Dark Calling

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Dark Calling Page 28

by Cheryl McIntyre

  Keely shakes her head. She can feel it through the cord that connects them. He’s mad about something. Sad too. And lying on top of those emotions is bitter jealousy. She does not have the time, or the patience, to deal with this right now. All she wants is a phone and a bed. “Fine. Let’s go.” She takes his hand and in the amount of time it takes her to blink, they are standing in the yard across the street from Nick’s house.

  She sways slightly. Inhales the cool night air. “I guess I’ll talk to you later.”

  “I’ll walk with you. Escort you safely to his door.” Asmoday keeps pace with her, his hands in his pockets. Acts like he’s out on a leisurely stroll.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I appreciate the, uh, ride? But you and Nick don’t exactly get along and this is his house.”

  “I will see you safely to the door before I leave.” He says this with such finality, Keely doesn’t bother to argue. Nick will just have to deal. Asmoday opens the door for her and they go inside the building and down the steps that lead to Nick’s apartment.

  She can hear voices inside and sees light from the crack under the door. “He’s home. Thanks again.” She hesitates at the door, waiting for him to leave. He reaches around her and raps on the door. Keely glares at him. “You said to the door.” She runs her hand up and down indicating the door in front of her. “Go.”

  Asmoday smiles widely at her. “Shortly, Princess.”

  Keely inhales a deep breath, ready to lose her temper, when Bryon opens the door.

  “What’s wrong?” He looks past her to Asmoday and doesn’t know how to react. His hand goes to his pocket on reflex, reaching for his throwing stars.

  “He’s fine, Bry. He just wanted to make sure I got here o.k.”

  “Keely? What’s going on?” Nick stands behind Bryon and gestures for her to come in.

  She turns to her brother, her irritation swaying. It melts into a mellow kind of sadness. “Bye, Asmoday.” He bows more dramatically than usual and disappears.


  “I need to use your phone then I’ll explain.”

  Nick smacks his pockets checking for his cell phone. Finds it on the T.V. tray and hands it to her. Turning toward the wall, though it gives her no extra privacy, Keely dials her house. Her dad picks up on the second ring.


  “Dad, it’s Keely.” She plays with the zipper on her hoodie.

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m with Nick and Bryon. I’m safe. Tell mom I said I am not running away. Problems like mine can’t be outrun. I’ll see you guys tomorrow at the judgment.”

  Kevin is quiet for a moment. “She’s not going to be happy.”

  “I know.”

  “I love you, Keels.”

  “Love you too. Good night.”

  “She tried to make you skip out?” Bryon sits on the futon and crosses his legs at the ankles.

  “Yep.” She hands Nick his phone. He takes it and pulls her in for a hug. “Can I stay here tonight?”

  “You don’t even need to ask,” Nick says.

  “Well, I can’t stay. Sorry,” Bryon sighs.

  “What? No slumber party? I was going to do your hair,” Nick whines.

  “Rain check. Besides, you’re terrible at French-braids.”

  Keely smiles. They are so dorky. She loves them.


  Sleep comes quickly for Keely. There is no better sleeping pill than the crook of Nick’s arm. Right here, in this spot, she is home. Where she finds comfort, stability, and security.

  So of course, this is when she is forced into a dream visit.

  Keely kicks her feet in frustration. Shoves the sheet off her legs and jumps from the bed. She throws back the door and stares at her father. All the rage leaves her as soon as their eyes meet. How can she hate him, but love the sight of him? How does she fear such a beautiful being?

  “Sit, my Keely,” he sings. Everything about him is bright. Clean. Pure. His face, his clothes, the sound of his voice.

  But Keely saw the prophecy. He was anything but clean and pure then. He was tarnished from his hunger to destroy. His longing for revenge against his own father. And in those moments, he was hideous.

  He watches her closely as she pulls out a chair. Follows her movements with his eyes. “How are you my daughter?”

  She nearly rolls her eyes. As if he cares at all about how she is. And the ‘my’ thing is on her last nerve. She is not his. “I’m great. How are you?” Keely forces a pleasant smile.

  “I am always good when you are near.”

  Yeah right. “So, did you need something? Or need to tell me something?”

  He sits forward. Runs his finger around the rim of a golden glass that could be nothing else than a goblet. Who drinks from a goblet? She hopes it’s not blood inside. Her stomach just can’t take that again. “Where is Asmoday?”

  Keely swallows down the surprise. Nearly chokes on it. That was the last thing she expected. “I don’t know,” she answers honestly.

  He stares at her so long she begins to squirm under the pressure of his gaze. “I haven’t seen him since his last dream visit. Since your last dream visit. Are you certain you have no idea of his whereabouts?”

  Keely shakes her head slowly.

  “The union should have secured itself by now,” he says distracted.

  Eyes wide, Keely asks, “The union? What is that?” She has a pretty good idea already.

  “Do you feel an attachment to Asmoday?”

  “Yes. What is it? Why do I feel it?”

  He smiles showing dazzling white teeth. “Perfect.”

  “What is it?” She rubs her sweaty hands together.

  “It’s your betrothal. It began the day of the blood sacrifice and it should seal itself soon.”

  “My what? What do you mean seal itself? What does that mean?” Her hands shake. She folds them into fists. Betrothal?

  “Your promise to marry.”

  “Marry Asmoday?”

  “Yes, my Keely.”

  “Does he know?”

  “He has always known he was to be yours.”

  He always knew? “Does he know that’s why we feel like we do?”

  He tilts his head. Takes a long look at her face. “What is the answer you want to hear?”

  Keely is trembling all over now. Shock doesn’t even come close to describing how she feels. “I want the truth.”

  He laughs like chimes in the wind. Claps his hands together and sits back. “Free will. I do so love it my child. I do not suspect he could have known. I never spoke of it to him beyond his duty to wed.”

  “What did you mean when you said it would seal?”

  “When the union is completed it will be as if you are one being. Then you will be ready to wed.”

  “I can’t marry Asmoday. I l-love… Nick.”

  “Your union has nothing to do with love my child. As two, you are stronger.”

  “One, two. I don’t even understand what you’re talking about. And you said the blood sacrifice was needed for my accolades. Do you ever tell the truth?”

  He stands. Towers over her. “I do whatever needs to be done. You will learn this quickly. And you will obey me.”

  Keely shivers. “I understand. I’m sorry.” She is such a coward. “May I go now please?”

  He touches icy cold fingers to her chin. Lifts her head so he can look into her eyes. “Inform Asmoday he is to return home. I do not want to do anything rash.”

  Keely sits up soaked in sweat. Nick stirs beside her. Reaches out to touch her shoulder and she jumps.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She shivers again. “I have to be free of him.”

  He sits up. Turns on the light. “Who?”

  “My father. I hate him so much.”

  Nick pulls her against his chest and rubs her arm. “Dream visiting?”

  She nods.

  “What happened now?”

  “He betrothed me to As
moday. He wants me to marry my brother. And I think he can force me to do it, too. That thing I feel with him. How I can feel his emotions, this is why. He said that when it’s complete we’ll be like one person. I don’t want that, Nick. I am so sick of not controlling my life. I’m sick of being scared all the time. If the Hierarchy doesn’t decide to help me tomorrow, they better kill me because I won’t marry my brother.”

  Nick crushes Keely into him. “Don’t say that. We’ll find a way out of it. We can search the Grimoire. I’ll ask my dad for help. The Hierarchy may know a way. There is always hope.”

  “I just feel hopeless at this point. How many times am I going to get knocked down before I can’t get back up?”

  “It’ll never happen. I’ll always be there to lift you.” He kisses the top of her head while his mind races. “Did he say how long you have until it’s completed?”

  She shakes her head against his chest.

  “We’ll talk to Asmoday.”

  “I don’t think he’ll be helpful,” she says. “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know anything. And besides, he’s probably all for the marriage. He said it’s different for Demons. They marry their family members.” She shakes her head again. “I can’t do that.”

  “You won’t have to. We’ll figure it out.”


  Asmoday leans his head back and looks at the speckling of stars in between the hazy gray clouds. The moon light drowns his skin in a soft glow. As he feels Keely begin to relax, he closes his eyes. It’s the only thing keeping him in this spot. He recalls the rush of emotions that brought him to stand here in the grass outside of Nick Wallace’s apartment building in the middle of the night. The raw, vicious anger that heated his body with rage. The shock and confusion that made his hands tremble with helplessness. The jolt of excitement that sent his stomach into somersaults. Followed by a feeling of betrayal that resurfaced the confusion. Resting finally on a cold, desolate fear that brought tears to his eyes. He battled this along with his own outrage and alarm for what Keely was going through.

  Her overall sense of well being calms him now. This of course makes the jealousy surge within his heart. It should be he with her. He who makes her feel so safe. And not knowing what had her so upset eats at him.

  He looks back to the building. Watches the light go out. Feels the heavy weight of sleepiness. Just one quick look. They’ll never know he is there. He will only stay long enough to verify she is unharmed. He won’t even touch her.

  Asmoday envisions Keely and his body shakes, vibrating quickly as he loses himself to the jump. He stands over the futon. Regards the two intertwined bodies. He begins to shake again. This time from the fury his resentment produces. He wants to pry Nick’s arm off of Keely’s waist. Break it into pieces. The way their legs are tangled together makes him physically nauseated. This is something he is not accustomed to.

  Asmoday battles against his temper. If he reacts in any way to his outrage, Keely will never forgive him. His hands fist at his sides. Every tendon tightens and bulges under the smooth skin on his arms. Knuckles turn white, looking as angry as he feels. His foot moves, bringing him a step closer. His hand rises, still balled into a fist.

  And this is when Keely feels his presence. She is off the couch. Her soft, warm hands pushing his hands back down to his side. She breathes heavy. Pushes him with her whole body until she backs him up a few steps.

  Asmoday can’t see his surroundings. Can’t hear anything beyond her voice calling his name. Can’t feel anything other than her touch soothing him out of the murderous wrath he was lost in.

  “It wasn’t him. It wasn’t him. Asmoday, I’m all right.” Keely puts both hands on each side of his face and forces him to concentrate on her. She tries to send feelings of peace to him through the cord. “Look at me. I’m o.k. Nick didn’t do anything.”

  Asmoday stares into her eyes; this is how he sees her flinch when he speaks. “He was touching you.”

  “Asmoday. Stop,” she pleads.

  He looks around now. Observes the dagger outstretched toward his throat. He glares at Nick. Tries to move after him. Keely blocks him. He could easily move her, but he doesn’t even try. He senses her panic now that the adrenaline is wearing away. She’s concerned for him. His mind turns back the wheel of his memory. He replays it like a movie in his head. The way he was ready to slam his fist into Nick’s face. Nick opening his eyes. The flash of light, reflection from the street light hitting the blade of the Guardian’s dagger. Then Keely diving across Nick with the reflexes of a cat.

  He had been literally blinded with rage. Unable to see how close his stupidity had brought him to dying.

  Keely protected him. She saved his life.

  “He didn’t hurt me,” she whispers.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers back to her. He can’t recall a time he has ever meant those words so entirely. Not until this moment. “I did not mean to.”

  “I know. I felt it. You were worried. You were mad.” Her hands grip him tightly. “You need to learn to control it.” She looks down at the floor. “If anything had happened to either one of you…” She shakes her head. “Nick will never hurt me, Asmoday. He’s my Guardian. He protects me.”

  “What happened?”

  “I had a visit with daddy. He wants you to go home,” she explains before stepping away from Asmoday. Contemplates getting into the whole betrothal, but decides now isn’t the time. She can’t take anymore tonight.

  Nick has been watching silently. Waiting. He doesn’t like the way Keely stands protectively in front of Asmoday. Doesn’t like the way they look at each other. It’s almost as if they’re communicating without words. “It’s time for you to go.”

  “He’s right,” Keely says softly. “You should go.”

  Asmoday tilts his head to her and then he’s gone.

  Nick opens his mouth to say something. Keely shakes her head. “I know, Nick. I just can’t do this anymore right now. Yell at me tomorrow, please.”

  “Keely, this is bad. Putting it off isn’t going to solve it. It’s just going to make it worse. You always make things harder on yourself.”

  With a shrug, Keely says, “We aren’t solving this right now. It may not be able to be solved at all. So just back off me.”

  “He was going to kill me.”

  “I stopped him.”

  Nick smiles sadly. “You protected him.”

  “I did both. What’s wrong with that?”

  “It scares me.”

  Keely throws up her hands in exasperation. “Why? He’s my brother. I’m so sorry I don’t want you to kill him. And if I remember correctly, we are going to need his help.”

  “He was trying to kill me.”

  “But he didn’t, Nick.”

  Nick laughs without humor. “Not this time. Keely, it’s no secret he and I can’t stand each other. But now he has this thing with you. He wants you for himself. Can’t you see that? What if he tries again? Am I not supposed to defend myself because he’s your brother?”

  Keely blinks. “No. You can defend yourself. Of course. I’ll talk to him. If he were to hurt you, it would hurt me, so it would in turn, hurt him.”

  Nick’s jaw tightens. “And how would you feel if I killed him in self defense?”

  Keely feels sick to her stomach. “I don’t know. We have the connection, so it would probably hurt me.”

  Nick hadn’t thought of it like that. Hadn’t thought that maybe she protected Asmoday to protect herself. Hadn’t conceived that he would cause her pain by hurting Asmoday. It’s like a punch in the face. What if killing Asmoday kills Keely?


  The room is twice as full as it was yesterday. Keely suspects every student from the Academy is in attendance. All waiting patiently for the judgment. This is their idea of entertainment. They don’t care that Nick may lose his job. It doesn’t matter to them that Keely may not live to see tomorrow. It makes her sick to see these people. The way they stare at her and whisper.
Do they not realize she can hear most of them? It makes her want to scream. She’s not a display in a window. Keely cannot stand attention. Cannot take so many eyes boring into her. Hands fist in her lap. Nails dig into her palms. Her breathing increases as the panic attack threatens to take over for all to witness.

  Stop looking at me.

  Stop looking at me.

  Stop looking at me.

  Nick glides his fingers across her knuckles. Gives them a hard tap. She unlocks her cramped fingers. Stretches them and he takes her hand in his. “Calm down. Everything will be fine,” he says. But Keely can see the nerves weighing on him. Sees the tight lines around his eyes as he struggles to smile at her. He’s sweet for trying.

  “You’re an awful liar, Nick Wallace.”

  “I wasn’t lying. I phrased it wrong. We’ll get through it. No matter what the judgment is.”

  She smiles. Rolls her head trying to ease some of the tension in her neck. “Can’t get through death. Unless you mean you’ll get over me quickly.”

  “I’ve promised to protect you. You are not going to die. And quit talking about it so casually. I know you make a joke out of it to make it easier, but seriously—stop. It’s not funny. Not to me.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot it was my mission to ignore my impending death for your benefit.”

  Nick sighs loudly. “Can we not fight? Just once? Can you not take every single thing I say and turn it into a personal attack against you? I just don’t want to think about someone hurting you. Or trying to live my life without you, damn it. Freaking sue me for caring about you.”

  Keely growls in frustration. “I’m sorry. I can’t stand everyone staring at me. Judging me. And I’m a little stressed, because whether you want to think about it or not, I may be killed. All because my mom had to pick the Demon King to be her sperm donor. Of all the donors there must have been. Who has luck like that?” She points to herself and rolls her eyes.

  Nick squeezes her hand. “Calm down.”

  “Quit telling me to calm down. Every time you say ‘calm down,’ it annoys me, which obviously doesn’t help me calm down.”


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