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by Matthiessen, Peter

  Eagle, golden, 185, 234

  Eckhardt, Meister, 62, 112-13

  Egypt, ancient, 55, 58

  Eido Roshi, 112-13, 135, 294, 307

  Eight-fold Path (Buddhist), 18

  Einstein, Albert, 63, 131

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 64

  Energy, and identity with matter, 66

  Enlightenment (satori) 18-19, 62, 93, 109, 113

  "Enlightenment" tree: see Bodhi

  Eskimos, 34, 54, 55, 67, 94

  Everest, Mount, 77, 105, 128, 129, 158, 265, 326

  Fire-Mist (Hindu myth), and nebula theory, 64

  Four Noble Truths (Buddhist), 17-18

  Francis, Saint, 62

  Freedom, and "crazy wisdom," 88, 118

  Gandhi, Mohandas K., 15

  Ganges Plain, 4, 17, 20, 29, 147, 326

  Ganges River, 12, 30

  Gautama, Siddhartha, 17; see also Buddha; Sakyamuni

  Gaya (India), 17, 18, 232

  Gelug-pa sect, 171, 197

  Geneva (Switzerland), 79

  Ghustang River, 82

  Gilgit (India), 122

  Gobi Desert, 56

  Gorakhpur (India), 19

  Goral (goat-antelope), 205

  Gorkhas, 5, 22, 26, 121, 160

  "Great death" (Buddhist), 95, 135

  Great Spirit (American Indian), 57

  Greece, 207; ancient, 58

  Griffon, Himalayan, 107, 209, 237

  Gurdjieff, George, 43

  Gurungs, 21, 27, 53, 55, 282

  Gyaltsen (camp assistant), 24, 26, 33, 75, 87, 105, 149, 153, 167, 182, 209, 235, 240, 256, 260, 275, 279, 289, 323, 330

  Haikus, Schaller's, 61, 251

  Hallucinogens, 44, 46-47, 241, 307

  Hamsun, Knut, 43

  Hanuman (Hindu god), 128

  "Heart-Drops from the Great Space," 122 Heart Sutra: see Sutra

  Heroin, 44

  Hesse, Hermann, 43

  Hinayana Buddhism: see Buddhism

  Hinduism, 33-34, 67-68, 94, 122, 123, 138

  Hindus, 12, 16, 20-21, 26, 107, 128, 142, 196, 309, 320

  Hittites, 58

  Hoopoe (Upupa), 49, 95

  Hrap Gompa, 283

  Hui-Neng, 121

  Hwang Ho River, 30

  I Ching ("Book of Changes"), 171

  India, 4, 12, 17, 23, 26, 30, 35, 101, 122, 124, 142, 172, 197, 276, 326; Muslim holy wars in, 124

  Indians, American, 54-57, 63, 84

  Indus River, 30, 122, 196

  Industrial revolution, 63

  Intuition, and Zen teachings. 111

  Intuitive sciences of East, 63

  Ions, negative, and prana, 229

  Jaljala Ridge, 49, 53

  James, William, 64

  Jamoson (Nepal), 31, 87, 225

  Jang-bu (head sherpa), 20, 26, 33, 39, 62, 75, 87, 90, 105-6. 115, 118, 127, 149, 155, 160, 163-64, 167-70, 193-94, 200. 226, 234-35, 240, 251-53, 260, 274-79, 293, 529-30; translates history of Lama of Shey, 241-44

  Jang La, 59, 68, 84, 90, 115-19, 127,131, 196, 206, 209, 312

  Japan, 35, 42, 88, 107, 123, 278, 326

  Jare River, 26

  Jesus Christ, 113, 310

  Joseph of Cupertino, Saint, 158

  Journey to Shambala, 196

  Jumla (Nepal), 87, 133, 153, 235, 240, 278, 295, 309, 315, 316-17, 320-21, 323, 325, 328, 330

  Jung, Carl, 45-46

  Kagyu-pa sect, 197, 242

  Kailas, Mount, 196

  Kalachakra (Circle of Time), 196-97; see also Nyingma

  Kali (Hindu goddess), 29, 37-38

  Kali Gandaki River, 3,14,19,29-31, 49. 53, 127, 143, 225, 326

  Kali Yuga (Dark Age), 315

  Kallbon (Nepal), 312

  Kamis, 81-82, 84, 165, 282

  Kang La, 68, 134, 145, 148,149, 163, 166-68, 177-78, 179, 181-82, 183, 191, 195, 209, 213, 226, 231-32, 240, 263, 293, 306

  Kangling: see Musical instruments

  Kanjiroba Range, 3, 68, 117, 133-34, 136, 141, 146, 157,162, 178, 193, 220, 232, 292, 295, 297, 323

  Kanju River: see Black River

  Kannon (Kanzeon): see Sutra

  Karma, 33-34, 57, 109

  Karma Dorje, 226, 281-82, 285-86, 291, 293, 295, 300, 309, 313

  Karma-pa sect, 197, 244, 252, 274

  Karnali River, 50,196, 227, 263

  Karsung (porter), 53, 118,136

  Kasapa, 28, 332

  Kashmir (India), 122, 205

  Kathmandu (Nepal), 4-5,17, 20, 23-24, 27, 40, 51, 53, 59-60, 62, 76, 85, 116, 129, 161, 209, 214, 225, 232, 237, 251, 281, 323. 325-26, 329-32

  Kham-pas, 31,193, 244, 312, 331

  Khang (Tibet), 243

  Khumbu (Nepal). 105, 173, 271, 318

  Khundu (Nepal), 327

  Kierkegaard, Soren, 43

  Koan (Zen paradox), 135, 249, 266

  Korea, 35

  Kublai Khan, 197

  Kukri (hatchet-knife), 26, 81

  Kundalini yoga, 122

  Kusinara (India), 19, 23

  Kusma (Nepal), 29

  Ladakh (India), 122, 205

  Lahore (Pakistan), 39

  Lamaism, 318

  Lammergeier, 237, 291

  Langurs, 127-29

  Lao-tzu, 15, 178

  Leopard, snow: see Snow leopard

  Levitation, 158

  Lhasa (Tibet), 161

  Liberation, "Short Path" to, 197, 242

  Lonicera (bush honeysuckle). 207

  Love, Deborah, 45-47, 78-80, 110, 112,239, 301; illness and death of, 80-81, 110-13, 175, 294; quoted, 78, 295

  LSD, 44, 46

  Lumbini, 17, 326

  Lung-gom (Tantric discipline), 157

  Machhapuchare, 6, 27, 326

  Magars, 13, 20, 50, 52, 53, 124

  Magyandi River, 32, 33, 41

  Mahakala (Lord of Death), 196-97

  Mahayana Buddhism: see Buddhism

  Maitreya (Buddha-to-come). 123, 280

  Makalu, 105

  Manang (Tibet), 242

  Manaslu, 105

  Manjusri, 196, 280

  Marijuana, 85,138, 219, 302-3

  Marpa, Lama, 96, 197,199. 231, 242

  Marsa River, 21

  Masta (mountain god), 137, 138, 300, 303, 312

  Matter, identity with energy, 66

  Matthiessen, Alex, 39-40, 41-42, 59-60; letter to father, 40

  Matthiessen, Lucas, 39

  Matthiessen, Rue, 39

  Matthiessen, Sara, 39

  Maya, doctrine of, 67-68

  Meditation, 66, 93-94, 110-12, 179, 197, 210, 216-18, 237, 242, 250, 303, 324; by Christian mystics, 63; purpose of, 257; Sakyamuni's practice of, 18, 19, 35

  Mekong River, 30

  Melville, Herman, 64

  Mescaline, 44, 46

  Metempsychosis, 57; see also Reincarnation

  Middle Path, Buddha's, 19

  Milarepa, Lama, 93, 95, 96, 99, 158, 197, 199, 231, 242. 326; quoted, 93, 138, 219

  Mind: all phenomena as crystallizations of, 66; Universal, 67, 110

  Modir River, 24, 26

  Mongolia, 159, 280

  Mongols, 34, 54

  Moon bear: see Bear, moon

  Muktinath (Tibet), 242

  Muni (Nepal). 317, 320

  Murwa (Nepal), 144, 182, 235, 281, 287, 290, 292-93, 295-96, 300, 306, 309, 314, 321

  Murwa River, 293, 295-96

  Musical instruments: lute (danyen), 276-77, 280-82; trumpet (kangling), 250

  Muslims, 172

  Mustang (Nepal), 14, 20, 29, 31, 231, 272, 282

  Mysticism, 58, 62-68, 113

  Naljorpa, 57, 135, 318

  Namche Bazaar, 297, 327

  Namdo (Nepal), 281, 329

  Namdo Pass, 286-87, 289, 297, 329

  Namgung Gompa, 265, 274-75, 281, 329

  Nam-Khong River, 275, 281, 329

  Nam-Khong Valley, 274, 276, 279, 284

  Namu (Shey hostess). 194, 202, 214-15, 224-25, 230-31, 235, 255

; Napier, John, 130

  Naropa, 197, 199

  Negative ions, and prana, 229

  Nen (attention to present), 109

  Nepal, 3, 4, 11,14,20,24-25, 26, 27, 31, 53, 60, 77, 85, 87, 108, 121, 129, 132-33, 178, 265, 282, 312, 321, 328, 331; bharal in, see Bharal; erosion problem of, I'i-lAi mastif[s in, 51, 126; wildlife in. 14; and yeti, see Yeti

  Nepalganj Road, 323

  New Guinea, 44

  Newars, 17

  Nirvana, 34, 93, 108, 109, 310

  North Asia: see Asia

  Nurpu (mountain god), 253, 297, 300

  Nyingma (Old Sect of Tibetan Buddhism), 122-23, 171, 196; see also Kalachakra

  Obo (upright slabs), 280

  OM MANi PADME HUM (mantra), 52, 69, 107-8; carved on boulders, 147, 151, 295; and prayer wheels at Shey, 192, 199, 263; suited to ascent of mountain, 135; translation of, 108-9

  Ongdi (trader), 224-26, 232, 263, 271, 282, 331

  Ovis (sheep), 205, 262

  Padma Sambhava, 122-23,146, 151, 199, 244, 280

  Paharis, 20, 30, 81

  Pakistan, 24, 39, 62,159, 207, 331

  Pamawongal, Lama, 242

  Panda, red, 41, 316

  Paniavas (Nepal), 30

  Patan (Nepal), 331

  Pema River. 84, 86

  Peru, 44

  Phagune Gorge, 75-76

  Phoksumdo Lake, 59,144, 146, 151, 156, 167, 199, 289, 296, 330-31

  Phoksumdo River, 68, 157, 160-61, 164, 297, 306, 330

  Phu-Tsering (cook and camp assistant), 21, 26, 33, 39, 62, 76, 87, 98, 105-8, 128, 144, 149, 156, 167-68, 170, 172-74, 180, 184, 200, 211, 251-52, 271, 329-30

  "Piper at the Gates of Dawn, The" (Grahame), 43

  Pirim (porter), 37, 53, 104, 125, 132, 149, 331

  Plato, 63

  Pokhara (Nepal), 5-6, 11-13, 15, 20-21, 22, 24, 51, 88, 161, 162, 309, 320

  Polo, Marco, 31, 158-59, 197

  Prajna, 18, 121

  Prana, 57, 157, 229

  Prayer: drums (damaru), 192, 250; flags (lung-p'ar), 192, 237, 253; stones, 199-200, 263-64; wheels, 192, 199-200, 263-64, 332

  Proust, Marcel, 137

  Pseudois: see Bharal

  Psilocybin, 44

  Pung-mo (Nepal), 143, 151, 306, 310

  Putha Hiunchuli, 77, 103

  Rajgir (India), 17-18

  Raka (Nepal), 282, 284-86, 309, 329

  Raka Pass, 287

  Rapti River, 17

  Ravens, 216

  Redstarts, Asian (Phoenicurus) 50

  Reincarnation, 93; see also Metempsychosis Relativity, theory of, 63, 66

  Rig Veda, 17, 64, 102

  Ring-mo (Nepal), 146-51, 153, 155, 167, 173, 208, 231-32, 240, 278, 279, 317, 323

  Ring-mos, 150, 157, 160, 163, 165-68, 170, 181-82

  Robin accentor (Prunella), 208

  Rohagaon (Nepal), 137-40, 144, 282, 300, 302-3, 305, 309

  Roman (Nepal), 306-7, 314-15

  Sahara, 56

  Sakyamuni, 17-19, 22-23, 28, 34-35, 93, 109, 121-23, 150, 158, 232, 244, 280, 326; enlightenment of, 18-19; see also Buddha

  Sakya-pa sect, 197, 280

  Sal Gompa, 281

  Saldang (Nepal), 181-82, 194, 200, 212, 213, 220, 224-26, 230-31, 234-35, 244, 275, 279-80, 293

  Saligrams, 30

  Samadhi, 94, 96, 113

  Samantabhadra, 123, 199

  Samling Monastery, 200, 213, 220, 234, 263

  Samsara, 22, 34, 108-9

  Sangbai-Dagpo (Concealed Lords), 318

  Sangha, 109-10

  Samath (India), 4, 18

  Sasquatch, 128, 130-31; see also Bigfoot; Yeti

  Satori (enlightenment), 18-19, 62, 93, 109, 113

  Saure River, 104, 107, 109,115, 119

  Sayan Range, 159

  Schaller, George, 3-5,14, 22-23, 25, 27, 36-37, 39, 50-51, 60, 77-78, 81, 90-91, 97-103, 105-8, 116, 131, 156, 161-63, 165-74, 180-81, 184, 198, 201, 204, 210-11, 213, 229, 250-51, 259-60, 271-73, 283, 287-88, 328-31; on Caprini (sheep and goats), 204-7, 247, 262-63; on Eastern thought, 62-63; haikus by, 61, 251; letter from, 329-30; Shey Gompa entered by, 265; on snow leopard, 3, 99-100, 158-59, 227, 255, 330; snow leopard seen by, 330; on yeti, 129-30

  Schaller, Kay, 36, 39, 60, 62

  Science: classifies world into different groups of connections, 65-66; intuitive, of East, 63; progress of, toward theories of fundamental unity, 63; and Vedas, 68

  Seng River, 98, 101, 127

  Senniti, dance of, 88-89

  Serengeti Plain (East Africa), 3, 36, 103

  Shamanism, 56-57, 67

  Shambala, 56, 122, 178

  Sh'ang Sh'ung, 150, 200, 300

  Sheep (Oviy), 205, 262

  Sherpas, 11, 20, 33-34, 53, 88, 105, 132, 133, 140, 168, 173-74, 208-9, 272, 312. 318, 326

  Shey Gompa: see Crystal Monastery

  Shey Pass, 202, 213, 235, 293, 329

  Shipton, Eric, 129-30

  Shiva (Hindu god), 29, 38

  "Short Path": see Liberation Sibang (Nepal), 38

  Siberia, 55

  Snow blindness, 104-5

  Snow leopard, 3, 97, 99-100, 107, 129, 158-59, 167, 169, 227-28, 236-37, 243, 249-55, 258-60, 262, 266, 271, 290, 298-99, 311, 328; Milarepa transformed into, 158; seen by Schaller, 330; and yogin Drutob Senge Yeshe, 243, 253

  Soen Roshi, 107, 182, 253, 310

  Somdo mountain, 200, 220, 243, 246, 252, 255, 258,271, 297,329

  Sonam, 194, 203, 222-23. 247

  Sonrikot (Nepal), 314-15

  Southeast Asia: see Asia

  Sron Tsan Gampo, 244

  Stag, Sikldm, 198, 243

  Stupa, defined, 123

  Sufism, 49-50, 58, 88 Suli River, 68, 133, 134, 140-44, 154, 174, 239, 299, 300-1, 305-6

  Sumerians, 58

  Sutlej River, 196

  Sutra: Heart, 208, 217-18; Kannon (Kanzeon), 107, 109-10,112,122,135,208

  Swastika, 142

  Swayambhunath (Nepal), 331

  Tahr (Hemitragus), 81, 205, 206

  Takang (Tibet), 242

  Takla, 241, 252

  Tamangs, 20, 53, 76, 77, 81, 88, 97, 104, 124-25, 136, 149, 305, 331

  Tantras, 121-22, 171, 196

  Tantric Buddhism: see Buddhism

  Taoism, 35, 45, 57,178, 199, 310

  Tara (Ddhna), 121-22, 198, 318

  Tarakot (Nepal), 59, 90, 105, 118, 120-21, 123-25, 127, 133, 138, 145, 235, 309, 310; headman of, 99-100, 116

  Tarap (Nepal), 59, 213, 226, 234,286

  Tarap River, 121, 126

  Tartars, 196, 238, 290, 302

  Tasi Fintso, 214

  Tatopani (Nepal), 32-33

  Tcha (Nepal), 282-84, 285, 329

  Technology, 64

  Telepathy, 57

  Tende Samnug, 226, 282, 285-86, 288, 289, 293, 300. 309

  Tengboche Monastery, 265

  Thailand, 44

  Thankas (cloth paintings), 244, 281

  Thoreau, Henry David, 43

  Tibet, 3-4,11, 14, 19-20, 26, 27, 29, 31, 34, 51, 55-56, 93, 99, 102, 107,122. 126, 150, 159, 177, 196-98, 200, 205, 231, 241, 244, 272, 275, 280, 312, 332; Buddhism established in, 122-23, 150-51; and Landor's In the Forbidden Landf 160; wild yaks in, 145

  Tibetan Plateau, 3, 30, 100, 131, 132,193,196, 207, 279, 287

  Tibrikot (Nepal), 133, 240, 296, 309

  Tichu-Rong, 121, 123, 125, 232

  Tien Shan Mountains, 159

  Tila River, 321-23

  Tilopa, 199, 241

  Time: circular, 57; maya as, 67; and space, identity of, 63; in Tibetan Buddhism, 196; universal, beyond apprehension, 64

  Trapa (aspirant monk), 241, 244

  Trisuli River, 5, 53

  Tsakang hermitage. 209-10. 227, 228, 235, 241, 243, 250-51, 259, 263, 265; see also Crystal Monastery; Tupjuk, Lama

  Tsampa (barley or maize meal), 55, 77, 88, 165, 244, 252, 260, 304

  Tscharka (Dolpo), 31, 88

  Tsurton-Wang-Gay, 231

  Tukten (porter and ca
mp assistant), 15, 26, 28, 33, 53-54, 81-82, 87-88, 97, 100, 105, 132, 137, 149, 153, 177, 182, 209, 221, 226, 235, 240, 249-60, 272, 273, 277-78, 289, 292-93, 296, 298, 300, 302, 304, 310-28, 331-32

  Tulku (incarnate lama), 197, 235, 242, 275

  Tulo Kansha, 53, 331

  Tundu, 214-15, 264-65

  Tungus, 55

  Tupjuk, Lama, 4, 197-98, 203, 235, 241^5, 252-54, 265, 271, 274. 311

  Tuptok Sang Hisay, 242

  Turkey, 23

  Uncreated, the, 65, 94 Universal Mind, 67, 110

  Universe: Buddha's identity with, 67; and meditation, 216; in mystical vision, 66-67; in Rig Veda, and "Big Bang" theory, 64; rotation of, and Wheel of Dharma, 199; as scripture of Zen, 35

  Upamshads, 17

  U.S.S.R., 159

  Uto-Aztecan language group, 63

  Uttar Ganga River, 50, 82

  Varanasi (India), 4,12,17-18

  Vedas, 17-18, 57, 63, 68

  Vulture, Egyptian, 14

  Water demons (klu), 284

  White River (Yeju River), 193-94, 200, 208, 213. 221, 224, 236,260

  Whitman, Walt, 64

  Wildlife sanctuaries, Asian, need to establish, 14

  Wolves, Asian timber, 201-2, 203-4

  Yab-yum of sexual union, 171

  Yaje, 44

  Yaks, 144, 145, 147, 214, 290

  Yamarkhar (Nepal), 83-85, 87, 90, 127, 219, 282, 302

  Yamdi River, 14, 20-21, 253

  Yangtze River, 30

  Yang-yin, 171

  Yeju River: see White River

  Yeti, 41, 101, 128-31, 143, 173-74, 265, 317-19; see also Bigfoot; Sasquatch

  Yoga, 17-18, 57, 121, 157; kimdalini, 122

  Zen Buddhism, 5, 35, 45, 56, 62, 94, 111-12, 123, 197, 208

  Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind 62

  Zendo (New York), 110-11

  Zuwa River, 316, 320-22


  As a naturalist-explorer, Peter Matthiessen has been a member of expeditions to remote regions of all five continents, including the Amazon jungles, the Canadian Northwest Territories, the Sudan, New Guinea and Nepal. A former commercial fisherman and charter-boat captain, he has always been interested in marine biology, and participated as a diver in the worldwide search for the great white shark that culminated in his book Blue Meridian and in the film Blue Water, White Death. His fiction includes Race Rock, Partisans, Raditzer, At Play in the Fields of the Lord, which was nominated for the National Book Award, and his most recent novel, Far Tortuga, which was one of the most prominently reviewed novels of 1975. The Snow Leopard was the winner of the 1979 National Book Award in the category of Contemporary Thought




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