Dark Calling

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Dark Calling Page 34

by Cheryl McIntyre

  “Asmoday swore his allegiance to Apophis. It changes things. I had to tell them.”

  “And what else did you have to tell them, Nick? Did you fill them in on the juicy bit about how I can light up just like my father?”

  Nick lowers his head. “No, I didn’t. I thought Asmoday took precedence.”

  “And you were right,” Ambriel says as if this new information does not surprise her in the least. She turns to Keely. “Are you able to use your connection to contact him? The sooner the better.”

  “I have his number. I can just call him. If you’ll excuse me,” Keely says as calmly as she can manage.

  “Certainly.” Ambriel nods at her and folds her hands in her lap.

  Keely glares at Nick as she pushes in her chair. She runs upstairs. Her heart hammers in her chest. A foreboding sense of dread fits itself into her stomach. She closes and locks her bedroom door and dials Asmoday’s number. Paces as it rings.

  “What’s happened?”

  Keely pitches her voice low. “I’m fine. There are members from the Hierarchy here. That woman I told you about, she wants to talk to you.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  “NO! You can’t, Asmoday. Nick told them about your allegiance to Apophis. She said it’s urgent she talk to you tonight. I’m scared for you. What does it mean? The allegiance? Why is it so important to them?”

  “It’s an overreaction. You do not need to be concerned for me.”

  “They’re making me leave. They said I need to live at the Academy. I have a bad feeling, Asmoday. I feel like they want to keep us apart. Didn’t you say there was a spell keeping you out of the school?”

  “Yes. There is. I will not be able to see you while you are on the grounds, but they cannot hold you prisoner. You’ve done nothing wrong. Please do not worry yourself. I’m coming over.”

  “Asmoday, no,” she pleads, but it’s already too late. The call is lost. A second later, the air shimmers like heat off of blacktop and he’s there. He pulls Keely into his arms immediately and kisses her. His lips meet hers eagerly, almost frantically at first. She melts into his arms and feels him relax. A sensation, a warm tingling starts in her toes, makes its way throughout her entire body. It finds places she didn’t even know existed until this moment. Butterflies flip her stomach, churning it with something stronger than want. An insatiable need raging inside of her.

  The soft coolness of his tongue against hers makes her heart slam against her ribcage. Her knees feel rubbery, but he holds her up easily. His hands push on her back, pulling her against him tightly. She feels his lips vibrate against hers as he moans with pleasure. The sound brings a fresh wave of hunger through her body as goose bumps explode across her skin. She twists her fingers into his honey colored hair and presses her mouth firmly to his. His hands move slowly up her back. Fingers knot into her hair, pulling gently and a low murmur sounds in her throat. Her teeth nip gently on his tongue and he shivers. His lips slide over hers, teasing. She grips his neck tightly as he tries to pull away.

  Asmoday makes a sigh of surprise and moves his mouth against hers eagerly. He can taste her passion, sweet on her lips. It’s everything he envisioned it would be and so much more. He never pictured her wanting him this much. Was never able to imagine the way she would taste, the way she would feel, the way she would make him feel inside. This is far from his first kiss, but never have any been like this. No one has ever been able to make him feel so complete. So human. To make him crave the same person over and over. All he wants is Keely. More Keely. Forever.

  She makes another noise of enjoyment and it’s like adding fuel to a fire. He has to fight against his desire to strip her of her clothing and thrust them both into her bed. He slides his hands to her arms and pushes her gently away from him. Their bodies coming apart first followed finally by their lips.

  Keely looks up at him, her eyes blazing with a yearning appetite. “Just in case I do not get another chance,” he whispers, as he pulls her back to him once again. “I love you,” he murmurs as his lips meet hers quickly one last time. He pulls away and opens the door.

  Keely stays where she is. Her entire body shakes violently. She had felt his desire. The way it collided and mixed with her own was unlike anything she has ever experienced before. She runs trembling fingers over her lips and tries to compose herself. Before she goes downstairs, she peers in the mirror, surprised to see she hasn’t changed. Because she feels so different. Awake. Alive. With a deep breath, she hurries after Asmoday.

  Making it to the kitchen a second after he does, she notices the room goes quiet. Ambriel stands and offers him her hand. “Prince Asmoday, it’s nice to meet you. I am Ambriel of the Hierarchy.”

  Asmoday shakes her hand briefly. “What can I do to help?”

  “Just sit and speak with me,” she explains.

  Asmoday eyes the faces in the room and sits across from Ambriel. Keely stands back and watches him intently.

  “Tell me about this bond you share with your sister.”

  “Keely is not my sister. The Demon King took me in and raised me as his own, but he is not my true father.”

  Nick looks up at Keely with shock. She feels the weight of his stare and moves her eyes to his. She knows he sees. Knows that she already knew this. That she didn’t tell him. Her eyes dart back to Asmoday.

  “And as far as our connection, the King has betrothed us. That is as far as my knowledge goes.”

  “You’re not her brother? You don’t even have Angel blood? Who are you?” Nick glares poisonously at Asmoday.

  “Guardian, should I have you escorted outside?” Ambriel glances calmly at Nick. He tears his eyes away from Asmoday and shakes his head. Bites the inside of his cheek. Asmoday leans casually in the chair, one arm thrown over the back. An air of nonchalance, but Keely feels his nerves wound too tightly.

  “Can you explain the allegiance you swore to Prince Apophis?”

  “I made a choice that was vital at the time. I did not want him to hurt her.”

  “The Princess?”

  Asmoday nods. “Yes.”

  “I asked him to,” Keely says. “Bryon needed help so I asked him to do whatever Apophis wanted. It’s my fault.”

  Asmoday’s jaw tightens, but he doesn’t turn to look at her. “I made my own choice and I would do it again. I will always do what is best for Keely,” he says and his voice is almost scary. Like there is an underlying threat hidden in his words.

  “I see,” says Ambriel. “So you understand that if you are aligned with Prince Apophis then you cannot be allied with the Descendants?”

  He dips his head, keeping his eyes on hers. “I pledged my allegiance to Apophis, but I am only allied with Keely. Whatever she needs of me, I will offer her.”

  “You want no accord with the Hierarchy or the Descendants?”

  “Does it matter? You just informed me that was not an option,” Asmoday says, narrowing his eyes.

  Keely takes a step toward him. Her heart thumps in her chest.

  “You will need to come with us. You’ll be treated hospitably, I give you my word. Until I understand your intentions, it’s the only safe option. We need to be certain you are a friend to the Descendants. We can’t have you running off and plotting with Apophis.”

  “You mean you are imprisoning me because I cannot ally myself with you?”

  “That is one way to look at it,” Ambriel agrees. “I understand your commitment to the Princess, but that tells me very little concerning the safety of the rest of us. It would be better if you do not resist.”

  “I will not.”

  “Wait. Wait. What is happening?” Keely moves to take Asmoday’s arm. To touch him. To connect her body to his in some way. Coach moves quickly to stand between them.

  “He’s being placed under arrest. It’s best if you stay out of it.”

  “No. He didn’t do anything wrong. Please,” Keely cries.

  The two men Keely doesn’t know stand one to each
side of Asmoday. One places a necklace around his neck. It looks like something you would get from the twenty-five cent machines in front of a discount store. Just a thin black rope with a small circular medallion, but Asmoday’s eyes flutter as if he’s been drugged.

  Keely struggles to get past Coach. “What did you do to him?” She looks at Nick desperately. He sits very still in his seat, watching her.

  “It’s a blessed talisman on a charmed lanyard. One weakens him, just makes him feel sleepy. The other inhibits his powers so he cannot flee to another realm. He’s perfectly fine,” Coach explains.

  Keely looks at her mom who is frozen in place, staring at the coffee cup between her palms. She turns to her dad. He opens his arms to her and she throws herself into him. “Daddy,” she cries. “Daddy.”

  “I know, Honey. I know. I’m sorry.” He looks at Ambriel. “What will you do with him?”

  “There is a warded prison on campus. It’s like a guest house. He’ll be treated humanely and have all his needs met. He just will not be able to leave the building. I give you my word, Princess. No harm will come to him as long as he is not a threat.”

  “He’s not. I swear,” Keely whimpers.

  Ambriel smiles at her kindly. “He is not a threat to you, but I don’t know he isn’t to the rest of the world. It is my duty to be sure.” She turns to the man that put the necklace on Asmoday. “William, you may transport him now.” She looks back at Keely. “Once you are both settled, you may visit him to ease your mind.”

  “Can I drive her?” her dad asks.

  “Of course. You are welcome any time.”

  Kimberly gets up quietly from her chair and hugs Keely awkwardly before escaping to her room. Keely glances over at Nick. He meets her gaze with questions in his eyes as she turns to leave.

  “Keely, wait,” he calls. She comes to an abrupt stop. The others move around her, clearing the room.

  Her back still turned to him, she says, “What is it? I have to go.”

  “I didn’t know this would happen.”

  “Is that all?”

  He pulls her arm, turning her around. “Why didn’t you tell me he wasn’t your brother?”

  “Because I just found out right before everything with Bryon,” she whispers. “There hasn’t been an appropriate time.”

  “I didn’t mean for this to happen to him. They won’t hurt him. I’ll tell them how strong your bind is. They won’t take the chance on hurting you too.”

  “Thank you. I would appreciate it.”

  “I love you,” he says quietly. He puts his arms around her. She feels good here, but her head is so confused.

  “I love you too, Nick.” She pulls out of his embrace, his hands sliding down her arms. “I’m so tired. I really need to go.” She walks out of the house without looking back.


  Ambriel shows Keely to her room on the second floor. It’s larger and much nicer than she expected. The spacious room has two beds with a wide nightstand in between. Two dressers, two desks, two large bookshelves. The burgundy curtains match the bedspreads perfectly and reflect in the roses woven into the plush rug. There is an adjoining bathroom and Keely gives a sigh of appreciation.

  “What do you think?”

  “It’s nice,” Keely says.

  “Anything you need, do not be afraid to ask. We’re very happy you’re here with us.” Her dark eyes focus on Keely carefully. “I will be tutoring you in your spare time. I want to get you caught up as soon as possible. There is a certain responsibility you hold being a Princess and a Doyenne. You’re the first of your kind in a very long time. You’ll need to present yourself as a leader.”

  Keely’s eyes go big. “But I’m not a leader.”

  Ambriel smiles kindly at her. “You will be,” she says. “This is more than a school. One of seven Academies around the world. We teach, we train, and we hold judgment, conference, and assembly. We have the dorms, the courts, the prisons. Training facilities, the Great Room where our festivities are held. There’s a smaller building where on sight staff resides. There will be hundreds of sets of eyes on you constantly and they will all be looking to you for example.”

  At Keely’s haunted expression, Ambriel laughs. “I’ll help you, Keely. For now, remember how special you are. Hold your head up high and remind yourself that you belong here.”

  Keely nods, unsure. “When can I see Asmoday?”

  Ambriel regards her for a moment. “Don’t you want to unpack first?”

  “I can do it later.”

  “I’m sure he’s situated by now.” She motions for her to come with her then stops. “Please do not think poorly of me for saying this, but you may want to keep your feelings for Asmoday to yourself.” She smiles. “At least when there are others around.”

  Keely can’t help the question. “Why?”

  Ambriel smiles again. “It is not common practice for someone of such importance to have a Demon boyfriend. Or more than one boyfriend at one time,” she says coyly.

  “Oh. He’s not…he’s not my boyfriend.”

  “Whatever he is to you, keep it under wraps for the time being.”

  “O.k.” Keely twitches nervously under Ambriel’s knowing gaze.


  Asmoday opens his eyes and the room spins. Everything is blurry and unfamiliar. His body feels heavy and uncooperative, followed by the stress of panic. Keely? Where is she?

  The door creaks open and relief washes over him. He knows it’s her despite the fact he’s unable to turn his head. “Keely.”

  The door closes quietly and she’s standing over him. “Asmoday.” She brushes her lips against his forehead. “You stupid, stupid idiot.” Kisses each of his cheeks. “Why did you do that, you big dummy?”

  He smiles at her. “I am not an expert, but I am fairly certain those are not correct terms of endearment.”

  “Why would you do that? I was scared to death. Why wouldn’t you just answer her questions?”

  “I kept us together.”

  Keely stares at him in shock. “You really are an idiot. What if they would have sent you to one of the other Academies to imprison you there?”

  “A chance I had to take.”

  “Asmoday, you put yourself in jail just to be able to see me. I can’t believe you did that.”

  “Someday I hope you will be able to understand how deeply my devotion runs. I cannot wait until the day it no longer surprises you. The day when you know without a second thought that I would lay my life down for you. When you accept it as a fact as true as people need air. I love you. I. Love. You.” Asmoday twists a chunk of her hair between his thumb and first finger. Pushes it behind her ear and slips his hand behind her neck. With the slightest pressure, she moves toward him. Brings her lips to his. Breathes life into his weighted limbs. Her mouth is like a shot of caffeine. His other hand pulls her leg over his thigh, positioning her so she lies on top of him. Keely’s hair falls around their faces, sealing them in their own private cocoon. Her hips move over his causing him to gasp and she sits up quickly.

  “Are you hurt?”

  “Not at all,” he breathes. Draws her back down to him. His hand slides over her cheek and grips her chin. Pulls her mouth back to his.

  Thunder roars outside and Keely jumps. Asmoday laughs and rubs his hands over her arms. “It’s all right. It is only thunder.”

  Another clap of thunder sounds and Keely ignores it. She brushes back Asmoday’s silky hair and places her lips back to his. Fingers scratch gently at her back as he pulls her against him. She loves the way his hands feel on her bare skin. How she feels so soft against his hard body.

  Thunder sounds again, shaking the building. Asmoday pulls away reluctantly. Appears as if he is listening to something. Thunder ripples in the sky again and Keely realizes he wasn’t listening to something, but for something.

  “Was that four? Four claps of thunder?”

  “I think so. Why?”

  “It isn’t rai

  Asmoday pushes Keely gently off him and goes to the window. A bolt of lightning streaks through the sky casting his face in blue brilliance. He turns his head toward her, fear in his eyes. He screams her name as a horn blares from all around them. It grows louder and louder. Keely covers her ears. Glass sprays inward from the windows, flying through the air.

  The building shakes again as the horns die down, replaced with a rhythmic pounding, beating against the ground. Keely pushes herself off the bed and stumbles in Asmoday’s direction. Something outside catches her eye. It moves in the distance, coming fast in their direction.

  “It’s happening. They have come.”

  “What’s happening? Who’s coming?”

  “End of days,” Asmoday cries.

  Students pour out of the Academy and rush through the yard. Keely opens the door. Asmoday right behind her. “I cannot go,” he says as she trips down the stairs.

  He starts to say something else, but it fades away as the pounding grows stronger. Keely can see now that it looks like a horse. She moves faster, trying to see better. Now in the yard with the other students, she understands the noise is hooves pounding against the ground as the horse gallops harder and harder. It sounds as if it’s coming from all around them. Some kids look off in other directions and Keely follows one girl’s gaze. Coming from the North, Keely sees another horse. She turns quickly, from the west, yet another. She knows before she turns again that there will be another from the south.

  She looks back at Asmoday, his eyes are fixed on the horse he can see coming from the east. Keely sees now, too. It has a rider. A man with black hair and a breast plate of armor on his chest. She doesn’t need to be told; she knows what he is as he pulls the mahogany colored horse’s reigns and comes to a stop.

  He’s an Angel.

  He slides from his horse as the others approach. Keely forces herself to look away. To look at the other horses. To see their riders. Upon the cream colored horse that arrives next is an Angel with thick dark hair. His eyes are just as dark and they nearly glow as they catch the lights from the school building. He dismounts fluidly and comes to stand by the other Angel who is several feet taller.


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