Herald of Shalia

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Herald of Shalia Page 21

by Tamryn Tamer

  “See,” Brynn said smugly as they walked toward the giant double doors protecting the throne room. “I can blast doors open too.”

  “Good job,” Frost smiled while pulling out one of the swords he’d looted from the eight slayers’ inventories and advanced on the screaming guards. He scanned and saw none of them were over level thirty, so he adjusted his power accordingly and started attacking with the flat of his blade. Within moments they were flat on their backs. He needed to conserve as much energy as he could. He probably shouldn’t even have used as much as he did on the gate. “Think they’re behind that door?”

  “We can only hope handsome,” Brynn said while playing another powerful series of notes on her flute forcing the enormous doors open. “Jackpot.”

  “Did we interrupt a party?” Frost asked as he looked around at the anxious nobles. He was a little surprised they weren’t running away in terror and then he noticed the two high-level guards glaring at him. Behind the guards was a young dark-haired man on a throne and standing next to him was Duke Raullon. “Oh, Raullon, just the person I wanted to see.”

  “Herald Frost,” the duke said with a sickeningly familiar tone. “We weren’t expecting you back so soon. I assume…”

  “Save it,” Frost interrupted while looking around the room. Several of the nobles seemed to be inching toward the side exits while others attempted to move closer to the prince’s guards. None of them seemed to be particularly pleased to see him. “Your eight assassins are dead.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Raullon said convincingly. “Are you saying you were attacked?”

  “Hello brother,” Brynn said cheerfully. “Glad to see you in good health.”

  “Brother?” Erik stood up to get a closer look of the butler standing next to Frost and after a few moments his face contorted in disgust. “Brynn Hilde.”

  “Princess Brynn Hilde?” Duke Raullon winced.

  “Yeah,” Frost nodded. “It seems your eight assassins weren’t nearly as effective as you imagined.”

  “Herald Frost,” Duke Raullon stepped forward. “I assure you that I have no idea what you’re talking about. You can ask anybody in this hall, we were celebrating a peaceful…”

  “Your eight heroes sold you out,” Frost sighed. “Don’t get me wrong Raullon, I don’t blame you for trying to have me killed. Hell, I don’t even blame Prince Erik for trying to have Brynn here killed.”

  “Hey!” Brynn objected.

  “It’s nothing personal,” Frost shrugged. “Prince Erik wants the throne. Eliminating the competition is a straightforward method to achieve it. Additionally, bargaining with me makes him look weak. Allowing the Herald of Shalia to take a piece of Zira’s territory doesn’t reflect well on him.”

  “I assure you that…” Raullon stopped himself. “I suppose there’s nothing I could say to change your mind, is there?”

  “Afraid not Raullon,” Frost answered.

  “In that case I admit that I ordered the heroes to execute you,” Raullon said. “I also ordered the eight slayers of Blackwater to kill threats to Prince Erik’s ascension. But Prince Erik had no knowledge of such arrangements, I acted alone and I alone should be punished.”

  “Good form,” Frost grinned while glancing at Prince Erik. He could imagine Duke Raullon ordering his assassination but ordering the assassination of rival princes, that was a bit above his paygrade. “I believe that executing me was your idea. It was a smart move and if not for Brynn here, it would have worked. That’s how good of an idea it was. I respect that Raullon.”

  “Respect?” Raullon smirked derisively.

  “Yeah,” Frost said. “You saw a potential threat and instantly crafted a brilliant strategy to eliminate it. I should have realized it during our negotiation. It was too sudden and I completely forgot that I was dealing with a noble. Obviously, you didn’t care about the villagers! I underestimated you and overestimated myself. But I’ve learned my lesson. That’s how I know you weren’t foolish enough to order the assassination of Brynn’s family.”

  “I’m afraid you’re mistaken,” Raullon said confidently. “I did in fact order the execution of the prince’s step-siblings. There is no evidence proving…”

  “Duke Raullon,” Frost grinned wickedly. “It doesn’t matter what you say because I’ve already made my decision. Now, all that’s left is for everybody else to choose a side.”

  “Choose a side?” Prince Erik said with disgust.

  “I have no intention of killing anybody in here other than Duke Raullon and Prince Erik,” Frost said while staring at the prince’s guards. “Step aside and let me exact my revenge or die with them.”

  The nobility murmured for a moment before unanimously deciding to step back towards the walls of the great hall while the two bodyguards to the prince drew their weapons. Raullon pulled out an ornate gem encrusted staff and took position behind them as support.

  “Really?” Frost sighed.

  “I will offer you the head of Duke Raullon,” Prince Erik said while nodding at the duke. “He’s admitted to acting on his own. But if you wish to take mine, Sir Adamus and Sir Isaac will protect me with their lives. And they were assigned to me by my father himself.”

  “Afraid that’s not going to work for us,” Frost said while pushing his blade into the red. He had a hell of a lot of durability in his new sword and as far as he knew, he didn’t earn a bonus for saving it.

  “Suit yourselves,” Prince Erik smirked while gesturing toward the door behind the throne. “Then you get nothing. Let’s go.”

  “Your majesty,” Duke Raullon nodded while following the prince toward the exit along with his note-taking son.

  Sir Isaac and Sir Adamus shifted themselves to remain between the prince and Frost as the group left the main hall. Several other nobles sought the nearest exists as well.

  “Frost sweetie,” the petite bard said irritably. “I’m going to be very upset if he escapes.”

  “I know,” Frost said while rushing toward Sir Isaac. Sir Adamus instantly created dozens of small barriers layered in front of his shield and moved to intercept Frost. The holy knight’s barriers shattered but reduced his power enough to easily deflect the blow with his shield. “This is going to be tough.”

  “Above you!” Brynn yelled as Sir Isaac covered himself in lightning and launched himself over Sir Adamus. Frost jumped backward avoiding the electrified strike by the spellblade as Sir Adamus followed up with an attempted shield bash.

  The two fighters worked in complete harmony. As soon as Frost dodged the attack from one, the other would already be in motion. Adamus was trying to stun, disorient, or slow him while Isaac was attempting to capitalize on the opportunities Adamus was creating. Unlike the pervious heroes, these two worked in complete harmony.

  “Brynn,” Frost moved to intercept Isaac as he rushed toward her. “Get out of here.”

  “No,” Brynn answered while practically floating to a far corner of the room past a congregation of terrified nobles trying to escape. Isaac shifted toward her as Adamus kept Frost occupied. It was a smart move since Brynn couldn’t handle either of them head to head.

  “I could handle them better if you were safe,” Frost said as Adamus’ protective barriers blocked another attack. The holy knight was practically a paladin already with the way he was layering the barriers to absorb the attacks. He was even adding flexibility to them to increase the amount of force they could withstand. “Dammit.”

  “I said I’d be fine!” Brynn yelled while creating a piercing shriek from her flute causing half the room to fall and staggering Isaac. “Just focus on your own fight!”

  She was right, he couldn’t risk looking away from Adamus and there was a good chance that Isaac was only attacking Brynn to draw him in. So far, he was doing a good job avoiding Isaac’s electrified strikes and wearing Adamus down. The problem was the longer it took to defeat Adamus the less likely it was they’d catch up with the prince and duke.
r />   Adamus’ blocking was without a doubt level ten allowing him to easily negate any of Frost’s attacks. It was also likely that his barrier spell was maxed out and he was choosing to utilize smaller barriers for efficiency. A five-point slash was probably fast enough that he couldn’t block it required a lot of strength. Additionally, the holy knight would probably just swap to a larger barrier like Lady Filara had used.

  “Isaac!” Adamus yelled as four barriers closed in around Frost. He quickly shattered them, but they delayed him enough for Isaac to come charging in with his electrified blade. He hadn’t anticipated that Adamus would use the barrier spell offensively. In games, it was primarily defensive but, in this world, it was more versatile.

  “Shit,” Frost said as he jumped to avoid the attack. “Brynn!”

  Brynn played a powerful note launching Frost to the far side of the room and allowing him to escape the attack. He was lucky she didn’t listen to him and decided to stay.

  “Hey handsome,” Brynn said while watching Frost struggle. “Maybe we should fall back after all.”

  “No,” Frost said while searching through his abilities. His level surpassed theirs, but he was making the same mistake he’d made with the giants. He was relying on brute force rather than finesse. The way Sir Adamos used those barriers reinforced that. He was also still thinking in terms of game mechanics, not real world applications. “I’m not going to let Raullon and the prince escape.”

  “We can always get them later,” Brynn said. “You’re still…”

  “It’s fine,” Frost said. “I have you to support me. If I can’t trust my future wife to have my back, who can I trust?”

  “Oh-okay,” Brynn blushed while returning to her flute. The nobles had all but cleared out leaving the room to the four combatants.

  “You’re strong, herald,” Isaac said respectfully. “But you should listen to your comrade.”

  “Isaac,” Adamus shook his head. “We can’t let them escape.”

  “Ah,” Isaac smirked. “You’re right. Sorry about that.”

  Frost didn’t have enough abilities. Maybe if he knew some type of dispelling magic or even had his own barriers. Or even something as offensively powerful as Isaac’s electrical attack. He didn’t have anything that could break through the combination of Adamus’ blocking and Isaac’s electrical attack would fry him if it so much as touched his sword.

  “Oh,” Frost nodded to himself. “There’s an idea.”

  Frost rushed toward Isaac and Adamus moved to intercept as before. Frost instantly shattered the barriers as the electrified Isaac launched himself overhead like before. It was going just as Frost planned as he dropped his sword.

  “What?” Adamus looked on in horror as the sword landed on the ground and Frost moved to grab his shield. The holy knight seemed to instant realize what Frost was going for but it was too late. “Isaac! Stop!”

  “Huh?” Isaac said as Frost dodged his attack and grabbed his wrist. “Shit!”

  The electricity from Isaac’s attack surged through Frost dealing damage but not nearly as much as what was dealt to Adamus at the end of the chain. The holy knight flew backward into the wall like he’d just been struck by a lightning bolt and fell to the ground as Frost dashed away. His entire body tingled and spasmed randomly.

  “Ho-holy sh-shit,” Frost said as his arm twitched. Isaac rushed toward him and he moved to dodge but found his body a little bit difficult to control. He barely evaded the series of strikes and as he tumbled away his leg randomly gave out causing him to fall. “F-fuck.”

  “Hands off my fiancé,” Brynn said as she blasted Isaac away with a powerful gust of wind. The petite bard helped Frost to his feet as Isaac positioned himself for another attack. “Frost?”

  “I’m fine,” Frost said as his arm spasmed. He reached into his bag and pulled out Sir Thomas’ staff as Isaac rushed toward him at full speed. Frost gripped it with both hands and infused it with power well beyond its limits and swung right before Isaac reached him.

  “Wha…” the force of the swing caused Isaac to launch backward into the wall knocking him unconscious as the staff shattered into shards of metal. Frost dropped to his knees exhausted and looked inward to gauge is power. It felt like he could collapse any second but he still appeared to have some power left.

  “Let’s go,” Frost said while walking toward the door.

  “You need rest,” Brynn grabbed his arm. “You’ve been at this for days.”

  “If they escape, they won’t come after me directly,” Frost said unfazed by her grip as he dragged her toward the door. “They’ll go after those I care about. I’m not letting them escape.”

  “Fine,” Brynn said irritably. “But I’m taking the lead this time. Got it handsome?”


  Frost followed behind Brynn as the nimble bard rushed through the hallways until they reached the rear exit of the keep. A dozen low level guards were waiting for them but found themselves wanting as Brynn knocked them all to the ground with a single screeching note.

  “Which way?” Brynn said while stepping on the neck of a downed guard.

  “East,” the guard answered as Brynn increased the pressure. Frost mounted one of the horses and pointed it east.

  “Come on,” Frost said lifting Brynn into the front of the saddle before riding off. There were a few dozen horse tracks indicating that they had reinforcements with them but no wagon tracks. “We’ll catch up.”

  “Oh,” Brynn smirked while lifting her flute to her lips. “I know.”

  Between Brynn’s playing and Frost’s horse-riding ability they managed to catch the group just before they arrived at the city gate. Frost’s biggest concern was them closing it after the prince and his cohorts passed through.

  “Hold the reins,” Frost said while handing them over. He pulled out his longbow and infused it with strength that surpassed its durability. He was going to have hardly anything left. “I have an idea.”

  “Take it easy,” Brynn grumbled. “If you collapse, we’re going to be in trouble.”

  “I know,” Frost said while eyeing his target. The guard was already ready to pull down the gate once the prince passed through, but he wasn’t going to allow it. He loosed the arrow.

  “What are you aiming at?” Brynn said as the arrow launched past the soldiers in front of them, nowhere near the actual gate operator. The arrow pinged against a chain shattering it. Brynn realized his target as the portcullis dropped before the prince could pass through. “Nice shot!”

  “I know I said I wouldn’t collapse,” Frost said leaning over his petite companion. “But it’s okay if I just lean on you a little, right?”

  “Lean on me all you want cutie,” Brynn laughed while handing back the reins. The prince and his cohorts turned toward the north and began riding as hard they could as Frost and Brynn closed in. “Just don’t let them escape.”

  “Priscilla,” Frost said while pointing at one of the guards riding in the middle. “We have to save her.”

  “No problem. Watch this,” Brynn said while blasting her flute. A powerful screech echoed throughout the area as if a horde of harpies were flying overhead. Frost felt their horse trembling in terror and if not for his riding skill they would have been thrown off. The same couldn’t be said for the guards in front of them struggling to control their own terrified steeds. “Get ready.”

  “Ready,” Frost said as they neared the soldier carrying Priscilla. The beautiful knight was bound and gagged on the back of the horse but that made everything easier. Brynn played another series of notes and a powerful gust of wind tossed Priscilla into the air allowing Frost to catch her as they rode past. “Shit.”

  “Yeah,” Brynn said while leaning forward due to Priscilla being crammed between them. “Horses aren’t really meant for three riders.”

  “Mmffmfmf!” Priscilla yelled as Frost pulled the gag from her mouth and began cutting her bindings. “The elves! They’re going to…”

; “Already taken care of,” Frost said as they struggled to find a workable position. In the end, Priscilla wrapped her legs around Frost’s waist and arms around his neck as her back pressed against Brynn.

  “Getting a little comfortable there handsome,” Brynn said while glancing over her shoulder. “Make sure you keep your head where it needs to be.”

  “Huh?” Priscilla blushed as she realized the intimacy of their position.

  “Don’t worry Brynn,” Frost smirked as the bouncing of the horse caused Priscilla to continually rub against him. “My head is where it needs to be. Although the other parts aren’t fully within my control.”

  “You know, you’re right. You’re going to be a terrible husband,” Brynn laughed as she played more notes causing the horses around them to buck off their riders. They were almost to the front of the pack and Hansel, Raullon, and Prince Erik were finally in their reach.

  “Hansel!” Raullon yelled as his son started chanting.

  “Wall!” Hansel yelled causing a large wall of earth to burst from the path.

  “Don’t stop,” Brynn said while blowing on her flute and shattering the wall. “No matter what, I’ll handle it. Just catch up. Priscilla is it? Hold up my husband to keep him from passing out, will you?”

  “Husband?” Priscilla said clearly shocked.

  “Not yet I’m not,” Frost winked at Priscilla as her white panties pressed against his groin. “So, if you’re interested…”

  “I said to keep your head where it needs to be handsome,” Brynn said as they galloped through another shattered wall. “Plenty of time for that when this is over.”

  “Hope so,” Frost joked while trying to hide how close to passing out he actually was. “I’m going to push the horse after the next blockage. You ready?”

  “Absolutely,” Brynn said as she shattered the next wall.

  “Hiya!” Frost roared while infusing his horse with a large amount of energy allowing it to push forward. The wind behind them roared and within moments Brynn was finally in range. She blasted her flute as a nightmarish wail pierced their ears.


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