A River of Orange

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A River of Orange Page 13

by Roberta C. M. DeCaprio

  At night Rule could hear the apprentices chanting, their beautiful voices carrying their way gently into his chamber, soothing the wild fury within him. The women sang while they did all their tasks, turning the mundane of everyday living into something sacred. Many times their songs had been the only thing that had relaxed Rule enough to fall asleep.

  He fixed his eyes on the east wall of the cave. The logic was that the longer you looked ... the more noticeable was the opening. Rule sat cross-legged, hands lightly folded in his lap, eyes ready to see what they usually could not. As soon as he concentrated on the passage, the wall vanished. Rule stood and made his way into the temple.

  He only had to travel a few feet when he walked into the light. Lamps were lit with eternal flames throughout the corridor and in every room. Light was a symbol of purity and goodness; the lamps had the power to dispel spiritual darkness and evil forces. Because of this belief, Rule knew he would have to be cleansed before Neteru would grant him an audience.

  Rule made his way to the sacred pool. There, in each corner of the room a woven mat covered the stone floor. On top of each mat a holy table was placed. There was an altar for wind, rain, fire and air. Bouquets of flowers in crystal vases adorned the small alters, representing life.

  Rule went to the north end of the room and stood before the table of the wind. ‘Twas there he had found the comfort and strength to endure Devora's spell. So, ‘twas here he was drawn again to stand.

  Two apprentices appeared suddenly beside Rule, their bodies completely covered by long, blue robes. They wore blue because ‘tis a healing color, one that symbolized the constant flow of infinity. Their faces were also covered. All that peered out at Rule was the glint of their eyes. Rule bowed his head respectfully to each.

  Silently they stripped him naked and leading him over to the shallow pool of water, began to rub the essential oil of cassia and sandalwood into his flesh with their gentle hands. Rule's senses were awakened and he thought of Meav. He envisioned her full lips fusing with his, the scent, the sweet taste of her left him desiring her hands upon him; stroking his chest, his buttocks and genitals. His phallus grew hard and erect with his reflection. Awkwardly he brought his hands over his maleness and hung his head in shame. Would the robed women think he was being disrespectful?

  The apprentice to his right reached down and removed his hands.

  Rule looked over at the woman ... searching deep into her eyes, and caught the understanding in them. She nodded her head and began to rub his thighs with the precious oil. Rule knew she read his heart; his passion and she was not appalled by his feelings.

  He relaxed as both the women cleansed him, dipping him three times into the pool before they gave him a green loin cloth to wear. Rule was then led into another room, where he was bid to lay upon a raised, stone slap. After lighting incense to cleanse the ritual area, the apprentices left the room.

  Neteru walked into the cubicle moments later wearing a flowing white robe, the lace hem gracing her ankles swirled around sandal-clad feet. The hood of the robe loosely framed her delicate face, the ivory complexion flawless. A long, golden braid draped over her right shoulder, cascading down one breast and to her waist.

  As she neared the stone bed, Rule sat up and gazed into her aqua eyes. “You know why I have come?” His voice was shakier than he would have liked.

  "Aye, I know,” Neteru whispered. She placed her hand on Rule's heart. “All your answers are here, my lord. ‘Tis when you decide to open the walled chamber that the truth will flow."

  Rule could feel his throat tighten. “My heart has been so cold for so long ... seda ... how do I do that, holy one?"

  Neteru placed a finger over Rule's lips. “Say nothing ... just listen ... listen to your spirit and allow the man you are to emerge. He waits unwearyingly for you to permit him to thrive once again."

  Rule watched her walk to a table at the far corner of the room. From a crystal decanter she poured a golden colored liquid into a silver goblet. Returning to Rule, she handed him the drink.

  "Let it coat your throat,” Neteru instructed.

  Rule took the goblet. The nectar's sweet flavor blanketed his gullet, spreading down through his stomach. The warmth of the brew circulated through his system, branching out to each of his extremities. He handed the empty vessel to Neteru and lay back down.

  "Sleep now,” Neteru softly advised. “Let the vision quest take you."

  * * * *

  Wysteria led Meav to a room, lit with candles. In each corner stood tables on mats, in the center of the chamber was a shallow pool.

  "You must be cleansed,” Wysteria said. “Go now and stand before an altar."

  Meav was spontaneously drawn to the table at the north corner of the room.

  "'Tis the altar of the wind you have chosen,” Wysteria explained. “Soon the apprentices will appear beside you, undress and cleanse you, then clad you in a green robe. The color green symbolizes nature, growing things, and new life."

  "And where will you be?” Meav called out nervously.

  "I will be waiting by the figure of Iolita. One of the apprentices will bring you to me when your vision quest is done."

  Meav swallowed hard. “Wysteria ... I..."

  "Hush, child, there is nothing to fear,” Wysteria comforted.

  Meav watched the elder shuffle across the stone floor to the door.

  Within moments two women appeared wearing blue gowns from head to toe. Only their eyes and hands could be seen.

  Gently they stripped Meav and led her over to the shallow pool. Their tender strokes messaged oil into her flesh. The woman to Meav's left paid special attention to her bosom, cupping each full breast in the palm of her hand and circling the nipples with the tip of her finger. Meav instantly imagined Rule's hands touching her, pleasing her.

  The woman to the right rubbed the oil on Meav's buttocks and between her thighs. Again Meav visualized Rule adoring her body with tender caresses; the thought of him inside of her made Meav blush.

  Meav was then dipped into the water three times, dried and dressed in a green robe. She was led to another room, where she was placed on a raised, stone slab. Before the apprentices left the chamber they lit incense.

  Meav listened ... the silence was suffocating; the candlelight cast eerie shadows on the granite walls. Fear gripped her heart; she wanted to run as fast as her legs could carry her, find Wysteria and leave this subterranean catacomb. Just as Meav sat up, Neteru appeared. Meav watched as the holy woman approached the stone slab. When Meav looked upon Neteru's face, she was awestruck at the high priestess's perfect beauty. Neteru wore a large cat's eye amulet around her neck hanging from a thick, gold chain. Meav looked deep into the swirling amber of the oval gem and thought again of Rule.

  Neteru smiled warmly at Meav, and reached out to touch a curl. “Ah, so much like Meridith you are that it brings me to tears.” She gently stroked Meav's cheek. “I loved your mother dearly, treated her as my own."

  Meav's eyes met Neteru's as she spoke in a rush of words. “Why did you not save her then from Devora ... spare her the pain and humiliation she endured?"

  Neteru sighed heavily. “Oh, you have no idea how I wanted to, how it broke my heart to watch it all ... but I could not. If I had, then Meridith would not have washed up on Ireland's shores, fallen in love and had a child. The Prophecy would not have been fulfilled."

  The shock of discovery hit Meav full force. “You knew what would happen to her?"

  Neteru nodded. “As painful as ‘twas, all events had to run their course for the sake of the result."

  A shadow of annoyance crossed Meav's face. “Me mother was sacrificed then, for the good of ... of ... what?"

  "For the good of Keronia, Meav,” Neteru said softly. “And was her life so bad? Did she not love your father; give birth to a lovely daughter?"

  "Aye, she did ... three lovely daughters to be exact. And even though she died too young ... in childbirth, I believe in many ways she was
better off in Dublin than here ... but how did you know I would come?” Meav asked, searching Neteru's serene face.

  "I have always known, in fact I have been waiting for you,” Neteru said.

  Meav looked around the enchanted room. “What part do I play in all of this?"

  "Play is hardly the word, Meav,” Neteru corrected. “'Tis more like you will right a wrong."

  Meav could feel her frustration rise. “How ... how can I fix anything? I have no supernatural powers."

  Neteru affectionately squeezed Meav's hand. “You have the greatest power of all, my dear one."

  Meav's voice rose in surprise. “What ... what power do I have?"

  "You will know soon enough,” Neteru whispered and turned away.

  Meav watched the high priestess walk over to a table in the corner of the room. On top of the table sat a crystal decanter and a silver chalice. Neteru poured the honey colored liquid from the carafe into the goblet. Raising the cup to the heavens, Meav listened to the holy woman chant a prayer in an unknown tongue.

  Neteru returned to Meav and handed her the chalice. “Drink,” was her single command.

  Meav obeyed, feeling the strange tasting liquid layer her throat in warmth; instantly channeling through her entire body. Her eyelids grew heavy, her body relaxed.

  Neteru helped Meav lay down. She gently pushed aside a lock from Meav's forehead. “Go now to where you belong."

  Meav felt her spirit rise from her body. She looked down at the stone slab and saw herself lying peaceful, deep in sleep. Neteru stood beside the stone altar, chanting and singing words Meav could not understand. The melody had a tranquil effect on her, as she floated to the chamber ceiling. ‘Twas from that vantage point she spotted the large, black cat. He entered the room slowly, his amber eyes rising to meet hers. Meav floated down ... down ... until her bare feet touched the stone floor. Then she climbed upon the panther's back. With each feline step his muscles moved sensuously between Meav's bare thighs. She gripped the fur at his powerful shoulders and rode his sleek, shiny body out of the chamber.

  He took her to his cave, carefully setting her onto the pile of animal pelts. Then he sat before her, opened his large mouth to reveal long, sharp fangs and looked into her eyes, growling ferociously.

  Meav was not frightened ... oh, she should be, but she was not. She reached out and stroked the cat's chest. “You do not scare me, so you can stop trying. I will not be that easily dealt with. ‘Tis time you let another help you."

  The cat's eyes bathed Meav in adoration, searching each and every facet of her face. Slowly he backed away to the far corner of the cave and stood on his hind legs.

  "Come to me, Rule,” Meav gently coaxed, extending her hand. “I am here now."

  In a blink of an eye the man replaced the animal, standing before her in nothing but a green loin cloth.

  "'Tis really you, then?” Rule muttered.

  Meav stood. “Aye, ‘twas always me, it just took some time for me to understand.” She smiled warmly. “I am not afraid or repulsed by you, milord."

  Rule stepped closer. “Sute ... how could you not be? I repulse myself.” He looked away, his words clipping into silence.

  Meav inched her way toward him. “Look at me, milord."

  He brought his gaze to meet hers, regarding her for a long moment.

  Meav saw the hurt and longing lying naked in his eyes. “I choose to see the man first, and marvel over how he has handled his plight instead of condemn him for it."

  Rule could feel his insides quake, the ice around his heart beginning to melt. How could a warrior feel such vulnerability? “Tell me sute ... how can you do this, my lady?"

  Meav placed her hand over her own heart. “Here tells me ‘tis right."

  Rule placed his hand over her heart. “What else does your heart say?"

  "That you are the reason I am here, the reason I have been born,” Meav whispered.

  "Nay, you were born to brighten this world, to love and make the man of your heart happy,” Rule said.

  Meav swallowed and drew a steadying breath. “Could not that man be you, milord?"

  Her simple question filled Rule with hope he had long lost, and a simple hunger he needed to satisfy. “Aye,” he whispered.

  Meav gently touched Rule's cheek. “You would have me then, milord?"

  Rule pulled her tight to his chest. She was soft and yielding. “Aye ... in a heartbeat."

  She smiled up at him. “Whose, milord? Yours or mine?"

  He returned the smile. “Both,” he said before lowering his head and capturing her mouth with his.

  His lips floated over Meav's gently, their warmth weakening his resolve. She fell against him, and in that moment he was unable to resist her very essence.

  He caught her up into his embrace, deepening the kiss, his tongue exploring the soft folds of her mouth.

  Rule's groan of pleasure echoed through the cave.

  Meav's hand drifted up around his neck, her fingers playing with the curls at his nape.

  Her touch sent shivers of passion through his body, through his bones, swelling his loins beneath the skimpy green covering. He broke away and looked down at her. “My lady, you do not know what you are doing."

  She stared up with longing at him. “Rule ... oh, Rule, but I do."

  His name, just a whisper upon her lips, melted the bitterness within. He suddenly sought solace in the silken oak of her voice. Overwhelmed by longing and sadness, Rule fought back his tears. “I have waited so long for you."

  Meav's eyes softened with his response. “I am here now, to stay if ‘tis what you wish."

  Rule unlocked his heart and soul. Gently he traced her full lips with the tip of his finger. “'Tis, my lady."

  A small smile curved her mouth, her large, round eyes fluttered bashfully.

  Rule chuckled softly. “Ah, my little seductress is just a shy lass at heart."

  "I am an inexperienced lass, milord.” She tipped her head sideways. “But perhaps ... slowly ... you might educate me?"

  Rule's heart danced with excitement. “The best things are done slowly."

  Meav's hand drifted toward his. “Will you teach me now?"

  The rich, soft sound of her voice affected him intensely and a delightful shiver of wanting ran through him. He felt her dainty fingers interlace with his, her touch sending explosive currents running through him. “Are you sure ‘tis what you want, my lady?"

  "Aye, milord ... without me knowing it, I have been ready for this moment all me life."

  He pulled her to him, his skin sliding against her, his embrace growing more fevered. In one fluid motion he swept her, weightless, into his arms and carried her to the bed of pelts. Gently he placed her down upon the soft skins. Her eyes watched flirtatiously through the tendrils of fire that graced her forehead. “Ah, dear lady, you have not a clue what havoc you are causing deep within my flesh."

  Meav cast a quick glance at the bulge between his thighs. She was glad for the semi-darkness that hid the flush of her cheeks. “I believe I do, milord."

  Rule followed her gaze. “Would you like to see?"

  Meav nervously cleared her throat, her heart was thundering. “Aye,” she whispered.

  Rule untied the string holding the loin cloth and dropped the material to the floor. He lifted his eyes to meet hers and knelt before her. “Touch me, Meav."

  Meav's hand trembled as it reached out toward him. Slowly she wrapped her fingers around his hardened shaft. The heat of his flesh permeated the palm of her hand. Gently she tightened her grip.

  Rule inhaled sharply.

  Meav moved her fingers to explore the two sacks between his legs. Tenderly her fingers enclosed around the soft pouches, weighing them as she fondled.

  Rule strained to keep from exploding, wanting to experience her touch for as long as his hungry flesh would allow. Taking a deep breath he slowly removed her hand, his long fingers encompassing her tiny wrist. He reached for the other wrist and qui
etly laid her back onto the hides, nuzzling his face into the rich, glowing auburn of her hair. The thick mane fanned in long, graceful curls across the animal skins. Rule inhaled her scent, than moved his lips softly over hers.

  Meav gave herself freely to the passion of his kiss; her warm lips sent new spirals of ecstasy through him.

  Rule left the heat of her mouth to nibble at her earlobe, then to sear a path down her neck. Lower he traveled, till he came to the V neckline of the robe. With his teeth he pulled at the string lacing. The material opened wide, revealing two creamy orbs.

  Meav gasped when his urgent tongue explored one globe, its rosy peak marble hard. Her breast surged at the intimacy of his touch.

  Rule drew the swollen nipple into his mouth, sucking and tasting. Then his lips slid down her silken belly, where he gently outlined her navel with the tip of his tongue, the musky scent of her flesh lingering in his nostrils.

  Rule put his head between her shapely legs and buried his mouth deep into her crevice. With feather like licks he teased the hidden petal.

  Meav spread her thighs wider for him.

  Rule left the moist valley under the tip of her triangle and moved his kisses down to the inner part of her knees.

  Meav breathlessly protested his departure. “Nay, stay where you were."

  Between each word he planted kisses down her leg. “I will return, my lady."

  "Sooner rather than later, please, milord,” she whispered.

  He smiled to himself and made his way to her right foot, kissing each toe.

  She began to giggle when he roamed down her arch and to her heel. ‘Twas then he pulled back and looked at the bottom of her foot.

  "This mark,” he said, tracing the crescent shape with the tip of a finger. “'Tis the same as the one my mother's handmaiden had at the bottom of her foot."

  Meav sat up. “You mean, Meridith."

  Rule lifted his gaze to her. “Aye, Meridith.” He frowned. “Has Wysteria spoken of her?"


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