by Tamryn Tamer
“The village of Filan lies in this territory,” Raullon said. “Do you expect to claim ownership of the people in that village?”
“I’m not sure how fond of the idea they’ll be,” Frost said. “But I can’t really leave the village unattended. Regardless of whether or not the village transfers to me I have some business I need to handle there at some point.”
“I don’t suppose you’d explain?” Raullon said.
“Well,” Frost turned to Robin. “Robin, tell Duke Raullon what you told me.”
Robin nervously explained her situation with the physician in Filan and over the course of the explanation both Raullon and Commander Grey came to the same conclusion he had.
“I see,” Raullon turned to Commander Grey. “If I’m not mistaken the physician was our informant, correct?”
“That’s correct,” Commander Grey said through clenched teeth.
“Herald Frost,” Raullon said. “Commander Grey will investigate the situation in Filan and if necessary, punish the physician. You have no authority in Filan.”
“That depends entirely on how the negotiation goes, doesn’t it?” Frost smirked.
“Assuming the prince agrees to the sale of this land how would you intend to pay for it?” Raullon smiled like he had something in mind.
“I think he’d have to agree to the sale first,” Frost smirked. “But if I’m not mistaken, you have a proposition.”
“Tell me Herald Frost,” Raullon said thoughtfully. “If there were a service you could provide in exchange for this land, would that interest you?”
“Duke Raullon,” Commander Grey said as the entire room stared at the sage. “We can’t…”
“Be quiet,” Raullon snapped at Commander Grey before turning back to Frost. “I believe that Prince Erik may be inclined to trade this piece of land in exchange for solving the giant problem. And, if Herald Frost is unable to solve the giant problem, that solves the herald problem. But as Commander Grey was about to point out, I’d need to confirm it with the prince himself. This is well outside of my authority.”
“Lysandra,” Frost looked at the high priestess. “How powerful are giants?”
“I’m unsure,” Lysandra answered. “They usually keep the mountains so I’ve never seen one before.”
“The ones in question are a tribe in the north that have come down from the mountains,” Raullon smirked. “They have destroyed two villages, taken the people of those villages hostage, and are currently eating over a dozen people day. There are twelve of them in total and their average level is forty-five.”
“Their average level,” Frost knew full well why Raullon was using the average instead of a range. “What level is the highest level?”
“Unknown but over level fifty,” Raullon smirked. “What are your thoughts?”
“Hm,” Frost stared at Raullon. He couldn’t help but feel he was getting screwed over. At the same time, the idea of sitting around and negotiating while people were being eaten didn’t sit well with him. “I will eliminate the unknown giant in exchange for this territory but the other eleven will require you pay me whatever your standard rate is for giant killing.”
“Herald Frost,” Lysandra said softly. “I don’t want to be impudent but I believe you are undervaluing your services.”
“Why you…” Raullon bit his tongue but his reaction only confirmed what Frost was already thinking. Eliminating a level fifty giant was an enormous ask on its own.
“I’m aware,” Frost said as the other side of the table collectively tensed up. “But as Raullon said the giants are eating over twelve villagers a day. Which is why I’m agreeing to these terms. Every day the prince considers the proposal, people will die. Every day we spend negotiating, people will die. We’re not just negotiating for land and money.”
“I see,” Lysandra smiled politely. “I apologize.”
“How noble,” Raullon grinned derisively. “It will take a half a day for me to travel to Blackwater and half a to return. The prince will discuss the situation with the capital and seek approval for the sale of land under the terms discussed.”
“How far away are the giants?” Frost asked.
“It takes me over two days to ride there,” Commander Grey answered. “I’m level four.”
“I can make it in a day and a half,” the hunter at the end of the table said. “My riding ability is level seven depending on the horse.”
“So, it’ll probably take me a day,” Frost wasn’t going to underestimate the importance of traveling quickly. Leveling his riding to ten was a no-brainer even if he was starting to get low on ability points. He turned to Raullon. “Well, I suppose everything depends on how long it takes the prince to decide. But, this will probably cost about forty lives.”
“I understand,” Raullon said irritably while standing up. “Commander Grey, I’m leaving you in charge while I’m away. Hansel, keep detailed records of everything that happens while I’m away. Sir Frederick, Sir Cameron, and Sir Rowan are the fastest riders and will be escorting me back to the capital. The rest will remain here.”
“What about me?” Priscilla said. “Am I free to go?”
“No,” Raullon glared at Commander Grey. “But I’ll leave you to your father.”
“You’re still arrested,” Commander Grey said without flinching. “We’ll see if we can negotiate a probation when we’re back in Blackwater.”
“This is completely unfair!” Priscilla said angrily as Raullon and his guards rushed out. She struck her father several times as Hansel wrote down her actions. “Unfair! Unfair! Unfair! What kind of father are you?”
“A good one,” Commander Grey answered while rising out of his seat. “Herald Frost, we’re going to return to our encampment, I believe it’s in everybody’s best interest to keep the elves and the humans separated. Do you agree?”
“I agree,” Frost nodded. Although Commander Grey seemed relatively indifferent to elves, the general dislike shown by the other humans was concerning. “But, feel free to stop in if you want. And do you have food?”
“We have plenty of supplies,” Commander Grey said. “Hansel, you coming?”
“Right!” Hansel said while jumping to his feet. He paused and nodded toward Frost as he walked past. “Herald Frost.”
“Hansel,” Frost nodded back as the humans left the building. Frost turned to Lysandra. “So, think I can kill a giant?”
“Not with a wooden sword,” Lysandra said. “I’ll ask Shael for some proper ones.”
“Okay,” Frost looked at Robin. “Robin, make a copy of your notes and give them to Lysandra to keep. The other copy should be made available to anybody who wants to read them. Alright?”
“Yes Herald Frost,” Robin paused. “Herald Frost. Do you really think the prince will let us keep this land?”
“I think after I kill those giants the prince isn’t going to want to try taking it,” Frost grinned.
Frost was wandering through the village anxiously as they waited for the response from the duke. He hoped it wouldn’t come in the form of a military strike but he was preparing himself for anything. In the meantime, he was gathering supplies and equipment to hopefully use against the giants.
“Psst,” Frost turned to see Priscilla hiding in a bush outside of the temple. The short-haired knight was wearing a clearly stolen oversized men’s tunic and boots. “Psst! Psst! Psst!”
“Priscilla,” Frost said while staring at her surprisingly thick thighs. “Is there a reason I shouldn’t go get your father?”
“Hey!” Priscilla tugged the tunic down. “Don’t look pervert!”
“It’s a reflex,” Frost said defensively. “And you’re the one running around with no pants.”
“That’s because I escaped,” she said. “I need you to hide me until everybody leaves.”
“No,” Frost said before turning to walk away.
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Priscilla said while chasing after him. She grabbed
his arm hoping to keep him from escaping. “Hey! Stop!”
“Priscilla,” Frost tugged his arm away. “Here’s how sheltering you plays out for the elves. First, we’ll get accused of kidnapping. If that doesn’t stick, we’ll get accused of harboring a fugitive, which will technically be true. And depending on what you’ve been jailed for we could be declared enemies of Zira. Regardless, I can’t risk the lives of the villagers to hide you.”
“But I’m in trouble for helping demihumans!” Priscilla stomped. “I thought you would understand! I released indentured servants that were being abused.”
“Which was a good thing for you to do,” Frost said. “But you’re also not in any danger. Your father is keeping you from…”
“I know he’s protecting me!” Priscilla said angrily. “But my friends aren’t getting that same protection! They’re sitting in prison because their parents aren’t dogs of the nobility! I will not let my father get away with this! I’m escaping!”
“Your poor father,” Frost grabbed Priscilla and threw her over his shoulder. He grinned lecherously as the back of her tunic flipped forward revealing her white satin panties hugging her athletic ass. “Come on.”
“What are you doing?” Priscilla yelled as Frost carried her toward the encampment. It seemed they were already rushing around searching for her. “Let me go! What are you doing? Stop it! I’m on your side!”
“Dammit Priscilla,” Commander Grey yelled as he came charging through the gate like an enraged bull. The elder warrior was shirtless and bootless which explained who she’d stolen them from. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“She was hoping that I would help her escape,” Frost said while handing her over as she struggled to run away. “I’m returning her.”
“Frost!” Shael approached from the wall. “Is something the matter?”
“It’s fine,” Frost said as the commander bound his daughter’s hands. “But if you see the commander’s daughter sneaking into our village again please alert me.”
“Yes sir,” Shael nodded while glaring at the girl. “I apologize for not noticing her.”
“It’s not your fault,” Commander Grey said grumpily. “The girl probably should have been an assassin instead of a knight. Thank you, Herald Frost. I realize you could have chosen to assist her.”
“It’s fine,” Frost sighed. “But you know commander, she’ll try again. Can I offer a suggestion?”
“I’ve tried everything with the girl,” Commander Grey grumbled. “If you have a way to get her to act right, I’m all ears.”
“Oh,” Frost laughed. “No, never going to act right.”
“Hey!” Priscilla snapped. “What’s that supposed to mean!”
“It means you’re stubborn,” Frost said. “And you’re a good ten years away from realizing what a dense brat you are. Your father’s trying to keep you from screwing up your life before you’re old enough to realize it.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Commander Grey growled. “I should just lock her up for ten years.”
“Well at her current rate she’s either going to spend ten years locked in a cell or ten years locked in her room,” Frost shrugged. “At least if she’s locked in a cell you don’t have to pay to feed and clothe her.”
“I shouldn’t have been arrested to begin with!” Priscilla yelled as one of the holy knights approached. Commander Grey nodded at the man as he hovered. Frost could sense that the holy knight was eager for a fight and noticed several others already armed outside of the village. “I was trying to help demihumans being abused.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Frost answered while cautiously watching hunters fiddling with their quivers. They were waiting for him to give them a reason to fight. They definitely wanted him to offer Priscilla shelter. “Those other people aren’t your father’s responsibility, you are. They’re not his problem.”
“The villagers in the north aren’t you’re problem but you’re still worried about them!” Priscilla argued while completely obviously of the hornet’s nest she was stirring up. “You’re going to fight giants to save people you don’t even know.”
“And I’d let them all die without losing a wink of sleep to save a single one of the elves under my care,” Frost replied as Priscilla’s jaw dropped. Frost grinned wickedly at the holy knight standing near them and then turned to Commander Grey. “You have good instincts Commander Grey. What do you think I would do if you harmed one of the elves in this village?”
“You’d probably kill me,” Commander Grey answered while glancing back at the eager soldiers. He raised his voice. “I don’t think you’re so rash as to kill me for smacking an elf. I imagine it really depends on what I did. But if I shot one with an arrow I imagine you’d kill me.”
“I’d definitely kill you,” Frost said.
“Yeah,” Commander Grey nodded. “After that, one of the guards here would do something and you’d do something. I imagine me hurting an elf ends with not just me but every one of these men being dead.”
“That’s right,” Frost said for the benefit of the soldiers before smiling at Priscilla. “You see Lady Priscilla,” Frost gestured at the elves around them. “These elves are my responsibility and I care about them. I don’t care about your father or the holy knight standing there. I’ll kill them all and sleep like a baby. Let me ask you this Priscilla, if I gave you a choice between your father’s life or a hundred elves, who would you choose?”
“That’s a ridiculous question,” Priscilla said angrily. “it’s not relevant! Nothing I’m doing is going to get my father killed!”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Frost looked down at the young woman. “Did your father tell you he was nearly killed by his own men because of you?”
“What?” Priscilla looked at her father. “What’s he talking about?”
“Nothing,” Commander Grey shook his head. “He’s exaggerating.”
“Your father ordered a retreat when he came across me,” Frost said coldly. “His officer accused him of being a demihuman sympathizer like his traitor daughter. He then blindsided your father. Could have just as easily killed him.”
“Dad,” Priscilla said angrily. “Why didn’t you tell me? Or mom? Mom’s going to be furious!”
“You see,” Frost said. “You are in fact choosing between a hundred demihumans and your father. Now, personally, I’ll trade your father for ten demihumans any day of the week. But you’re his daughter.”
“I imagine ten is being generous,” Commander Grey said loudly as a warning to the soldiers not to screw around.
“Priscilla,” Frost patted her head. “I’m not telling you that what you did was wrong. I’m telling you that what you did was stupid. You didn’t think of the consequences of your actions. Stop and think of the consequences, not just for you, but for others as well. For example, the consequences of escaping for your father and his men. Do you know what would have happened if they decided to do something stupid like search the village and in the process hurt even a single elf? I would have killed them all.”
“I didn’t…” Priscilla looked down.
“Decisions have consequences,” Frost growled loudly as the holy knight took several steps back. “That’s why I’m attempting to negotiate peace. Even if I’m capable of defending the elves I wouldn’t want one to die because I didn’t try to find a peaceful resolution first. Now, I have better things to do than babysit.”
“Right,” Commander Grey said as he dragged Priscilla back to the tent. “Come along.”
“Frost?” Lysandra grabbed his arm as the commander walked off. “What was that about?”
“Something is off about all of this,” Frost grumbled. “I think one of the knights released Priscilla as an excuse to search the village. They were armed too quickly, like they were planning it. But they wouldn’t do something like that on their own. Soldiers follow orders.”
“Are you saying the duke told them to?” Lysandra asked.
p; “I think we need to be careful,” Frost answered. “Make sure everybody in the village is on their best behavior. Also, have Shael and the others watch the wall from a distance.”
“Alright,” Lysandra nodded as she walked off.
Frost had an uneasy feeling about everything that was happening. As he understood it, killing the giants was worth far more than the land he was purchasing. But that assumes the prince actually cares about the villagers being eaten. But it was also possible he was being paranoid and Priscilla did simply escape.
“I fucking hate politics,” Frost grumbled as he wandered off to prepare.
Raullon came back with a favorable response and delivered it with such disgust that Frost believed it to be legitimate. It was a signed royal decree giving Frost the land in exchange for his assistance in eliminating the giants.
He’d prepared quite a bit of equipment and mounted up. As soon as he hopped on the horse Sumina and Rania prepared his horse-riding ability became available. He used fifty-five points to max it and suddenly felt a deep bond with the beast he was riding. He intuitively understood its limitations and realized he could offer it some of his own strength.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Frost nodded at Lysandra and the elves that’d gathered to see him off. He was worried that they’d react poorly to him running off to fight giants but instead they were filled with excitement. It made him happy.
“Be safe Herald Frost,” Lysandra said while double checking his bags. “We’ve packed food, several replacement swords, a spare set of armor, and all of the other things you asked for. Just be sure to come back to us.”
“I look forward to your return,” Raullon lied
“Good luck Herald Frost,” Priscilla said as Commander Grey nodded.