Submissives of the Colonel

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Submissives of the Colonel Page 16

by Charles Graham

  “I obtained the information from a very reliable source,” Mayhew told his stunned subordinate. “Answer the question, Captain. Unless would you prefer to answer to a court martial, of course.”

  The young officer took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders. “No, sir, I would not,” he said quietly. “Your informant is correct. I did buy Ranee with the ransom money, and she is at my quarters.”

  “Bound and gagged, I imagine and no doubt waiting to serve her Master.” Mayhew was relentless; and, as Adams realised that the Colonel already knew all the facts of his embezzlement, he sighed and nodded silently, assuming that his career as an Army officer was finished.

  “So, Captain, let me see if I have the facts straight. You wilfully disobeyed my orders, misappropriated the ransom, left an English woman at the mercy of Razak; and, to cap it all, you bought yourself a slave and have kept her captive on a British Army garrison for your own sexual pleasure. Is that correct?”

  Adams could only admit it, “Yes, sir. That is correct, and I have no excuse. Do you wish me to place myself under arrest until a court martial can be convened?”

  “Not yet, Captain,” Mayhew retorted coldly. “There is still the far from small matter of your..ah..activities with my wife during my absences.”

  Alarm filled the younger officer’s face, and he stared dumbly at Mayhew until the Colonel snapped, “Well? Have you nothing to say, man? Speak up!”

  “I…I…That is, your wife and I…” his words trailed off into silence.

  Mayhew leaned forward, his eyes boring into Adams’ face as he hissed, “You made my wife submit to you as a slave, Captain. You stripped her, ordered her to kneel before you, bound and gagged her, whipped her; and, then, when you had subjugated her utterly, you took her and forced her to serve you in any way you pleased, didn’t you? Don’t even attempt to deny it, Captain. I know everything.”

  Under the venomous lash of his senior officer’s tongue, Adams crumbled and staggered to a chair, gripping its back until his knuckles showed white. He fought to speak, to explain his unforgivable actions, but the words would not come, and he could only hang his head in shame, knowing that he had disgraced himself and the uniform he wore.

  At last he managed to control himself and offer the only restitution he could. “I will give you satisfaction, sir,” he said slowly, “with either swords or pistols, if that is what you wish.”

  To his absolute astonishment, Colonel Mayhew gave a deep chuckle. “That will not be necessary, Philip. The sort of satisfaction I require will be provided by my wife and Belinda Wallace…and, perhaps, your slave, Ranee.”

  Adams shook his head uncomprehendingly, totally confused by his superior’s change of attitude. He stammered, “I…I don’t understand, sir. I thought…I assumed you would be furious…And what do you mean about….about Belinda and…and your wife and Ranee?”

  “No, you don’t understand, do you, Philip?” Mayhew sat back in his chair with a broad smile. “But you soon will. You are an unprincipled scoundrel, my boy, and if you had not done me a great favour, albeit unknowingly, you would be facing a court martial and ignominious dismissal from the Army. As I am quite sure you realise.”

  “A favour? You mean…I’m not under arrest?” His face began to lose its hunted expression, and the Colonel chuckled again.

  “No, Captain. You should be, but you are a very lucky young man. Let this be a lesson to you not to try to pull the wool over the eyes of a man as experienced as me. When I found out what you had been up to, I decided to let you sweat and squirm for a while before I let you off the hook.”

  Adams gave a weak, nervous smile, still not sure what was going on or whether the Colonel intended to lull him into relaxing and then issue a reprimand that would destroy his career.

  He couldn’t believe Mayhew would let him off without some form of punishment after what he had made Arabella endure. But, instead, older man stood up and said, “Come with me, Philip. You may find what I am about to show you rather interesting…”

  Down in the cellar, Arabella and Belinda stared anxiously at the door as bolts grated back. They then squealed in shock and despair as Mayhew strode in, followed by Adams and Chaudry.

  Without a word, the Colonel and his Sergeant hurried to the naked bodies of their displayed victims; and, as the men’s fingers captured their proffered breasts and nipples, the two anguished slaves screamed and fought wildly to break free of their bonds as devastating arousal raged through their bodies and their bellies shuddered and kicked with blistering slave heat. Trained to respond to a Master’s touch with instant, uncontrollable passion, neither could resist the callous plundering of her trembling flesh; and, as each was forced to exhibit the depth and intensity of her fervent desire to submit, muffled gasps and moans of misery, humiliation and terrible, overwhelming need filled the cellar.

  At last, Mayhew stepped back from the straining, writhing body of his slave-wife, his eyes glittering with pleasure, and a cruel smile on his lips as Arabella whimpered and arched her back to offer her breasts still more shamefully to his fingers.

  “You see, Philip,” he said calmly, ignoring the desperate pleading of her wide brown eyes, “you are not the only one to have discovered my wife’s little secret. Although, of course, dear Arabella submitted to me of her own free will.”

  Wisely, Adams restricted his reply to, “I see, sir. My hearty congratulations,” suspecting that his Colonel would not take kindly to being told that his wife had shown almost no real resistance to being enslaved by him either.

  Mayhew chuckled, “You should have told me when you first brought her back, my boy. Still, as long as we keep our knowledge of her..ah..inclinations to ourselves, there’s no real harm done, and we’re all happy, eh? She can indulge her desires to her heart’s content, and we can all share the benefits of her training by Razak.”

  Arabella whimpered in horrified realisation as Adams nodded his enthusiastic agreement; and, as she learned that her enslavement was to include submission to the tall Captain as well as her husband and Chaudry, a slow trickle of love juices oozed from her sex and down her thigh to betray the helpless longing filling her belly. Adams gazed into her eyes and gave a slow smile as he saw her need.

  The Colonel could not now threaten him with a court martial because he, too, was guilty of the same offence and could not incriminate him without incriminating himself.

  His career was safe; and, as he relaxed, he gestured to Belinda.

  “What about Miss Wallace, sir?” he asked evenly. “Do you intend to keep her as a slave, too?”

  “Indeed I do,” Mayhew confirmed. “You would not know, of course, but Belinda was on her way to be sold when we rescued her. I cannot take the risk of either of their stories leaking out, so I am afraid she will have to remain here with Arabella.”

  “As a slave, sir?”

  “What else? That is what she is. What they both are.”

  “Yes, I can see that you’ve made the right decision, sir.”

  “Good, I’m glad you agree. Now then, Philip, I have a small task for you. Arabella tells me that you still have her slave collar and manacles in your quarters. I should like you to fetch them. It is time to replace those straps with something more permanent.”

  “Of course, sir,” Adams saluted and turned towards the door then stopped. “About Ranee, sir…”


  “Would it not be sensible to bring her here as well? It would make it easier to keep our eye on them if all three slaves were together.”

  “Good sound military thinking, Captain,” Mayhew smiled. “Concentration of forces, eh? Very well, do that, please.” Adams saluted a second time and strode away.

  Chaudry spoke for the first time since entering the cellar. “Three slaves, sir. Each trained by Razak to please their Masters. They will need secure quarters, sir, and furniture and bedding. I will arrange it, sir, but I will need your authority to draw equipment from the stores clerks.”

p; “Don’t worry, Sergeant. You will have all the authority you need. Over the stores clerks and over all three of our slaves.”

  “Thank you, sir. Would you like me to begin organising that straight away?”

  Mayhew looked across the cellar to where Chaudry stood alongside Belinda’s naked, gagged, tightly bound, and clearly aroused body. “That is up to you, Sergeant,” he grinned. “But if I were in your position, I would not be thinking about stores and furniture.”

  “I see your point, sir,” the Indian replied. “Tomorrow will be soon enough for that.” He snapped to attention, “Permission to carry on, sir?”

  “By all means, Sergeant, by all means. You deal with Belinda and Captain Adams, and I will look after Arabella and Ranee.”

  Chaudry wasted no more time; and, as his hands roamed unchecked over Belinda’s swollen breasts and probed the slickly lubricated recesses between her gaping thighs, the hapless blonde slave shuddered and moaned to the waves of unendurable arousal that swept through her pinioned frame as her new, frighteningly ruthless Master explored her feverish responses and the depth of her submission.

  With her body spread and at his mercy, Belinda could do nothing to resist the inferno of lust that overwhelmed her. As powerful sprays of love juices deluged her belly and sex to bathe his fingers with the heated outpourings of her enforced surrender, she squealed in the ecstasy of her ruthless subjugation and climaxed again and again, her fingers clawing at the empty air and her thighs flexing to the intensity of the spasms that convulsed her quaking belly.

  Oblivious to everything but her own soaring passions, she squeezed her eyes shut, her whole being concentrated on the white hot tumult of her orgasm. And while Chaudry’s lips fastened on her breasts and his tongue and teeth flicked and nibbled on her engorged and sensitive nipples, she hurtled into a second enormous climax, renewed convulsions tearing through her body as she screamed her desire and willingness to submit into the leather ball-gag sealing her lips.

  There could no longer be even the smallest doubt that Belinda was anything other than a genuine and permanent sex slave, and it was in that knowledge that Chaudry stripped his uniform from his muscular body and buried his hard, straining erection full length in her pulsating belly, the entry of his shaft greeted with a shrill wail of despairing rapture as the blonde felt herself penetrated by a man she knew to be her Master.

  Helpless in her bondage, Arabella could only watch in horror as her friend was taken by Chaudry; Belinda’s body shuddering to the massive thrusts of his engorged shaft and her eyes wild above the gag that sealed her lips as the Indian exerted his mastery over her to force her to respond as a full and utterly subjugated slave, her breasts and belly vibrating and pulsing violently as climaxes of devastating power ripped through her slim frame to betray the shocking extent of her enforced submission.

  Wrenching her gaze away from the sight, Arabella raised her eyes to her husband...and, as she saw the cruel smile that curved his lips as he watched the blonde’s merciless violation, Arabella whimpered in despair, understanding that there was to be no reprieve from the fate to which both she and Belinda were condemned.

  The small, soft sound of her anguish attracted Mayhew’s attention; and, when his eyes met hers, he gave a low chuckle. “Ah yes, my dear,” he said quietly. “I was going to discuss the nature of discipline with you, was I not? I had almost forgotten.”

  Arabella froze, her eyes widening in alarm as he flexed the thin leather shaft of his riding crop between his strong hands. She tried to shake her head from side to side as she realised what he was going to do.

  “Discipline,” he said firmly, “is as important for a slave as it is for a soldier. Just as a soldier must be disciplined to obey the orders of his officers, a slave must obey the orders of her Masters. As a trained slave, you should know that, but it seems that you need to be reminded. I ordered you to hold this crop in your lips, but you dropped it, didn’t you? Therefore, slave, you must be punished in order to maintain the discipline that I require of you.”

  He gazed steadily at her as she tensed against the broad leather straps holding her captive, then he chuckled a second time...a chuckle of pure pleasure and anticipation that sent a ripple of delicious fright and arousal through Arabella’s helpless nudity.

  “Apart from which,” he confessed cheerfully, “I think I shall rather enjoy disciplining you, my dear.”

  His right arm rose then snapped forward and down, and Arabella gasped in shock as the flexible leather of his crop burned a line of stinging heat across the front of her right thigh.

  He bent to examine the red stripe adorning her smooth flesh, then straightened, smiled into her gagged face, and raised his crop again.

  The second blow seared her left thigh, the third and fourth cracked across her unprotected flanks as he moved around her, selecting his spots to strike; and, as the cruel leather found her rounded belly and the soft flesh of her inner thighs to send blistering heat scorching through her body, Arabella screamed in pain and anguish and twisted wildly against her bonds in vain efforts to escape the ruthless punishment imposed on her by her Master, though it was quite impossible. Arabella learned that her slavery to her husband was no less real than the slavery she had endured at the hands of Razak and his men. Her belly flamed with helpless slave heat as her body responded instinctively to the painful, bitter-sweet caress of a Master’s whip.

  Her screams softened to moans of growing desire, her struggles to blatantly provocative undulations of her pelvis and breasts as she offered her body to the leather and the Master who wielded it; and, as her unconscious actions signaled her complete submission to his mastery over her, Mayhew sent his crop slashing across her belly one final time and lowered his arm.

  “Discipline, slave,” he repeated coldly. “You will obey and obey perfectly, have no doubt of it.”

  Unable to even nod her head because of the gag strap holding her head to the pillar behind her, Arabella lowered her eyes humbly from his stern gaze, her belly churning with ferocious heat as she displayed her surrender in the only way she could.

  He could whip her again, or take her, or simply leave her aroused but unsatisfied....and Arabella knew it. The knowledge sent a spurt of hot love juices trickling down into her sex as she awaited her Master’s will.

  His fingers darted between her gaping thighs, sliding easily in the juices of her arousal to slip into her body; and, as she arched in her bonds and gave a muffled squeal of passion, he gave a harsh laugh. “Randy little trollop. It seems that you enjoy both my crop and my fingers. I shall make it my business to see that you get every opportunity to feel them both, slut, especially now that I have discovered the pleasures of disciplining a true slave.”

  Twenty feet away, shrill squeals of unendurable ecstasy echoed through the cellar as Chaudry reached his peak and the heated sprays of his climax jetted into his victim’s pounding belly; and, as Mayhew turned to watch Belinda’s frenzied surrender, his eyes glittered with a cold fire that sent a chill of apprehension through Arabella.

  “Your friend serves well, slave,” he said slowly. “You had better hope that you are just as satisfactory or mine will not be the only crop that you will come to know.”

  His hands rose to cup Arabella’s swollen breasts, and he smiled evilly as she arched her back to press the globes into his fingers, gasping in need as his thumbs brushed her rigid nipples. “Very good, slave,” he nodded approvingly. “A ring through your nose will complete the picture.”

  An uncontrollable shudder of horrified excitement raced through Arabella’s tightly bound body; and, as her belly kicked savagely, Mayhew threw back his head and laughed aloud. “Ah! So you like that idea, do you, slave? Very well then, so be it. I am sure Sergeant Chaudry will know of a local physician who can be trusted to keep his mouth shut.”

  “Yes, sir. I know the very man.” Chaudry had finished with Belinda; and, while he pulled on his uniform trousers, he smiled at his commanding officer. “He is a most
reliable man, sir, and it will not be the first time he has been paid to provide such a service.”

  “Excellent, Sergeant. Then arrange it as soon as possible, please. For all three of our slaves, I think. I am sure Captain Adams will agree that it is only fair.”

  As he spoke, the cellar door swung open and Adams strode in, Ranee following two steps behind, her slender body completely nude and her wrists locked securely behind her back. “I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t catch all that. What will I agree is fair, sir?”

  Mayhew swung around to his subordinate. “Piercing our slaves, Captain,” he replied calmly. “What do you think of that, my boy?”

  Adams didn’t even hesitate, “Oh, I agree, sir. As soon as I saw the ring at Belinda’s nose, I was fascinated, and I decided there and then to have Ranee pierced.”

  Kneeling in the position she had assumed as soon as she had entered the presence of free men, Ranee had clearly not been told that she was to be pierced, her eyes staring numbly at her Master’s back as she learned his plans for her.

  Adams snapped his fingers without turning around. “To my feet, slave,” he ordered. “Submit to your new Masters.”

  Wide eyed, Ranee hastened to obey; and, as she displayed her naked body to Mayhew and Chaudry and lifted her lovely face to gaze upon the two grinning soldiers, her voice faltered and quivered as she whispered, “I sub..submit myself as your full sl..slave, Masters.” Then she became subject to their every whim and desire.

  Like Belinda and Arabella, she was now the slave of not one, but three dominant Masters; and, as she noted the stains at Belinda’s belly and the web of stripes marking Arabella’s pale flesh, she could not hide the tremors that fluttered her breasts as she saw the evidence of submission and discipline imposed upon the two English women.

  “Your wife’s manacles, sir.” Adams held out the chains to Mayhew, and the Colonel grinned as he felt the uncompromising strength and weight of the iron his wife would soon carry on her body.

  “Thank you, Philip. If you and the Sergeant would untie her…?”


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