Pleasure Dungeon I,II,III Package: Whipped into Submission, The Naughty Lady Gets a Spanking, Ginger and the Gadget in Her Rear

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Pleasure Dungeon I,II,III Package: Whipped into Submission, The Naughty Lady Gets a Spanking, Ginger and the Gadget in Her Rear Page 13

by John Rivers

  “Yes, ma’am. Several times. Some girls have fairly loose buttholes.”

  “Is that before or after you put that thing in them?”

  Chapter Five

  In addition to being little sore, Lana was fairly much sated with the one good screwing for a few days. That was good because no other opportunities like that had presented itself. There had been numerous men patronizing the establishment and several had turned hungry eyes in her direction. A few had gone as far as to ask if she turned tricks, using various terminology to phrase the question. She had told them no. She still wasn’t ready for the other employees, actually, her employees, to know she was even interested in such things.

  A few of the patrons had asked about the possibility of her doing anal. She had no idea why they’d think she might do anal after telling them no on the vaginal. The possibility of learning to do it did cross her mind a couple of times. Although what the fat man had done had been a little uncomfortable, what Mr. Chang did always felt good. She had enjoyed the anal massages. They had always made her pussy that much hotter. In turn, she had enjoyed the vaginal massage even more. He would start with the breasts. After massaging them to her contentment, he moved on to the anal. After that, he massaged her vagina until she climaxed. These were legitimate therapies because Mr. Chang had oriental names for them. You bet.

  Thinking along those lines, Lana considered visiting Mr. Chang the first time she got back to Vegas. When she came here she’d known she’d have to make occasional trips back. One of the things she wanted to pick up from home was her pink negligee. It came about to her waist. It was almost transparent. She didn’t need it to sleep in, she needed it to wear around here. She could be naked without being naked.

  As much as she would like to visit Mr. Chang, what she’d really like to do would be to have another session in the dungeon. She hadn’t given much thought to that, thinking she likely couldn’t account for her time if she did go there. Come to think of it however, she passed not far from there on her trip here. It was just off Blue Diamond Road and she had to take Blue Diamond to come here. She bet she could arrange to stop there on her way back here. She also made a mental note to ask Gordon about the anal thing. He might have some suggestions. Oh, yes, there was one other thing. She noticed that most of the women here had little or no pubic hair. Some may have even had the Brazilian Wax treatment. She didn’t intend to go that far, but if she was going to be showing it, it need to be trimmed a little. Well, actually a lot. Wonder if Gordon would handle something like that? She believed she’d prefer the fat man not be there.

  “I got something here that might be right up your alley, no pun intended,” Gordon laughed. “An old man, a mad scientist you might say, with an emphasis on mad, brought this thing by. I’ll show it to you and explain when you come by tomorrow.”

  “Sound great,” Lana stated, giving a little chuckle herself although she had no idea what he was talking about. “One other question while I’ve got you on the line, I know this sounds strange, but could you trim my pubic hair when I come by? I was kind of embarrassed when you saw it the other day. I know a place in town that gives Brazilians, but I don’t want that. I just want it trimmed.”

  “You going to be showing it off a lot?”

  “No, I mainly want it neat when you see it.”

  “Just joking. Yeah, I can do that. Just bring a lady’s electric razor.”

  Lana should have reiterated she would see him tomorrow and hung up, but thinking about getting her pubic area shaved had made her hot.

  “I know I said just one more question, but could I ask another?”

  “For you, Susan, anything.”

  “I bet you tell all the girls that.”

  “You’re right,” Gordon admitted with a chuckle. “I have to plead guilty.”

  “Ok. Here’s the deal. I’m coming back from Pahrump. I’ll be passing within a stone’s throw of you house. I am so hot. I think with just a couple of pats on my butt, I could come. Would it be possible for me to just dart by for a quick spanking? We don’t have to go downstairs and you can use your hand.”

  “I supposed so,” Gordon said, sounding a little hesitant. “I just finished up with another lady and she’s getting dressed as we speak. She should be gone by the time you get here.”

  That Gordon is a good old boy, Lana thought. She didn’t tell him she was only a couple of miles away when she hung up the phone. Or, had turned off her pay-as-you-go cell. The little device was easier than trying to find a phonebooth. She’d picked the thing up at a drugstore in Pahrump before making her return trip to Vegas.

  As it turned out, there was another car in Gordon drive when she pulled in a few minutes later. It was a different car from the one Fat Man drove so she didn’t think it was him. Probably the client he’d mention. Well, she didn’t want to encroach, but neither did she want to look like a doofus sitting out here.

  Taking her time strolling to the door, she rang the bell and waited. Gordon answered shortly. Almost as soon as she stepped through the door, another woman, a lady looking to be perhaps fifty rose from a stool and told Gordon she would see him later. Passing Lana, she merely nodded. There were tears in her eyes from crying.

  “What did you do to her,” Lana exclaimed.

  “I caned her.”

  “Caned her. Wow. You use canes on people and whip them hard enough to cry?”

  Gordon wagged his head sort of sadly. “She cries more if you don’t. Some people might call it a sad situation, others might call it crazy, but she feels she need to be disciplined in some form or the other at least once a week. Years ago, someone ‘trained’ her. That’s what people in the BDSM lifestyle call it. ‘Trained.’ If they put then through a routine to bend to they will or whatever, they call it trained.”

  “Does she strip for these whipping? You mention her getting dressed.”

  “As naked as a jaybird,” he chuckled to allow.

  “Do you have sex with her?”

  “Nope. She has never asked for that. You know I only have sex with you, little darling.”

  Lana couldn’t do much but laugh at that statement. She dropped the subject. By now she was in the process of taking off her own panties.

  “I’m so hot if I could have taken off my panties while talking to you and driving, I would have done it.”

  Gordon laughed at that scenario. “I can just see the traffic citation now. Removing panties while in motion.”

  Lana laughed as well. She now had her panties off and her skirt pulled to her waist. “Where do you want me?”

  “Since we’re upstairs and have a couch, let’s use it. I think we’ll have more luck than when we tried to do it in a chair.

  She wasn’t going to tell him she’d gotten screw a few days ago, but thought it might amuse him if she told about showing a cowboy her butthole. She reconsidered. She would then have to explain why she was in a whorehouse.

  This time Lana didn’t have to try to support her legs on one side of Gordon’s lap and her torso on the other. The couch solved that problem. It was almost like lying on a bed with a couple of very hard pillows under you. “Don’t spank me hard, Gordon. I have to go home tonight. Tomorrow you can spank me a little harder.” She didn’t explain what the different was or that she was going back to Pahrump. He hadn’t asked why she’d been in Pahrump to start with.

  When Gordon paused for a moment, she thought about what she had meant to ask the next time she saw him. “Gordon, have you ever heard of “breaking a woman in” for anal intercourse?”

  “I can’t say I’ve heard that exact term, but it would seem to work. I know she’d likely have to get used to it as well as enjoy it. Why, you thinking about trying it?” It was probably because of the subject, he chose that moment to separated her nether cheeks and tickle her butthole.

  Damn, that felt good. “Do that again, Gordon,”


  “Rub my butthole.”

  “Like that?” This time h
e used his thumb and forefinger not only to spread her cheeks, but her butthole as well. He put the tip of his finger in it.

  She moaned. “I had a massage therapist who did that. He stuck his whole finger in. At least, I suppose it was whole finger. It felt so good.”

  “Ok, hop up a minute. Let me get some gloves and some Vaseline. We’ll find out if you can take an entire finger.

  Shortly Gordon was back and Lana was again lying across his lap.

  “You asked me about anal intercourse. I have done it, but I’m no expert. John is the expert on anything concerning the butt from screwing it to inserting butt plugs. You pass almost right by his place going back toward town. You could stop and pick his brain.”

  “You don’t suppose he’d try to fuck me there before I was ready, do you?”

  “Not unless you ask him.”

  They didn’t talk for a while as Gordon moved the first joint of his finger around and around to dilate her. She felt it go in a little deeper. She was guessing it was up to the second joint. He changed directions and started moving his finger in and out. In a matter of minutes, she felt his knuckles pressing the inside of her cleft. She knew then he had inserted his entire finger.

  “I guess you right. You took my entire finger. Tomorrow we’ll try two fingers.”

  Lana moaned. “That’s better than a spanking. On the other hand, that and a spanking seems to go together.”

  Just as it was feeling so good, he pulled it out. “I know this is fun, but in about five minutes I’ve got another lady coming who’s also eager to ride my horse. I hate to leave you in a lurch, but I need to clean you up and let you put on your panties. I brought some paper towels.”

  Son of a bitch, Lana thought. She had felt as if she could make it over the mountain like that.

  Once Gordon had removed all that stuff that made a great lubrication, but you hated to have on your skin, more so the crack of your butt or your clothes, Lana stood. She was disappointed, but tomorrow would be a new day.

  “I’ll get you one of John’s business cards. You might want to give him a call.”

  Lana already had one of John’s card, but she took another one anyway.

  When Gordon said “leave her in a lurch” he probably didn’t know how true that was. She almost wished she hadn’t stop at his house. She was horny in addition to feeling as if she needed a spanking. The finger up her butt sort of distracted from the spanking, but left her butthole hot. If not for that, she probably wouldn’t have called the fat man…uh, John. But call John she did.

  He answered after two or three rings. The way Lana felt now, she’d let him put a butt plug in her to satisfy this little need she’d just developed. She knew it was the power of suggestion, but she needed something to quench this little nagging sensation. She wanted something up her butt. Period.

  She could have called him and hope for an invite, but instead she used the excuse that what she needed to discuss couldn’t be done so over the phone. No, he didn’t have a client at the present. Yes, he had time to talk to her. He gave her precise direction. He told her to pull near the garage and come in through a man size door on the side.

  As good as his word, he answered the door as soon as she knocked. He had been waiting in the garage/dungeon. This dungeon only had a few items as compared to Gordon’s. She could figure what most of them were used for. A couple she couldn’t. Not that it mattered. She figured the rope running through a pulley was for hoisting people, in this case, women, off the floor.

  She didn’t see any point in beating around the bush. After all, she had no modesty to protect from this man. He had seen her in the most humiliating situation possible, so why have modesty? John had a couch and a couple chairs sitting in a small semicircle. She had a seat in one of the chairs. He sat on the end of the couch nearest her.

  “How have you been doing, Susan?” He had remembered her alias.

  “Just fine. I asked Gordon this question and he told me to ask you. He said you were the expert in anal. What I wanted to ask you about was—I’m going to use a term someone else used— I know it sounds crude, but how is the best way for me to get ‘broke in’ for anal intercourse?”

  “Are you wanting to do anal?”

  Lana decided she’d lie. “My husband does.”

  John formed an “oh” with his lips. “I see.”

  “In this business, we don’t refer to it as ‘breaking in.’ We call it training.”

  “Have you ever trained anyone.”

  John nodded. “I have. Several in fact.”

  “How do you do it and how long does it take?”

  “It depends. A lot of it is in the mind. Some women just take to it naturally. You got to want to do it. Do you want to do it?”

  “To tell the truth, I never thought about it until a few days ag o. I’m sure you remember putting that thing up my butt. At the time, it did nothing for me. A few days ago I got to thinking about it and now it seems that, not only am I horny, but my butthole is hot. Does that make sense?”

  “Makes a lot of sense. That’s why I said it mostly in the mind.”

  “What would I have to do to learn. See, for the present, I’m out of town several days a week.”

  “If you wanted me to train you, it’s possible we could make some progress this afternoon.”

  “Let’s do that then.”

  John stood. “Let me make sure the door is locked and if you will, go over to that low table. Take your skirt and panties off and get on the table on your knees. I want to take a good look at you down there.”

  Lana did as she was asked. Moving over to the table, she removed her skirt and panties and crawled onto the edge of the table. It was a big padded platform covered with vinyl much like Gordon’s.” About the time she was ready, John was back.

  Using his thumbs, he separated her cheeks. He then ran a finger over her rear orifice.

  “Girl, what have you got into. Did you know there something like Vaseline not only on and in your anus, but your crack too?”

  “I stopped to talk to Gordon. He spanked me a little and put his finger up my butt. He cleaned me up the best he could, but he was in a hurry.”

  John laughed. “Well, I guess that explains that. You say he put a finger in you?”


  “Ok, let’s do this. Since he already put one finger in you and it looks like you’re still dilated somewhat, let me get some lubricant and I’ll start with one finger and then work up to two.”

  “That what Gordon said he would do next time. Put two fingers in me.”

  “Let’s hope he’ll be able to put three in next time. Once you can take three, you’re ready to go. At least with a normal man.”

  Under John’s skillful hands, Lana’s butthole dilated much faster that even he expected. An hour later he was able not only able to put in two, but three fingers. All she really needed was someone to have patience with her.

  John walked around the table where Lana could see. He took four of his gloved fingers and placed them together to make somewhat of a square and held them out for her to see. “I just wanted you to know what I’m doing. I’m going to take these fingers and insert them just about an inch. I’m not going to put them any deeper. I just want to make sure you’re spread as much as possible for the present. Ok.”

  “Ok,” Lana agree, her head turned sideways on the vinyl.

  A few minutes later, and feeling she was stretch as far as she could be stretch without a lot of pain, John informed her he had been successful. “That’s all it took. You were a trooper. You’re a good girl. You passed the test.” He patted a buttock.

  Her head still on the vinyl, Lana laughed. “Do I get a certificate or something.”

  John laughed. “No, but if you’ll hold on I’ll get a condom out of my desk and we’ll let you get on the stool.”

  “The stool?”

  “Yes, it’s a bar stool. I call it my “butt fucking” stool. It’s the best way in the world to have anal sex
. You straddle it backward and lean against the backrest. You push your butt back as far as it will go and your butthole as well as your pussy will be off the seat. Your anus will be looser in that position than any other position in which you can get. It’s the same thing as if you were squatting, which is about the best way to make the butthole loose, but this way you don’t have to support your weight.”

  A few minutes later, Lana was positioned backward on the stool. John had told her to let her back arch forward and then push her bottom out as far as it would go. Before getting onto the stool, Lana had removed her blouse and bra, which she’d left on earlier. Now that she was going to be fucked, she wanted to be completely naked. Her butt was completely off the stool and she was sitting on her thighs. This was yet another undignified position, but it felt as if it would work. After she was positioned on the stool, John had lubricated her butthole well, both inside and out, and was now slipping on the condom.

  She couldn’t believe she was fixing to let the fat man fuck her. And in the ass at that.

  The next day, Lana didn’t know if she should tell Gordon that John had “trained” her yesterday or not. She decided to do so. If she didn’t, John would. She also hoped he would check out her butthole himself just to see if it still had the same elasticity. Of course, she was also hoping he would give her a regular, good old fashion fucking. Or he might want to try both. On the other hand, she didn’t even know if he fucked butts or not. She’d find out.

  “Like I told you yesterday, this is something a crazy old man brought by. He uses it to give his grown niece, I emphasize grown, special therapy. According to him, it emits sonic waves throughout the body. That’s supposed to promote good health or something like that. He’s right; it emits sonic waves—the damn thing vibrates like a dump truck on a gravel road when it on high. It vibrates somewhat less on low. It nothing but a vibrator and the box-like gadget is a power-pack. He puts this probe up her butt and it vibrates all through her body. It feels good. I suppose that’s why she goes along with it. That and she an exhibitionist.”


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