Prey 7 - Mind Prey

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Prey 7 - Mind Prey Page 5

by John Sandford

  Harmon Anderson wandered over to Greave's desk, eating a chicken-salad sandwich. A glob of mayonnaise was stuck to his upper lip. "Anything for a buck," he said between chews. Anderson was a hillbilly and a computer expert. "Girdler is not a doctor. He has a B.A. in psychology from some redneck college in North Carolina."

  Sherrill, still damp, strolled in, pulled off the tennis hat, slapped it against her coat, then took off her coat and hung it up. She nodded at Lucas, tipped her head at the radio, and said, "Have you been listening?"

  Lucas said, "Just now," and to Greave, "Did you ask him not to?"

  Greave nodded. "The standard line. I said we should keep it to ourselves so the perpetrators don't know exactly what we have, and so we can present a better image if we get to court."

  "Did you say perpetrator?" Lucas asked.

  "Yeah. So shoot me."

  "I'd say he didn't give a fuck," Sherrill said, fluffing her hair. "I was listening on the way over. He's remembering stuff he didn't give to us…"

  "Making it up," Lucas said.

  "Everybody's gotta, be a movie star," Greave said. And they paused for a moment to listen:

  Dr. Girdler, you know, the police don't stop crime; they simply record it, and sometimes they catch the people who do it. But by then, it's too late. This kidnapping is a perfect example. If Mrs. Manette had been carrying even a simple handgun, or if you had been carrying a handgun., you could've stopped this thug in his tracks. Instead, you were left standing there in the hallway and you couldn't do anything. I'll tell you, the criminals have guns; it's time we honest citizens took advantage of our Second Amendment rights…

  "Damnit," Sherrill said. "It's gonna turn into a circus."

  "Already has." They all turned toward the door. Frank Lester, deputy chief for investigation, stepped inside with a handful of papers. He was tired, his face drawn. Too many years. "Anything more?"

  Lucas shook his head. "I talked to Dunn. He seems pretty straight."

  "He's a candidate, though," Greave said.

  "Yeah, he's a candidate," Lucas said. To Lester, "Have the Feds come in yet?"

  "They're about to," Lester said. "They can't avoid it much longer."

  Lucas twisted the engagement ring around the end of his forefinger, saw Lester looking at it, and pushed it down in his pocket. Lester continued, "Even if the Feds come in, Manette wants us working it, too. The chief agrees."

  "Jesus, I wish this shit would stop," Greave said, rubbing his forehead.

  "Been doing it since Cain and Abel," said Anderson.

  Greave stopped nibbing: "I didn't mean crime. I meant politics. If crime stopped, I'd have to get a job."

  "You could probably get on the fuckin' radio with that suit," Sherrill said.

  Lester waved them silent, held up a yellow legal pad on which he'd scribbled notes. "Listen up, everybody."

  The talk died as the cops arranged themselves around Lester. "Harmon Anderson will be passing out assignments, but I want to outline what we're looking at and get ideas on anything we're missing."

  "What's the overtime situation?" somebody called from the back.

  "We're clear for whatever it takes," Lester said. He looked at one of the papers in his hand. "Okay. Most of you guys are gonna be doing house-to-house…"

  Lester dipped his head into a chorus of groans—it was still raining outside—and then said, "And there's a lot of small stuff we've got to get quick. We need to know about the paint in the parking lot, by morning. And we need to check the school, for that color or type of paint. Jim Hill here"—he nodded at one of the detectives—"points out that you hardly ever see poster paint outside a school, so maybe the school is somehow involved."

  "Her old man did it," somebody said.

  "We're checking that," Lester said. "In the meantime, we got the blood on that shoe, and we need somebody to walk the blood tests around, 'cause we need to know quick if the blood's Manette's or one of the kids'. If it's not—if it's somebody else's—we'll run it through the state's DNA offender bank. And we need to talk to the University medical school, get Manette's blood type. I'm told she occasionally volunteered for medical studies, so they may even have a DNA on her, and if the blood on the shoe belongs to one of the kids, a DNA might tell us that…"

  "DNA takes a while," said a short, pink cop who wore a snap-brim hat with a feather in the hatband.

  "Not this one," Lester said. He looked at the paper again. "We need Ford Econolines checked against all her patients, against the school staff, all relatives, and against whatever data base we can find on felony convictions, Minnesota and however much of Wisconsin we can get. We need to see if any Manette- or Dunn-related companies own Econolines. Go to Ford, see if we can get a list of Econolines from their warranty program—they said it was an older one, so go back as far as you can. We need to run the registration lists for Econolines against her patient list, which we're trying to get…"

  Anderson broke in. "I'm setting up a data base of patient names. Any name that pops up in the investigation, we can run against the list—so get all the names you can. All the teachers at the school, her phone records, anything."

  Lester nodded and continued. "We need to check Manette's and Dunn's credit ratings, see if anybody's got money problems. Check insurance policies. What else?"

  "Manette's putting together an enemies list," Lucas said.

  "Run that, too," Lester told Anderson. "What are we missing?"

  "Public appeals," said a black cop in a pearl-gray suit. "Pictures of Manette and the kids."

  "All the news outlets already have some kind of pictures, but we're putting out some high-quality stuff in the next couple of hours," Lester said. "There's some talk of a reward for information. We'll get back to you on that. And I want to say now, all the news contacts should go through the Public Affairs Department. I don't want anybody talking to the press. Everybody clear on that?"

  Everybody was. Lester turned to Sherrill. "How's the house-to-house going?"

  "We've hit all the houses where the residents could see the school, except for two, where there's nobody home, and we're looking for those people in case they were there during the kidnapping," Sherrill said. "The only thing we have so far is one woman who saw the van, and she picked out Econoline taillights as the lights she saw. So we think that ID is solid. Now we're going back for a second round, to talk about what people might've seen in the past couple of days—and we're doing the same thing in Manette's neighborhood. If this was planned out, he must've been scouting her. So, that's about it."

  "Okay," Lester said. He looked around the room. "You all know the general picture. Get your assignments from Anderson and let's get it on the road. I want everybody breaking their balls on this one. This one's gonna be tough, and we need to look good."

  As the other detectives gathered around Anderson, Lucas leaned toward Greave and asked, "Did the kid, the witness kid, did she see anything different from what Girdler gave us?"

  Greave scratched the back of his head, and his eyes defocused. "Ah, the kid, I don't know, I didn't get much from her. She was fairly freaked out. Didn't seem like much."

  "You got her phone number?" Lucas asked.

  "Sure. You want it?"

  "Doesn't she live over in St. Paul? Highland Park?"

  "Someplace around there…"

  Lester caught Lucas outside his office as Lucas was locking the door.

  "Any ideas?" he asked.

  "What everybody else says—money or a nut," Lucas said. "If we don't get a ransom call, we'll find him in her files or in her family."

  "There could be a problem with the files," Lester said. "Manette talked to the Wolfe woman and she hit the roof. I guess there was a hell of an argument. Medical privilege."

  "Doesn't exist, Frank," Lucas said. "Subpoena the records. Don't talk about it. If you talk about it, it'll turn into a big deal and the media will be wringing their wrists. Get a judge out of bed, get the subpoena. I'll take it over myself, if you want

  "That'd be good, but not tonight," Lester said. "We've got too much going on already. I'll have it here at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

  Lucas nodded. "I'll pick it up as early as I can drag my ass out of bed," he said. He didn't get up early. "I'm gonna stop and see the kid, too. Tonight."

  "Bob talked to her," Lester said, uncomfortably.

  "Yeah, he did," Lucas said. And after a moment, "That's your problem."

  "Bob's a nice guy," Lester said.

  "He couldn't catch the clap in a whorehouse, Frank."

  "Yeah, yeah… did you talk to the kid's folks?"

  "Two minutes ago," Lucas said. "I told them I was on the way."

  Clarice Bernet wore a suit and tie. Her husband, Thomas, wore a cashmere sweater and a tie. "We don't want her frightened any more than she is," Clarice Bernet said. She hissed it, like a snake. She was a bony woman with tight blonde hair and a thin nose. Her front teeth were angled like a rodent's, and she was in Lucas's face.

  "I'm not here to frighten her," Lucas said.

  "You better not," Bernet said. She shook a finger at him: "There's been enough trouble from this already. The first officer questioned her without allowing us time to get there."

  "We were hoping to stop the kidnapper's van," Lucas said mildly, but he was getting angry.

  Thomas Bernet waggled his jowls: "We appreciate that, but you have to understand that this has been a trauma."

  They were standing in the quarry-tiled entry of the Bernets' house, a closet to one side, a framed poster on the opposite wall, a souvenir from a Rembrandt show at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam in 1992. A sad, middle-aged Rembrandt peered out at Lucas. "You have to understand that this is a kidnapping investigation and it could become a murder investigation," Lucas snapped, his voice developing an edge. "One way or another, we'll talk to your daughter and get answers from her. We can do it pleasantly, here, or unpleasantly down at Homicide, with a court order." He paused for a half-beat. "I'd rather not get the court order."

  "We don't need threats," Thomas Bernet said. He was a division manager at General Mills and knew a threat when he heard one.

  "I'm not threatening you; I'm laying out the legal realities," Lucas said. "Three people's lives are in jeopardy and if your daughter has a bad night's sleep over it, or two bad nights, that's tough. I've got to think about the victims and what they're going through. Now, do I talk to, uh, Mercedes, or do I get the court order?"

  Mercedes Bernet was a small girl with a pointed chin, a hundred-dollar haircut, and eyes that were five years too old. She wore a pink silk kimono and sat on the living room couch, next to a Yamaha grand piano, with her ankles crossed. She had recently developed breasts, Lucas thought, and sat with her back coyly arched, making the best of what was not yet too much. With her mother sitting beside her, and her father hovering behind the chair, she told Lucas what she'd seen.

  "Grace was standing there, looking back and forth, like she didn't know what was going on. She even walked back toward the door for a minute, then she went back out. Then this van pulled around in front, going that way." She pointed to her left. "And this guy jumps out, and he runs up to her and she started to back up and the guy just grabbed her by her blouse and by her hair and he jerked her right off the porch-thing…"

  "The portico," Clarice Bernet said.

  "Yeah, whatever," said Mercedes, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, he pulled her toward the van and slid the door back and threw her inside. I mean, he was this huge dude. He just threw her. And before he closed the door, I saw two other people in there. Mrs. Dunn…"

  "Mrs. Manette," her mother said.

  "Yeah, whatever, and she had blood on her face. She was, like, crawling. Then there was another kid in there that I thought was Genevieve, but I couldn't see her face. She was, like, lying down on the floor, and then the guy closed the door."

  "Where was Mr. Girdler during all of this?"

  "I didn't see him until afterwards. He was behind me somewhere. I told him to call 911, but he was like, Duh." She rolled her eyes again and Lucas smiled.

  Then: "Think about this," Lucas said. "Tell me exactly what the kidnapper looked like."

  Mercedes leaned back, closed her eyes, and a minute later, eyes still closed, said, "Big. Yellow hair, but it looked kinda weird, like it was peroxided or something. 'Cause his skin looked dark, not like a black dude, but you know… dark." She opened her eyes, and studied Lucas's face. "like you, kinda. His face didn't look like yours—he had, like, a real narrow face—but he was about your color and big like you."

  "What was he wearing? Anything special?"

  She closed her eyes again and lived through the scene, then opened her eyes, looking surprised, and said, "Oh, shit."

  "Young lady!" Clarice Bernet was shocked,

  Lucas wagged his head once and asked, "What?"

  "He was wearing a GenCon shirt. I knew there was something…"

  He said, "GenCon? Are you sure? Did you see what year?"

  "You know what it is?" A skeptical eyebrow went up.

  "Sure. I write role-playing games…"

  "Really? My boyfriend…"

  "Mercedes!" Her mother's voice took a warning tone and Mercedes swerved into safer territory.

  "A friend at school has one. I recognized it right away—the shirt isn't the same as my friend's, but it was a GenCon. Great big Gen-Con right on the front, and one of those weird dice. Everything black and white, kinda cheap…"

  "What's a GenCon?" asked Thomas Bernet, looking suspiciously from his daughter to Lucas, as though GenCon might somehow be linked to ConDom.

  "It's a gamer's convention, over in Lake Geneva," Lucas said. To Mercedes: "Why didn't you tell the other officer?"

  "I could barely get his attention," she said. "And that asshole Girdler…"

  "Mercedes!" Her mother was on the word like a wolf on a lamb.

  "Well, he is," she said, barely defensive. "He kept talking all over me—I don't think he saw hardly any of it. He was mostly hiding down the hall."

  "Okay," Lucas said. "What about the truck? Anything unusual about it?"

  She nodded. "Yeah, there was, and I told the other cop. They'd painted over the sign on the truck. I don't know what it said, but there were letters on the door and they were painted right over."

  "What letters?"

  She shrugged. "I don't know. It was just something I sorta noticed when I went up closer to the windows and he was driving away. It wasn't a good paint job, you know? They just slopped right over the old letters."

  Lucas used the Bernets' phone to call back to the office, and dropped the't-shirt and truck information with Anderson.

  "Heading home?" Anderson asked.

  "Not much more to do tonight, unless we get a call. Are we still doing the door-to-door?"

  "Yeah, up in Manette's neighborhood now. Asking for suspicious activities. Haven't heard anything back."

  "Let me know."

  "Yeah, I'll be putting together a book on it… Have you asked Weather yet?"

  "Jesus Christ…" Lucas laughed.

  "Hey, it's primo gossip."

  "I'll let you know," Lucas said. He could feel the engagement ring in his pants pocket. Maybe ask her, he thought.

  "I got a feeling about this," Anderson said.

  "About Weather?"

  "No. About the Manettes. There's something going on here. So they're not dead yet. They're out there waiting for us."

  Weather Karkinnen made a bump on the left side of the bed, near the window. The window was open an inch or two, so she could get the fresh cold air.

  "Bad?" she asked, sleepily.

  "Yes." He slipped in beside her, rolled close, kissed her on the neck behind the ear.

  "Tell me," she said. She rolled onto her back.

  "It's late," he said. She was a surgeon. She operated almost every day, usually starting at seven o'clock.

  "I'm okay; I've got a late starting time tomorrow."

  "It's Towe
r Manette's daughter and her two children, her daughters." He outlined the kidnapping, told her about the blood on the shoe.

  "I hate it when there are kids involved," she said.

  "I know."

  Weather was a surgeon, but she looked like a jock—a fighter, actually, somebody who'd gone a few rounds too many. She had wide shoulders and she tended to carry her hands in front of her, fists clenched, like a punch-drunk boxer. Her nose was a little too large and bent slightly to the left; her hair was cut short, a soft brown touched with white. She had the high Slavic cheekbones of a full-blooded Finn, and dark blue eyes. For all of her jockiness, she was a small woman. Lucas could pick her up like a parcel and carry her around the house. Which he had done, on occasion; but never fully clothed.

  Weather was not pretty, but she reached him with a power he hadn't experienced before: His attraction had grown so strong that it scared him at times. He'd lie awake at night, watching her sleep, inventing nightmares in which she left him.

  They'd met in northern Wisconsin, where Weather had been working as a surgeon in a local hospital. Lucas had run down a child-sex ring, and the killer at the heart of it. In the final moments of a chase through the woods, he'd been shot in the throat by a young girl, and Weather had saved his life, opening his throat with a jack knife.

  Hell of a way to get together…

  Lucas put his hands on her waist. "Just how late can you go in?" he whispered.

  "Men are animals," she said, moving closer.

  When she went to sleep, Lucas, relaxed, warm, moved against her. She snuggled deeper into her pillow, and pushed her butt out against him. The best time to ask her to marry him, he thought, would be now: he was awake, articulate, feeling romantic… and she was sleeping like a baby. He smiled to himself and patted her on the hip, and let his head fall on his pillow.

  He kept the ring in the bottom of his sock drawer, waiting for the right moment. He could feel it there and wondered if it made black sparkles in the dark.


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