A River of Orange

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A River of Orange Page 27

by Roberta C. M. DeCaprio

  She was losing everything in her life that she loved ... her family in Dublin, her home, and now mayhap her husband.

  "You are all I have left, Rule,” she sobbed. “Do not leave me too."

  * * * *

  The look on his wife's face, a mixture of fear and worry, had wrenched his heart. Scowling to himself, Rule realized he was wrong to talk in front of her. She had gone through enough today, things no gentle woman should see. How stupid and insensitive of him to allow her to listen in on the warring plans.

  He quickly drained his mug of the ale and stood. “We leave at midnight,” Rule said to Ibrehem. “Make sure all the men are gathered by the river an hour before."

  "Aye, my lord,” Ibrehem responded.

  "For now, you go to Zailia.” Rule looked around the table. “All of you go to your homes and spend the last hours of this day with those you love."

  All the men nodded in agreement.

  Rule addressed Wesley. “You will stay and guard the castle, along with five other men. Ibrehem will appoint the soldiers who will remain here with you."

  Wesley squared his shoulders. “Aye, my lord."

  Rule tipped his head politely. “Excuse me now while I go and comfort my wife.” Or should he have said, while she comforts me?

  Rule found Meav sitting on the window seat, looking out at the night.

  "Meav,” he said softly.

  She turned, wiped the moisture from her face, and forced a smile. “Have I finally got you all to meself?"

  He smiled in return. “Aye, lass ... this time is all ours."

  'Twas then a knock came at the door, and Rule moved to open it.

  Two servants dragged in the large tub. Three women behind them carried pails of water.

  Silently Meav watched from her seat at the basin being filled.

  When the task was finished, Rule thanked them and bid all a good evening. Making his way to his wife, he held out a hand. “Your bath awaits, my lady."

  She fell into his embrace, her arms wrapping around his neck, fingers entwined with the hairs at his nape. “Do not go, milord. Stay here with me, ‘tis not necessary for the king to accompany his men into battle."

  Rule pulled back and traced the full curve of her lips. “I cannot ask them to do what I would not."

  "Aye, you can,” she said earnestly. “They will understand. You are the king of this island, you have a wife and..."

  He silenced her lips with the tip of his finger. “Hush, my sweet. ‘Tis the way of it, and I must do as I feel is right and honorable.” He kissed her eyes, then her nose. “Do not spoil the time we have with talk,” he whispered against her mouth before he fully consumed it.

  Meav leaned into him, hungrily returning his kiss, all the while feeling the tears scratching the back of her throat.

  Rule broke away and began to unlace the bodice of her dress. “Let me wash your velvet flesh, memorize every inch of you."

  Meav could feel the agony rise to choke her. Did her husband fear he would not return as well? Would this night be the final memory of their lovemaking that she would have?

  A sob caught in her throat. She grabbed his hands and stilled them. “I cannot live on without you, Rule. You must come back to me ... you must."

  Again he hushed her words, only this time with a kiss. Pulling back to look at her, he smiled. “You must trust me, Meav ... my judgment and my skills. I have no intention of lying in a quiet grave when I have such a beautiful wife waiting in my bed."

  "Death comes unintentionally,” she choked, fighting the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.

  "I am most cautious,” he stated softly.

  "But is caution enough, milord?"

  Rule slipped her dress down over her shoulders. The beautiful twin mounds spilled free. Gently he rubbed a rosy peak with his thumb. “No more talk, wife."

  "Rule...” she began.

  He arched a brow and looked deep into the aqua of her eyes. “I need this time, Meav ... to love you ... to be loved by you. Please do not let your fear rob us of this night."

  Meav nodded slowly. “Love me then."

  After stripping her of the rest of her clothing, he picked her up into his arms. Carrying her over to the tub, he gently placed her into the warm water. Quickly he disrobed from his own clothes and joined her.

  Meav watched as he stretched out a long, muscular arm and with lean fingers reached for a cake of soap from a nearby table. He lathered the bar in his hands, and then began to bathe her. First he took her right hand, and washed between each finger. Than he moved to her wrist, up her arm, to her shoulder, and down across her chest. He lingered there, his palm resting just above her heart. Its rapid beat she was sure vibrated against his hand. When he cupped her breasts and circled her nipples with slippery fingers, heat pooled within her. Gasping she looked into his eyes and became lost in the heat of his gaze.

  Passion rushed straight to his loins as he splayed his fingers across her slim belly, than moved down to the lush triangle between her thighs. Spreading her downy fleece, Rule teased her bud with slow strokes. Beneath the water his rod grew painfully erect. “You are so beautiful, my love."

  Meav fastened her gaze full upon his swollen yard. Reaching out, she encircled him with her fingers and matched his lazy caress.

  Rule smiled, teasing her petal faster. With frenzied strokes he rubbed back and forth. She trembled and spread her thighs.

  Shards of desire swept through him when she tightened her hold, slipping her fingers up and down his shaft fervently.

  Rule filled his palms with water and rinsed her flesh, before he snared her in his arms and stood. He kissed the naked slope of her shoulder, than bent his head to a succulent, ripe peak; sucking on one coral center and then the other.

  In those dizzying seconds his mouth consumed her, Meav allowed all her worries and fears to lift from her thoughts. ‘Twas her body that became her master and she could not ... would not ... fight the delicious sensations washing through her. Everything else fell away, and in her world there was just the two of them. Nothing else mattered now but being one with her husband, feeling him buried deep inside of her ... so far inside that he could touch her heart; her very soul. He would become the essence of her core.

  Pulling back to look at her, he smiled. “I love you with every fiber of my being."

  "And I you, milord,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Rule exited from the tub, taking her with him. Slowly he dried every inch of her body with a soft towel. When he was finished he stood while she dried him as well.

  He turned toward her, his finger trailing along the line of her jaw, than he captured her chin. Gently he tilted her face so her gaze would meet his. “Do you even know how happy you have made me, lass?"

  Meav did not answer, but instead helped herself to his lips. With fierce ecstasy she ran her tongue over his teeth, probed the warm recesses of his mouth, and sucked on his bottom lip.

  Rule growled deep in his throat, picked Meav up into his arms and carried her to the bed. Lying down beside her, he smiled. “You are mine, Meav Thornton ... all mine."

  There was so much feeling in his burnt-whiskey eyes, Meav's heart melted. Tracing the curve of his lips, she returned the smile. “Forever and ever, my love."

  "Forever and beyond,” he whispered before reclaiming her lips. He loved her soft mouth, warm and moist. Good heavens, he would never have enough of the splendor he now tasted.

  Kissing her sent shivers of desire racing through him, as his tongue probed the soft folds of her mouth. She amalgamated her own lips to his; hard and demanding she returned his kiss with reckless abandon.

  He groaned with pleasure and crushed her to him, drinking in her sweetness. As he roused her passion, his own grew stronger. Breaking from her lips he placed kisses along her throat, down her neck, to the creamy orbs. Taking a roseate peak into his mouth, he caressed the swollen nipple with his tongue.

  Meav arched into him, call
ing out his name in a breathless whisper.

  Lower his mouth probed, until he was buried deep in the heat of her, laving the hidden font of her womb.

  Meav's wreathing body made it definitely clear to him that she wanted more of the sweet torment. Her impatience grew to explosive proportions, making her cry out his name louder.

  By thunder, her response sent spirals of electricity through his loins. He rose above her with trembling arms and penetrated her with his jutting male desire. In and out he slipped, slowly at first ... then faster and harder at her urgent demands. The way her body curved, wiggled, arched against his made him burn inside.

  A moan of ecstasy slipped through her lips, as her desire soared higher. She cried out with her release, her passion exploding.

  The turbulence of her fervor and a downpour of sensations swirled around him like a hot tide, raging through both of them. His raw act of possession vibrated through his body like liquid fire, bursting forth the love from his loins. He flowed into her like warm honey.

  He rolled off her and lie beside her, a protective arm pulling her close.

  She melted into the curve of his body, their world just filled with the two of them.

  And together they succumbed to the numbed sleep of the satisfied lover.

  * * * *

  At the hour of ten, Rule slowly rose from the bed. Quietly he slipped on his breeches and shirt. Though he wished to hear her sweet voice bid him goodbye, he chose not to wake her. Her fear and sorrow would only wrench his heart. Leaving her then would be a worse hell than it was already.

  He picked up his boots and tip-toed to her side of the bed, looking down at his beautiful queen; a small hand tucked under her chin, long, dark lashes fanned out over freckled cheeks. Rule's mouth went dry and his heart thumped against his ribs. Squeezing his eyes shut, he silently called to the heavens for a safe return ... for the chance to live his life with her ... to love her each and every day ... to have a family.

  "Meya pulma tearina timenta coupla ... my heart will weep until I see you again,” he whispered, planting a gentle kiss upon her lips. Then he turned and silently left the room.

  * * * *

  Meav woke with a start. In the darkness she reached for Rule, but he was gone. Hot tears slipped down her cheeks. She buried her face in his pillow and inhaled his scent; the clean citrus of the soap, the musky smell of their lovemaking. Sweet Mother of God how her heart gnawed with pain.

  Meav pulled back the coverlet and swung her feet off the bed. Finding her robe and slippers she downed them and made her way to the window. The courtyard below was silent; all was asleep, except for the band of men led by Rule. They would hide in the jungle and wait for daylight ... when the enemy would approach. Then they would fight to the death to protect what was theirs.

  A knock came at the door, followed by Grendel's voice. “Are you awake, my lady?"

  Meav turned to face the heavy oak portal. “Aye, Grendel, come in."

  Zailia followed behind Grendel. “I am sorry, my lady ... I needed to be with someone who would understand."

  "'Twas how ‘tis for me as well,” Grendel admitted. “I have two to fret for, my brother, Tomas Bulwark and Victor Olin."

  Meav smiled. “Olin, is it?"

  Grendel nodded. “Victor asked me to marry him last eve."

  Meav crossed the room and embraced Grendel. “I am so very happy for you."

  Zailia moved to place a hand on Grendel's shoulder. “I am as well, Grendel."

  Grendel pulled back and looked deep into Meav's eyes. “What will we do if they do not..."

  "Hush, Grendel,” Meav broke in softly. “We cannot think that way."

  Zailia's eyes filled with tears. “How can we not?"

  Meav took a deep breath to still her own fear. “What we will not do is spend this night cringing in fear.” She squared her shoulders. “We will help them instead."

  Grendel frowned. “How can we help them?"

  "When me grandmamma worried for a loved one, she prayed for their protection.” Meav took each woman by the hand and led them before the fireplace. “We will sit in a circle, hold hands and pray till the men return."

  Grendel's frown deepened. “How do you pray?"

  Meav sat cross-legged in front of the fire. “By just talking to the Heavenly Father."

  Zailia sat down beside her. “We can do that ... just start talking to the Divine Maker."

  "Aye, we can,” Meav assured her. “Me grandmamma did it daily."

  Grendel sat down on the other side of Meav. “And you believe this prayer thing will work."

  "Aye, I do,” Meav said, taking each woman's hand in hers.

  "How certain are you?” Zailia questioned.

  "As certain as I am that without heavenly intervention, our men are walking unprotected straight into hell,” Meav said. “And we have nothing to lose by trying, now do we?"

  Both women shook their heads.

  "Then close your eyes,” Meav began, “bow your heads, and repeat after me."

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Rule looked about at his men. Each had found a position and was ready for war; holding a sword and shield, axe, dagger, or bow with arrow. They were crude weapons, but rough tools that dealt hard, fatal blows. They were useful in slaying, even if they were not elegant ... like the gun. Killing need not be elegantly done as long as ‘tis done effectively, and in all truth, ‘twas the skill of the man behind the weapon that made the difference. His perception, his force and energy ... the speed and experience in using the battle gear he chose, was what mattered most in the end.

  Ibrehem hid in the brush beside Rule. He searched his friend's somber eyes. “What crosses your mind, my lord?"

  Rule sighed. “I was just thinking how precious each moment in time is ... each opportunity, each season ... each fragment of ability ... even the responsibilities. Why do we take such things for granted, Ibrehem?"

  Ibrehem shrugged. “'Tis man's way, my lord. We do not realize what we have until we stand to lose it."

  "I do not want to lose any of what I now have, my friend.” The muscles at Rule's jaw tightened. “'Tis why I am hoping our impulses are sharper than the devils that are united to rebel against us."

  "Our force is many, and our foes are few,” Ibrehem reminded him.

  "But their weapons are greater,” Rule countered.

  "Perhaps that is true, but their skill is limited,” Ibrehem stated. “When our militia marched into Jabri Valley to liberate the Humblers, the fight was like taking food from an ant. The Jabrians have let themselves grow weak. Their only source of power was in the way they demanded work from the Humblers. Without the backbone of their slaves, they are a lost civilization. I am surprised they have survived at all."

  Rule thoughtfully rubbed his chin. “Your point is valid, and in our favor, if they are as inept at using the firearms as they are at working their land and building their village."

  "I am sure this is the case,” Ibrehem reassured.

  Rule frowned. “But there is something else you are overlooking,"

  "What, my lord?"

  "We also do not know how long they have had to learn how to use the guns, and the skill of their teacher.” Rule adjusted his sword belt. “With practice even a Jabrian can be a threat."

  Ibrehem shivered with disgust. “Their teacher would be that rascal that came for Meav."

  Rule gritted his teeth. “Aye, and he was a ruthless murderer, Ibrehem. His fighting tactics would match who he was."

  Ibrehem's voice was almost grudging. “What then, my lord?"

  Rule arched a brow. “Call upon your training, my friend ... and remember well the warring decree."

  Ibrehem nodded. “Never underestimate your enemy."

  "Aye, and always be one step ahead by using the element of surprise. An elf can slay a giant if the giant is not expecting it,” Rule added.

  "'Tis good to have you again at my side, my lord,” Ibrehem admitted.

  Rule chuck
led lightly. “As much as I am fond of you as well, dear friend, there is someone else I would much rather be with right now."

  Ibrehem smiled. “Aye, my sentiments exactly.".

  Rule returned the smile. “Thinking of Zailia, are you?"

  "Aye, my lord. The last I left her, she was sleeping naked in my bed."

  Rule sighed heavily. “As was my lady.” A large raindrop splattered on Rule's head. He looked heavenward. “There is one other thing you should never underestimate during a battle."

  "What might that be, my lord?"

  Rule scowled. “The weather, Ibrehem ... never, ever count on good weather."

  * * * *

  Meav watched Zailia and Grendel as they slept on the blanket they all shared by the fire. Their golden tresses mingled. Even in sleep their faces showed the strain of their worry and concern. Her two dear friends held out as long as they could, each one reinforcing the other's spirit, but alas their lids grew too heavy to keep open. She was thankful for their company ... and could have never gone through this night without them.

  Quietly she stood and made her way over to the tub she had shared with Rule. Dipping her hand into the water, which had now cooled, she wiggled her fingers. Ripples swirled around the floating cake of soap, bouncing it up and down.

  Meav unbraided her hair, than reached for the bar, and tipping her head forward she began to wash. Vigorously she lathered and scrubbed her scalp, washing from each long strand the remains of the day. As she rinsed the grime free, her spirits lifted and were renewed ... making her feel she had shed the hate that had hurt her.

  As she dried her hair with a fresh towel, Meav felt a surge of freedom. Hollister McGreary was dead, so were Shell and Devora. All their wickedness had only led to their demise. No longer could they harm anyone, take what was not theirs, and taint the earth with their dark power.

  After braiding her wet locks, Meav slipped on a dress and shoes. Quietly she left the bedroom chamber, making her way downstairs and to a room that opened off the great hall.

  The solar, as the room was called, by day was bright with the sun's light. Its large windows and glassed doors overlooked the garden. The room was quiet and dark now, as the wee morning silence enveloped the Keep.


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