Caveman Alien's Ransom

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Caveman Alien's Ransom Page 9

by Calista Skye


  - Sophia -

  Jax'zan cups on of my breasts in a large, warm and callused hand, very gently. “Woman,” he whispers with reverence.

  “That's right,” I reply with a voice that's throaty without me even trying. I can't remember ever being this turned on before. This jurassic alien does something to me that makes me want to just give myself to him. How many times has he saved my life now? I've lost count. And he's completely decent, except for that first 'greeting'. Which turned out pretty great, of course.

  I stroke his shaft with my hand and he jerks and exclaims something, but I don't think he dislikes it. “Very pleasant,” chirps the translator.

  Yeah, I don't think we'll need that right now, so I switch it off and unsnap the fly in my jeans in the same movement, then yank them down and over my hips. He's seen all of me anyway, but still I feel a thrill undressing for him. His eyes are so big and his cock twitches so hard at my touch that he's probably feeling a thrill seeing it, too.

  I'm taking charge, and that's fine. He's probably not dealt with an Earth girl like this before, and it will be my pleasure to show him what we're like. I see no reason to wait, so I discard my panties too and then he gets the point and almost rips his kilt off.

  His manhood springs into view and slaps against his flat abdomen. I can't help grabbing it greedily in both hands and feeling the hardness and the throbbing. And the interesting features. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've seen sex toys a lot like that online. And I may or may not own one.

  Jax'zan places his hand behind my neck and kisses me, first gently like he testing it out, and then more aggressively.

  Oh-kay, I think to myself. Earth girls or not, he's done this before. I respond to his kisses and I just can't take my hands off his sensational cock.

  I'll need to be seriously wet to take him in me. I check with one finger. Um, yes. That is not a problem.

  And now I want it. I want to get fucked.

  I place a hand on his chest to let him know that I want him to sit back. The tent is low, but I think it just might work.

  Then I place myself on him, carefully straddling his lap. It's been a while for me and while his shape is alluring, I want to be in control here at the start. He lets me, despite his primitive caveman slash warrior aura.

  I place him at my entrance and lower myself, feeling how he splits my lips apart and hearing how my pussy makes a slithering noise. Goodness, I must be dripping. At my narrowest point I pause, and then Jax'zan places his hands under my butt to support my weight.

  I come down another inch and feel the pop as he slips inside me. I moan in delight as my pussy has to stretch a little to accommodate his size, but at the same time the ridges all along his shaft stimulate me just right inside, and what could have been a little bit of pain is just a slight little burn that mixes with the pleasure and somehow heightens it, reminding me that my body is giving in to the intruder and that I'm being fucked by a man. A pretty amazing man.

  When he's all the way inside me there's still a good couple of inches left of his cock. My eyes widen and he notices, then lifts me gently and takes all the load off my thighs. I draw my breath sharply at the strength of this man – how is that even possible? And he doesn't seem to be exerting himself at all.

  I look deep into his red eyes and throw my arms around his neck and pull him close to me as I impale myself on his cock once more. He supports me and lifts me, and any thought I had about me being in control here was just an illusion. That suits me fine. I wouldn't want to be in charge here anyway, not with this alien cock to get to know.

  He sets up a calm, slow rhythm with the strokes, and despite his length he knows exactly how far to lower me without totally bottoming out in me. There's a wet squelch with each thrust in, accompanied by the moans and whimpers I just can't keep down. He's tall, and even if I'm straddling his lap, my breasts slide along his hairy, striped and muscular chest that stimulates the nipples so they each send a little spark of delight south with each thrust.

  And something is teasing my clit. I don't know how that's possible, but it's being gently stimulated in a way that I realize is going to send me over the threshold to a climax pretty soon.

  At the same time, his ridges and valleys and pulsating hardness are creating so many wild and delirious sensations deeper inside that I just might come from that alone, too. Oh yes, he's definitely pulsating inside me, far beyond what a normal cock can do.

  And then I can't hold back anymore. “You're crazy,”I gasp as I rapidly climb the curve into a hard orgasm and zoom past the point of no return. “I've never-” And then I just wail in delight as a flood wave of bliss washes through me and turns my whole pelvis into a red-hot center of sex, and he increases the speed to where I can't tell the thrusts apart and it all just turns into one incredible sensation of hotness and wetness and hardness and pleasure.

  I ride him fast and hard, and he controls it perfectly, bearing my whole weight in his strong hands, and right when I feel the wave subside a little, I can feel his movement becoming erratic and he grunts as he shoots his own hot seed inside me. That feeling makes me laugh in mindless bliss and I take another orbit of intense climax.

  I ride out the aftershocks and put my face to his neck while he slows down and lets me come to my senses again. Then I'm sitting there, still straddling him and still with his stiff cock inside me. And I don't want to move. Ever.

  He says something in a kind, caring tone, and then he lifts me, turns me and lays me down on my side with my back to him and his cock still inside. I'm happy about that, because I really like feeling him there.

  “This is crazy,” I pant, and I'm not sure if I mean what we just did or the whole situation on an alien planet. Probably I mean all of it.

  He puts his strong, warm arm around me and I suddenly feel how sleepy I am.


  - Jax'zan -

  Her breath turns deep and even and I pull her closer to me.

  Holy Ancestors. I have no words for what just happened. I knew mating with a woman would be nice, but nobody had told me that it would be this wonderful and this meaningful.

  Because this ... this was mating. I'm sure of it, although the position the shaman clumsily described to us when we were all just giggling teens was different. But my spear definitely penetrated her slit, and then she seemed to get possessed by an angel spirit of ecstasy, and then ... I will need some time to process this.

  The whole situation is very strange. I can't understand why she was delivered by the Plood. The Prophecy doesn't say anything about how exactly she's supposed to turn up at Bune and then in the pool under it, but the dirty, dishonest and treacherous Plood? Possibly it's an attempt at humor from the Ancestors. They were never very funny. And the Prophecy certainly never mentions several Women. But Sophia has friends, all pretty similar to her, as far as I can see.

  I bury my face in her long, extraordinary hair. I can feel her heartbeat with my hand, and her innocence and trust and basic wonderfulness sends a warm feeling to my chest. She defended herself unbelievably well against that rekh, even killing it. She's not the helpless alien I thought she was.

  I've never felt this for anyone before. She's wondrous and miraculous.

  I ponder it. That in itself is a clear sign that she is indeed the woman who will become the Mother of Xren and who will restore our society and species to glory, giving us the Treasure. No one knows what the Treasure is, but I suppose it could be that black weapon she has. Or possibly that interpreter device. I'd thought it would be something more glorious and more obviously valuable, but if the Ancestors are trying to be funny about this whole Prophecy, then I suppose it could be anything.

  I yawn, then check outside to see if there is anything living nearby. There's not, and the rain has stopped, so I close the tent flap and resume my position behind her extraordinarily ample rear.

  The feeling and sight of it makes my spear go instantly hard again, but I will not do anything while she's aslee

  The first moment I saw her in the water, I was surprised and I didn't offer any resistance to my first impulse of worshiping her. But now I wonder if tasting her holiest slit while she was not quite there might have been slightly rash. Perhaps not exactly wrong, but also not entirely in line with warrior honor and manly restraint. Certainly the Prophecy states that the Mother is to be worshipped as soon as she's discovered, and the shaman did teach us how, using his wooden model of a female slit. But now I suspect I should have waited until she was in a position to demand worship.

  Well, all warriors learn to let what has been done remain done and to not ponder it excessively, while adopting one's future actions to what one has experienced. And now I experience that this delicate Woman must be revered.

  Another sure sign that she is the Mother was that she asked about being taken to the tribe. That was my first plan, but she was adamant about going to her friends, and then she crossed over into Bune itself and I could no longer follow. Then I had to keep her safe while she consulted with her friends. The Prophecy is clear about the idea that she has to come to the village of her own free will, that she can't be forced to come there in any way.

  It will be extremely hazardous. There are many Bigs and Smalls between here and our village, and Sophia is small and delicate. Even if she has that black little weapon, she's as good as defenseless on her own. It'll be a new experience for me to travel with someone who can't be counted on to protect themselves. But there's no way around it.

  When she gets there, she will become the Mother of Xren and deliver the Treasure. And that will bestow immense status and prestige on us, the Rexvi.

  And for me ... well, the future is bright. The Chosen one. Nobody knows exactly what it entails to be the Chosen, but it implies great honor.

  I kiss Sophia's hair. With this woman, my future is very bright indeed. One way or the other.


  - Sophia -

  Again I wake up with the smell of grilled meat in my nose. The memories of the night before come back to me and I sigh happily. That was sex the way it's supposed to be. Genuinely mind-blowing.

  I put on my panties and notice that my pussy is sore and I have used some muscles I'm not used to. But that's a small price to pay for an experience like that. The soreness I feel everywhere else I blame on the dinosaur that wanted to feed me to its kids. But the herbs that Jax'zan put on me has worked marvelously well. I'm gratified to notice that it's one of the herbs that I've experimented with, too.

  I should worry about getting pregnant. He did come inside me, and I doubt birth control is easily available on this planet.

  This alien jurassic planet with no chance of going home. Yeah, a baby is probably the least of my worries just now. I have worry overload. And maybe it would help Jax'zan bond to me if we had a baby together. From a pure survival point of view, that would probably not be a bad idea. Because I'm not on a safe campus anymore. This is a stone age society, and painful as the thought may be, my main priority right now should be staying alive. If nothing else, yesterday's experience with the dinosaur that Jax'zan calls a 'rekh' convinced me of that.

  I sigh and button my shirt. Chances are I'll be dead by the time I'd have to worry the slightest bit about pregnancy. I should probably just enjoy myself while I can.

  I exit the tent, and there's Jax'zan with more meat and vegetables. He must be a super good hunter, because it seems like every time I turn around he's gutted and skinned more creatures. Well, I'm not complaining.

  I gaze towards the place where the tuna can landed. Now I can see it's a mountain with greenery all over it. I frown. Part of it reminds me of something, especially the top where the tuna can crashed. But I can't tell what it reminds me of. Something big, anyway.

  I hope the girls are okay. With the rain last night, at least they should have no problem with water for a couple of days.

  I turn the translator on. “Good morning.”

  He smiles, a little wider now than last time. I guess he liked our little adventure, too.

  “Zopia is awake,” he observes and immediately hands me a leaf with grilled meat and some kind of root he's sliced and fried. It's not quite a potato, and not quite a turnip, but it's something in between.

  I ask him how he found it and he shows me the leaves that stick out of the ground where those things can be found. It's valuable info for the colony back at the tuna can, and I make a mental note to ask him about all the vegetables he knows. I don't think the other girls or I will ever be great hunters, so knowing where to find edible plants seems important, regardless of how this whole thing turns out.

  Jax'zan takes down the tent and wraps it into a surprisingly small bundle that he puts in his bag. I make sure I have the gun and the translator, and then we're ready to go.

  This clearing seems safe enough, but I know that the jungle itself has all kinds of dangers. I'm going to stick very close to Jax'zan, and I'm going to have the gun in my hand at all times. That seems the best way to at least trick myself into thinking that I'm safe. I don't mind the gun that much now. Without it, I would've been eaten by those rekh hatchlings.

  Jax'zan tells me to stay close to him, but far enough away that I'm out of range if he has to swing his sword. Then he walks straight for the jungle, and I trudge behind him. I'm glad I usually wore sneakers to the electronics lab, because they're pretty sturdy and comfortable, but they weren't made for walking in a jungle. Thankfully the rain from last night has dried up and the ground isn't muddy.

  I can tell Jax'zan walks slowly to allow me to keep up. I suppress a sigh. Already I'm slowing him down. But walking behind him and seeing his strong legs, that round little butt under the kilt and that broad muscular back-

  “Ohmigod!” I run to catch up to him. “Jax'zan, your back!”

  It has angry, red marks across it, over his stripes and his ordinary skin. They're not bleeding, but they look painful.

  He gives me an expression that I can tell is a smirk, because I've seen those before and he's not that alien. “Zopia enjoy last evening.”

  I can feel my face go red. “Oh god, did I do that?”

  Yep, that looks like something I'd do in the throes of orgasm without even knowing it. Well, he did fuck me pretty darn good and I did cling to him. “I'm sorry. That has to hurt.”

  “Pleasure was larger than pain,” he says calmly and then keeps on walking.

  I scurry after him, both ashamed that I've hurt him like that and aroused at the memory of something that could make me scratch his back up without even noticing. Yeah, he's good.

  We walk in among the trees, and I keep lookout upwards and backwards and to the sides and pretty much every direction. I'm jumpy, because that rekh came out of nowhere and had me in its jaws before I knew it.

  At the same time I'm focusing on Jax'zan. Both because I think he might spot any danger before I do and because he is pretty pleasant to look at, even with those marks I clawed into him. I gaze at my nails. I'm definitely hitting the first manicure salon I spot in this jurassic jungle.

  The day goes on and insects buzz around us, both large ones and not so large ones. I take a clue from Jax'zan, and any flying things he gets out of the way of, I tried to avoid, too. Sometimes little rodent-like things scurry out of the bushes and zoom across the jungle floor, which makes me scratch my head. They look like mammals to me, but didn't those come after the dinosaurs on Earth? Like, millions of years after? I'm not even so sure. This planet is weird enough if I'm not going to make stuff up, too.

  The jungle is dense and hot and humid, and when we've been going for a good three hours or so, I'm starting to feel sticky. But the food Jax'zan made this morning must have been very full of energy, because I feel like I can go on for a good while yet.

  Then I hear running water, like the distant thunder from a waterfall. Jax'zan turns to the left and we walk up a little hill, and then I see one of the most spectacular sights of my life. It's a large pool – a lake, really – with crysta
l clear water and a very picturesque waterfall at one end.

  It's ringed by white beaches and rock pools under the waterfall, and it looks so clean and idyllic I stop in my tracks, immediately suspicious. “There's going to be a terrible monster living at the bottom of this, right?”

  Jax'zan shrugs. “Monsters everywhere on Xren. Under water, not seen.”

  I'm not sure if he's telling me that there is one or that there isn't one. That translator needs some more adjustments, but I don't have a lab here so I'm stuck with what I've got. Even so, I should probably try to learn Jax'zan's language at some point. That translator has a very good battery, but when it's out of charge, that's it. Unless Jax'zan's sword somehow uses micro-USB, it's going to be a challenge to charge the device. And before I see any evidence to the contrary, I'm going to be pretty sure his tribe doesn't even have electricity.

  Jax'zan squats down to drink from the pool, and I do the same. The water is cooler than the air, and it looks pretty tempting.

  I peer as deep into it as I can, but I see no monster. “Is it safe to swim here, you think?”

  He doesn't reply, just places his bag and the sword carefully on a rock and dives in. He swims underwater to the other side, then back again in a pretty impressive display of athleticism.

  Well, if he can, I can. I place the translator and the gun on another rock, look around reflexively to check if there's someone watching, and then I strip naked and jump into the water. I get water in my nose and splutter, and Jax'zan is there in the same moment, holding me loosely. I get the feeling he's not sure if I can swim.

  I shudder. “It's cold!” The translator repeats it in his language. We're just about within earshot of it.


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