hold of your hand or put an arm around you.” He smiled, warming to the idea. “If it looks like she’s going to come over and talk to us I may even have to pull you in and kiss you.” He met her gaze and held it as he asked, “Would you have a problem with that?”

  She slowly shook her head, then smiled. “Only because I know what she’s like. It’ll take extreme measures to get her off your back. I’ll do it to help my friend out. That’s the kind of girl I am.”

  Gabe smiled. “Good to know.” He was getting a good vibe from her. He wanted to know more. “And what if I hugged you?”

  She tilted her head to one side with a little smile that said she knew this wasn’t about running into Candy at all. “That would depend. What kind of hugger are you?”

  “I hadn’t realized there were different kinds.”

  She laughed. “You’re such a guy! Men don’t read body language at all!”

  “Hey! I’ll have you know I’m trained in reading body language; it’s important to know how a jury is perceiving what’s going on in the courtroom.”

  “Yet you’re not aware there are different kinds of hugs?”

  He shrugged. “By the time you see anyone hugging in court, the decisions are all made. But do tell, since you’re so expert. What kinds of hugs are there?” He raised an eyebrow at her and decided to throw down the challenge. “Better yet, why don’t you show me?”

  There went that little smile again. She knew what he was doing, and she was willing to play along. She stepped toward him. “Okay.” She placed her hands on the outside of his arms and leaned against him briefly, then stepped back. “That’s the awkward, I don’t want to hug you really, or I’m-not-a-hugger-but-I-will type hug.

  “Hmm, that’s a non-hug. Show me another.”

  She grinned and slid her arms around his middle, briefly resting her head against his chest. He started to close his arms around her, but she stepped back again before he could.

  “I like that one better, what was that?”

  “That was the genuine, it’s good to see you hug. It’s affectionate, but not intimate.”

  “I see, well in that case I don’t think it would be enough to keep Candy away. What kind would be the don’t-even-try-it-girlfriend-he’s-mine hug?”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Well…Since I’m such a good friend and I’m only doing this to protect you from a rampant man-eater, I’ll show you.” She stepped toward him again and looped her arms up around his neck. He slid his arms around her middle pulling her closer and enjoying the feel of the length of her body pressing against his. He’d have to be careful though, a certain length of his body was waking up and wanting to do more than press. She went to step back, but he held her to him. There was a slight flush on her cheeks as she met his gaze.

  “This one is affectionate, too.”

  She nodded.

  “And more intimate.”

  She nodded again as she searched his face.

  “What do you think it is that creates such intimacy in this one?” He tightened his arms around her as she looked up into his eyes. She melted against him as he lowered his head.

  The doorbell tinkled.

  Renée stepped quickly away from him and turned toward the door. Gabe smiled at Max Douglas; Gramps, as everyone still called him. Gabe liked the old guy and would normally be happy to run into him. His timing couldn’t have been worse today, though.

  Gramps seemed to know it. He gave them an apologetic smile. “I know I’m late, Renée, but you wouldn’t have any of them cheesy bacon rolls left, would you?”

  Renée nodded and hurried into the back. Gabe was a little disappointed that she seemed embarrassed to have been seen in an embrace with him. Gramps met his gaze and mouthed sorry. Gabe shrugged and gave him a rueful smile. He didn’t want the old guy to feel bad. “It’s okay.”

  Gramps nodded, then smiled at Renée as she came back out. “Here you go, Gramps. There were a half dozen of the rolls left, and I slipped in the last of the brownies for you, too.” She smiled at him now, apparently having regained her composure. “I know how much you love those.”

  “Aw, thanks Renée.” He reached for his wallet, but she put a hand on his arm. “Those are from me.”

  “Well, in that case, I owe you one.” He turned and winked at Gabe on his way to the door. “And I owe you one too, son. You kids enjoy your afternoon. For what it’s worth, I think you’re onto a good thing.”

  As the door closed behind him, Gabe looked at Renée. They both burst out laughing.

  “He is the best!” said Renée. “I adore him.”

  Gabe nodded. “He’s about as cool
as they get, and he’s pretty smart, too. If he thinks we’re onto a good thing…” She met his gaze, but didn’t seem prepared to go there, so he changed direction. “Then maybe we should carry on where we left off. Any other hugs I need to know about?”

  She still looked a little uncomfortable, but quickly pulled herself together. “Not for now, and besides you never did tell me what kind of hugger you are.”

  He walked toward her and slid one arm around her waist. He slid his other hand under her ear, cupped her neck, and tilted her head back so she was looking into his eyes as he pulled her against him. “I’m not a hugger.”

  “Never?” she whispered.

  He held her gaze as he shook his head. “I only hug if I know I don’t want to let go.”

  “Or as a demonstration, right?”

  He looked into her eyes for a long moment. Holding her like this, he already knew he didn’t want to let go. But it wasn’t that easy for her. Kenzie’s warning about not hurting her still echoed in his mind. “Right,” he said and reluctantly let her go. “So, let’s go get some lunch, shall we? Now we know you can rescue me if we do run into Candy.”

  “Okay. I’ll get my things.”

  As she went into the back, Gabe wanted to think that she looked disappointed. But he wasn’t sure he dared to.

  ~ ~ ~

  Sitting on the deck of the restaurant, Renée stared out at the lake. In the years she’d been gone she’d forgotten just how beautiful this place was. Spring was her favorite time of year here; it felt like a new beginning, new hope. She looked across the table at Gabe who was talking on his cell phone. She must not let her imagination run wild! Back there in the bakery when he’d held her so close like that, her ridiculous imagination had been envisioning new hope and a new beginning…with Gabe! For a moment there, everything had felt possible. Well, for two moments. She’d thought he was going to kiss her right before Gramps came in. Bless him! She loved that old guy, but would have given anything not to have seen him today. Then, after Gramps had left, when Gabe said he only hugged if he didn’t want to let go? She’d thought—hoped—that he meant he didn’t want to let go of her! She’d so wanted to believe it she’d had to check. And of course he’d agreed with her that it was just a demonstration. Oh well. That’d teach her not to get carried away. She mustn’t go hoping. Gabe wasn’t a new beginning for her. He was just a good guy who wanted to help her through a tough time, to be a friend to her. She had to smile. He was definitely a guy; she’d felt that when he held her to him. From what she understood, sex was much more straightforward for guys. Maybe they could add some benefits to their friendship. She shouldn’t be thinking like that, but, whenever she got around him, it was hard not to. If she had to be realistic about the possibility of a relationship with him, then she could also be realistic about the fact that he was a guy—guys liked sex and didn’t necessarily need a relationship to go with it.

  “Okay. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Gabe ended his call. “I’m sorry, I had to deal with that.”

  Renée smiled. “No problem. I was enjoying the view.”

  “You looked as though you were enjoying something. What was going through that mind of yours?”

  She had to bite back a laugh. She couldn’t exactly tell him she’d been wondering how she could get him into bed! That was so not like her. She smirked and bit her lip.

  Gabe gave her a hard stare. “That looks like too much fun not to share! You have to tell me.”

  She shook her head, unable to stop herself from laughing. She couldn’t tell him she was thinking about sex with him and how much fun that would be!

  “I’ll get it out of you.”

  She was giggling uncontrollably now. What she wanted was for him to get it into her! She had to get a grip or he’d think she’d lost it completely.

  He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes at her. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but that sounds like a dirty laugh to me.”

  She nodded through her giggles and brought her hand up to cover her mouth. People were turning to look at them now, but she couldn’t make herself stop.

  He grinned at her. “Tell me!”

  She shook her head again.

  “After we’ve eaten, we’re going to get out of here, and you’re going to tell me. I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  That caused another fit of giggles. He had no idea what he was saying. If only he wanted to get her out of here for the same reason she did. How would it feel for him to want her so much he wouldn’t take no for an answer? She needed to stop this. She was aching to find out, but she was just being ridiculous. She managed to catch her breath. “I’m sorry. Sometimes I just get the giggles. I’ll be good.”

  He gave her that look again, the one she couldn’t figure out. It looked a lot like desire, but that was just her pesky imagination. Or was it?

  The way he said, “I believe you will,” made her wonder. She didn’t have time to wonder too long though as Ben appeared with their food.

  “Hey guys. How are you?” He smiled at Renée, his eyes asking so much more than his words.

  “I’m hanging in there, Ben. How about you?”

  “Oh, you know me. Keeping busy.”

  Ben was always busy. She wished he’d find himself a good woman and learn to have some fun instead of working all the time. “Why don’t you take a break?” she asked.

  Ben laughed. “I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I did. My work is my life.”

  Gabe nodded. “I know that feeling.”

  “The pair of you should get a life, then,” said Renée. “You know what they say about all work and no play.”

  Ben looked at her. “And when was the last time you played?”

  She pushed her hair out of her eyes. “I’m out for lunch, aren’t I?” She looked at Gabe. “We’re having a mini class reunion. And if you can find a replacement for Shelly any time soon, I might have enough energy after work to start horseback riding again. I’ve been thinking about it.”

  Ben looked uncomfortable.

  She immediately felt bad. “I’m only messing with you. I’m perfectly capable of running the place by myself. I appreciate the job and you know it.”

  Ben nodded. “I know. No worries. It’s just… Well, I think I’ll have someone working with you by the end of the week.”


  “But getting her here will mean adding another face to your little class reunion.”

  Gabe raised an eyebrow. “Someone else is coming back to the lake and you’re giving them a job, too?”

  Ben shook his head. “No. April is from Montana, but she’s coming to live here.” He looked from Gabe to Renée and held her gaze as he said, “Chance is bringing her.”

  Renée’s heart jumped into her mouth. Was she ready to come face-to-face with Chance Malone? Her hand shook as she reached for her water and took a long drink. The possibility of running into Chance had almost stopped her from coming back to the lake. She’d had no choice though. She had nowhere else to go, and Ben had reassured her that Chance hardly ever came back anyway.

  Both guys looked concerned.

  “I’m sorry,” said Ben.

  She smiled brightly at him. “No problem.”

  Gabe held her gaze. She didn’t know what to say, so she picked up her fork and started to tackle the salad she now had no appetite for.

  Chapter Six

  Gabe pulled up and looked across at Renée. She’d hardly spoken through the rest of their lunch and hadn’t said a word on the drive back to her house.

  She gave him that brittle, bright smile. “Thanks for lunch, my friend. Sorry I put a damper on it. I’ll see you around.” She let herself out and was halfway up the path before Gabe caught up to her.

  He put a hand on her shoulder. She stopped, but didn’t turn around. “I’m not leaving you like this, Renée.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “No, you’re not.” He could feel the tension in her. He wanted to take it away, make i
t better for her, but he knew he couldn’t. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against him. For a moment she resisted, but he held her there until he felt her start to relax. “You’re so stubborn…”

  “Thanks!” She tried to pull away, but he didn’t let her.

  “Let me finish. And that’s a quality I admire. However, you are not as stubborn as I am. I’m not about to let you go back in that house and spend the rest of the day stressing out.”

  “It’s not up to you. And, besides, I’m not stressing. It just took me by surprise. I need time to process it. To mentally prepare to see him.”

  “Do you know the best way to process something like that?”

  She shook her head. “That’s what I’m hoping to figure out.”

  “Well then, let me tell you. The best way is to talk it through. With a friend.”

  She leaned back against him and he had to shift his hips. He was concerned about her. He wanted to help her, but he couldn’t help the way his body reacted every time he got around her. Today had been torture. He’d held her in his arms three times now, felt her gorgeous curves pressed against him, and a part of him was getting very impatient. He wasn’t used to denying himself. Not when it came to women. He took what he wanted, when he wanted.

  “You really want to stick around and talk about it?”

  He wanted to stick around, and he knew she needed to talk about it. “I do.”

  Slowly, she turned around. He loosened his arm so she could move, but not enough so that she could step away. She looped her arms up around his neck. The pain and sadness in her eyes before she rested her head on his shoulder made him forget all his less chivalrous desires. He hugged her to him. “I want to be here for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  They stood that way for a long time before she lifted her head. “Come on in then. I hate to say it, but I need a drink.”

  Gabe nodded and followed her inside.

  ~ ~ ~

  Renée opened the fridge door and enjoyed the feel of the cool air against her warm skin for a moment. Chance or no Chance, Gabe and the way he kept putting his arms around her was causing her to overheat! She passed him a beer and took one for herself. “Want to sit out front?”


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