Herald of Shalia

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Herald of Shalia Page 25

by Tamryn Tamer

  “Sorry?” Frost started to step back as Ena changed gears again and pulled him back in while wrapping her legs around him.

  “No,” Ena said fearfully while pulling him close and kissing his chest. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, love me. Love me like you do Lysandra. That’ll make everything better. I didn’t mean to yell…”

  “Maybe I should get Lysandra,” Frost said nervously.

  “Why?” Ena said angrily. “So you can fuck her instead of me? That’s it, isn’t it? You think it’s funny to lead me on? To make me feel like this? Do you enjoy toying with my feelings?”

  “Ena?” Frost tried to pull himself from her grasp but she refused to release him.

  “I’m so sorry,” Ena said frantically. “I didn’t mean to yell, please, don’t be mad. Don’t get Lysandra. It’ll be fine. Just keep hugging me. Don’t look at me like that!”

  “What’s going on,” Frost said apprehensively.

  “Frost!” Brynn ran into the kitchen wearing his tunic which looked like a dress on her and her boots. “We have to go, now!”

  “Get back here Brynn!” Lysandra screamed. “It’s your fault he didn’t stay in bed to cuddle, isn’t it! Paralyze!”

  “Shit,” Brynn shifted out of sight to avoid the spell. “Now, now, now. Let’s go, go, go!”

  “Go?” Ena glared at Brynn with murderous intent. “Do you think you can just take him from us you human whore? I heard about you! Walking around telling everybody you’re going to be his wife! Just because you’re human you think you can come and steal him from us? He’s the Herald of Shalia! He belongs to us!”

  “Uhh,” Frost tried to break away.

  “Frost?” Ena kissed his chest. “It’s her fault, isn’t it? It’s her fault you won’t ravage me right now, right? Should I take care of her?”

  “Frost,” Brynn gestured to the door. “We need to go now, before more of them wake up.”

  “What’s going on?” Frost asked while trying to decide what to do. “Is this some kind of spell?”

  “No, it’s their purge week!” Brynn said frantically. She pointed at Ena. “That’s just the beginning and there are fifty of them!”

  “Wait,” Frost said while finally managing to break from Ena’s grip. “How bad does it get?”

  “Elf purges make my cycle look like a royal celebration,” Brynn said while moving toward the kitchen’s back door. “Sorry handsome, you can stay if you want but I’m going to disappear and won’t be back for five to seven days. Elves are fucking crazy during their purges.”

  “Liar!” Ena yelled while grabbing a knife and throwing it across the kitchen. “I’ll kill you!”

  “Holy fuck,” Frost rushed after Brynn.

  “Herald Frost!” Ena yelled. “Don’t go! I’m fine! Look, smiling! Just don’t leave and I promise I’ll be happy! Don’t you dare leave me! This is all that whore’s fault isn’t it?”

  “Lysandra was right!” Fayeth, Renna, and Lysandra burst into the kitchen naked holding weapons. “That human bitch plans to steal him from us!”

  “Herald Frost!” Lysandra said through clenched teeth. “Do you intend to abandon us? And you! Even after I let you lay with him in my bed!”

  “Do you think we’ll let you take him?” Fayeth said while nocking an arrow and aiming at Brynn. “You’re not stealing the herald!”

  “Frost,” Brynn smiled at him. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry?” Frost asked as Brynn pushed him into the room and rushed out the back door on her own. “Shit!”

  “Get back here Frost!” Renna yelled while rushing after him naked. An arrow from Fayeth’s bow narrowly missed his leg as he rushed out the back door of the kitchen in his underwear.

  “Oh shit,” Frost said as he slammed the door behind himself and looked around. Brynn already had a head start and she was heading straight toward the horses tied outside of Commander Grey’s encampment. He sprinted after her as Renna came rushing out the door behind him. “Wait for me!”

  “Please don’t go!” Renna cried. “I love you! I’m sorry if I upset you!”

  “Herald Frost!” Fayeth yelled as she came barging out. Any other time he would have loved to admire her gorgeous curves but there wasn’t a chance in hell he was staying in the village while they went crazy. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you! I promise! I’m so sorry for shooting! I don’t know what came over me! Are you even listening?”

  “What’s the commotion?” Sir Malcolm came barreling out of his tent with a sword in hand. “Lady Brynn, why are you stealing one of our horses?”

  “Frost!” Brynn reached out and helped Frost up and handed him the reins. Brynn turned to Sir Malcolm and grimaced. “Where’s Commander Grey?”

  “He went to Filan to deal with the physician, remember?” Sir Malcolm asked. “That doesn’t answer what’s going on here.”

  “Okay,” Frost nodded. “When you see the commander tell him we’re borrowing a horse. We’ll be back after their purge week is over.”

  “Whose?” Sir Malcolm asked gesturing at the two elves running toward him. “You’re running from them? Sure, purges are bad but it’s only a few…”

  “Women’s cycles sync up you idiot,” Brynn yelled as they started to ride away. “The entire village is probably on the same cycle!”

  “The entire…what the fuck did you just say?” Sir Malcolm yelled while stumbling back to his tent. “Everybody up! Now! Now! Now! We’re leaving! Double time!”

  The commotion faded quickly as Frost and Brynn rode through the forest. He had no idea what they were going to do with him only in his underwear and Brynn in his tunic and some boots. But he figured they only needed to hide for five or six days.

  “Think we should go to Filan?” Frost asked.

  “Little bit close,” Brynn answered. “Blackwater?”

  “Do have friends in Blackwater?” Frost asked as they rode off. “Since we don’t have any weapons, money, or clothes. And they won’t kill us on sight, will they?”

  “It’s fine,” Brynn said cheerfully. “We’ll figure it out.”

  “Are the elves going to be okay?” Frost said timidly. “They’re not going to hurt each other, are they?”

  “They’ll be fine,” Brynn said. “I’m mostly worried about Priscilla. The knights can all escape but she doesn’t really have anywhere else to go.”

  “Oh, shit,” Frost laughed as he realized that Priscilla’s fugitive status prevented her from wandering around freely. “Poor Priscilla.”

  “You sound amused,” Brynn laughed with him. “But as long as it’s not us, right handsome?”

  “Absolutely,” Frost chuckled. “I’m such a bastard. They won’t hurt her, will they?”

  “Nah,” Brynn answered. “I mean, probably not. They’ll probably scream at her a lot, apologize, scream at her some more.”

  “But Ena threw a knife at you,” Frost said.

  “More of a toss really,” Brynn smiled nervously. “I’m sure Priscilla will be fine. They’ll probably just spend the entire week alternating between screaming at her and crying at her. Don’t know what she’s going to do for the tail end of it though.”

  “Tail end?” Frost asked. “What do you mean?”

  “I probably shouldn’t say,” Brynn said hesitantly. “But they get insanely lustful during the tail end of the week after their purging is done. Like, crazy lustful. The elf servants at the mansion I grew up in, I swear it went on for like a full day. Frost, what are you doing?”

  “Huh?” Frost looked down and realized the horse had stopped as he considered turning around. He got his mind back in the game and started riding toward Blackwater again. He figured it was about a day’s ride there so they’d arrive on day two which left about three or four days for the remainder of the purge. “So, does it normally last…”

  “You’re awful,” Brynn said judgmentally. “I know what you’re thinking and you’re awful.”

  “I don’t want them to feel abandoned,” Frost said defensively.
That’s right, they had abandonment issues, so it was important for him to return as soon as it was safe. He just needed to avoid the worst of it. “They’ll feel…”

  “I see right through you sexy,” Brynn sighed. “And it normally lasts five or six days but it’s probably safe to return around day four. You know, you could at least try to make me feel wanted.”

  “I do want you,” Frost said wrapping one of his arms around her and burying his face in her neck. “But you won’t let me have you until we’re married.”

  “Stop it,” Brynn laughed while pushing him away. “We’ll just have to make the wedding happen as soon as possible then handsome. But first, we need to get through the next couple days.”

  It wasn’t long before they arrived at Nemisol Bridge where the soldiers immediately recognized them. Frost was impressed that despite being absolutely terrified they stood their ground and insisted on questioning them on their reason for heading toward Blackwater.

  Once Frost explained their reason for heading to Blackwater the soldiers relaxed a little and several struggled not to laugh. In the end, they let him pass without issue but suggested he not cause any trouble.

  A short ride later and they were at the gates of Blackwater where once again, Frost was immediately recognized by one of the guards who rushed to get reinforcements. Rather than attempting to break through, Frost waited patiently, and a familiar face eventually arrived.

  “Herald Frost,” Sir Adamus nodded as he approached. He smiled as he glanced at Frost in his underwear and Brynn in his oversized tunic. “I somehow doubt bandits did that. And if I’m not mistaken that’s Sir Drake’s horse. Mind explaining yourselfs?”

  “The elves are purging,” Brynn said as if nothing else were needed.

  “Oh,” Sir Adamus said. “All of them?”

  “Yes,” Brynn nodded

  “Bwahaha!” Sir Adamus burst out laughing as several of the soldiers joined in nervously. “Caught you off guard, did it?”

  “A little,” Frost sighed.

  “He knew ahead of time but didn’t say anything,” Brynn gestured at Frost. “Apparently he thought it’d be like a human’s cycle.”

  “Not even close,” Sir Adamus continued to laugh. “I don’t suppose either of you have any money?”

  “Afraid not,” Frost said. “Don’t suppose I could…”

  “We’ll be fine,” Brynn interrupted. “Blackwater bank has a direct line to the bank of Falion and I have plenty of rel in my account there.”

  “Good,” Sir Adamus nodded. “We don’t really like letting beggars into the city. No offense. Also, that’s probably not going to be your biggest issue.”

  “What do you mean?” Frost asked as Adamus scratched his neck. “Just spit it out.”

  “Well,” Sir Adamus chuckled. “Most inns and shops aren’t going to deal with you.”

  “Because I killed the prince and duke?” Frost nodded.

  “Nah,” Sir Adamus waved his hand like it was no big deal. “There were a lot of witnesses to that and the people decided it was a dispute between nobles. It’s actually the elf thing.”

  “The elf thing?” Frost asked.

  “You know,” Sir Adamus leaned forward and lowered his voice. “In the bedroom.”

  “Oh!” Frost laughed. “You’re serious? People won’t serve me because I have sex with the elves?”

  “Eck!” Several soldiers simultaneously looked away as if they were going to be sick.

  “I don’t get it,” Frost sighed. “Are you all blind?”

  “You’re not going to change anybody’s mind on this,” Sir Adamus said. “I’ve traveled a lot so it’s not the first time I’ve come across a degenerate and I understand you’re just kind of odd folk.”

  “Degenerate?” Frost looked to Brynn for some guidance but all she did was shrug.

  “I don’t mean any offense,” Sir Adamus said. “All I’m saying is that I understand that there are people in the world who don’t necessarily care what they stick their cock in.”

  “For fuck sake,” Frost sighed. “Whatever. So, you’re saying that nobody is going to do business with me because I’m a degenerate.”

  “No respectable business anyway,” Sir Adamus said. “Maybe the demis in the northwestern part of the city or some of the street gangs. But even they aren’t too fond of followers of Shalia. But I imagine they’ll still probably take your rel. The princess of course will be accepted anywhere, as long as it’s not with you.”

  “Don’t worry handsome,” Brynn said teasingly. “I won’t be leaving you on your own.”

  “Anyway,” Sir Adamus sighed. “If you’re insistent on entering the city I can’t stop you. But everybody’s still reeling from the death of the prince and Hansel is doing his best until the replacement arrives. So try not to cause any trouble. Alright?”

  “You got it,” Frost grinned as Sir Adamus moved to the side to let them enter. “See you later.”

  “Let’s hope not,” Sir Adamus said.

  As they rode down the street looking for a bank the citizens of Blackwater pointed and stared. Frost wasn’t sure if they were pointing because he was in his underwear or because they recognized him, but he was feeling a little exposed.

  “Bank should be here somewhere,” Brynn said as the road widened to cover a large area. Frost didn’t notice much during his last visit but at the time he wasn’t sightseeing. She pointed to a large building that looked almost like a fortress. “There it is.”

  “Great,” Frost said as they approached the bank and tied their horse up. “Should I stay here and watch the horse?”

  “No need,” Brynn pointed at several guards watching them. “They’re not going to let anybody steal a horse from a bank.”

  Frost followed Brynn in as she walked up to the counter. It was oddly like the banks in his world except there were no tables or office areas. It was simply a bunch of bank tellers behind counters.

  “Welcome to Blackwater Bank,” the teller said cheerfully as they approached. Frost scanned the teller and several of the others quickly moved into a defensive formation. Similar to how it was when he tried to scan Brynn, he couldn’t scan the tellers. He turned off his scan and they all went back to work. “How may we assist you today?”

  “I need to make a withdrawal,” Brynn said while placing her hand on the orb. “Five hundred rel should be enough.”

  “Rel?” Frost asked confused. He’d heard the term used a few times before but never really stopped to ask about it. “I just realized I haven’t needed any money.”

  “Of course not sexy,” Brynn said as a light shot from the orb and coursed through her body before returning. “Country folk typically barter. But in cities they’re not really interested in that. Rel is the standard currency and its value is regulated by the banker’s guild.”

  “We’ll have your funds shortly Lady Brynn,” the banker said while placing her hand on another orb. A moment later the teller turned around and pulled a handful of strange looking coins from a drawer. The coins were different sizes, colors, and each had unique markings. “One, two, three, four hundred. Fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, and five hundred.”

  “Thank you,” Brynn said while taking the coins and handing them to Frost. “I don’t have a bag to store them so hold onto them until we can buy a satchel.”

  “Okay,” Frost said as he tightened his grip on the small coins.

  “Will that be all today Lady Brynn?” the teller asked politely.

  “Yes, thank you,” Brynn said.

  “In that case have a wonderful day and thank you for using Blackwater Bank,” the teller said as they turned to leave.

  “How did they know you have money in your account?” Frost asked as they stepped outside and climbed on their horse. “Do you have an account there?”

  “They utilize communication orbs,” Brynn answered but quickly realized that might not be clear enough. “So, a communication orb is basically a pre
cious gemstone infused with magic. You can use them to communicate with other orbs that have been connected to it but the range is limited by the strength of the magic user making them fairly useless to most people. The bankers guild though, they established a network of orbs allowing them to communicate long distances. All the banks report to the central bank whenever a deposit or withdrawal is made, and the central bank keeps a record of everything. Although there are various fees incurred which is why most commoners don’t use it.”

  “Got it,” Frost said pensively. “I noticed I couldn’t scan her.”

  “Oh,” Brynn smiled. “The bank employs obscenely powerful magic users. It’s one of the most prestigious jobs there is. Can you scan me?”

  “No,” Frost answered. “I was going to ask about that.”

  “I’m a level fifty-two bard,” Brynn smiled. “But I have an ability that’ll negate any scan unless the person exceeds my mental strength by double. The tellers have the same ability.”

  “Good to know,” Frost said as he looked around the large market area full of stores. “Where we going next? Adamus said these stores weren’t likely to sell to me.”

  “If we go to the northwest part of the city we should reach the demihuman area,” Brynn said. “Every city has one since they need people to do jobs like cleaning, sewer maintenance, and other tasks nobody wants to do. They should also have stores up there that’ll sell to you.”

  “Do you want to shop here?” Frost asked as he noticed several nice storefronts. “I’m sure they’ll still sell to you.”

  “Any establishment that won’t sell to my handsome fiancé isn’t an establishment I’ll be visiting,” Brynn said. “But I appreciate you offering cutie.”

  Frost climbed on the horse and turned it toward the nearest road heading north.


  The roads heading north were a lot narrower and not nearly as well kept as the main road, but they were serviceable. While leaving the main road they passed a lot of houses which he’d probably describe as middle class but before long they started getting smaller. Then the small multi-family homes started popping up and beyond that they started seeing houses that were a little nicer than the elves’ cottages in the forest except crammed together.


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