Pleasure Dungeon I,II,III Package: Whipped into Submission, The Naughty Lady Gets a Spanking, Ginger and the Gadget in Her Rear

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Pleasure Dungeon I,II,III Package: Whipped into Submission, The Naughty Lady Gets a Spanking, Ginger and the Gadget in Her Rear Page 4

by John Rivers

  Chapter Six

  The present:

  The event started at 8:00 p.m., but John came over at 5:00. Like most anyone we talk to on the phone and then see in person, John looked nothing the way I’d pictured him. Over the phone, I pictured him as tall and distinguished. I could even have visualized him in a business suit. Nope, John was probably about five foot-six and weighing toward two hundred and fifty pounds. Instead of a business suit, he wore the leather and other accoutrement of a biker or someone in the BDSM lifestyle. He had a do-rag about his head. He looked to be in his mid-fifties.

  “I don’t dress this way all the time,” he assured me, giving a quick glance at my casual pants and golf shirt. We were dressed lightyears apart. “Not nosing into your business, but you might want to pick up something a little more authoritative. Women feel more submissive with a man dressed like a badass.

  “I don’t have any leather at the present,” I chuckled, “but I got some jeans and T-shirts. I’ll change into them before things get started.”

  John gave me a “thumbs up.” I was going to like this guy.

  “Gordon, I just want to say again how sorry I am for your loss. Burt will certainly be missed.”

  “I appreciate that, John, but I would imagine it hit you even harder. I hadn’t seen Burt in over ten years. You were with him at least once a week.”

  Nodding, John bunched his lips and dropped his eyes to the floor for a moment. He had a sad look on his face. After a moment, wagging his head, he gave a half-hearted chuckle and said, “Well, I guess we couldn’t find any better way to honor Burt’s memory than to keep up his good work. What do you say we go down in the dungeon and let me familiarize you with everything?”

  I said that sounded like a winner if I’d ever heard one.

  Once down in the dungeon, the first thing John notice was the two butt plugs and the tube of Vaseline I’d forgotten and left on the end of the horse after Savanna’s session.

  “You need to always clean these. You also need to wipe down all the equipment you use after a session.”

  I said I could certainly understand that. I had simply forgotten.

  “I see you left two. I bet you started out with three and you left the third one up her butt.”

  “I did,” I admitted.

  “Come over to the desk. If it’s still there, I can show you a better way to dilate an anus.” He walked to the desk and open the bottom left drawer. I had never looked in that one although I had been in the other three.

  John took out an apparatus that looked like a small butt plug with a hose connected to the base. At the other end of the hose was a squeeze bulb like that on a blood pressure device. It was pretty much self-explanatory.

  “You ever see one of these?”

  “No,” I laughed. “I was never required to dilate buttholes in any of my previous jobs.”

  We both had a laugh at that.

  “Always keep that in your desk. Don’t leave it out for others to play with. If they don’t steal it, they’ll break it. You’ll be needing that from time to time. You’d be surprised how many women like something up their butts when they’re being spanked or whatever.”

  I nodded. I had a lot to learn.

  “Let me take a couple of things out of order here because I don’t want to forget them. First, you won’t just be catering to the Las Vegas populace. You might wonder how there could be so many kinky people in this area. Here’s the deal: you’re not just catering to Las Vegas; you’re hypothetically catering to the world. People come here from all over. A lot have fetishes and look for a place to satisfy them. A portion of those will come to you. I thought I’d drop that on you in case you’re wondering.”

  I nodded. That made sense.

  John continued. “Now to what I was going to tell you. You won’t see many of these, but you’ll probably see one occasionally. There are women who will want you to hurt them. I’m talking really hurt. I not talking about pulling their hair and slapping them gently. There’s people in this world who would be happy to have someone knock their teeth out. Blacken their eyes. Beat their back until they bleed.” He looked at me to see the astonished look on my face.

  “Here’s my advice. Don’t touch them with a ten-foot pole. Even if they wait until they are in the dungeon to inform you what they want, kick their ass out. The last thing you need is someone showing up at an emergency room with an injury that occurred here.”

  I had to admit that was good advice although that was exactly what I would do if the occasion arose. I just hadn’t given any thought to the possibility of having someone like he described.

  “Ok, one other thing. Now let me state that this is your business and you run it however you want, but I’m just giving you some fatherly advice. Don’t fool with men.”


  “Yes. You will have a few, not many but a few, calls from men. And, I guess you know what kind of men would want a man to do to him whatever. Straight men, if you can call someone with a fetish straight, will patronize a woman just as straight women will patronize a man.”

  I couldn’t imagine myself doing to a man the things I’d done to women in the last couple of days. The thought nauseated me.

  “Don’t say nothing else about that, John. I’ll heave if you do.” I held my hand to my belly.

  “No problem.” He laughed. “Let’s continue our walk about.” He did an imitation of Crocodile Dundee on the last two words.

  Coming to the large X shaped devise, we stopped. “This is called a Saint Andrew’s Cross. Don’t ask me why. Most people just call it a cross. I don’t think I need to explain how it works.” He then glanced behind us and at the hoist. “I don’t think you need a lesson on that either.”

  I shook my head and we moved on. Passing the side of the far wall, left of the cross, he waved a hand over all the whips and floggers and paddles. “Self-explanatory,” he mumbled. I simply nodded again.

  We came to the shelf where I’d found the dildoes and butt plugs. “This cabinet shouldn’t be open.”

  For the first time, I realized this wasn’t a shelf per se, but an open cabinet. The doors were pressed against the sides.

  “This is supposed to be closed, Gordon. This is for your personal use. You don’t want anybody and everybody using this stuff during a party. They bring their own butt plugs and dildoes if they use them in their scenes.”

  “I found it that way, John. I didn’t realize.”

  John felt along the top of the cabinet and found a padlock. He pointed to a box on the bottom shelf. “There’s also enema equipment in that box. Occasionally, you have a woman who will want you to give her one. Almost always they will want a spanking right before or right after or both. You may or may not want to cater to them.”

  “We’ll see,” was all I offered.

  He closed the doors and secured it with the lock. “I guess Burt was getting forgetful.”

  We moved on down along the back wall. For the first time, I realized there were dark curtains against a portion of the wall. I might not have noticed then had John not grasped them in the middle and pulled them apart. Behind the curtains was a door. This was the exit to outside. John asked me for my keys. Finding the one that fit the door, he opened it to reveal a stairway ascending upward. He pointed to the top.

  “There an opening with artificial turf on top that blends in with the grass. There’s no need to open it until about 7:30. Let’s finish your tour.”

  A few feet past the door was what I then learned was a medical examination table. The fact it had the stirrups pushed back into the unit and the upper half was collapsed was probably why I didn’t recognize it for what it was earlier. That was likely the way it was shipped, making a nice compact package. This one looked old and used. John confirmed that Burt had ordered it from a used medical supply.

  Because the wall we were coming to was painted black, I hadn’t noted a couple of doors. John opened the doors and revealed two small rest rooms. “They are b
oth unisex. That makes it more convenient. One sex doesn’t have to wait on a particular rest room while the other one is empty.”

  Made sense, I said.

  With the tour over for all practical purposes, we turned back toward the desk. Passing alongside the “horse,” John noted a butt plug lying on the floor. It was the one I had removed from Savanna’s butt after spanking her for the third time atop the horse. Damn, but it was dark in certain areas. You could lay something aside and, not able to see well, you could easily forget it. Taking a paper towel, I picked it up and dropped it into a container John showed me that was used for that purpose. Later, I would wash and sterilize it and the others.

  I suggested we go topside and have a glass of wine before the party begun. John agreed.

  The party that night was something. I once had business that took me to downtown L.A. and past Pershing Square. I thought I had seen things. I once drove down Sunset Strip on a Saturday night. I thought I had seen things. I hadn’t seen nothing. But lordy, lordy, did I see thing at this party, or this event as John referred to it.

  John took a folding card table and set it to one side of the door. He also got two folding chairs and set them behind the table. He told me to have a seat.

  “When I see anyone I personally know, or know to be a regular, I’ll tell them about Burt and introduce you to them as the new owner. Is that alright with you?”

  “Sounds good,” I agreed.

  Some of the people coming in were dress conventionally. Others were suited up for the occasion. There were some I couldn’t figure what they were dressed for. There would be couples where both would be dressed in leather pants along with a leather vest. John explained most of these people had leather fetishes and nine times out of ten, they were into administering and receiving heavy pain. He added that sometimes the things they did didn’t seem to have any sexual overtones. On the other hand, he supposed it did to them.

  There were others where the male would be dress in leather or some other type of “master” type clothing. The female would be in various degrees of provocative attire. One of the first few couple who came in met that description. He wore the leather and she had on a mini-skirt that only cover the top of her bottom. The next time I saw them she was strapped to the cross naked and he was administering the bull whip. To me, it was amazing how these guys could make such an instrument pop so loud, but do little more than nick the recipient. Practice, I supposed.

  Of the first influx of people, John introduced me to three men who didn’t seem to have brought a partner. They wore T-shirts stating “Staff.” He informed me they were “dungeon masters.” They were given free admission since they provided a service. In fact, it was a very important service. Their job was to keep an eye on the activity. It wasn’t common, but on rare occasions, some of the activity could get out of hand. There was no liquor allow, but sometimes people would inebriate before coming here. These people were more likely to intrude on someone else’s “scene” or cause some other type of trouble.” Intruding on someone else’s scene was a no-no.

  Also, sometimes the “scenes” themselves could get out of hand. It was the “dungeon master’s” job to handle those situations.

  We fell a little short of the one hundred people John had predicted, but before the last guest left, I had enough money to catch up on my alimony and a little left. I also saw things I had never witnessed. Almost all the furnishings were utilized by one or more of the guest and their partners. A couple of the partners had been the same sex. I tried not to watch any of that.

  Chapter Seven

  I slept late the next day. I suppose I slept as late as I did because I felt it was alright to do so on Sunday. That was not to mention I had also unplugged the phone in the bedroom where I slept. I still hadn’t gotten around to stripping the bed in Burt’s bedroom and claiming it as my own. I’d get around to that soon.

  John had shared a lot of information with me the previous night. One of the things he shared was that Burt often had clients undress upstairs in one of the smaller bedrooms. There they could leave their clothing lying on the bed and would be nude before going downstairs. It also served another purpose, more so for those who were first timer. If any of them were going to have a change of mind, he’d nip it in the bud. It also served to let them know that there was no dignity once they went down the stairs. They would be in the most undignified and humiliating positon of their lives.

  I said I might try that.

  Had I not unplugged the phone, I would not have slept as late as I did. After my first cup of coffee, I went into Burt’s—uh, my little office and had a seat. The answering machine was blinking. Playing the one and only message, I heard the voice of what could easily be determined as that of a young woman, if not a teen-age girl. She had called an hour earlier. She wanted me to call her back. I did.

  “Sir, I understand you provide services to, uh, ladies—is that right?”

  “Can you be a little more specific, ma’am?”

  “Well, I don’t know how to say this. In fact, I’d rather not say on the phone.”

  “Can you give me a hint as to what you’re looking for, ma’am?”

  “Let me do it this way. My girlfriend and I are here from California. I know that has nothing to do with nothing, but my girlfriend had the same problem as myself and you took care of her problem last year.”

  I didn’t tell her that it couldn’t have been me who took care of her friend’s problem last year. If she was a first-time client, she didn’t need to know that.

  “I’m sorry ma’am, I’ve seen a lot of people since last year.”

  “Oh, dammit, I might as well go ahead and say it. You gave her a session in what you called ‘anal training.’ She said you had all the equipment. That’s all I’m going to say over the phone.”

  I’d never heard the term “anal training” before, but I was pretty sure what it meant.

  “I can handle that,” I said. “When would you like to come over?”

  “Is there any way you can do it this afternoon? We need to be back in California in the morning.”

  “No problem. Would you like my address in case your friend don’t have it. Will she also be coming?”

  “No. I’ll be alone.”

  After I hung up with the young lady, I called John and picked his brain on “anal training.”

  An hour or so later, my doorbell rang. Her name was Gina and she was about five feet tall and might have weight a hundred pounds. She was a little dark haired doll and she looked to be about eighteen. That scared me. I still didn’t know the age of consent in Nevada, but I had told myself I wasn’t touching anyone under twenty-one.

  After Gina had taken a seat and sit forward on the couch, I asked, “Gina, how old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-two, sir.”

  “Could you show me your identification?”

  A minute later, she presented me a California driver’s license which stated she was, indeed, twenty-two. We were good to go.

  “Why don’t you just tell me what you’re looking for, Gina. There’s no one here but me. Feel free to express what you need.”

  “Ok, like I told you earlier, my friend had this problem and you helped her. She wanted to experience anal sex, but like me, her, uh, butthole was too small. Well, I have the same problem. My boyfriend wants to do it in the butt, but you can imagine how small mine is. I’m not very big as you can see. In turn, my butthole isn’t very big.”

  “In other words, you want me to dilate your anus.”

  “You use such nice words. You must be a gentleman. I guess that’s the word I was looking for.”

  “Well, I can certainly do that, Gina.” I didn’t mention the fact that by the time she was home it would close back up to the original size. Only constant insertion would ever make it stretch.

  She nodded. “I would appreciate it if you would.”

  For a moment, I considering instructing her to undress upstairs and take her downstairs nude.
I discarded that notion. This young lady wasn’t here to be humiliated. She was not here to be spanked or flogged. She was here for what was almost a legitimate reason. There was no point in making this an even more diminutive experience than it would already be. With me following John instructions on how to handle an “anal training,” that would be humiliation enough.

  “Ok, Gina, if you will come with me, we’ll get started. My facility is downstairs.” I didn’t say dungeon.

  Five minutes later we stood in front of my desk. I pointed at the rack with the coat hangers. “Gina, you can get undress over there and hang your clothes up if you like.”

  “Do you want me to take off everything.”

  I thought about that a second. “Yes, I think that would be best.”

  She offered no argument.

  While Gina was undressing, I took a seat at the desk. From the top drawer, I took the box of gloves and the tube of Vaseline. From the bottom drawer, I took the inflatable device John had shown me yesterday plus what looked to be a medium length dildo attached to a base which allowed it stand upright. Instead of having a head like a dildo, this shaft was smooth and rounded at the top. I had never heard of this device or the procedure, but I could comprehend how it worked. This device was designed to humiliate the user and I debated whether I should subject this young lady to this, but decide that I would.

  After Gina removed her clothes, I motioned for her to return to my desk. If being completely nude bothered her, she concealed it well.

  “Gina, before we start the dilation, we need to do the sphincter test. I want to test the strength of your sphincter. Now here what I’m going to do. I’m going to place this on the floor. I’m going to lubricate it as well as your anus. I want you to pick it up with your anus. The reason it’s on the floor is so you’ll be in a squatting position. In a squatting position, your rectum will be the loosest.”


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