I didn’t know what he had planned. Caid Burke was going to break me, I just knew it.
Thursday, July 11 — 7:07 pm
Maggie called to let me know she was running late. A last minute deal at her firm was about to fall through and WW&W needed all hands on deck. She promised to bring home Chinese and a bottle of wine. I told her I would have settled on ice cream, but Chinese sounded good.
I laid in the bathtub for so long that my fingers and toes had begun to prune. I climbed out once the water cooled and wrapped myself in a towel. Flipping my hair around into a curly, messy mop of a bun atop my head, I padded into the kitchen and poured a glass of water.
Maggie: Be home in 5. I forgot my keys,
can you let me in?
Me: Of course. C U soon.
I set the glass down just as a light knock rapped on the wooden door. I smiled as I walked toward it, happy to see Maggie, and even happier to chow down on a bowl of sweet and sour spareribs.
“Thank God, I’m starv—”
“Hello, love.”
Caid stood in the doorway. Caid. Not Maggie. He held a white paper bag with a take-out receipt taped to it. It was the Chinese. Oh, sweet Mother of Pearl. He wore jeans with a rip in the knee, frayed and tattered at his feet, a white V-neck tee and a biggest smile I’d ever seen.
“W—what are you doing here?”
“Starting the weekend early. Do you always open the door in…that?” Caid’s eyes travelled down my towel-wrapped body and back up. Ever. So. Slowly. As if he were licking my skin with his mere sight.
My breath caught in my throat and I flushed. I pushed away the feeling of modesty and answered. “Well, I was hoping you were the guy from 46E.” I smirked.
Caid blinked, looked down the hallway and sighed. “You mean the old guy wearing the Indiana Jones man-purse?”
I peeked out the door. Forty-Six E was standing outside his door, unlocking it. Before I stood back in the apartment, Caid touched my arm. His hand gently wrapped around my skin. His thumb brushed feathery wisps, and I lost my ability to inhale again.
“I hope you’ll settle for me, Emery. After all, I don’t see 46E holding a bag of Chinese.”
I hope that’s not all you’ve got for me. “Mr. Burke, would you please come in?” I smiled sweetly and excused myself before turning on my heel and walking briskly to my bedroom to dress. I felt his eyes on me the entire time.
I was going to kill Maggie.
Or bow down to, thank and tell her I’d be forever in her debt.
Me: Explanation. NOW.
Maggie: Later, love. You’ll be busy for a while.
Me: You’re the best worst friend ever.
Maggie: Save a fortune cookie for me.
Me: Where are you anyway?
Maggie: With Ellie at Leland’s.
I’ve been here for an hour.
Me: Mags!
Maggie: Emery! Stop wasting your time
texting me. Go get your chicken balls
with a side of pounding.
I shook my head and tossed my phone on the bed. I dressed in a pair of yoga pants and a plain black t-shirt. I figured that if I came out in a dress, it would just be weird. He’s already seen me drunk, passed out, in a towel with a hot mess of hair on my head…he’s witnessed all my glory. No point in getting fancy now.
Caid had the coffee table covered with an array of Chinese when I entered the living room. My stomach rumbled as I took in the scent of everything. When he stood and wiped his hands on his jeans, I forgot all about the food. It was him I could smell. His intoxicating scent of man, slight cologne and the sex that oozed from his pores.
“I’m pretty sure they created those pants to drive men crazy.” Caid moved toward me, standing so close that I could feel his hot breath on my skin. “Is that why you wore them, Emery?”
Yes. “It’s the first thing I grabbed.” I whispered. Why did this man have such a profound effect on me? I was two seconds from turning into a puddle on the floor.
Caid took my hand and led me toward the couch. “Maggie told me what you liked. I hope I didn’t miss anything.”
“It looks so good.”
“It does,” he said. I didn’t think he was talking about the food, because he stared at my mouth as he said it.
“Where’s Caleb?”
A smile flickered across his lips and his eyes shimmered. “He’s at his grandparents. His grandfather is feeling well again, so he’ll be there for the next week. They spend two weeks with him every summer.”
“That’s nice. Is he their only grandchild?” I asked, unsure if it was asking for too much information.
“No.” Caid tugged me down to the couch. “Maggie said you wanted wine, but I didn’t bring any. I…” he leaned in and spoke softly into my ear. “Want to re-do last week. Without alcohol.”
I swallowed, tried to breathe and let out a tiny whimper. He was so close, I just wanted to grab his face and pull his lips to mine again. I leaned my cheek into his, feeling the stubble, the tingle from the contact and the racing of my heart.
Caid touched my face, his rough fingers traced my jaw as he gently kissed my other cheek. “Let’s eat before I change my mind about the wine.”
I didn’t want to eat Chinese anymore. I just wanted to drag his body down to mine and have him kiss me again. His touch left a burning line on my face, and I yearned for him to do it again.
“Want to listen to some music? Or I can turn the TV on…” I needed some background noise. It was too quiet. The aura in the room was thick.
“Sure, music would be nice. What do you listen to?” Caid asked, dripping soya sauce onto an egg roll.
“Everything, actually. I like pretty much any genre. What about you? Any requests?” I smiled as I tip-toed to Maggie’s iPod dock.
“Anything’s good with me.”
I selected Maggie’s playlist entitled “Fun and Flirty”, unsure of what I was choosing, but it beat the option of the “Hot and Sweaty” list.
A song from the Pitch Perfect soundtrack played first, I turned it up a little and rejoined Caid on the couch.
“Can I get you anything to drink?” I asked. I suddenly needed something to moisten my dry mouth.
“Water’s fine, thanks.”
I smiled and got up to get two bottles of water from the fridge. When I stepped back into the living room I saw Caid standing by the window looking out into the darkness. “Here you go,” I said, handing him the cool plastic bottle.
“Emery, can I ask you something?” he said, not looking at me. His voice low and quiet.
“Sure?” I said, inquisitive about his tone.
“Why are you wearing a wedding dress in that picture?” he turned his head away from me and nodded toward my open laptop.
Shit, shit!
“Because I was married.”
“Yes, was. I’m divorced now.”
Caid turned to face me, putting his finger under my chin and his thumb on my lip. “What stupid man would let you go?”
A breath caught in my lungs, unable to escape. “I—I don’t know.”
“I’ll tell you, Em. A real fucking stupid arsehole.” He kissed me. Hard. Deep. His tongue swirled into my mouth and his hands moved to my hips, my waist. Tracing the back of his fingers along my skin, hooking them in the elastic waistband of my pants.
“Where do you sleep in this place?” he asked between kisses.
“Down there,” I said, not pointing or nodding anywhere. I couldn’t. I was locked in place.
Caid bent and scooped me up into his arms. He wrapped my legs around his waist and carried me down the hallway. Stopping for a moment to press me up against one of the walls, pushing himself harder against me. My hands gripped his hair, pulling his mouth harder into mine. Greedily lapping his tongue with mine, exploring the inside of his mouth, sucking and taking all of his mouth-wat
ering taste into me.
“Tell Me How You Like It” by Florida Georgia Line softly seeped from the speakers on the iPod as we fumbled into my bedroom. I started to feel as if life was trying to tell me something. If this was the soundtrack of my night, I was thrilled at the direction it was headed.
Caid stepped toward my bed and gently placed me down. I pulled him with me, not wanting to break the perfect connection we had. I may have whimpered a little when he broke our kiss to lift me by my ass to push me higher on the bed. Pushing my legs apart with his knee, Caid climbed up my body. His thick and strong arms strained the fabric of his t-shirt. My hands fumbled with the hem, pulling it up his chest. There was too much material in the way.
I needed to see his body. My fingers ached to touch his taut skin. “Too. Many. Clothes.” I breathed as his mouth ardently placed hot fire across my collarbone.
“Fuck, Em. You taste so good,” Caid said, still kissing and leaving me burning. “I want my tongue on every single inch of your beautiful body.”
Oh, sweet fuck. So do I. “Please,” I moaned.
“Take your hair out,” he said hoarsely.
Through shaky fingers I managed to release the band and let my messy hair fall all around my head.
“God, you’re stunning,” he said as he lifted my shirt up and off my body. His eyes hungrily taking in my naked skin, then settling on the lace of my bra. “You’re perfect, Emery.”
This guy was good. Even if he was just saying it, in the heat of the moment, I drank it up. “Not too bad yourself, Burke,” I whispered, smiling as he leaned down and nipped my lip with his teeth.
“I want to fuck you so badly, you have no idea how hard this is. But I won’t. I can’t. Not yet.” He kissed me again. “You’re too sweet, I need to take my time with you.”
Something in my stomach clenched at his words. I didn’t want him to just fuck me either right away. It hit too close to home. Too close to my painful first time with Matt. I couldn’t stomach the idea of any similarities between the two men.
“Turn over,” Caid commanded.
My eyes widened and I slowly turned my body over, he moved out from between my legs then climbed back on top, straddling my closed legs with his strong ones. He took my hair in his hand and moved it from my naked back, my stomach flipped as his fingertips touched my skin. I wanted to scream out, I didn’t know if I could take any more of this delicious torture. How long was he going to drag this out?
I felt his hot breath before his lips lit up my skin. From shoulder to shoulder, pausing and spending a little time on the nape of my neck, Caid licked and sucked my heated flesh like it was candy. One hand rested on my hip, holding me down. The other was planted firmly on the bed, holding up his own weight.
I could feel the rigid fabric of his jeans against my ass and legs. I knew what was pressing into me, I felt every single inch straining in his pants. I panted, moaned, and gasped with every single touch from his lips.
“I need you, Caid.” I couldn’t handle it anymore. “Please,” I breathed.
He sat up and inched back off the bed, slowly pulling my pants away with him. Suddenly I felt like grabbing the sheets and covering my naked backside. But, I didn’t get the chance. Caid ran his hands up the backs of my legs, over my thighs, around and over my behind and while one hand travelled up my spine, the other gripped and gently palmed my buttock.
Before I could say or cry out anything, I felt it. Caid’s lips kissed me, just as his teeth nipped and grazed along the flesh of my ass.
Oh, no fucking way. He was right. He was the meanest man in the world. The best kind of mean.
“Turn back over, love,” he growled.
Just as I did, he leaned over and flipped on the small lamp on the nightstand. Oh, no. Oh, shit. Light? Really?!
“I want to see you, Em. I want to see it in your eyes when I make you come like no other stupid arsehole has. Don’t look away, keep your beautiful eyes on me, baby.” With one swift movement Caid peeled off his shirt and dropped it on the floor.
I think I may have gasped. Okay, I did. This time I trailed my gaze all over his body. Up and over every soft but tight muscled peak. Every ridge. Eventually wandering down the perfect trail of hair that led into his low-hung jeans.
The tattoos I didn’t get to see before weren’t just on his shoulders. He had Caleb’s name written in large, elegant but manly ink along his side, a Maltese cross on his left pectoral with two dates written underneath. The wisps of ink cascading from his shoulders trailed down over the top of each muscle-clad arm. It was fire. I wanted him to turn around so I could see where the fire began, but I couldn’t speak. Instead I sucked my lip between my teeth and threw all of my inhibitions to the wind.
Caid moved toward me, slowly unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. He opened the flaps, but didn’t pull them down. He wore expensive underwear. The waist band settled on the perfect V of his hips, and through the dark blue color of the cotton I couldn’t miss the mass of what was underneath.
I sat up and reached for him. I wanted to undress him. I was dying to see what was underneath. Embarrassed of the wet spot on the bed beneath me, I pushed it out my mind and focused on what was in front of me.
“It’s only a body, baby,” he breathed, seeing how my fingers trembled as I touched him.
“So is mine,” I said quietly.
Caid chuckled quietly. “Hardly. You’re fucking perfect.” He took my hands in his and guided them to his erection. Pressing my fingers against the stone-hard form beneath the underwear. “Lay back, Em.”
I pouted as he pulled my hands away from his body. Then, I leaned back and instinctively covered my bare breasts with my arm.
Caid shook his head and smiled. “Em, when I said I wanted to see you, I meant all of you. Let me see those perfect tits.”
Fuck. Where was the sweet guy from the pub? Even the playful man who introduced me to his son. He was long gone. The man that stood before me was…menacing, wicked, and damn if I didn’t want him to stick around.
He licked his bottom lip then pulled the corner in between this teeth as he shrugged his jeans to the floor. I knew my eyes gave me away the second Caid’s mouth curled into a grin. His erection bobbed from its own weight, and I blinked a few times to mentally calculate the size and wondered just how he planned on fitting that inside of me.
“Like I said, it’s only a body…” he growled as he lowered himself onto me.
“Hardly.” I mirrored his words.
“I’m going to kiss you now,” Caid whispered as he swirled his tongue around the tight peak of my nipple. I licked my lips in anticipation of his kiss…but it didn’t come. Well, not to my mouth anyway.
Caid moved to my other breast and flicked his velvet tongue again. This time lifting his gaze to meet mine, he let out a wicked chuckle and wrapped his mouth around my nipple, sucking, flicking again, and biting gently. One hand smoothed down my heated skin and slipped between my legs. Caid growled has his hand moved against my slickened sex.
“Fuck,” he growled. “Em…”
I leaned up on my elbows, I needed to see this. I wanted to watch him touch me. Caid kissed farther down my body, down my stomach, dipping his tongue in my belly button. He nipped the corners of my hips just as he slid one finger into me.
I closed my eyes and arched my back, deliciously out of breath from the penetration. And that was only one finger. Just as Caid’s mouth hovered around the top of my sex, I heard his whisper of the word beautiful again. I opened my eyes just as he lowered his tongue to me, sliding one more finger inside. I cried out. I may have cried his name.
A smile ghosted along his face—I saw the dimples. He hummed as just tongue laved into the folds of my pussy, lapping, sucking, and drinking every inch of me. His hands slowly pushed and withdrew with torturous movements. I felt my legs turn to mush, my stomach tightened and my legs clamped around his head.
This was so foreign. Sure, I had written about it. But never. I mean EVER,
had I actually felt that before. Matt went down on me, maybe three or four times. Combined, those never added up to one single percent of what Caid was doing to me. This man knew what he was doing. He mastered the art.
“Caid!” I screamed at the brink of my impending orgasm. “I’m going to come, please, don’t stop.”
Faster and harder Caid’s tongue flicked and rolled over my clit, his fingers pushed through my walls that had clamped down around him and with a final suck of my throbbing flesh, I let go.
I convulsed, as if someone was exorcising me, I cried out—no, I screamed again. I begged for him to stop, but he didn’t. He reached around and held me down with his hands on my hips. My pussy pulsated from the vacancy caused by the removal of his fingers. I ached for their return.
“Emery, that was fucking amazing. You’re incredible.” Caid moved on top of me and licked the corner of my mouth. My tongue instinctively licked where he did, and I tasted myself on him. “Kiss me, love. Taste your sweetness on my tongue.”
I took his face into my hands and kissed him as hard and with as much passion as I could. As I tasted myself I moaned, lapping and sucking his tongue. I couldn’t get enough.
Caid pulled back and grabbed his jeans from the floor. He pulled out a condom and tore the package with this teeth. Shit, that was fucking hot. His eyes didn’t leave me once when he rolled it onto himself. My eyes moved down to his dick. It was still hard, raging and even huge with his big hands around it.
“Come here,” Caid growled, grabbing my chin with his hand and directing me to sit astride him on the bed. He moved my pillows and backed himself up to the headboard. I sat on his lap, careful not to slide onto him just yet—even though my body was screaming at me to do just that. I wanted him to put himself into me, I wanted Caid to touch me.
The glimmer of green in his eyes was enough to send me right over the edge again. He raised his eyebrow wickedly and licked his lips. I placed my hands on his shoulders, my fingers touching the flames on his skin. Then I cupped his face and kissed him, just as he lifted me by my hips and pushed into me.
Freed by Fire Page 10