Herald of Shalia

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Herald of Shalia Page 23

by Tamryn Tamer

  “What?” Frost said while glancing around the table. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “You look relaxed. It’s cute,” Brynn said. “I wish you would relax like that with me.”

  “Maybe later,” Frost nodded as he continued to eat like a starved animal as others looked on. He was so hungry he didn’t even care about the awkwardness of it. He reached for the juice and gulped it down before going back to the plates. “So, Commander Grey, about our deal.”

  “It’s in effect,” Commander Grey answered. “My life belongs to you.”

  “Dad!” Priscilla objected. “We talked about this. I’ll take on your debt.”

  “And I said no,” Commander Grey said. “You can tell your mother…”

  “You’re going to be my ambassador to Blackwater,” Frost interrupted. “So, most of your time is going to be spent there.”

  “Ambassador?” Commander Grey looked at Lysandra. “You’re okay with that.”

  “If it’s what the herald wants,” Lysandra nodded.

  “But it’s a prestigious position,” Commander Grey said.

  “You’re the ambassador of a territory that includes one village of fifty and another village of a few hundred,” Frost said. “Which reminds me. Did you happen to pick up that physician that spread the disease in Filan?”

  “We never had time,” Commander Grey grimaced. “The duke had other priorities.”

  “You’ve had three days commander,” Frost said irritably. “Get on it.”

  “I’m not sure we have the authority…”

  “You have my permission,” Brynn said while patting the commander’s shoulder. “Will that suffice?”

  “Yes, my lady,” Commander Grey said while standing from his seat. “I’ll get on it imminently. Out of curiosity, should I bring him back here or?”

  “Take Robin to help search his office and question him,” Frost said. “I want a good relationship with the village so make sure they know it was Robin who discovered the deceit.”

  “But how do you want us to punish him?” Commander Grey asked. “Purposefully spreading a disease to make money…that’s a new one.”

  “Probably not as new as you think,” Frost sighed. Even in his own world physicians committing fraud was rampant. He could only imagine how they acted in one with minimal training required and zero accountability. “He was after money, so take all of his. His home, his practice, his possessions, everything. I’d suggest imprisonment as well but I have no interest in building a prison. Just send him off toward Blackwater and ahead of him send messenger to declare to the citizens what he’s done.”

  “Hm,” Commander Grey nodded. “I was just going to suggest executing him on the spot. But I suppose that works. I’ll take my leave then.”

  “Thank you,” Frost glanced at Priscilla. “Aren’t you going to go with him?”

  “Oh,” Commander Grey shook his head. “She wants to stay here for a while if that’s alright. At least until things die down in Blackwater. She’s still technically a fugitive.”

  “Understood,” Frost nodded while looking down at his empty plates wishing there was more food.

  “On it!” Stormi said as if reading his mind. The elf jumped up and rushed back to the kitchen.

  “So,” Frost said while catching Brynn directing an angry glare at Lysandra. “What’s going on with you two?”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” Lysandra said cheerfully while shooting Brynn a threatening glance. “Lady Brynn and I have been getting along wonderfully.”

  “Just as you requested,” Brynn said unconvincingly. “The elves are important to you, so they are important to me.”

  “Then what’s with the hostility?” Frost said while glancing at them both. It was obvious neither was going to say anything, so Frost turned to somebody who’d be more than happy to tell him everything. “Renna?”

  “Well!” Renna grinned wickedly at Lysandra, clearly intending to use the opportunity to settle some score between them. “Lysandra…”

  “Ensured that nobody disturbed your sleep,” Lysandra interrupted while scowling at Renna. “Lady Brynn has been wonderfully understanding that your rest is important. But there have been disagreements on sleeping arrangements. Nothing for you to concern yourself with.”

  “He’s my fiancé,” Brynn said irritably. “I should have been able to lay down with him.”

  “It’s my bedroom and my bed and I won’t be displaced from my own bed,” Lysandra said sternly.

  “You tried to kick her out of her own room?” Frost said. “That’s not…”

  “I never tried to kick her out,” Brynn said defensively. “That’s a lie!”

  “What?” Lysandra scoffed. “You said that you intended to share a bed with your fiancé. Where was I supposed to sleep then? On the floor? Oh, you weren’t going to kick me out of my room, just my bed! How noble!”

  “Lysandra,” Frost sighed. “I don’t…”

  “It’s a large bed!” Brynn said while gesturing toward the room. “It can easily fit three people!”

  “That’s right!” Renna said angrily. “Even if you didn’t want her in your bed, I still should have been allowed in there!”

  “You would have woken him up,” Lysandra glared at Renna. “We both know what you were after!”

  Frost closed his eyes and focused, reapplying the infertility spell before he forgot.

  “That doesn’t excuse you not letting me lay with him,” Brynn growled. “I have no intention of doing that with him until we’re married!”

  “And I told you I won’t be kicked out of my own bed!” Lysandra objected.

  “I want to sleep with my fiancé!” Brynn said angrily. “What good is marrying somebody that attractive if I can’t even enjoy it!”

  “Stop!” Frost said angrily as Stormi brought out more food. The elf smiled nervously as she set the plates and moved to a far end of the table away from the fighting. “Lysandra, I think there’s been a miscommunication here.”

  “What do you mean?” Lysandra said while glancing at Brynn. “She’s been very clear about…”

  “Brynn,” Frost sighed. “Did you tell Lysandra you were sleeping with me or did you ask her if you could sleep with us?”

  “Us?” Lysandra blushed.

  “I want to sleep with you,” Brynn said angrily. “It’s my right!”

  “But,” Frost sighed. “Do you intend to kick Lysandra out of her bed?”

  “I already said that’s a lie!” Brynn said.

  “Okay,” Frost nodded. “Brynn, Lysandra assumes since you’re a human that you don’t want her in the bed. When you said you intended to sleep with me, she took that to mean only me.”

  “But I never said that!” Brynn objected.

  “Lysandra,” Frost stared at the white-haired elf. “Brynn doesn’t expect you to leave the bedroom or the bed. She wanted to lay with me, with you.”

  “With me?” Lysandra’s expression suggested she was performing a series of complex equations in her head. After a moment she appeared to come to her own answer. “Herald Frost, you’re mistaken. She’s a princess of Zira so she would never…”

  “Gah!” Brynn stood up and pointed at Lysandra. “See! See what I’ve been dealing with! Even after you explained it clearly, she’s not listening!”

  “Just give her a moment,” Frost said while shoveling down more food. “She’ll get there eventually if you stop getting angry. The problem is you two are talking at each other, not to each other.”

  “Huh?” Lysandra retreated into her head as she ran through her formula’s again. After a good minute in silence she turned to Brynn. “Lady Brynn, were you suggesting we share the bed?”

  “Yes,” Brynn said in disbelief.

  “But you’re a…”

  “I know what I am,” Brynn said irritably. “And Frost has already told me how much the elves mean to him and that if our marriage is going to work out, I have to be okay with that.”

p; “Well,” Lysandra blushed. “This is somewhat embarrassing. I’m very sorry for the misunderstanding.”

  “What about me!” Renna objected. “If you’re going to let her sleep in the bed then I should be able to sleep in the bed! And he’s awake now so there’s no excuse!”

  “There’s not enough room in my bed for four people,” Lysandra said defiantly.

  “Listen here you old hag,” Renna said while grabbing the empty juice jug threateningly. “You’ve been cuddling with him for three days on your own and I’m about finished…”

  “Renna,” Frost patted the green-haired thief’s head. He slid his fingers through her soft hair and made his way to her ear. She immediately calmed down and went back to snuggling with him as he stroked the tip of her long pointy ear. He’d only intended to come down to get some food and drinks but it was obvious he couldn’t just run off back to bed on his own. “I’m going to go upstairs to nap a bit more. Want to come with?”

  “What!” Brynn jumped up from her seat. “Why her?”

  “I imagine you and Lysandra are going to want to lay down with me tonight,” Frost said. “I figured it’d…”

  “I’m coming too,” Brynn insisted. “I don’t have anything to do in this village anyway.”

  “Renna,” Lysandra said politely. “You have chores.”

  “Have Priscilla do them since she’s staying here,” Frost grinned at the knight as the petite elf hugged him. Lysandra pouted jealously as she looked on. He imagined the intimacy would also help his mental state a little bit. “Is that okay?”

  “I suppose I am a guest,” Priscilla said.

  “Is it okay?” Renna asked excitedly.

  “Fine,” Lysandra said as she cuddled against him. “But Herald Frost, are you getting bored of me by chance?”

  “What?” Frost laughed at the amethyst-eyed elf. “Never. But somebody needs to turn the village and I have all night to lay with you.”

  “You still intend to lay with me tonight?” Lysandra blushed. “Even though you have Lady Brynn, Renna, and Lady Priscilla?”

  “What?” Priscilla choked on the juice she was drinking.

  “Priscilla?” Frost laughed and shook his head. “I’m not sleeping with the commander’s daughter.”

  “The commander’s daughter?” Priscilla said indigently. “I’m my own person.”

  “I know,” Frost reassured her. “And you’re a great person. But, I’m not about to sleep with his daughter. Especially when I have Brynn, Lysandra, Renna, and at least another two dozen elves willing to lay with me.”

  “At least,” Stormi giggled.

  “Fine,” Priscilla said angrily. “It’s not like I intended to lay with you anyway. It’s just a little offensive is all.”

  “Lysandra,” Frost smiled at his gorgeous white-haired elf. “I intend to sleep with you as long as you’ll let me.”

  “Herald Frost,” Lysandra’s face turned bright red.

  “Come on sexy,” Brynn tugged his arm. “And by the way, we’re going to have a long talk about how romantic you are toward the elves compared to me. All I get are objections and reluctance while they get romantic overtures? I don’t think so. I don’t care how handsome you are, there are limits to my tolerance.”

  “The elves make it easier to be romantic,” Frost said as Renna turned and stuck her tongue out at Lysandra.

  “Try not to fade away while we’re gone you ghoul,” Renna said mockingly.

  “Most of them anyway,” Frost said.

  “Is Lysandra old?” Brynn said with a wicked grin.

  “She’s ancient,” Renna said cheerfully as they walked up the stairs. “Find the oldest mountain on the continent and she was probably there when it was only a hill.”

  “Renna,” Lysandra said sweetly. “I just remembered Rania and Sumina need extra help in the stables since we’re caring for so many horses. I’ll let them know you’ll be available to help all day tomorrow.”

  “What?” Renna said. “That’s not fair!”

  “You really should know better,” Frost laughed as he pulled Renna into the master bedroom. “She really doesn’t like being teased about her age.”

  Frost removed his shirt and pants before crawling beneath the covers of the bed. His head found a pillow and he turned to watch as Renna quickly stripped down to her white underwear. But the petite elf didn’t stop there as she removed her tight tank top and panties.

  “Is that how you sleep?” Brynn watched with a nervous look as the naked elf shamelessly crawled into bed with Frost and pressed her body against his. She looked toward the windows for any sign of curtains in hopes of dimming the room but quickly realized that unless she could put out the sun, the room would remain well lit.

  “You don’t have to join us,” Renna said while snuggling into Frost’s chest. The slender elf lifted a leg to wrap around him and he felt her soft warm pussy press against his hip. “I can comfort him on my own.”

  “I’m fine,” the short-haired bard said while taking a deep breath. She tossed off her coat and started unbuttoning her shirt revealing a surprisingly feminine pink camisole. She folded her clothes neatly and placed them on a chair before unbuckling her pants.

  “Wow,” Frost said as Brynn slid her pants down revealing her lacy pink panties and athletic thighs. Even though her hair was short, her femininity was undeniable as she stood in front of him. “I wouldn’t have guessed pink.”

  “I like cute things,” Brynn said while timidly playing with the bottom of her camisole. If Frost had ever viewed her as boyish those thoughts washed away as he stared at her in her undergarments. Her facial features were soft and although her chest was smaller it fit her athletic frame nicely. She had a surprisingly defined abdomen and her waist tapered in just enough to give her hips a sexy curve. “I am a princess after all.”

  “Are you coming to bed princess?” Frost said while staring at her athletic thighs. His cock was getting hard just thinking of having them wrapped around his head. He smiled as he she anxiously fiddled with her top, clearly trying to decide whether to remove it or not. “Just wear whatever you’re comfortable with.”

  “But she,” Brynn tiled her head at Renna as she noticed the movement of her hips beneath the sheet. “Is she doing what I think she’s doing?”

  “Uhh,” Frost guilty smiled as he felt Renna’s pussy sliding on his thigh. “Yes?”

  “You understand that there are things I can’t do handsome,” Brynn said while stepping toward the bed. “Even though I really want to do them, I need to be pure for our union. Does that disappoint you?”

  “Brynn,” Frost stared as she walked to the opposite side of the bed and waited for an answer. “You don’t disappoint me at all. Although you’re a little bit possessive.”

  “Well,” Brynn climbed into bed next to him and wrapped her arm across his chest. “To be fair, I do quite literally own you.”

  “I suppose,” Frost said as Renna licked his chest. His thigh was completely covered in her juices as the petite elf pushed against him harder. Renna’s hand slid down his abdomen until her fingers touched the base of his cock causing even more blood towardit. “Renna. I’m supposed to be resting.”

  “Hm?” Brynn looked down and watched as the covers rose. Frost may have wanted to sleep a little longer but Renna seemed to have other plans entirely. Brynn peaked under the covers as Renna wrapped her fingers around Frost’s thick cock and began slowly stroking it. The cute bard let out an audible gasp.

  “Since Lady Brynn can’t help you, I’ll just have to take care of you all by myself,” Renna moaned teasingly while grinding on his thigh. “Isn’t that right Lady Brynn? Unless you want to…”

  “I can’t,” Brynn bit her lip as she watched Renna slowly stroke him. Frost could feel Brynn’s heart pounding as she watched Renna leisurely stroke his cock and grind on his hip. Brynn kissed his shoulder as she pressed her body against him. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry,” Frost said
while giving her a peck on the lips. “You can still kiss me, right?”

  “Yes,” Brynn said while parting her lips to accept his tongue. “Kissing is okay.”

  Frost invaded Brynn’s mouth as Renna stroked his cock. As hungry and thirsty as he’d been, he was finding himself equally ravenous in other ways. His cock was already throbbing incessantly.

  “Frost,” Renna moaned slowing her movements. The petite elf kissed his chest as she prepared to climb on top of him. “I’ve missed you. Can we?”

  “Brynn,” Frost pulled away and smiled as he got an idea. “Do you want to be involved?”

  “Don’t be mean handsome,” Brynn whined as she slid her chest against him. “You know I can’t. But I promise once we’re married, I plan on breaking you like a wild horse.”

  “I look forward to it,” Frost chuckled while biting her lower lip. “But there are other ways to be involved. Maybe if you ask nicely, Renna could act as your surrogate.”

  “Huh?” Brynn glanced at the green-haired elf and realized what he was talking about. In truth, the two of them were similar. Petite but athletic bodies and they both had short hair. Although Renna’s hair was green and her body was tan.

  “Is that okay with you Renna?” Frost asked as Renna smiled playfully. “If Brynn gave you instructions?”

  “Hmm,” Renna kissed her way across Frost’s chest and then began moving upward. She stopped less than an inch from Brynn’s blushing face. “It might be fun. But I want something. A kiss.”

  “A kiss?” Brynn said confused.

  “I want to be kissed by a princess,” Renna said assuredly. “It’ll make everybody jealous.”

  “You want a kiss from me?” Brynn glanced at Frost. “You’re okay with this?”

  “I mean,” Frost shrugged. “I’ll be a little bit jealous but it’s not like you’re going behind my back having a secret relationship.”

  Frost chuckled to himself as he realized that his ability to cope with his jealousy was probably linked to his ability to cope with killing. He was somehow secure and well-balanced despite being in situations that would have normally given him a heart attack.


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