Dark Calling

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Dark Calling Page 32

by Cheryl McIntyre

  He nods and looks over her head. “It’s sunset. There’s no time. Please just go.” He shoves his keys into her hand.

  “We’re almost there,” she assures him quietly.

  The Demon with the cat eyes blurs as he flings himself in front of the door, blocking their escape, but he doesn’t touch them. His eyes lock with Keely menacingly. “The only place you’re going is back to the realm. We have orders from the Prince.”

  Bryon’s knees buckle and he slides out of Keely’s arm. He catches himself from falling on his face, but his right arm can’t hold his weight and he collapses the last foot to the floor. Keely cries out, a sound twisted with panic and fear.

  She drops to her knees beside him and rolls him over. His shirt is drenched in blood. She knows she has to stop the bleeding, but first they need out of here and away from these Demons.

  She looks around the room again for anything she may have missed earlier. The Demons are keeping their distance from her and Bryon. They haven’t touched them once. In fact, they appear to be purposely stalling. Or maybe confused.

  Keely pats Bryon’s pockets. Finds his phone. Even as she pulls the slim cell phone from his jeans and begins to dial, they do nothing to stop her. And that’s when it hits her.

  This is a trap.

  Keely ends the call before it has a chance to ring. She stands quickly. Puts one leg on each side of Bryon’s waist. Bends over and clasps his hands. Pulls him up to a sitting position. He grunts in pain, grinding his teeth.

  “I’m sorry, but we have to get outside. It’s our only chance.” She takes quick, short steps backwards, pulling him to his feet. Drags his arm around her shoulder and takes the waist of his jeans firmly as she moves him forward.

  The cat eyed Demon towers in front of the door unmoving, but his eyes flick quickly to the other Demons.

  “I’m going out that door. One way or another.”

  “Prince Apophis-”

  “Get out of my way. Now.”

  His cat eyes reflect the setting sun as he looks back at her. She holds his gaze. “That is an order from your Princess,” she says strongly.

  His eyes dart to the side, to his friends for help. Keely doesn’t take her eyes off him, so she doesn’t know what travels between them unspoken, but the Demon takes one large step to the side clearing the door.

  She doesn’t try to open it, just kicks out the last chunk of glass and finagles her way through, pulling Bryon with her. He sucks a breath through his teeth and she looks back at him. A piece of glass scrapes across his shoulder drawing more blood. She nearly lets go of him, but he begins to fall and she squeezes him instead.

  “Almost there.”

  Apophis appears as if from thin air. Leans against Bryon’s car like she would do sometimes after school. But he’s not a friend.

  Keely stops so abruptly, Bryon sways beside her. Apophis looks up as if just noticing them and clips the tip of a cigar. “Where are you going dear sister?”

  “He’s hurt. He needs to go to the hospital. Please.”

  Apophis tsks. “Not yet.” He leans close to her as if sharing a secret. “I’m waiting on someone.” He lights the cigar. Puffs of thick smoke swirl around them.

  “Who?” Her voice quivers over the one word. She knew this was a trap, but she hadn’t called anyone for help. But she wouldn’t necessarily have to she realizes. “Asmoday.”

  Apophis winks at her. “Clever little kitten.”


  Though this was not how he intended on the evening playing out, Apophis carries forth with what is left of his plan. It would have been better if he had Keely in his possession, hidden away in a realm. Asmoday would have felt the loss of their connection. The agony would have brought him to his knees. He would have folded like a piece of paper, agreeing to anything Apophis had offered. He’ll have to revise his plan as he goes. But it could still work if he plays his hand just right.

  While he waits for Asmoday to show, Apophis watches Keely struggle to hold the boy up. She is so small next to him. He wonders if she even realizes she’s covered in his blood. He’s curious if she is at all enchanted, the way he is, by the sensation of hot, sticky blood on one’s skin. With a long pull on his cigar, he fantasizes about trailing his tongue over her arms, her hands, her fingers. Licking her body clean of the Watcher’s sweet vital fluid. How much blood has he lost? His wound must be deep. Apophis hopes the boy is strong enough. Hopes he makes it until Asmoday arrives.

  “What is taking him so long?” He grins at Keely. Crosses his legs at the ankle. “It makes me wonder if he truly cares about you at all. If it were me, I would have been here by now.” He tosses the cigar and places his hands in the pockets of his suit jacket. “He isn’t looking too good.” Apophis gestures at Bryon with an elbow.

  “Please,” Keely pleads. “Just let us go to the hospital.”

  Apophis glowers at her. “Do not beg for his life. It’s pathetic.” He adjusts his expression, aiming for indifference. “Of course, if you come with me willingly, we could make arrangements. Contact an ambulance.”

  Keely stares at him. He knows she’s tempted. But not stupid. He enjoys the torment that passes over her features as she weighs her choices and it occurs to him that, though she is not stupid, she is selfless. He can’t help himself, he straightens his lazy posture. Fights against the smile that wants to spread his lips. She is going to do it. She is going to give herself over to him. Her life for an ambulance. It’s almost funny, how little she thinks of herself. How much importance she places on this boy’s life.

  “Look, dick, she is not going anywhere with you,” Bryon says. His voice is cocky and hateful, but weak. His skin is an ashen white from blood loss. The skin around his eyes is dark. Sweat beads at his hairline. No, there is not much time left for him at all.

  “Though I do enjoy a foul mouth,” Apophis begins, “I don’t think your heart is really in it. You are dying. You know it.” He nods his head at Keely. “She knows it. And I know it.” He takes a step bringing himself just inches from Bryon’s face. “You can’t stop me.”

  “But I can.”

  Apophis stiffens. Puts a smile on his face. As he turns, he catches the twitch of Keely’s lips. “Well, well. It is about time. I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show,” Apophis calls.

  Asmoday looks past Apophis. His eyes rake over Keely. His heart races at the sight of the blood. It takes him a moment to see through his panic. He takes in the sight of Bryon. Observes the way his weight rests on Keely. Eyes slide back to her. “Are you hurt?”

  “No. Just Bryon. It’s bad. He needs to get to a doctor,” Keely explains. Her voice is choked with worry.

  Asmoday reaches out his hand. “Come on.”

  Apophis laughs loudly. “Do you really think I went to all this trouble just for you to swing by and pick her up?”

  “Come on, Keely,” Asmoday says again.

  Apophis jerks Keely’s arm, knocking Bryon to the ground. “We need to make arrangements first. A treaty, if you will.”

  “Let her go or I will kill you.” Asmoday fixes Apophis with a glare that makes Keely cower away. She has never seen him look so much like a…a Demon. “We both know I can do it.”

  “There has been talk. Of war,” Apophis says as if Asmoday never spoke. He squeezes Keely’s arm, twisting it in a vice like grip. She gasps and tries to pull away.

  “Do not harm her,” Asmoday warns.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t dream of it. Not as long as we can come to an agreement.” Apophis puts his lips to Keely’s ear. “Your friend is running out of precious time. You may want to help move things along.”

  “Asmoday, please. Do whatever he wants,” Keely cries. She looks down at Bryon and tears fall from her lashes.

  Asmoday drops his eyes. “What do you want?”

  “Your allegiance.”

  Asmoday glares at the ground. Shakes his head before raising his eyes to Apophis. “What do I get in return?”

  Asmoday shrugs casually. “I won’t kill her.”

  “Ever,” Asmoday amends. “And you let her go.”

  Apophis laughs again. Releases Keely’s arm. “I never really wanted to hurt her anyway. You know how I enjoy beautiful things.”

  “No,” Bryon murmurs.

  “Too late, Watcher.” Apophis gazes at Asmoday. “It’s done.”

  Asmoday nods, a slight incline of his head and Apophis vanishes in a blur.

  Keely drops to the ground next to Bryon. “Help me get him in the car,” she cries. “We have to get him help.”

  “My way is a bit speedier.”

  Asmoday picks Bryon up as though he were a child. “What have you done?” Bryon’s blue lips barely move.

  “What I had to,” Asmoday says.


  Keely sits in the waiting room staring at the dried blood caked under her finger nails. Asmoday sits beside her, still and quiet and cold as an ice sculpture. His hands ache to pull her close to him. To hug her tightly. Inhale her familiar scent, reassuring him that she is all right. Because right now, all he feels from her is a frigid numbness. It reminds him of the eerie stillness of a forest before a storm.

  Asmoday also feels a certain numbness of his own. His entire body thrums with it. He has never in his life felt the terror he experienced tonight. Even when the Demon King would threaten to feed him to the Rapax Demons, he hadn’t been this frightened. Not even when he sliced his palm to allow his blood to drip into their pit, teasing them with a taste as they twitched and clawed their zombie-like bodies toward him, licking where their lips had once been. That was the most terror Asmoday had ever known until an hour ago. Because it wasn’t fear for his own life. It was for hers. And that fear sits like dead weight in his stomach. How did he get here? From not understanding what love meant, let alone feeling it for anyone, to loving so completely, so thoroughly that it threatens to tear him apart from the inside out. And she doesn’t come close to comprehending the depth of his devotion. She couldn’t possibly.

  He is certain she does not care for him the way he cares for her. Would she trade everything she knows for him? Would she leave her life behind just for fleeting moments with him? Would she do anything to protect him? Would she, could she, die for him? He doesn’t allow himself much time to ponder these questions, and not just because he’s positive the answers are no, but because he wouldn’t want them to be yes. His life means nothing. She is everything. She is what matters and she should never sacrifice anything for the likes of him.

  “Keely,” Nick sighs, relief coloring his tone thickly. “What happened?”

  Keely looks up, tears in her eyes. “He was protecting me. They won’t let me see him. Won’t tell me anything. I’m not family.”

  Nick’s gaze draws slowly over her. Takes in the big eyes, messy, blood streaked hair. Flinches at the fresh bruises on her neck that cover the old yellowing ones. Hovers on the red brown of dried blood that coats her clothing. “Is any of that yours?”

  She looks down at herself. Eyes go wide. She begins to tremble. Shakes her head slowly. “Not mine. All his.”

  Nick’s eyes dart over to Asmoday, looking as worried as he feels, then squats in front of her. He takes her hands in his. “His parents are on their way. We’ll find out how he is. He’s strong.”

  “He lost so much blood, Nick.” She stares at her shirt again. “I can’t lose him. I can’t…”

  Nick pulls her in for a hug. “Shh. It’s o.k.”

  Keely allows him to hug her for a moment before pulling away. “We don’t know that yet. Please. Just… I just need…”

  Asmoday clears his throat. “May I speak with you?”

  Nick looks at him questioningly. Asmoday stands and begins walking down the hall. Nick hesitates, not sure if he should leave Keely, but Asmoday stops at the vending machines about twenty feet away.

  “She needs to be left alone,” Asmoday begins as Nick comes up quickly behind him. “She doesn’t want anyone making her feel better.”

  “Did she say that?”

  Asmoday looks over his shoulder and gazes at him evenly. “She does not need to.” He turns his attention back to the machine and purchases a bottle of water. “She cannot allow herself to welcome comfort while she knows he is suffering. I am aware it makes little sense, but that is how she feels none the less.”

  “I can’t leave her alone. She’s in constant danger. In case you haven’t noticed.”

  “That has come to my attention,” he growls. “You do not need to be so literal. Just sit beside her. Do not touch her. Do not tell her everything is going to be all right. Let her think.”

  “Let her suffer, you mean.”

  “If that is how you want to look at it.” Asmoday nods his head. “It’s what she wants. Smothering her is what you want. It will do her no good.”

  “I don’t trust you,” Nick admits. “I don’t believe you really care about what’s good for her.”

  Asmoday twists around, hands in fists, squeezing the bottle. His eyes are slits of furry as he fixes them on the Guardian. “It is all I care about.”

  “Then leave her alone. You can’t think you’re good for her?”

  “No. I do not,” Asmoday admits. “But I do not know you are either.” He drops his gaze to the bottle in his hand. “At least I understand her. At least I am willing to give her what she needs.”

  “You’re willing to give her what she wants. That’s not the same thing. I’m not afraid to push her where she needs to be.”

  “Perhaps you push too hard.”

  “Did she say that?”

  Asmoday flashes a white smile. “She does not have to.” He moves to walk around Nick, but is stopped with a hand to his arm. Asmoday looks down at Nick’s hand and glowers at him.

  “You can’t protect her like I can.”

  “I have already protected her more than you will ever be able to.”

  Nick scoffs. “Right. Whatever, man.”

  “Apophis is no longer a threat,” Asmoday says quietly.

  Nick looks around them. “You killed him?”


  Nick grunts out a laugh. “Then he’s still a threat.”

  “I pledged my allegiance to him. He is inhibited from causing harm to her.”

  “The Hierarchy will probably not agree to this. In fact, I can guarantee they won’t. If you are aligned with Apophis, then you will be considered an enemy of the Angel.”

  “I am aware.”

  “Why did you do it?”

  Asmoday looks back at him and laughs softly. “Why do you think?”

  Nick shakes his head. “Well you just made things real easy for me.”

  “That was my intention. I was only thinking of how I could help you,” he spits sarcastically.

  “Why didn’t you just kill him?”

  “She was right there. He had his hands on her. Her friend was bleeding to death. I did what was necessary.”

  “I still don’t trust you.”

  “You will when I give you Apophis. I may not be able to kill him, but you are.” He shrugs and smiles innocently at Nick. “And if you kill each other in the process, well, that will just work out perfectly.”

  “You don’t have a chance. Not even then,” Nick says wryly.

  “It does not mean I am not going to try.” He leaves Nick to digest that and goes back to Keely. Opens the bottle of water and hands it to her. She looks at it as if she doesn’t have the slightest idea what to do with it.

  “Drink,” he says gently.

  Keely puts the bottle to her lips and sips the water. The cold trails down her throat and sits in her stomach, knotting it sharply. She stares at the double doors that lead into the emergency room. Watches Nick approach an older couple. The woman turns and Keely realizes they’re Bryon’s parents. “Why did it take you so long?”

  Asmoday looks at her quickly. “What?”

  “Why did it take you so long to come for me? If you had got
ten there sooner we could have gotten Bryon help quicker.”

  Asmoday flinches at her words. His throat feels very dry. “I tried. I could not get inside. I knew you were scared. I knew you were suffering in some way, but I could not get to you.” His hands roll into fists, turning white at the knuckles. “There was some kind of spell on the building that prohibited me from entering. I didn’t know what to do or how to break such a spell.” He closes his eyes. “I went after the Grimoire. I thought perhaps there may be something in it to counteract the spell. That school, the Academy, it has the same spell around its grounds. I could not enter there either.

  “Then I felt something change. You grew strong. Unafraid.” He shakes his head. “I thought you were out of danger. I thought you were with your Guardian, but then your fear came back and it only grew. I went back, determined to get into that building somehow, someway. I was readying myself to rip it apart, but then, there you were. I got to you as quickly as I could. I swear it.” He stares at her profile, urging her silently to face him.

  “I am sorry I was not there sooner. Please believe me. I will always do whatever it takes to protect you. I cannot live without you. Without you, there is no life for me.” Something slides down Asmoday’s cheek, warm and wet. His fingers touch it hesitantly.

  A tear.

  His first.

  He stares at it in shock. Rubs his fingers together until it dissolves into his skin. When he looks up, Keely is watching him. She brushes her palm across his cheek, drying the streak the tear left.

  “I believe you.”


  She isn’t sure what draws her down this hallway until she stops in front of the door. The numbers blur in front of her as she recalls overhearing Nick tell Bryon the room number in which Dustin had been moved to. She pushes on the slightly opened door. It swings soundlessly inward and she steps inside the lightly illuminated room. He lies on his side, hand tucked under his sleeping head. Gauze is taped thickly over one eye and Keely shivers. What he’s been through, she can’t even begin to imagine.


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