Dark Calling

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Dark Calling Page 39

by Cheryl McIntyre

  Keely closes her eyes.

  When they open, she immediately wants to close them again. Her father stands before her, maybe thirty feet away. Her mother lies on the grassy ground at his feet. She isn’t moving. Keely wants to run to her. To make sure she’s breathing. Anticipating this, Nick reaches for her securing her hand in his.

  “Have you come to trade?” her father calls to her with a brilliant smile. “Come to me my daughter. Come home where you belong.”

  Keely doesn’t answer. Doesn’t think she could if she tried. Her eyes bore into her mom’s chest. If she could just tell that it was rising and falling…

  “You’ve shed the blood of innocents,” Ramuell says in a loud, crisp voice. “You plan the fall of the Heavens. You have declared war. You know exactly why we are here.”

  “Hello, Brother. It’s been a long time. You look well.”

  “I’ve been well. My Father has been good to me.”

  “Our Father, Brother.”

  “No. Not your Father. Not since you denied Him.”

  “As did you.”

  Ramuell looks at him sadly. “I repented.”

  The Demon King’s face contorts with rage. “You cowered! You betrayed your brother, your child! For what? For a Father who controls you? So you could go home and bow at His feet? You are weak. You always were.”

  “My Father gives me strength. I am not the one who stands alone. I stand beside your children,” Ramuell replies. He raises his hands, gesturing to Keely and Apophis.

  Her father throws his head back and laughs heartily. “I am not alone.”

  Suddenly, dozens of Demons in various shapes, sizes, and levels of scariness roam the grounds around Mount Zion. Moans and growls sound from zombie-like beasts as they wander near the doors. Something large slithers across the ground quickly and a stench fills the air, like spoiled milk and rotting meat. Keely gags and tries to put her hand over her nose, but someone still has it. She looks up at Nick.

  “Stay close to me,” he shouts. He drops her hand and pulls two daggers from his jeans. He hands her one and nods to the main doors. “I’ll be right behind you.”


  Keely pulls the talisman from her neck, gripping it in one hand. In the other she clasps the dagger. She holds the necklace in front of her and touches the first zombie she sees. “Ego expello lux,” she says loudly.

  The Demon zombie whirls and slashes a hand at her. Keely throws up her arm just in time. Nails scrape gashes into Keely’s skin. Hot blood seeps from the raw wound. Trickles from her finger tips. It’s so similar to the first attack from Apophis that Keely goes numb. The dagger falls from her fingers. She watches it flip end over end slowly until its point sticks into the ground. She looks back up at the Demon as its mouth opens with a shriek. A ball of light throbs at its chest where its heart should be. Keely recovers from her shock and bends to retrieve the dagger. The Demon hurls itself at her and they both fall to the ground as she shoves the knife upward into its chest. The light flickers and burns out like a flame in wind and snow white salt filters the air.

  Nick offers Keely his hand and pulls her to her feet. “Nice.”

  Keely shakes her hair watching the salt float around her. “Piece of cake.”

  “Just do that about forty more times,” Elijah says as he comes up beside her. He looks at Nick as he says, “That was too close. We have to get her inside.”

  Nick nods his head. “Bryon, move in beside her,” he calls. “Lila, behind. I’m taking the lead.”

  “I’ll keep the lead,” Keely yells. “I need to cast the spell.”

  “I got it,” Asmoday says, moving past her. He slides the sword from the sheath at his belt. The talisman is tied to the wooden handle, dangling just centimeters from his wrist. He holds the sword in front of him and stalks forward. The Angels take identical positions. Ramuell moves to stand beside his grandson. Elijah and Micah walk along each side of Keely, and Israfil places himself in stride with Lila.

  “It’s déjà vu, Brother. Only now you brain washed my own children into betraying me,” the King says.

  Ramuell glowers at him. “Asmoday is not your blood and none of them needed much encouragement. You need to be stopped.”

  A dazzling smile spreads the Demon King’s lips widely. “Then come stop me.”

  Lila cocks her gun and aims at the King’s head. His eyes flash to hers before he vanishes, sinking into the ground. He reappears beside Lila. His large fist comes down on her wrist, knocking the gun out of her hand. She gasps in pain, but turns quickly, bringing her leg up and kicking him in the side of the head. Blood beads along his ear and Lila has just enough time to smile with pride before he lunges his booted foot into her stomach. She flies backward with such force her body folds, bringing her fingertips nearly to her toes as she sails through the air. Lila hits the ground and bounces once.

  It all happens so quickly.

  Ramuell dashes towards the King. Two Demons step in his way. He jumps over the smaller one, raising his sword. With little effort, he brings the blade down in a sideways motion dismembering the next Demon before his feet touch the ground. He pulls his sword flush with his own chest and kicks off the Demon’s knee as it begins to fall. Flips himself through the air. Lands like a gymnast, his arms coming out at his sides. He twirls his weapon as he runs forward.

  Ramuell doesn’t take his eyes off the King as he dips to one knee and places his fingers to Lila’s throat. She stirs at his touch. “Get up Lila. Your job isn’t over,” he says lightly. She takes his hand and he pulls her up. Her hands move directly to her stomach and she grimaces in pain. Ramuell places his hand on her back and nudges her towards Micah.

  “I am stronger than you,” Keely’s father declares. “I’m more powerful. You’re outnumbered.” He spreads his arms wide. “You cannot win. I’ve seen it; you lose.”

  “You know as well as I do the prophecies are not set in stone,” Ramuell states.

  The King laughs. “Yes, because our Father gave us all free will. What a terrible joke. He gives us this gift, but He doesn’t truly want us to use it. When I use my freedom, He finds a way to destroy it. Well, no more. When I sit upon His thrown, all creatures will indulge in their every fantasy. It will be He who bows at my feet and repents. It will be He who pleads for my grace.”

  “You’ve gone mad. The centuries spent with Demons has destroyed you,” Ramuell says.

  “My Father destroyed me! You destroyed me. My brother. My dearest friend. You turned your back on me. You stood by and did nothing. You let Him cast me into Hell. All because I fell in love? Because I loved another more than Him? Why was that such a sin, Brother?”

  “You didn’t fall in love! You coveted what you did not have. That’s how it has always been with you. Always wanting what someone else has. Always needing more power. We were wrong to fall. None of us did it for the right reasons. Our children were proof of that.”

  “You deny your grandson? Look at the man he’s become. Strong. Determined.” He nods his head at Asmoday. “He is all the proof I need to know I was right then, and I am right now.”

  “No. My Father found a way to make right what you did wrong. Asmoday is the flower that bloomed despite the spoiled soil he emerged from. You tried to make him like you, but he is too much like his mother. Even your influence cannot change his heart.”

  “His heart,” he says the word with detest, “his only weakness.”

  “His greatest strength,” Ramuell corrects.

  The Demon King gazes steadily at Ramuell. “Not if it doesn’t beat.” He sinks into the ground again coming up behind Asmoday. He reaches for him, but Asmoday has already committed to the jump. As the King locks onto him, they both disappear.

  Keely spins in a circle, searching for their destination. Not far from the doorway into Mount Zion the air swirls, kicking up dirt and grass. Asmoday falls to the ground, the King on top of him. Keely burst into a sprint, moving faster than she ever thought possible.
/>   Two people emerge from the doors. One tall and skinny. The other is small and petite. A girl. She stands above Asmoday and Keely’s father as they roll on the ground. Lifts her hands above her head and the setting sun shimmers off something, glaring into Keely’s eyes.

  There’s no time to think. Only to act. Keely dives forward, her talisman extended in front of her as she tackles the girl. They somersault over each other, the girl landing on top of Keely.

  “I had him, you idiot,” Mianna spits. She slaps Keely across the face and screams with outrage. Her fingers wind into Keely’s hair. “You stupid little bitch. You’re always in my way!” Mianna lifts Keely by her hair and slams her head into the stone steps. “I wish your brother would let me kill you.” She slams Keely’s head back down and pushes herself off her.

  Keely kicks out her leg sweeping it at Mianna’s feet. She falls and Keely pounces on top of her. “Ego expello lux,” she cries as she touches the necklace to Mianna’s pale skin. The Demon girl screams and flails her arms. Keely fumbles for the dagger.

  Mianna screams again and rolls, putting herself on top of Keely. Using her knees, she pins Keely’s arms at her sides. Keely struggles, trying to work her arms free. Mianna laughs and wraps her thin fingers around Keely’s throat. “We’ll just pick this up where we left off earlier. I don’t care what he says, you need to die.”

  A shadow falls over them and a loud sound rings out. Keely is deaf for a moment as something whizzes past her face and hits the glowing circle of light over Mianna’s chest. She explodes in a storm of salt.

  Keely turns to the side and shields her face as the salt settles over her. She chokes, coughing hoarsely. Lila grips Keely’s hands and sits her up. She beats on her back with an open palm. “Come on Keel, there’s no time to lie around.”

  Keely squints up at her. “What?” she shouts.

  “You don’t have to yell, I’m like, right here.”

  “What?” Keely puts her finger in her ear and wiggles it. “All I can hear is ringing.”

  Lila smiles. “Sorry about that.”


  “Oh, for the love of all that is holy.” Lila yanks Keely up and turns her back toward the doors. She points. “Go.”

  “Where’s Asmoday?” Keely looks to the place she last saw him. There’s a section of dark brown stone soaked in blood. Her heart falls into her stomach.

  “He’s already inside,” Lila says. “Your father too.”

  Keely concentrates on Lila’s lips, trying to understand her. Lila rolls her eyes and turns Keely’s head. She shouts into her other ear. “They’re both inside. When you get in there, do me a favor. Send that treacherous pig out.”

  “Who?” Keely tries to turn and look at her, but Lila grips her firmly and puts her mouth up to Keely’s ear. In a crisp, cold voice she says, “Dustin.” She closes her eyes and adds, “He’s mine.”


  “Keely, wait,” Nick calls. He ducks a blow from a large zombie-esc Demon and runs over to her. He slips his dagger into the belt of his jeans and pulls her against him. “Be careful.” He hesitates, licking his lips. Whatever he decides in that moment, he doesn’t say. He leans forward and kisses her. One hand cups the back of her head, the other her cheek. The fierce sweep of his lips shocks her senses. It’s full of love and goodbyes.

  Keely’s spent so much time concentrating on losing Asmoday that she forgot she could just as easily lose Nick. And now the realization freezes her insides with dread. She could lose them all.

  Reluctantly, Nick releases her. “I’ll be waiting for you.” Keely nods numbly. She kicks salt from her shoes with a sickened shiver, remembering it’s Mianna.

  “Nick.” Keely takes his hand. “Mianna said she wasn’t allowed to kill me. She said my brother said she wasn’t allowed to kill me.”

  Nick stares at her blankly.

  “Apophis made it sound as if Mianna turned on him. Like she ran off to share his spell with my father to use it against him.”

  “But if that’s the case, then why was she still following his orders?” Nick’s eyes spark with anger.


  “He set us up.”

  Keely bites her lip and looks back to the door. She knows she has to go.

  “Go Keely. I’ll take care of it.” He pulls his hand away and nods at her. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Nick.”


  Nick watches Keely move under the threshold of the rocky building until her form disappears into the darkness. The sun sinks past the horizon leaving him in the dark as well. He glides his dagger out and surveys his surroundings. He finds Apophis languidly revoking the spell on a small group of Demons. He meets Nick’s eyes and smiles.

  And now Nick wants his blood.

  The smile falters from Apophis’ face for half a second before he plasters an even bigger one on. “I’ve got a few ready for you, Guardian,” he says.

  Nick shoulders one of the Demons out of his way while bringing his dagger up quickly into the gut of another. A third Demon tries to flee but Nick throws his arm around its neck in a choke hold and sticks his blade into its spine. He jerks his hand, giving it a small twist and salt explodes against him.

  Without hesitation, Nick turns toward Apophis and rushes him. As Nick tackles him, the smile Apophis still wears turns wickedly amused. Air rushes from Nick’s lips in a hiss just as they hit the ground. He rolls off of Apophis, his hand flying to his stomach. It comes away wet with blood and Nick looks at it with alarm.

  It takes Apophis a moment to get to his feet and then he’s standing over Nick with his trademark knife in hand. “So sorry about that, but I had to protect myself. Did you mistake me for one of the other Demons?”

  Nick looks from his bloody fingers to Apophis’ grinning face. “I didn’t mistake you.” He tries to sit up, but the pain is excruciating. His stomach burns. His body feels heavy. Head dizzy.

  “I’m on your side, remember?”

  “You’re on your side. Like always. You set us up.”

  Apophis clicks his tongue and looks back to the doors Keely entered a moment ago. “She’s a clever one. She knew the whole time?”

  Nick doesn’t answer him. His mind whirls, trying to figure out how to take this monster down.

  With a shrug Apophis turns his attention back to Nick. “Cute the way she played along. Used me while she could. Smart. But I’m also very clever.” He lowers himself so that he’s squatting next to Nick. His eyes dart around to insure they haven’t been noticed, but in the mayhem, everyone’s preoccupied. “I needed the thrown. Asmoday would never just hand it over, of course, so I came up with a way to force his hand. This puppy dog love he has for my sister has proven quite useful.”

  “So you sent Mianna to your father? Had her give him the spell just so you had a bargaining chip? These Demons could just as easily kill you.”

  “Not when I cast the spell on myself.”

  Nick’s last bit of hope shrivels up and shrinks away. He stares at Apophis in defeat. “What are you waiting for then?”

  “Well, little Guardian, either my father is going to kill Asmoday, and I will need to kill my father, or Asmoday is going to kill my father, and I will need to kill Asmoday. I can’t trust anyone else to do it. You know what they say, if you want something done right, yada, yada, yada.”

  Apophis plays with the tip of his large blade. He swings it out toward Nick. “How do you want it?” He touches the tip to Nick’s throat. “Quick and painless?” He moves it to his stomach. “Or nice and slow?”

  Squeezing the dagger in his hand, Nick takes a deep breath. It hurts everywhere. Even if he can’t kill Apophis, he can at least give him a nice scar to remember him by. He summons the last bit of energy he can find and aims for the same place Apophis left a scar on Keely. He drives the knife into Apophis’ throat and puts his weight into it as he yanks it to the side.

  Face white with astonishment, Apophis falls backward. He drops his kn
ife, putting his hands to his throat. Nick retrieves it and pushes himself over to Apophis.

  Sputtering and choking. Gagging and drowning in blood, Apophis writhes on the ground. And Nick realizes there are some things worse than death. Like being unable to heal yourself as you slowly bleed out. Like knowing you are asphyxiating in your own fluid and it is your own damn fault. He tucks the dagger into his belt. Leans over Apophis and uses his white jacket to wipe the blood off of his knife. Without a word, Nick turns and walks away.

  He makes it twenty feet before he collapses.

  The stars shine brightly here. Brighter than back home. There aren’t as many lights to dilute their brilliance. Nick stares up at them trying to ignore the pain ravishing his body. At least he has something beautiful to look at.

  His mind flicks to Keely. He wonders if she’s all right. Everything is worth it if she’s o.k. He’s done all he can do. Apophis is out of the way now. He can no longer cause her any more pain. Nick knows she won’t be alone. She’ll have Bryon. Bryon loves her. He’ll take care of her. He’s good like that. In fact, he’s better than Nick ever could be. Bryon never pushes. Never pries. He’ll allow her to be who she’s supposed to be. He’ll never judge her. Keely could be happy with him. She could have a nice life with him. A long life.

  And that makes it easier for Nick to let his eyes fall shut.


  It’s dark here. Keely can’t see a thing. She wishes she had a flashlight. It reminds her of the tunnels of the Demon realm Apophis took her to. She shivers. Forces herself to take the next step. Her ears strain to hear something. Anything. Voices, footsteps. But there is nothing. It’s so eerily quiet. Much too quiet. She doesn’t even hear the shrieks and wails from outside.

  “Oh shit,” Keely whispers, as it dawns on her exactly why this place instantly reminded her of the Demon realm. Because it is a Demon realm.

  Instead of the terror she should be feeling, the first place her mind goes is Asmoday. He came through first—without her, and yet, the cord stayed intact. She isn’t sure what this means, but she’s grateful.


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