This May Sound Crazy

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This May Sound Crazy Page 6

by Abigail Breslin

  Anyway . . . I went onto the Underground and was immediately bombarded by a plethora of tweets. Before being able to read them coherently, all I could make out was “DID ABBIE KNOW?”

  Joel started calling my phone. I answered and he said, voice shaky, “Have you been on the Underground yet?”

  To silence, he added,

  “Don’t do it.”

  I hung up and scrolled through as many tweets as I could possibly find. All I could figure out was that Summer had hung out with someone, and I would be mad about it.

  Who on earth could she have hung out with, I thought. I’m pretty chill about most things. And I definitely wouldn’t tell someone they aren’t allowed to hang out with someone.

  THAT IS . . .

  until I came across THE PHOTO.

  The pic was of Summer with my ex. YEAH. It was weird. They had their arms around each other; it was really strange. I didn’t understand why this was happening. And because I was in London again, I couldn’t even reach her for a comment on it. All I knew then was everyone was talking about it.

  “I heard they hooked up in the bathroom.”

  “I HEARD he proposed to her, and she said hell nah.”


  “I heard he was gonna take her to Vegas!!!!!!”

  My stomach was turning. How could Summer do this to me? HOW? She’s supposed to be my friend!

  I was confused and angry and ultimately told Summer, “We are done. You have broken The Friend Code.”

  You know the friend code. Things friends just don’t do to friends. BIG things. Fundamental things. Things that once broken cannot be fixed.

  These are not the she’s ALWAYS ten minutes late, or she flaked out on plans last minute, or that she’s overdramatic, or she forgets to bring back that T-shirt she borrowed after she accidentally spilled green boba tea all over her own shirt . . . Those are little things that, for a real friend, you let slide. But then there are bigger issues. Issues that are inherently wrong. And for me, one of those was . . . Look. You’re a pretty girl, you can make out with any guy you want. Why do you have to choose the ONE person that you knew would hurt me the most? Obviously, I’m all about “you can’t fight how you feel,” but this was deeper. Can’t you fight liking the ONE person in the whole world I would beg you NOT to like?





  They didn’t hook up. Okay, yes, I wasn’t there. I cannot say for 100 percent certain what exactly happened. BUT . . . I choose to believe in the good in people. Call me crazy.

  After seeing Summer again for the first time since that whole fiasco, I remembered that I know as well as anyone how words and pictures can be taken out of context. Turns out, Summer was at a party and he was there. He was actually asking her about me. They took a group selfie with each other and posted it on Twitter. The lovely kids on the Underground decided to crop it to make it look very “cuddly.”

  She assured me she would never ever do that—and neither would he.

  I’ve always said to people, “You can’t believe everything you read,” and I’ve always meant that about the gossip pages and professional media. But, after this happened, I realized you can’t even believe everything that’s said—even when you know the people saying it. A picture on Facebook doesn’t PROVE anything. Things can be misunderstood or manipulated. People make assumptions. And the story winds up SOOOOO far away from what actually happened. And the best thing to do if something like this happens, if you hear about something that feels absolutely UNBELIEVABLE, is go to the source RIGHT AWAY. Tell your friend what you’ve heard, show her the evidence, and let her explain herself. Then take some time and really carefully think about what you read and what she said—and make up your own mind.

  Summer and I ended up talking everything through and now are back to being twin flames again.

  In short, kids, decide what you can

  and can’t handle in a friendship,

  don’t believe everything

  you read on Twitter, and

  eat your vegetables.



  Have you ever lied?


  And the truth is: We’ve all lied. All of us. Sometimes it’s just a little white lie, like when your friend tries on a really awful pair of shoes that don’t necessarily make HER look bad but it’s just . . . personally . . . nah.

  If you don’t like them you are allowed to say, “Yeah, they’re great!” And it’s not necessarily a lie. HOWEVER. If they make HER look bad, it is your friend duty to tell her, “Wellllll, I think you can find something more flattering.”

  But sometimes, that’s hard. You don’t want to hurt her feelings. And sometimes your good intentions end up making things worse.

  But if telling a friend her boots aren’t cute is hard, imagine what it’s like when something serious comes up.

  I consider myself an honest person. Given the choice, I’ll tell the truth. But I’ve had serious instances when telling the truth felt like the worst thing ever. Once, I was told by a good friend of mine, someone I really trusted, let’s call her Charlotte, that my friend Mandy’s boyfriend was cheating on her.

  My head was spinning, my stomach turning. It brought up bad memories. I’ve been cheated on in the past—and it sucked. I hated thinking that Mandy would suffer the same agony. It didn’t seem right or fair—and I didn’t want it to be true.

  But after hearing from a bunch of people different tales of his “indiscretions,” I went with Charlotte and met Mandy at Starbucks. Charlotte and I were totally over-caffeinated and immediately began rambling on, maybe not as gently as we should have, about what we had heard. Mandy took it all in; her face was stoic and still. When our hyper-ness wore off and we had told her all there was to tell, Mandy burst into tears. Not sobs, just tears. Which was almost worse than her screaming at us and cursing us out.

  To be fair, I get it. I honestly was so freaked out by the whole situation that I didn’t take the time I should have to break it to her slowly. It’s like when you get home late from a party and your parents start yelling at you, “DO YOU GET HOW WORRIED I WAS? DO YOU UNDERSTAND? YOU’RE GROUNDED.” But they aren’t really mad; they’re just worried. Worry can come off as really aggressive even when you don’t mean it to be. Not saying this is exactly the same, but I was really worried and I didn’t handle it as well as I could have.

  She stood up and stared at us both. She said it simply wasn’t true and then just left. I felt SO bad. Was I too honest or was it just the way I’d delivered the news? All I’d wanted to do was protect Mandy from the hurt I had felt when I found out I was cheated on and now it seemed like I had hurt her even worse.

  I tried all day to call her but she wasn’t answering. Finally, we met up again a couple days later, and she explained to me there was a part of the story that I had swept under the rug. For her, that secret had been most hurtful.

  Ya see, what I didn’t tell you (or her, at first) was that once Charlotte and I heard that Mandy’s bae may have been fooling around, we went on a mission.



  Okay. So not literally, obvs, cuz that’d take like a ton of training and work, BUT we did go to his favorite hangout spot and wore all black and watched from another table and . . . yeah. Nothing happened. No secret rendezvous with a raven-haired vixen. Just him. With his bros. Drinkin’ lattes.

  But still, we had heard SO many stories. I guess Mandy just felt betrayed that we’d sink to that level of stalkerness without even telling her first. But honestly, I was just trying to figure these things out on my own. I didn’t want to just take someone else’s word for it if I could find out for myself. I don’t know. I guess I can be a tad controlling at times, but I honestly was trying to do the right thing. She t
old me that a lot of the things we heard were just rumors. Nothing more.

  I remember when I first heard my ex had cheated.

  It happened about two years ago. I was sort of seeing this guy. It wasn’t a super-intense relationship, but it felt meaningful to me.

  He was living in LA, and I live in NYC, so it was kind of hard but not the worst long-distance thing considering how often I’m in LA for work. I had point-blank asked him if we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and he said, “I don’t want to put labels on it, but I promise you I’m not seeing anyone else.” Yet another case of a Non-relationship Relationship. I was younger then so I didn’t know this wasn’t really an acceptable arrangement for me. A lot of people are fine with just casually dating, and that’s cool, but for me at that time, it wasn’t. And I should’ve told him that. But I liked him SO much and didn’t want to seem clingy.

  That relationship came to a head when my friend Mara called me and asked me to meet her for lunch in NYC. I did, and as soon as I sat down, she told me that my non-boyfriend boyfriend was hooking up with one of her friends. At first I didn’t believe it, even though Mara is a trustworthy friend. I guess it was denial. But then a ton of other people confirmed it, including the girl Mara had told me about. It sucked, and it made me feel really bad about myself for a long time. To be honest, I still have trust issues from time to time as a result. It’s one of those things you never want to have to live through.

  SO KIDS . . . HERE’S THE LESSON: There are always rumors. I mean, sometimes mine are in magazines and I need to call my grandma and tell her to NOT read Us Weekly this week. (TRUE STORY.) But at the end of the day, rumors are rumors. If you hear something from enough people that you feel you need to tell your friend, you should do it. But maybe don’t treat it like it’s actual evidence unless you have evidence. And maybe you should really think first about how you should tell your friend this news. Probably rambling on over coffee as if it’s juicy gossip is not the best way. I learned that lesson the hard way for sure. Maybe starting out with something like, “Hey, I’ve been hearing things from a bunch of our friends about your boyfriend maybe not being totally faithful to you. I don’t know for sure if it’s true, but the sources are legit. Again, I don’t wanna spread rumors if they aren’t true, but I had to tell you because you’re my friend and I want to make sure you’re being treated the way you should be. Wanna meet for coffee and talk about it?”

  That way you aren’t bombarding your friend with this intense news in an alarmed manner. They’ll be more willing to accept the conversation and listen and think it through clearly if they don’t feel they’re being attacked.

  As an actor I can confidently say, it’s all in the delivery!

  Okay. Well. Maybe not everything. But.

  Yeah. You get the point.





  —and I mean NEVER—

  trust a forty-dollar weave.

  Let’s start by saying I used to have perfect hair. Like Tumblr-worthy hair. Hair that would get PROB eight thousand reblogs—and that’s me being HUMBLE.

  But because of my job, a lot of times I’m required to dye it. And, as it turns out, bleaching your hair from auburn to white-blonde five times a year doesn’t really help the whole mermaid look.

  So, about a year ago, I was stuck wearing clip-in extensions to make my hair look longer than its shoulder-length status. They were nice clip-ins, but I always felt awkward wearing them, like someone could see the actually clips poking through. ’TWAS especially embarrassing when I started dating Adam. He was always having to fix my hair to cover the clips.

  But the bonded-on ones (which I use now) are really expensive so you need to reallllllllly invest in them. They do look the realest, tho.

  Anyway. The Point: When I saw Summer in London, her hair looked FLAWLESS—LIKE FLAWWWWWLESSSS. It was long and luscious and just . . . yeah . . . PERF.

  So I asked her what extensions she was using, and she told me it was a WEAVE. A sewn-in weave. I was skeptical at first—like does that mean it sews into my SCALP?!?


  It doesn’t—jsyk.

  She told me her friend did it for her, and it only cost like forty bucks. So I said if she could hook me up with this person, I would love it.

  Summer took me to her “salon,” which was actually this person’s apartment. She was really cool actually and did a great job on it.

  At first.

  Problem was I was so busy admiring my new gorg locks that I completely didn’t listen to any of the maintenance rules she told me.



  After a few weeks, the tracks started to become SUPER noticeable, and my hair became super lifeless. It started looking like random strands of long hair in a gigantic nest (if that makes any sense). I tried everything to fix it. Different products, different tools—nothing worked. So finally I called Summer. She said I had to go back every three weeks to get it tightened. See, had I not been so focused on all the Instagram opportunities my new hair would grant me, I would have HEARD the girl tell me this.

  Well . . . problem was that now I was back in NYC and couldn’t get to London to get the girl to tighten my weave.

  So I had to deal with this nest-head of hair for another month.



  But hey,

  at least it inspired me

  to check out many cute

  hat prospects?




  Let’s flash back to Abba Brez at age fourteen. Lonely. Bored. Not a huge social life. Newly blonde hair that still has streaks of red velvet cupcake–colored strands. Listens to Regina Spektor alone in her room while painting her nails dark blue.




  When I was fourteen, I believed there was no such thing as love. I thought, Guys say they love girls because they want sex and Girls say they love guys because they’re insecure.

  I was a very opinionated fourteen-year-old.

  I was also quite wrong.

  I didn’t believe I would ever find anyone who could capture my interest enough to make me feel this so-called “magical” feeling. What even was love? Was it even a real emotion?

  I had just booked this cool movie and decided to go to dinner with the cast. It was uptown: Sixty-Third and Columbus to be exact. (Yes, I still remember. . . .)

  I remember spending a lot of time on my eye makeup because I wanted to seem mature. I showered and used a really expensive body wash from Lush and then put on a Dior eye shadow that I’d gotten for Christmas. It was dark brown and made me feel sophisticated. I wore my favorite jeans, a Free People tank top, and a long cardigan. (It’s weird how well I remember this.) Anyway, I told my mom and she told me that my friend and I (let’s call her Gwen) couldn’t go alone. So my mom and her mom sat at another table. (I KNOW, I WAS MORTIFIED.) Gwen and I got there and met the guys. Let’s call them Oliver and Dan. Oliver was muscular and beachy with long blond hair and model-esque features. Dan was tall, lanky, and awkward. And as soon as Dan shook my hand . . .

  I fell in love.


  I had never felt that type of feeling before. This all-consuming, all-encompassing warmth all over my body. Everything he said was hysterical to me. Every time he looked at me, my heart rate would LITERALLY speed up. Every single time I thought about him, I’d smile. What was this? How was this real?

  As the night came to a close, Dan gave me his number and told me how excited he was to start filming. I’d never felt like this. I’d never been this anxious to be on any set.

  The next morning when he texted me, I thought
I could be happy just staring at his name on my phone forever. I didn’t even need to read the text. I had turned into one of THOSE girls that has that look on her face all the time.

  But, even tho I felt so strongly for him, I never wanted to let on. Anytime anyone asked me I’d say, “No way! We are just friends.” Which was true. We were. TO MY INFINITE SADNESS.

  I didn’t want to risk anyone telling him and making things awkward, because I liked him so much. I didn’t want anything to jeopardize us talking.

  As we worked together, I really felt like he liked me. He always said how great my hair was. Which was weird, but also nice, I guess? Idk? And he always said I looked beautiful. It was more attention than any other guy had ever given me.

  Let’s be real. I was an awkward, pale, alarmingly small girl (as I still am). Not many guys are lined up around the block for that. But he made me feel like, they SHOULD BE. He made me proud of my awkwardness.

  One night, me, Gwen, Oliver, and Dan all went to Gwen’s house. We ordered pizza and sat on her bedroom floor talking about life and exes. I had no experience in relationships so I just made shit up. DUH. He, on the other hand, talked about his ex like she was the sun and the stars. It made me melt for him even more. The way he said he’d do anything for her made me feel like he was a genuine catch.

  I never felt more obsessed with a human’s soul before. I really liked HIM. And not for his looks or his career but just because he was so fun to be around. He was funny and witty as hell. And sweet and caring and adorable.


  The nightmare began.

  I came to work the next day, completely high off of his compliments and the texts he would send me. Even if all he said was hi, the fact that his name showed up on my phone threw me into euphoria.


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